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SexLab Framework Development

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Anyone having issue trying to get the profieciency of there sexual experince to raise. I have managed to get vaginal to increase, but I can't get any of the other stats to raise. Also, Vaginal seemed to go from Unskilled stright to Grand Master, no steps in between, after about an hour of combined sex time. I've done about three hours now, the last hour with only an oral animation active. This is preventing me from starting the Sexlab Guild v0.9 mod as I'm stuck with Unskilled oral, preventing me from passing the test.


Me too.


Only Foreplay is raising if i play with Foreplay.

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It seems like the ragdoll is more "vicious" than before. I've seen people get tossed off a cliff after sex. Any way to lessen the "force" behind ragdoll? Seems a bit dangerous. I take a fantastic faceplant after each lay. Certainly enough to break my neck. :D Bouncing off walls and ceilings n' shit... If sex happens on a bridge or near a cliff's edge, it's all over for me, and probably my partner too.


Also, I thought it was a tad odd that only my foreplay was going up, but when I saw toastmn and luckylilly's posts, it cleared it up for me. I don't think anything other than foreplay and vaginal are raising with foreplay active. Haven't tested with it off on the new SL.

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@Ashal can you include something like this in order to replace TFC?





TFC enabled -  makes shlong and strapon equip but not show especialy if its enabled on sex start, also during TFC lip sync is not working.

Taking control of some flying ghost object (camera) could be a way to solve this problems and provide same functionality.


Interesting idea. Might be some technical issues with the camera character having to be able to fly and/or clip to get the full range of motion available to TFC.


I've stopped using TFC entirely and now use MyTPC instead. The controls are definitely not as friendly as TFC since the camera always pivots around the player, obeys collision, and can get stuck in geometry occasionally, but even so I've found it causes far fewer technical problems and still lets you see what's going on.


Might be worth a shot if you find TFC is no-go.

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but i want to state i dislike being forced to download a alpha version of skse to use the most recent version of sex lab.

Do you want a developer to tell you that the alpha version is stable? Because I can give you that relief.


The only reason we slap an alpha label on is as a disclaimer. I've been the only actively contributing person for the last few months so when a release comes around the changelog is so long that there isn't always enough time to thoroughly test everything. I only test a few conditions to make sure the new things even work at all, but I don't test every possible scenario regarding concurrency. Previous code is very unlikely to change unless it's being fixed, so if it works, it's going to continue to work. 


The main thing for 1.7.0 is the native plugin support, this is why some plugins require this version; it is the version where SKSE publicly supports registering Papyrus function via plugin. The only reason some Papyrus-based plugins work for older versions is because they use hooks to inject their functions at some point during the registration process, much like SKSE itself does. The benefit with 1.7.0 is that you no longer need to hook to register Papyrus functions, which means you don't need to know anything about hooking, or assembly.



Processing natively is a very viable option but you should really only do it if you really need something done that is far too complex (or otherwise far too slow). Iterating a large number of things and taking 24 seconds would be something unreasonably slow. You can flag the function as "NoWait" which will run the function immediately instead of queuing up all the calls on the stack, but you should ONLY do this if you are sure that your function is already thread-safe. So if you have some external API handled by Papyrus (e.g. PapyrusUtil/JContainer), you better be sure that your API itself is thread-safe to prevent race conditions before flagging it as NoWait, this option should be more appropriately be named "ThreadSafe" but it would not imply what the flag actually does.

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The ValidateActor function checks for "IsDead" on an actor which makes it impossible for a proper necro function to work. The current necro mods therefore are forced to use the "Resurrect" function to reset thst flag which means if they looted the body it will be reequipped, it it was a hostile they will have at least a moment when they again have a hostile to deal with and if there was anything else about that body that was done special to it that will be reset to the initial mode. Also that means a body that was marked as "dead" at the start of the game cannot be used by the necro mods.


I know that was done to keep from trying to animate dead people by accident but the game engine apparently requires that the actor have more than 0 hit points to animate and does not check the dead flag itself. If you change the code to check for zero hit points you will still prevent the cases of accidental attempts to animate when the game engine will refuse to animate and you will solve the problems for the necro mods by not forcing the use of the "Resurrect" call which simply does too much.

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The option in the MCM menu "Even Actors Height" has No effect on any NPC in the game, they stay the same size. Any Idea whats wrong? I wouldn't be complaining but it is making the characters do the animations like 2 feet apart from each other. no amount of { smashing or hitting U realligns them.

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Is Sexlab doing some unnecessary work as it sets up the animations? I have noticed some participants changing size at least twice before the act despite not having the resize option checked and they get moved and turned in different directions more than once also.


Edit: I started a new character who has a lot less sex than my previous one so I'm watching whats happening more closely and I noticed these things happening a lot.

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Is Sexlab doing some unnecessary work as it sets up the animations? I have noticed some participants changing size at least twice before the act despite not having the resize option checked and they get moved and turned in different directions more than once also.


Edit: I started a new character who has a lot less sex than my previous one so I'm watching whats happening more closely and I noticed these things happening a lot.


Yes, and it's intentional.


Because people preferred to complain endlessly about bent SOS schlongs as they were to lazy to fix it themselves by simply cycling animations or rotating a couple times, SexLab now basically simulates that itself at the start of animations to fix the issue.

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Is Sexlab doing some unnecessary work as it sets up the animations? I have noticed some participants changing size at least twice before the act despite not having the resize option checked and they get moved and turned in different directions more than once also.


Edit: I started a new character who has a lot less sex than my previous one so I'm watching whats happening more closely and I noticed these things happening a lot.


Yes, and it's intentional.


Because people preferred to complain endlessly about bent SOS schlongs as they were to lazy to fix it themselves by simply cycling animations or rotating a couple times, SexLab now basically simulates that itself at the start of animations to fix the issue.


Ah, such a complex fix for the HDT physics problem. Truckers never like to carry swinging beef either. (Obscure reference :)).

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Hello Ashal!


A request concerning actor placement readjustment:


Please change the modifier key to be a toggle instead of applying it's effects when it's pressed - when modifying in older machines (atleast I think it is a lag issue) the modifier is only occasionally registered. I can keep pressing shift and watch the character being adjusted do a tap dance. One step forward and a two steps back. Really frustrating.


The key that resets the placements to defauly should only apply it's effects to the current animation stage. Resetting all should be a mcm menu item only. IMHO, obviously.


Is it possible to add a schlong adjustment key that would increase/decrease the schlong angle real-time?  I certainly don't seem to be able to have the mcm menu modifier be applied to ongoing animation, with reassessing actor placement hotkey. Could of course be a stupid user error, in which case my apologies.


A verbose mode that outputs in the form of "actor axis new_value" somewhere, eg. "Forsworn forward/back -2" could help as well, if it's not too hard to do. Obviously it should also be on only when requested. Also, if you implement the toggle functionality for the modifier, it should also be reported in the verbose mode. A third thing which would be very helpful is outputting "animation stage" eg. "Tribadism stage 2" when that's what is entered. Only when verbosity is asked for, again.


I have never used the hotkey for adjusting this stage only. Is it a toggle or does it also apply it's effects only when the key is down? As it is mapped to control by default, it feels like the latter, which is why I don't use it. I would request that it is also implemented as a toggle, and made clear to the user.


Do these requests sound at all reasonable?


Finally, Thanks Ashal for your great work!

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That's up to animators implementing them in their animations, not something sexlab has any real control over.


And moreover it's not something personally I'd say really fits with Sex animations anyway, most people want more control over their camera during sex scenes, not have it taken away from them.

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FNIS Behavior 5.1

  • Added "Animated Camera" option "-ac". This allows animating the camera (like in killmoves) for all FNIS custom animations
Can't wait to see some functionality with this!


inb4 Orgasm Cam

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Quick beta test release of 1.58 I need some people to test.


A couple notes on this version:


v1.58 Beta 4 Notes:


  • Some more tweaks to actor position handling to hopefully fix issue people have had with actors starting very out of alignment.
  • Other misc shit I can't remember, I've been poking at this for 3 days, I'm sure I did other stuff.
  • This will absolutely be the last beta release. 
  • Only difference between Beta 4 will most likely be some additional creature animations panic recently released

v1.58 Beta 3 Notes:

  • Added ability to control an NPC's scenes as if you were in them. Just look at them and press the "n" key and it'll ask if you want to take control of the animation. Afterwards your movement will be locked and you can use all the hotkeys you could normally use as if you were a part of the scene, press it again to leave.
  • New MCM option for "Don't Stand on Bed", any animation that starts out using a bed will remove all animations that have the "Standing" tag.
  • Added new Modder API option for counting the number of animations in an array containing a tag(s)
  • Added new Modder API option for removing all animations containing certain tag(s) from an array of animations.
  • Some other stuff.
  • This will very likely be the last beta release, I don't plan on adding anything more, just fixing whatever people report in this beta release.


v1.58 Beta 2 Notes:

  • Fixed previous beta's problems with actor alignment being all weird
  • More various moderate performance improvements
  • Fixed a major bug from v1.57 that caused the actor position swapping hotkey to bug out the animation and break it entirely. 
  • Made actor validation more necrophilia friendly. An actor can now be added while still dead, so long as they have at least 1 health.  
  • Added the missing Horse and Riekling animations by PanicForever
  • Added some new API functions to sslThreadModel/Controller for manipulating Strapons, SetStrapon(), GetStrapon(), EquipStrapon(), UnequipStrapon(), IsStraponEquipped()
  • Made Sound FX of active threads overridable via API

v 1.58 Beta 1 Notes:

  • Requires FNIS 5.1 - Run FNIS for Users tool after installing this version
  • Does not include the previously mentioned Troubleshooting utility, I have not yet finished it and it will probably take a long while to finish, but want to get some performance and bugfixes out in the meantime.
  • Includes new SKSE plugin SexLabUtil.dll which converts various slow and common utility functions used by SexLab over to C++ versions for a general performance gain all around
  • The position alignment hotkeys can now be held down and their effect will continue to be applied until released
  • Some bug fixes and tweaks to how stats are recorded during animation and skill xp rewarded at end
  • Made the bed searching functionality ignore beds that are already used by other actors playing sexlab animations (so multiple scenes no longer risk piling onto the same bed)
  • Lowered the initial seeded stats of random NPCs so there aren't so many masters/grandmasters at everything sex all over Skyrim. (may still need more tweaking)
  • Trimmed some fat in the threads coding
  • Does not yet include any new animations such as the Riekling animations - I am aware they exists, stop pestering me about them.
  • Should be pretty stable as far as beta's go, I've put 4-5 hours into playing with the vast majority of the these changes in place and haven't had any issues. I may have left some spammy debug messages enabled in a couple places though.


Apart from running the FNIS tool after installing this version, no other action is needed to upgrade. If you run into trouble than just run the Rebuild function from the MCM.


If you previously installed Beta 1 or 2, run the Rebuild option from SexLab MCM after installing the update.
Beta 4 is available only has update patch for beta 3 archive. If you have beta 3 all you need is the Update patch.



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Quick beta test release of 1.58 I need some people to test.


A couple notes on this version:


  • Requires FNIS 5.1 - Run FNIS for Users tool after installing this version
  • Does not include the previously mentioned Troubleshooting utility, I have not yet finished it and it will probably take a long while to finish, but want to get some performance and bugfixes out in the meantime.
  • Includes new SKSE plugin SexLabUtil.dll which converts various slow and common utility functions used by SexLab over to C++ versions for a general performance gain all around
  • The position alignment hotkeys can now be held down and their effect will continue to be applied until released
  • Some bug fixes and tweaks to how stats are recorded during animation and skill xp rewarded at end
  • Made the bed searching functionality ignore beds that are already used by other actors playing sexlab animations (so multiple scenes no longer risk piling onto the same bed)
  • Lowered the initial seeded stats of random NPCs so there aren't so many masters/grandmasters at everything sex all over Skyrim. (may still need more tweaking)
  • Trimmed some fat in the threads coding
  • Does not yet include any new animations such as the Riekling animations - I am aware they exists, stop pestering me about them.
  • Should be pretty stable as far as beta's go, I've put 4-5 hours into playing with the vast majority of the these changes in place and haven't had any issues. I may have left some spammy debug messages enabled in a couple places though.


Apart from running the FNIS tool after installing this version, no other action is needed to upgrade. If you run into trouble than just run the Rebuild function from the MCM.



Going to give this a try and see if it happens to fix the disappearing animations problem since mine have vanished. If not I'm looking at a complete uninstall - reinstall of skyrim and all 166 mods I'm running sooooo I'm NOT looking forward to that :(


Update: No Joy. Animations still missing so here goes the wipe and reinstall. Wish me luck, I'm a gonna need it :(


Update 2: Ok Complete clean reinstall of Skyrim plus all the mods I had installed prior to adding SexLab. Reinstalled SexLab and viola all is working again with the Clean save I made after removing SexLab before. Soooo the disappearing animations does not appear to be a problem with save game corruption as the save game I'm using is the same one I attempted to fix the problem with before. I've no clue as to how SexLab framework registers it's own animations but it's possible that either the framework itself or another mod that registers sexlab animations is causing the problem. If I'm not mistaken Zaz , Devious Devices and maybe SexLab Submit(?) not sure of the last one but there are a few that register the sexlab animations and or register their own animations with sex lab so that may be the problem with the disappearing animation list (registration) within sex lab.


PS as an after though the new 1.58 beta is working smoothly so far. Haven't played it much yet to be sure but I'll go remedy that right now ;)



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Updated from 1.57 to 1.58 beta on a save and everything loaded (didn't even need to use rebuild in MCM or have ZAZ re-register with sexlab) i did notice that LOOT says 1.57 for sexlab version tho which is weird as FNIS says 1.58


Tried creature sex animation and PC + 1 NPC and PC + 2 NPC animations via matchmaker and everything worked.


Made a log via dps on the console if it will help confirm anything (there some spam at the top from the outfit ring mod)





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Tried 1.58 Beta1 on an existing save, mostly working (and a bit snappier than 1.57).  A few odd things:

  1. NPCs continually spout 'hello' dialogue during sex.  This was not happening with v1.57.
  2. NPCs revert to walking idles during scene setup, and sometimes if switching animations.
  3. Had one MS C++ crash starting an animation, but that might've been coincidence.

No indication of any problems, in the Papyrus log.

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Having some issues with NPCs and idles, especially the aroused animations, during sex. It does not always occur, but frequently enough to be noted. Had it occur once in a situation where it was a walking idle, but with an "aroused" case it happened several times in one sex scene.


ETA: Happened pretty commonly even with Aroused Animations turned off.  Walking away, standing, or other idles. Also had the greetings, but was not constant.

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For me the NPC's are doing there approach/idle dialogue during sex scenes


Edit: Just had it occur again while i was making a clean save to install a different mod, my PC was having sex with ELLE from the stories mod and during the sex she kept repeating "i've got your back" and "i'm right behind you" which usually happen when you tab out of dialogue, i hadn't tabbed out of dialogue as the sex scene started pretty much instantly after me selecting the dialogue option (had to recharge ELLE)




Some pictures to demonstrate as i have subtitles enabled







This appeared in the console for the animations (the two setstage ski_configmanagerinstance 1 are from resetting the MCM on my safe save and this save





log from the dps done after the sex



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Please point me to thread where i can post ideas for next sexlab version if this is not it.


Meanwhile here is one. HDT is becoming more and more popular. Havok object does most of the magic.

Why not add 1 havok object to each actor during sex if they do not have one already and if the item exists (is installed) and possibly remove it afterwards if actor is not player or follower.

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Issue with female/female masturbation animation. Player getting up and redressing before orgasm stage and player controls are locked up. Using console in an attempt to restore the player controls doesn't work. Must either wait for some one else to approach pc for a new sex encounter or exit game an load from last save.

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