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playing the witcher 3!!

also i must be the only person on LL who didnt buy fallout 4 lol its okay im in no rush to buy it, will probably buy new vegas instead


Your Not The Only One On LL Who Didnt Buy Fallout 4 ... TBH I Doubt I Will Buy It ....


i might buy fo4 when they have all the dlc's in one game

plus i have heard/read how new vegas is so much better than fo4 and i want that (new vegas) to be my first experience into the series


sidenote so glad the witcher 3 got game of year!!!!

but im sure fallout 4 will get a game of the year also, probably from ign lol

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Skyrim "MCM/enblocal/SKSE/Which mod is screwing up" edition. It's not that entertaining on a time/entertainment basis but occasionally a setup works quite well. I like the old Oblivion .ini file hell - way quicker to get into a game, even if it might screw up due to an out of date .ini.  (I know this can be done in Skyrim because certain mods use a .ini, however there seems to be a passion for the bloody MCM menu).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crysis (first part), Skyrim, CS 1.6 (Online only deathrun), FarCry 3 - well thats what my PC can handle :D

on xbox: Crysis 3, GTA V, MGS V: Phantom pain, Naruto: Broken bond, Naruto: UNS 3


P.S PC - Miscreated, Whorecraft series by Auril (almost forgot)

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Kingdom Hearts 2.5 



Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, or as I like to personally calling Idling Gear Stupidity: The Phantom Gameplay.


I've never put so much time into a goddamn game that I didn't actually play that wasn't on Facebook.



10 days to finish a goddamn sniper rifle. I actually have the game running to finish developing crap as I type this.


There's only 6 hours of actual content in the damn game.  I was honestly expecting something grand like portable ops or peace walker where at least, when you replayed missions you got rewarded. In Phantom Pain, you're being punished more and more with every update.


At launch? You could at least farm for materials at a reasonable rate.

At the current patch? You cannot farm materials at a reasonable rate. If you farm the same container more than twice within 24 hours , they knock a zero off of how much is in it. So.. A gem container which only has 500, gets knocked to 50... Farm it again, it gets knocked to 5. At the cost of 10,000 GMP every single time.


Even MGO3 is depressing this time around. I mean there's no more PREPARING THE MAIN CANNON nonsense from MGO2, but wow.. Sucks to be an Infiltrator main after the last patch. To get your class exclusive weapon nerfed into nothing.

At least I'm at 95% complete.


Lost Dimension

It's neat, but I put it aside for Kingdom Hearts at the moment.


X-Com Classic and X-Com Modern

I've beaten both of these more times than I count, but for some reason, I just enjoy blasting Sectoids.

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BTW, was there someone in the team whose sole duty was to restrain Video Kojima? In other words, does the game has more gameplay than cutscenes unlike MGS4? :lol:


Finished the first both ways, now moved on to Hyperdimension Neptunia 2. Everyone keeps saying how the Conquest ending is terrible (as in, events-wise, not quality-wise), so i'm going to see it for myself.


Also been replaying Shadow Warrior (2013) since i heard a sequel is coming out for it this year. Damn the sword play is the best i've ever seen in a FPS. And it's backed up by full arsenal of guns, quick saves and no health regeneration (though there is a healing spell). Shooting rockets at giant demons, like they used to do it in the old days ^_^

And the guy's name is Wang. And everyone jokes about it. Even the fortune cookies :lol:

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Mount&Blade Warband and M&B With Fire and Sword. Completely unarmed on easiest difficulty. I forgot to equip my weapon and ended up punching people and literally kicking them in the ass. At first I panicked but then it turned out to be quite funny.

So it will be maxed out strength, best armour that I can afford and my fists of fury. They will write in the history books about brave karate nomad who literally kicked everyone's ass.

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ATM I'm playing age of Conan: unchained played it for 2 days and nights straight most quests done for day missions and now working on night ones and finally went to bed around 1am or last night. Doesn't seem like a very long game if you can finish most of it in 2 days by yourself. One good thing about the game is that you can run around back ass naked if you want to. Only tried with female player no clue on male ones.


It's a decent game, I haven't really played at max level because I always got bored somehow in the long run, but the game itself is good. I made a few come backs over the years, very low population but still I like the game. Only one trying to be "realistic" with flat boobs lol ! The animations are good too.

The mainquest is a bit long though, you won't be able to finish the game in 2 days. Tortage can be done in a day imo, but I guess it's because I've rerolled so many times. What's your class? I played Herald of Xotli, it's very fun : mix of magic and melee with unique finish moves.



As for me I just finished to create my character for the Blade & Soul headstart tomorrow. The character creator isn't as incredible as Black Desert's but it's good nonetheless. Gameplay looks extremely fun too.


I'm even surprised I managed to make a character with a usual black skintone. Usually you don't get that in manga/anime based games. It's either white, light tan or even blue lol..










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Flat boobs? Either you are thinking of a different game or they updated a lot since the last time you played as I haven't seen any flat boobs or at least my players boobs are not flat. Though the painted on underwear reminds of Bethseda though at least theirs isn't as nasty looking. Not sure which one I picked I think I went with one that gave strength. Some of the kill moves are pretty cool. I haven't played for a bit as you tend to get spammed invites to join this guild or that guild. There does seem to be some weird bugs/glitches in the game. I have had 2 people after dying fly up and stick themselves to things close by one was a fire pit bracket the other was a pillar the pillar one looks just like it would of in ancient time drawings.








Naked with painted on underwear bobos don't look flat to me.











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Flat boobs? Either you are thinking of a different game or they updated a lot since the last time you played as I haven't seen any flat boobs or at least my players boobs are not flat. Though the painted on underwear reminds of Bethseda though at least theirs isn't as nasty looking. Not sure which one I picked I think I went with one that gave strength. Some of the kill moves are pretty cool. I haven't played for a bit as you tend to get spammed invites to join this guild or that guild. There does seem to be some weird bugs/glitches in the game. I have had 2 people after dying fly up and stick themselves to things close by one was a fire pit bracket the other was a pillar the pillar one looks just like it would of in ancient time drawings.







Naked with painted on underwear bobos don't look flat to me.





Oh don't worry about these glitches, they happen fairly often for the corpses since release, some of them are really funny though. Last time I played I didn't noticed any gamebreaking bug, so that's a good thing.

When I said flat, I didn't meant downright ultra flat but rather the front part of the boobs, it's kinda blocky, but on the right/left side it's decent for an old game.


Also don't worry, if I remember right you can block guild invitations in the general options.

What's your server? Crom ? Maybe I could reinstall the game and give you a hand if you need it, that would be fun :)

Holy shit, just checked I got 520 hours in that game XD not even counting the time I spent when it wasn't on steam !

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Mount&Blade Warband and M&B With Fire and Sword. Completely unarmed on easiest difficulty. I forgot to equip my weapon and ended up punching people and literally kicking them in the ass. At first I panicked but then it turned out to be quite funny.

So it will be maxed out strength, best armour that I can afford and my fists of fury. They will write in the history books about brave karate nomad who literally kicked everyone's ass.


Also took my steps back into M&B after about a year of being away. About  2 game years into freelance military service to grind skills/attributes and save up for when I start raising my own posse. 

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Also took my steps back into M&B after about a year of being away. About  2 game years into freelance military service to grind skills/attributes and save up for when I start raising my own posse. 


I'm making my fortune by burning and looting villages. I tried being a freelancer but my lord will usually run into multiple enemy vassals, which results in a 95vs1850 battle. Not sure how it will work in the 1257 AD mod. So far they seem to be more competent.

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Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen (PC) and loving it.  Just killed the massive cyclops on the bitter isle.  Fucking took FOREVER to bring him down.


Wait what? When did you have time to do that? Myself has barely left the encampment, because there is always something distracting me.

Like, collecting useful stuff (or hoarding tons of worthless stuff) that might come in handy later.


And, is it just me, but I feel DDDA is the game that Skyrim should had been. Sure it has it's few quirks, but overall it's just awesome.

Great combat (at least Warrior and Strider, haven't tested Mage yet) and animations when looting/harvesting.


Also, no hand holding when it comes to most quests. Now you actually have to use your brain and ask around, but also EXPLORE!


And much more dangerous in the nights!



Wait what? Why am I sitting here blabbering? I have to play some moar now!


PS: Wolves hunt in packs!

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Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen (PC) and loving it.  Just killed the massive cyclops on the bitter isle.  Fucking took FOREVER to bring him down.


Wait what? When did you have time to do that? Myself has barely left the encampment



Long story short, I was running around the warf at night (I hadn't even made it to the encampment yet) and noticed a woman standing there and talked to her.........next thing I know, I'm on Bitter Isle with a low level PC and got my ass handed to me, over and over and over and over............  

Once I finally killed the cyclops, I hauled ass out of the isle and am back working on the main quest and side quests.  Bitter Isle will have to wait until I get some decent armor and weapons.  


PS......according to my chattering pawns........"all roads lead to Gran Soren"   :P

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