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Been testing this a little the last two days, so far it seems very nice. Obviously a lot of work and thought went into this.
I've one problem though. For some reason all females have notably lighter skin on their heads then on the body/hands/feet and I can't find out why. Checked with SSEEdit and nothing overwrites the entries for the NPC's. Tried disabling about everything I could see interfering (like OBody, Face Discoloration Fix, etc.), even tried using a different skin (so tested with both Demoniac and Diamond, though I had no real hope that would fix it). I'm running out of ideas here. Any idea what might cause this?

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darkdesires04on what version of Skyrim SE (or AE) are you using to develop, test, and certify this wonderful mod?  I'm using the latest AE software and have been able to successfully enter the Dark Desires Club and to interact with its NPCs; however, I'm unable to successfully start or finish many of the short quests.


Your requirements specify Actor Limit Fix; however, Actor Limit Fix requires .NET Script Framework; and .NET Script Framework has not been upgraded to AE 1.6.353.  Thus, I would like to know what version of Skyrim you are using.

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I am using Skyrim SE to develop the mod. I started working on it in October when AE wasn't around and haven't installed any of the AE stuff.

I am not even sure you need the Actor Limit Fix. I just tried it now without it and saw no difference. I listed it as a requirement because I have it on my development machine and I thought it's needed. There are 45 - 50 NPCs in the club at one time. I will keep playing without it and if I see no problems I will remove it from the list.


The quest issue is not related to the Actor Limit Fix. I am not sure what you mean by not being able to finish the short quests. Are they stuck on a certain stage. Which quest, for example.


And as far as the NPCs having different colored heads from the body. I don't know what's causing it for some people but not others. I used Racemenu to create the NPCs and have CBBE v.1.6.1 mod installed.


Edited by darkdesires04
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Interesting mod, but as others have said, the requirements are a bit much, in my honest opinion. The big one for me is having DD and Toys there. The author of Toys I'm pretty sure has made it abundantly clear, it's meant to be an alternative, not a companion to DD. Also pretty sure they've stated that using both can cause problems during gameplay. I realize that making a script to check which one is installed is a hassle, but, maybe you could ask some other authors for help, if it's something you don't know how to really do? As it stands now you're asking people to really weigh down their game/load order for one mod.

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I can't find the mistress. I enter the club and the guard takes my weapons. I gamble. Lose money. I talk to the orc and tell him I want to pay my debt by working for the club. He takes my belongings and tells me to speak with the mistress, but he doesn't say where she is located. Is she normally on the floor or does she have her own office somewhere?

Anyway...great mod so far...would like to see some more dependencies, tho. Maybe some SL Survival and Devious Followers integration.

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1 hour ago, keitsoru said:

The author of Toys I'm pretty sure has made it abundantly clear, it's meant to be an alternative, not a companion to DD.


I believe at least half of Toys users are using it with DD, probably lots more than half. Toys was made to work as well as possible with DD, including built in features to play nice with DD. So yes the goal is alterative for whose who wish it, but we've done our best to have it work side by side for those who wish that.


1 hour ago, keitsoru said:

Also pretty sure they've stated that using both can cause problems during gameplay. 


While Toys plays nice with DD by design built in, DD makes no effort to play nice with Toys. DD will sometimes remove a toy. That's the only problem. If someone made a quest where that could break the quest, then you'd have a broken quest. But so far no Toys content mod is fragile that way. It may feel a little "lore" breaking but not game breaking.

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10 hours ago, darkdesires04 said:


And as far as the NPCs having different colored heads from the body. I don't know what's causing it for some people but not others. I used Racemenu to create the NPCs and have CBBE v.1.6.1 mod installed.


I'm using 3BA (and CBBE version is 1.6.2) but even after removing 3BA and downgrading to 1.6.1 the problem persist. What skin are you using?

Edit: Ok, found the problem. Your mods NPC's appear to be completely incompatible with any custom skin texture. So far I tested Diamond Skin (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45718), Demoniac (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29114), Fair Skin Complexion (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/798) and Bijin Skin (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20078). With all of them, I get the lighter colored faces. Only pure vanilla skin (shudder) does not cause this.
That's a very odd bug as I've literally dozens of mods that add NPC's. Not one of them showing this behavior (ok granted with a couple I would likely not notice as the NPC's added don't show much skin). Anyways it appears you did something different from how most mod authors do it while creating your NPC's.

Second Edit: Even more interesting that it does not apply to the males, despite me using: Tempered Skins for those (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902), might be something else afoot for the females, aside from just the skins textures.

Edited by Talesien
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Ok, I will take a look at the skin issue.


I am using Women of Skyrim female textures skin and I created those NPCs with that skin installed.



In the meantime, I also tried playing the mod without the Actor Limit Fix and it worked fine, so I removed it from the list.


Edited by darkdesires04
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So I have been  playing around and I finally got the hang of Separate orgasms. Part of the issue was some of the hot keys where also mixed with the default toy keys . This was having some odd effects . 

Still having what is most likely a bug . I'm nor sure how the orgasms' from SO and toys play together. There are quite a lot of times when the sex animation just stops and they revert to normal poses and the quest dose not advance . 

Edited by danta
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1 hour ago, danta said:

So I have been  playing around and I finally got the hang of Separate orgasms. Part of the issue was some of the hot keys where also mixed with the default toy keys . This was having some odd effects . 


Toys has its own denial feature and yes by default, uses the shift key.


Only odd thing it can cause is how arousal and Toys Rousing are effected. But that does not hurt SLSO. SLSO does not care it uses "enjoyment". But...


If using SLSO, no need to care about the hotkey. Instead you can turn Toys Denial off in Toys MCM Rousing & Denial tab... "Use Denial in Sexlab Scenes" (set to off). That's the intended setting for Toys to "get out of the way" when using the hack known as SLSO :P


@darkdesires04 maybe in your install instructions put

When using Toys with SLSO, Toys MCM - Rousing & Denial Tab - Use Denial in Sexlab Scenes  - set OFF

in big flashing lights. :D 


1 hour ago, danta said:

Still having what is most likely a bug . I'm nor sure how the orgasms' from SO and toys play together. There are quite a lot of times when the sex animation just stops and they revert to normal poses and the quest dose not advance . 


Yes I think there's a bug. I get what you describe sometimes too. Scene just aborts early. Its been also reported by at least one other person here. The bug is likely caused by SLSO. Or we don't have the right version or patch or something re. AE, versus not AE bla bla bla... I have no idea. 


Toys does not touch Sexlab, however SLSO straight up overwrites sexlab's code.

Edited by VirginMarie
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16 hours ago, darkdesires04 said:

I am using Skyrim SE to develop the mod. I started working on it in October when AE wasn't around and haven't installed any of the AE stuff.

I am not even sure you need the Actor Limit Fix. I just tried it now without it and saw no difference. I listed it as a requirement because I have it on my development machine and I thought it's needed. There are 45 - 50 NPCs in the club at one time. I will keep playing without it and if I see no problems I will remove it from the list.


The quest issue is not related to the Actor Limit Fix. I am not sure what you mean by not being able to finish the short quests. Are they stuck on a certain stage. Which quest, for example.


And as far as the NPCs having different colored heads from the body. I don't know what's causing it for some people but not others. I used Racemenu to create the NPCs and have CBBE v.1.6.1 mod installed.



Just want to inform you CBBE v 1.6.2 is the latest version.


Changelog :


  • Version 1.6.2

    • Fixed some seams on first person vanilla outfit meshes
    • Fixed zaps and size sliders for the bow ties in the "CBBE Underwear" outfit
    • Added mage gloves from USSEP to the vanilla outfits


Thank you

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2 hours ago, darkdesires04 said:

I fixed the female NPCs, and uploaded it just now - v1.1.0

That was fast, thank you kindly. Works perfectly fine as well.
There are two girls though, Janelle and Lilah, that seem to be missing some textures. I guess some warpaint or makeup or similar.
Not 100% sure if that was there before as well, might have been.
Perhaps I'm just missing a mod, though I got all the required ones and most of the recommended ones (aside from 3 or 4 of the monsters).



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17 hours ago, VirginMarie said:


I believe at least half of Toys users are using it with DD, probably lots more than half. Toys was made to work as well as possible with DD, including built in features to play nice with DD. So yes the goal is alterative for whose who wish it, but we've done our best to have it work side by side for those who wish that.



While Toys plays nice with DD by design built in, DD makes no effort to play nice with Toys. DD will sometimes remove a toy. That's the only problem. If someone made a quest where that could break the quest, then you'd have a broken quest. But so far no Toys content mod is fragile that way. It may feel a little "lore" breaking but not game breaking.

Tbh, I'll take your word for it, because it sounds like you have more experience with using them side-by-side than I have (which is none). That said, I still don't like the potential to have to adjust my load order to prevent any incompatibilities that come up. It's going to sound a bit entitled as a mod user, but at this point it's the standard to set up complicated mods like this to check for one or the other, instead of mandating both.

Now, maybe there's something I'm missing about how the mod handles that, once it's activated in game? If there's an MCM option for example that lets you indicate which mod to draw from, then cool. As it stands at the moment, it just seems like more hassle than it's worth.

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37 minutes ago, keitsoru said:

Tbh, I'll take your word for it, because it sounds like you have more experience with using them side-by-side than I have (which is none). That said, I still don't like the potential to have to adjust my load order to prevent any incompatibilities that come up. It's going to sound a bit entitled as a mod user, but at this point it's the standard to set up complicated mods like this to check for one or the other, instead of mandating both.

Now, maybe there's something I'm missing about how the mod handles that, once it's activated in game? If there's an MCM option for example that lets you indicate which mod to draw from, then cool. As it stands at the moment, it just seems like more hassle than it's worth.


Not sure where you are coming from. I stated that Toys and DD CAN run together. Nothing more. I did not give my opinion on IF that's ideal. Doing so is pointless coming from me, as I'd be biased. I was not arguing for or against your other separate and main points.

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Ok, I broke down and installed it along with the other requirements. My curiosity got the better of me. :D So far, everything looked good except my first task was to masturbate and for the life of me couldn't figure out how to. LOL 

So far, so good .. I like the mod, despite it's many requirements. 

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4 hours ago, VirginMarie said:


Not sure where you are coming from. I stated that Toys and DD CAN run together. Nothing more. I did not give my opinion on IF that's ideal. Doing so is pointless coming from me, as I'd be biased. I was not arguing for or against your other separate and main points.

I didn't think you were. Far as I'm concerned we're just having friendly discussion. :)

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