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Shout Like a Virgin Evolved SE & LE

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  1. 1. When I play with SLaVE & Toys, if well supported, I would prefer playing as a...

    • Female
    • Male
    • Orc, Khajit, or Argonian
    • Futa
    • Something not listed here
  2. 2. This is most important...

    • Quantity of toys that work for my character
    • Always perfect animations for my gender
    • Correct context for the story and text/dialogue

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4 hours ago, Miauzi said:

how to get to the second cry 


Follow the main quest objectives. Main quest is Virgin Training. There's no secret to uncover. What does its current objective and description say?


If confused, show me a screenshot for Virgin Training so I know where you are at, or state the current objective and description.


4 hours ago, Miauzi said:

about VR


Not sure if there's a question in here, but I think not.


I've love to see VR be mainstream in Skyrim. It's not. Bethesda dis-continued it. I have no idea what it's like... the problems you describe have nothing to do with Toys mods working with it or not of course. I've not even thought about them. What I do know is our mods don't work due to all animation scenes breaking, probably mostly to do with the camera. No plans to fix it as I expect I cannot. Someone did patch Sexlab... but does it actually work well? I expect not.


Instead of VR, you can do this with Toys... How to make Toys vibrate Real Life Accessories :P  Innocent virgins like me don't do this though.

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Vor 2 Stunden sagte VirginMarie:


Folgen Sie den Hauptquestzielen. Hauptquest ist Virgin Training. Es gibt kein Geheimnis zu lüften. Was sagt sein aktuelles Ziel und seine Beschreibung aus?


Wenn Sie verwirrt sind, zeigen Sie mir einen Screenshot für Virgin Training, damit ich weiß, wo Sie sich befinden, oder geben Sie das aktuelle Ziel und die Beschreibung an.



Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob hier eine Frage steht, aber ich denke nicht.


Ich finde es toll, dass VR in Skyrim zum Mainstream wird. Es ist nicht. Bethesda hat es eingestellt. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie es ist ... die Probleme, die Sie beschreiben, haben natürlich nichts damit zu tun, ob Toys-Mods damit arbeiten oder nicht. Ich habe nicht einmal über sie nachgedacht. Was ich weiß, ist, dass unsere Mods nicht funktionieren, weil alle Animationsszenen kaputt gehen, was wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich mit der Kamera zu tun hat. Keine Pläne, es zu reparieren, da ich erwarte, dass ich es nicht kann. Jemand hat Sexlab gepatcht... aber funktioniert es wirklich gut? Ich erwarte nicht.


Anstelle von VR können Sie dies mit Spielzeug tun ... So bringen Sie Spielzeug zum Vibrieren Real Life Accessories  :PUnschuldige Jungfrauen wie ich tun das aber nicht.


I had considered doing a few "side quests" first - especially the ones with the Daedra Lords.

I think that later I will need their "favor" and after the experiences of "Toy-Story" I don't know how I can still move freely

? [Click and drag to move]

now all the dragon skulls in front of cave entrances make sense to me


but I'm initially on the hunt for thieves - so everything is still in the "green" area


but what I gleaned from reading the thread posts - the thing with Serana and the shrine of MolagBal in the Markath house

I've only had it with me once in many years while doing this quest


I was completely surprised by her nervous breakdown - but not really surprised when you think about becoming the "Daughter of Coldharbour".


no - because of the VR topic - it was just a few thoughts

my wife and I had promised each other more of this years ago - but unfortunately things have developed differently


"Deep-Dive" systems as you see them in animee ala "sword-art-online" - I would have to be born now to be able to experience them in "mature" years

"isekai" (rebirth after death) also has something for itself ?


 ich hatte überlegt zuerst ein paar "Nebenquests" zumachen - vor allem die mit den Daedra-Fürsten.

ich denke mir das ich später deren "Gunst" brauchen werden und nach den erlebnissen von "Toy-Story" ich weiss nicht wie ich mich dann noch frei bewegen kann


nun ergeben auch die ganzen Drachen-Schädel vor Höhleneingängen für mich einen Sinn


aber ich bin ja zunächst auf Diebes-Jagd - also alles noch im "grünen" Bereich


was ich aber aus dem Lesen der tread-Beiträge entnommen habe - die Sache mit Serana und dem Schrein von MolagBal im Markath-Haus

ich hatte in den vielen Jahren sie nur einmal dabei als ich dieses Quest machte


ihr Nerven-Zusammenbruch hatte mich völlig überrascht - aber letztlich dann doch nicht verwundert wenn man daran denkt wie man zur "Tochter von Kalthafen" wird


nee - wegen dem VR-Thema - es waren nur ein paar Gedanken

meine Frau und ich hatten uns da vor Jahren auch mehr davon versprochen - aber leider ist die Entwicklung eben anders verlaufen


"Deep-Dive"-Systeme wie man sie in Animee ala "sword-art-online" sieht - da müsste ich jetzt erst geboren werden um diese mal in "reifen" Jahren erleben zu können

"isekai" (Wiedergeburt nach dem Tod) hat ja auch was für sich ?


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12 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

I had considered doing a few "side quests" first - especially the ones with the Daedra Lords.


Deardra quests are only in the Main quest... Virgin Training.


Sure you could go off and do them before SLaVE assigns them, but that wont make sense. So let the Virgin Training quest give you them, just like you got the one with the talking dog.

Edited by VirginMarie
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3 minutes ago, Sierrok said:

I just ran into an issue I bet you can solve in a second. I shout at the debella shrine in the temple in markart to start the quest line shrine love. I have no virgin toys equipped only the deerfu. How do you start the ‘serious love’ with the shrine?


You don't shout at it, just activate.

Ohly a chastity toy will block you, but you'd get a message saying so.

There's a known mod conflict in this... Known Mod Conflicts and this... SLaVE - Activating the Shrine in Dibella's Temple not progressing the quest 

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Who actually came up with the "engine" for the "sign" language when the player wears the gag?

There is currently a very big "worm" in there for me at one point...

...if I click on the person - standing/sitting DIRECTLY in front of me - with whom I want to start a conversation, it becomes pure luck.


Because only in 20% of all cases the clicked person is actually selected by the "engine" - in the clear majority it is another person - even those who are BEHIND me.

You don't even need to take a companion with you - in about 50% of all cases, this is selected even though it is not in your field of vision.

I pay extra attention to the fact that the 1-person view only shows the desired interlocutor - nobody else and still...

..it's frustrating

currently this completely destroys this really nice mod for me



Wer hat sich eigentlich die "engine" für die "Zeichen"-Sprache ausgedacht wenn man als Spieler den Knebel trägt?

Da ist an einer Stelle für mich aktuell ein sehr grosser "Wurm" drin...

...wenn ich auf die Person - die DIREKT vor mir steht/sitzt - klicke mit der ich ein Gespräch beginnen möchte wird es zum reinsten Glücksspiel.


Weil nur in 20% aller Fälle tatsächlich von der "engine" die angeklickte Person auch ausgewählt wird - in der deutlichen Mehrheit ist es eine andere Person - sogar welche die HINTER mir stehen.

Einen Begleiter braucht man erst gar nicht mitnehmen - in ca. 50% aller Fälle wird dieser obwohl gar nicht im Sichtfeld befindlich ausgewählt.

Ich achte extra darauf das ist der 1-Personen-Sicht nur der gewünschte Gesprächspartner zu sehen ist - sonst niemand und trotzdem...

..es ist frustierend

momentan zerstört dies für mich komplett diesen wirklich schönen Mod


however, the term "lighting someone's buttocks" has a fairly realistic meaning

Edited by Miauzi
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1 hour ago, Miauzi said:

Who actually came up with the "engine" for the "sign" language when the player wears the gag?

There is currently a very big "worm" in there for me at one point...

...if I click on the person - standing/sitting DIRECTLY in front of me - with whom I want to start a conversation, it becomes pure luck.


Because only in 20% of all cases the clicked person is actually selected by the "engine" - in the clear majority it is another person - even those who are BEHIND me.

You don't even need to take a companion with you - in about 50% of all cases, this is selected even though it is not in your field of vision.

I pay extra attention to the fact that the 1-person view only shows the desired interlocutor - nobody else and still...

..it's frustrating

currently this completely destroys this really nice mod for me


  Reveal hidden contents


however, the term "lighting someone's buttocks" has a fairly realistic meaning


Signing is not a SLaVE feature, it's in Toys&Love.

The feature is simply using the closest actor. No other way to do this has been found. Closest actor is most often correct. If not, just get closer.

If I could make it work using selected or line of sight I would, but I can't.

In real life, if you sign, anyone near you can see, and it's not necessarily obvious who you are trying to speak to. I'd say it's not that unrealistic to work this way.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte VirginMarie:


Signieren ist kein SLaVE-Feature, sondern in Toys&Love.

Die Funktion verwendet einfach den nächsten Akteur. Es wurde kein anderer Weg gefunden, dies zu tun. Der nächste Akteur hat meistens recht. Wenn nicht, komm einfach näher.

Wenn ich es mit ausgewählter oder Sichtlinie zum Laufen bringen könnte, würde ich es tun, aber ich kann nicht.

Wenn Sie im wirklichen Leben unterschreiben, kann jeder in Ihrer Nähe sehen, und es ist nicht unbedingt offensichtlich, mit wem Sie sprechen möchten. Ich würde sagen, es ist gar nicht so unrealistisch, so zu arbeiten.


This is particularly difficult with companions - because they are literally breathing down the neck of the player character

it doesn't matter how close you get to the NPC you want to start a conversation with - the companion is then closer again

oki - so you can't change this mechanic

ergo I "turned off" my companion at home - almost chained - I play there with some furniture from the mod "dse-display-model"

it now works again with 3 out of 4 contact attempts - the selected NPC is not always free - I can live with that

there is a variable that determines the distance between player and companion - but I don't know how to set/change it via "commando line".

(I once read that with the change from the LE to the SE version, this distance was set to zero)


other than this minor inconvenience, I enjoy your beautiful mod




besonders mit Begleitern ist das schwierig - denn diese sitzen dem Spieler-Char sprichwörtlich im Nacken

da ist es egal wie nah man an den NPC mit dem man ein Gespräch anfangen möchte heran geht - der Begleiter ist dann doch wieder näher

oki - man kann also diese Mechanik nicht ändern


ergo habe ich meinen Begleiter zu hause "abgestellt" - quasi angekettet - ich spiele da mit einigen Möbeln vom Mod "dse-display-model"

dadurch funktioniert es jetzt wieder bei 3 von 4 Ansprech-Versuchen - nicht immer steht der ausgewählte NPC frei - damit kann ich gut leben


es gibt zwar eine Variable die die Entfernung zw. Spieler und Begleiter festlegt - ich weiss jetzt aber nicht wie ich die via "commando-Zeile" einstellen/ändern kann

(ich hatte mal gelesen das mit dem Wechsel von der LE- zur SE-Version dieser Abstand auf Null gesetzt wurde)


ausser dieser kleinen Unannehmlichkeit genieße ich Ihren wunderschönen Mod


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4 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

The feature is simply using the closest actor. No other way to do this has been found.

I think there is a function to determine which NPC the crosshair is pointing at. I know some mods use that - for example, Devious Followers Continued uses that technique when choosing whether to enable or disable a follower as devious.


I also have difficulty with the signing feature choosing the wrong NPC. Perhaps the crosshair approach might work better.

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15 hours ago, Miauzi said:

This is particularly difficult with companions - because they are literally breathing down the neck


11 hours ago, Herowynne said:

I think there is a function to determine which NPC the crosshair is pointing at. I know some mods use that - for example, Devious Followers Continued uses that technique when choosing whether to enable or disable a follower as devious.


I also have difficulty with the signing feature choosing the wrong NPC. Perhaps the crosshair approach might work better.


Yes I use the crosshair event elsewhere too. In this case, for it to be "not expensive" (aka. script heavy)... I could not find a good way for that when last tried. Issue is you need to get the target after the fact instead of before.


But in my dreams last night I dreamt a solution. Have implemented it now. Works great. Will be in next release. What's in the next Toy&Love Release?

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What does this message tell me now at the 3rd Dibella statue on the way up the 7000 steps to the Greybeard Monastery

"You need to read the etched tablet emblem first"

Of course I read the board - there is also a Roman numeral III on it

omg - is something hanging here again?

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10 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


What does this message tell me now at the 3rd Dibella statue on the way up the 7000 steps to the Greybeard Monastery

"You need to read the etched tablet emblem first"

Of course I read the board - there is also a Roman numeral III on it

omg - is something hanging here again?


If it's what I think it is...

#3 in Known Mod Conflicts has a solution (MCM setting)

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Hmm, ok I have been watching this thread and playing SLaVe many times over it's evolution BUT I seem to have an issue noone else does and this is over 2 different PC setups, so I am curious.  Nocturnal's Lair where the cages and such are, every time I go down the steps and touch the "ground" in there, I start to lose health and keep dying, and every time I die it moves me to the exit of a cave and I die trying to get back up the steps.


Anyone else get this ?


(Then again I never get past stepping on the stone in Toy Story and watching the toys change type either, quest never moves on so must be some other mod I have thats buggering the Toy's series ones up) 


On a good note though, The Christmas Toys mod works well, and is funny also., 



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49 minutes ago, kohlteth said:

Hmm, ok I have been watching this thread and playing SLaVe many times over it's evolution BUT I seem to have an issue noone else does and this is over 2 different PC setups, so I am curious.  Nocturnal's Lair where the cages and such are, every time I go down the steps and touch the "ground" in there, I start to lose health and keep dying, and every time I die it moves me to the exit of a cave and I die trying to get back up the steps.


Anyone else get this ?


Everyone gets this, it's working as intended.


See... SLaVE - Cannot understand why I'm dying in Twilight Sepulcher


49 minutes ago, kohlteth said:

(Then again I never get past stepping on the stone in Toy Story and watching the toys change type either, quest never moves on so must be some other mod I have thats buggering the Toy's series ones up) 


On a good note though, The Christmas Toys mod works well, and is funny also., 


stepping on the stone in Toy Story - Stepping on what stone? Sorry don't understand what this refers to

watching the toys change type - this too... I don't follow

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1 hour ago, VirginMarie said:

stepping on the stone in Toy Story - Stepping on what stone? Sorry don't understand what this refers to

watching the toys change type - this too... I don't follow


Right at the start when you first enter and talk to the NPC and they tell you to go step on the pedestal and the toys change, thats as far as I get., 

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Kohlteth sagte vor 3 Stunden:

Hmm, ok, ich habe diesen Thread beobachtet und SLaVe im Laufe seiner Entwicklung viele Male gespielt, ABER ich scheine ein Problem zu haben, das sonst niemand hat, und das sind mehr als 2 verschiedene PC-Setups, also bin ich neugierig. Nocturnal's Lair, wo die Käfige und dergleichen sind, jedes Mal, wenn ich die Stufen hinuntergehe und den "Boden" dort berühre, verliere ich Gesundheit und sterbe weiter, und jedes Mal, wenn ich sterbe, bewegt es mich zum Ausgang einer Höhle und ich sterben beim Versuch, die Stufen wieder hochzukommen.


Bekommt das noch jemand?


(Andererseits komme ich nie darüber hinaus, in Toy Story auf den Stein zu treten und zuzusehen, wie sich die Spielzeuge ändern, die Quest geht nie weiter, also muss es ein anderer Mod sein, den ich habe, der die der Toy-Serie durcheinander bringt.) 


Positiv zu vermerken ist jedoch, dass der Mod „Weihnachtsspielzeug“ gut funktioniert und auch lustig ist., 




this light damage is skyrim vanilla

who has already played through the thieves' guild quest series -> in the grave of twilight you should move into the shadows and that's really meant as it is said...

..the light damages the player.

so everything is correct

why has no one reported this yet?

Because probably most of the users of this mod had already been promoted to the boss of the thieves' guild in an earlier run and know the pitfalls of the twilight grave



dieser Lichtschaden ist Skyrim-Vanilla

wer schon mal die Diebesgilden-Questreihe durchgespielt hat -> im Dämmergrab soll man sich in den Schatten bewegen und das ist wirklich so gemeint wie es gesagt wird...

..das Licht fügt dem Spieler Schaden zu.

also ist alles korrekt

warum das bisher niemand meldet?

Weil wohl die meisten Nutzer dieses Mods in einem früheren Durchlauf schon mal zum Chef der Diebesgilde aufgestiegen waren und die Tücken des Dämmergrabes kennen


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8 hours ago, kohlteth said:


Right at the start when you first enter and talk to the NPC and they tell you to go step on the pedestal and the toys change, thats as far as I get., 


The Trial of Rousing.

  1. You approach the quest map marker, and the statue rises up
  2. Nightly appears again. Talks to you. Tells you what to do
  3. Then you wait, the toy transforms, as you said. If you keep waiting another maybe 5-15 seconds... then you have a spontaneous orgasm (a solo love scene plays)

I will assume you mean that the spontaneous orgasm scene in number 3 does not occur. If this is true, you have not installed Toys&Love correctly.

Go to Toys&Love MCM - First Tab - Run the Installation Test. Does this test pass or fail? If it fails, use.... Animation Scenes Not Working


If this fails by the way... very little is going to work right. Love scenes in this mod will not be playing either. No love scenes for you in Toys Workshop either, just the dance will work which is why you think that mod is working fine.


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Am 26.09.2022 um 19:37 Uhr sagte VirginMarie:


Tatsächlich wurden viele Benutzer dadurch verwirrt. Deshalb haben wir das hier... SLAVE - Kann nicht verstehen, warum ich in Twilight Sepulcher sterbe

I need some help again - please

the first word wall associated with the thieves was found in the "Knife Comb" cave

the second is supposed to be found outside (?) near the entrance to the Murkcrypt Cave (where Serana is locked in the stone coffin) or the zodiac stone - at least that's how I see it on the map - but there's nothing to be found there

My next idea was that the quest pointer shows a location in black distance - but there is nothing to be found there either

the question arises:

do I need progress in another quest or do I have a massive error?

thank you in advance

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36 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

I need some help again - please

the first word wall associated with the thieves was found in the "Knife Comb" cave

the second is supposed to be found outside (?) near the entrance to the Murkcrypt Cave (where Serana is locked in the stone coffin) or the zodiac stone - at least that's how I see it on the map - but there's nothing to be found there

My next idea was that the quest pointer shows a location in black distance - but there is nothing to be found there either

the question arises:

do I need progress in another quest or do I have a massive error?

thank you in advance


You do not need progress on anything else.


2nd Word Wall for the Thief Shakedown Quest is in here... Frostmere Crypt


I've never heard of anyone getting a map maker misleading them.

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Vor 6 Stunden sagte VirginMarie:


Sie brauchen keine Fortschritte bei irgendetwas anderem.


2nd Word Wall for the Thief Shakedown Quest is in here... Frostmere Crypt


Ich habe noch nie von jemandem gehört, der von einem Kartenhersteller in die Irre geführt wurde.

an die Krypta hatte ich ja auch gedacht - nur dann sieht der Questzeiger auf der Karte ja etwas anders aus weil das Ziel "indoor" ist

und es zunächst ausgeschlossen

es kann aber ein Vanilla-Skyrim-Problem sein - in den nun fast 3000 Stunden Spielzeit habe ich das recht selten schon erlebt

trotzdem danke für sie schnelle Antwort

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Short interim conclusion:

both dragon shouts upgraded to level 3

killed 5 dragons with "love" ?


I read something about the masks of the dragon priests...

..I only have one of them - but I don't really understand what's supposed to happen


So far I've only gotten one type of gag - like the one worn under the mask when using the "Love" scream?


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i get some wtf moment lol


when very important quest trigger in same time as SLVE , game break


like when you meet serana in first time when you open , then in same time SLVE or toy trigger

 lol you see head of serana in underground moving to you to trigger love scene /or SLVE tigger

or when you are in vanilla quest trigger in dungeon  or in city and encounter ( SLVE) trigger too ( the priest and the bodyguard trigger in same time with  dawngard quest trigger ( the orc that meet you ))

Edited by chevalierx
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On 9/29/2022 at 4:49 PM, Miauzi said:


Short interim conclusion:

both dragon shouts upgraded to level 3

killed 5 dragons with "love" ?


I read something about the masks of the dragon priests...

..I only have one of them - but I don't really understand what's supposed to happen


So far I've only gotten one type of gag - like the one worn under the mask when using the "Love" scream?


in 3 play with this mod inever get kill dragon with love lshout lv 3,myabe you play in very easy mode

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