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Player Slave Encounters (Updated Oct 18)

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BIG FNX :shy: and two requests:
1) regarding the "shadow over hakrid." so if the main character was raped by a monster she will be pregnant (as in quest of dogs). pregnancy should be short-lived and give birth to a monster ... probably 2-3 after birth will come "is not a good ending" - the main character will be taken to the residents of the deeper depths of the cave to make it analogous to a goblin whore ... Escape is possible ... but difficult
2) please! make a spoiler in the first post where the detailed schedule of this and conditions of all of your quests. it will significantly reduce the time to pass and save the nerves of players. write to the launch pad and conditions finish. especially important - specify to rape and other acts that cause promotion storyline (brothel - 20 rapes, then work with clients without chains ... goblins - 10 rapes? then ... :dodgy: )
please, do it. it's important for all of us. it saves you from stupid questions.  :angel:


PS You can follow any responses to certain acts of violence were confined to the game clocks? the player can rewind time and not wait until the AI ​​goblins and other monsters will deign to continue the show ...?

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jtms: The doors will unlock when you complete that part...


I assume when you went in that last room you were attacked (If not the code went base over apex). If so, once that is dealt with fully the door should open



Companion: Technically you could comment out that part in the CK. That could leave you encumbered as you lose strength, unequip feather items, etc. You can also lose strength in the mod itself (v.rare) or one of the many realism mods (hungry, thirsty, tired).


Spartan: Do you have any mods that could be playing with the Hackdirt faction or the mobs membership of it?


Seaboo: Thank you. :D


Sullen: I may create a proper walkthrough at some point


Unknown: When you are captured normally (eg by bandits), do your owners use you regularly?

Do you get a quest update when captured by the slaver?

When you walk to the camp is your slave trader using you on the way (every 5 mins or so)?

When you get to the camp are you following the Dark Elf when you arrive or do you stick to the trader?


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Spartan: Do you have any mods that could be playing with the Hackdirt faction or the mobs membership of it?




Ichabod: No I do not and thanks for getting back so fast. I'll try again today and see what happens. 


Edit: I was able to use the console to "resurrect" the brethren that enslaved me; that triggered him to open the trap door and go down into the caves. Once I got down there he took me over to more people and then I heard the "voice" play. But that was it. It just stopped nothing happens after that. We just stood there for 10 mins real time and then I reloaded a saved game. 


Edit 2: Some of the time the "resurrect command" works and other times it will not work. I'm thinking a script is miss firing or not at all. 


OH! and also when I sleep at the inn or try to sleep at the inn; I select the bed, select the time; say 4 hours, I select sleep, it "jumps" and stops after one hour, but I never slept it just pops off one hour. I'm guessing that the script is again trying to enslave me but the time just jumps head one hour and, then if I try it again I can sleep the full amount of time that I selected. THEN I get enslaved....not sure it its suppose to work like this or not...just found it unusual. 


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Unknown: When you are captured normally (eg by bandits), do your owners use you regularly?

Do you get a quest update when captured by the slaver?

When you walk to the camp is your slave trader using you on the way (every 5 mins or so)?

When you get to the camp are you following the Dark Elf when you arrive or do you stick to the trader?

Nope nothing of these things the quest dont want to show up


the animation and the the other stuff works without problems 

so i think i forgot something but i dont know what exactly


Edit: i think i forgot obse v21 after installing my game just froze after the Quest shows up screen 

Edit2: managed to install the new obse without freezing after the quest but it looks like nothing really changed

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Spartan: When you sleep at the Inn then you should get that sleep stop. However there should be someone there if you do.

Try casting Player Slave Settings if you have not done it since upgrading.


Unknown: If you are not being used while enslaved by normal mobs then the basic script underlying PSE is breaking down.

If you have OBSE, Pluggy and Lovers with PK up to date, then try putting PSE near the bottom of your load order.

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I will give a little away. :)



Part one is more Goblin Bitch like. Part two is more vanilla PSE with not so much on the sex encounter side (trying something a bit different). Part three+ are not decided yet but more torture/devices are likely in at least one of them.



I did consider adding in a volume variable for the encounters but they are very varied which makes it very hard to assign a variable to. Best I can think of thus far is a long/short option. E.g. short gives 3, long gives 6.


You could certainly create addons for PSE. The most important part is to remember to change PlayerWithQuest in the IchSlaveQuest script to 1. That blocks certain things from happening (the generic use-the-player script, trader, etc.).



please say that the perv burgler will leave a wolf or something for the player to play with making them bound to a device like this



so you have the mini game to break free


while being fucked you cant use the mini game but have to wait until it finnished fucking before pressing the L button when you break free you can have the wolf as a pet to help in oblivion


if you do make a bondage device like that and a play thing to keep you company you might need to remove the knockback effect when the player is finnished having sex otherwise it looks bad getting up to go back onto the device



Would this animation be close enough? :P



yes like that what mod is that frame from ?

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Just out of curiosity, could you make a compatibility patch for those using Realistic Needs or BPN? I mean, drinking FIVE bottles of wine certainly isn't very wise, even in real world. Who can even walk straight after five bottles? Very few, I'd say. I know that you made that script to prevent those people that ARE using Realistic Needs to not die of thirst and hunger, but at least you could have put some healing potion or fatigue potion as well, not alcohol. Perhaps one or two bottles of wine wouldn't matter much, but still... it would be nice to drink something other than alcohol.

One other thing: for the quest Hello Sailor, I'm guessing that you need to configure the Sleep Capture chance, right? 

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Spartan: When you sleep at the Inn then you should get that sleep stop. However there should be someone there if you do.

Try casting Player Slave Settings if you have not done it since upgrading.

The slave spell is/was cast. However I am thinking now that it's the time or sleep mod once again that is effecting it. Things seem to be fine now; I guess your mod is set to "trigger" at certain times of the day during the game. I think it will be fine. 

Thanks for your help. 

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not sure if i did something wrong but during the rough justice mission i completed it and go to retrieve my items and the only thing in the bag is a bone...none of my other stuff is there...any idea's? i read the second post from ichabod and it mentions nothing of this...searched the thread for any additional mentions of the rough justice encounter and still nothing...possible glitch maybe? i even tcl'd through the ground and whatnot to see if it fell beneath the benerus manor since i got a mod for ben manor i figured maybe it clipped through to the ground...still nothing the only bag i see is on the stairs with a bone in it...any idea's?


*edit* i should mention iwas looking for a second bag and not my items clipping through the manor...just the one bag though with the bone in it...


No items appearing in the bag is a known but unresolved issue, not related to the quest, but simply with the function itself. To my knowledge it is still being looked into, but no fix or reason why this happens sometimes has been found yet. Or in other words, sometimes when you are made a slave, your items don't transfer to the bag, and instead completely disappear, for one reason or another.


And for the record, I'm not associated with the project, just a thread lurker trying to help out!


good thing i saved then lol and good to know for the future!



Yup yup. What I've found myself doing, is if I actually think I'm going to go through rping an enslavement, for better or worse, I will save while I am enslaved, break out, check the sack, and then if it has my stuff, load the last save and go through with it. If it doesn't, then I load a save before I got captured. (I generally make a permanent save every 5 minutes... or less... because I am crazy.)


agreed your method is not crazy it is thurough i like that...i am now going to use that method myself! oh ichabod any word on that sibling rivalry spell causing ctd's? the one the spriggans throw at you. i havent tried that quest yet in this version im just about to get to that part again wondering if perhaps it got fixed?

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BIG FNX :shy: and two requests:

1) regarding the "shadow over hakrid." so if the main character was raped by a monster she will be pregnant (as in quest of dogs). pregnancy should be short-lived and give birth to a monster ... probably 2-3 after birth will come "is not a good ending" - the main character will be taken to the residents of the deeper depths of the cave to make it analogous to a goblin whore ... Escape is possible ... but difficult

2) please! make a spoiler in the first post where the detailed schedule of this and conditions of all of your quests. it will significantly reduce the time to pass and save the nerves of players. write to the launch pad and conditions finish. especially important - specify to rape and other acts that cause promotion storyline (brothel - 20 rapes, then work with clients without chains ... goblins - 10 rapes? then ... :dodgy: )

please, do it. it's important for all of us. it saves you from stupid questions.  :angel:


PS You can follow any responses to certain acts of violence were confined to the game clocks? the player can rewind time and not wait until the AI ​​goblins and other monsters will deign to continue the show ...?


I think what would really be nice is that we can adjust how long some stages take. The brothel for example you have to service 15-20 customers before you're free to roam around. It'd be great if there was a setting to change that 5 or 10. Same goes for A Reluctant Housemaid, be nice to customize how many Pellham Points you need before he let's you go. Sure a walkthrough would be nice but customizing how long certain stages take would be just awesome. I'd definitely would try to use PSE in a real game if amounts could be customized but as it is now some stages take way to long for my tastes if I were to use PSE in a real playthrough right now.


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Sun Shang Xiang: Potions do not work as food items and one I created did not register with the mod I was using.

I will be adding in a food on/off option for those who do not use the realism mods.

Yes, you need to get captured while sleeping so you need to set your sleep chance > 0


Spartan: The mod has no time on it but the original did, so depends on how they are playing with each other.


Trooper: Fingers crossed the spriggan spell should be fine now. :)


Infernus: I am thinking of adding in a short/long option to the settings spell.

(Short basically halving the current set up)

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I think what would really be nice is that we can adjust how long some stages take. The brothel for example you have to service 15-20 customers before you're free to roam around. It'd be great if there was a setting to change that 5 or 10. Same goes for A Reluctant Housemaid, be nice to customize how many Pellham Points you need before he let's you go. Sure a walkthrough would be nice but customizing how long certain stages take would be just awesome. I'd definitely would try to use PSE in a real game if amounts could be customized but as it is now some stages take way to long for my tastes if I were to use PSE in a real playthrough right now.



To be fair if the length things are taking is bothering you it isnt too hard to find what you can change to speed up the process (either by using showquestvars or looking in the CS).

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It's not just for me but also for other people that may not be fond of the current length in encounters. It's for people who may want to use PSE in a real playthrough and not be stuck somewhere for a couple of real hours waiting for an encounter to complete.


I like the idea of the short setting but if it's not too much work how about a medium length as well. Medium would be slightly more than half the current length while short would be less than half (33% short, 66% medium and 100% long-current).

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@dragenx && @Astaroth-Lite
  Currently there is minor glitch with Dar Ma. Try in the console- addtopic IchDarMa
  or even- StartQuest IchSQ06shadow if nothing shows up.
@ owlharvester
  When you see the message in the upperleft corner- hold the button, then
  release the button when the message disappears and wait for the next one.
  Be aware- other mods may be using the same keys (Like Map Marker Overhaul)
  and this will screw with it.
I too would like a toggle/adjustment for the length of some of the encounters.
But when I am out adventuring and not wanting to get caught up in a long
scenario, I set slave mode off and sleep chance to 0. No encounters will
happen except DogDays (and the player has to initiate that one).
I set escape ease fairly low and adjust the Event Timer to how often I want
my captor to use me.
I never set submission to on unless I am going 'hardcore' ;)
I still get the thrill/fear of enslavement by my enemy but I know that I wont
be taken off into a long staged scene.
If I do find my self at Lord Pellhams, I have my character exercise her brain
in the basement with the ayliad game. It seems to speed up the time.


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Is there any way to increase the chances to find lockpicks?  Usually when I press tilde to see what my chances are, they're always zero even though escape chance changes from time to time.


Become a locksmith ;)


Actually, your security skill does have an effect in varying degrees.



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Dragenx and Astaroth-Lite: As Mem mentions use StartQuest IchSQ06Shadow and then AddTopic IchDarMa. This should make the topic available from Dar Ma. I am putting in a fix for next time.


Astaroth-Lite: Locksmith will indeed increase your chances. The base chance also varies on who has captured you. Zero usually means captured by a slave trader (professional at stopping you escaping) with no lockpick skills of any significance.


OwlHarvester: It should be quick.... and intense is good. :)

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no im leashed to the slave trader who brought me there


is that bad?


if your not using oblivion base race then yes races thats not oblivion just follow the slaver even when hes at camp i wish i knew what caused that bug


ichabod what does update 66 give ? i looked through the topic going backwards but didnt see a post from you saying what the update gives

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i think its bug or something else but i need somehelp with this 1)Cant get quest updates! of hackdirt!! 2)my character gets fucked by a monster only for 1 time in hackdirt caverns which was summoned but after screwing up my character for 1 time it disaper n then nothing happend i waited 20 mins 2 see if somethin happen 3)cant escape n also startquest n addtopic not working

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