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1 hour ago, Invictusblade said:

about the text, send me a esp/esl of your changes so I can fix them

Will do, when I make them.

With the virus, I tried injecting it into myself and nothing happened, no perks. Also it caused my character to start ducking whenever switching to 3rd person (went away after save+load). Am I missing a story element or is it supposed to be directly injectable into the player?

Edited by Darkanna17
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3 hours ago, carstenqw said:

Me or Dust I dont know what you mean of esp i can send load order if you need? 

I prefer Sthan ;) Its pronounced SHEE-Ahn. Hehe. 

His load order does not conflict with anything. Unless you didn't follow the proper AAF install instructions. AAF is much less forgiving than Sex Lab for Skyrim, because they are different engines.  Install all the AAF stuff correctly, then in stall FPER and WLD. :)❤️

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so one minor thing.

this is for the next update version of the WDF

I am thinking of replacing a magazine

and I am going to use a cover(wraparound) from the image comics "Sex"


here is the original


and here is three versions of the cover (all three have promise and convey similar but different moods)





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1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

so one minor thing.

this is for the next update version of the WDF

I am thinking of replacing a magazine

and I am going to use a cover(wraparound) from the image comics "Sex"


here is the original


and here is three versions of the cover (all three have promise and convey similar but different moods)





I love the first new cover. The woman with her arm stretched.

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With the new way the milking of NPC work and having to have the Lactation perk if i understand that correctly.  Ive had piper wearing a milker and 140 empty bottles for the past few real hours and nothing has happend. 


Also had a thing with the Mad Cow syringers from vault 81. couldnt load them into the syringer gun last time i check.  on new game with FG and havent been there yet to try  again


Is there an in game way to give the Lactation perk besides going thru MCM debug?


Some idea for NPC to get the perk natural

1: When NPC gets pregnant, % adjustable chance they get perked

2: Craftable item from dairy work bench

3: (kinda 2 and 3 together)  Equiping follower with milker auto injects lactation drug



4: long shot idea.

Its probably limited by how FO4 scripting goes, Lactation perk level's 1-5 along with some morphs to represent having it, like biger nipples or something, or if TitKit works in  FO4 that could be some other visual que to having the perk.



1- Normal as is, 1 hour timer's. if titkit is used light shading, size 1

2-45 min timer  +1.5 size

3-30 min timer +3 size

4-15 min timer +4 size

5-No timer, huge size, 5+

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12 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:



The Lactation Perk is not being applied for some reason.  But I had debugging on.  This is the message

EDIT:  Found the Problem; Latest version the INVB_MCM is not compiled the new properties need to be set.  


Testing now.


EDIT:  Didnt' work. The only milking working for me right now is the Instant Milking.  StartGameTime is not working on this function


[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] error: Cannot call GetBaseObject() on a None object, aborting function call
    [ (FF006449)].fpfp_babyscript.OnInit() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BabyScript.psc" Line 63
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has started
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has determined we aren't NONE
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby found that the baby spawned was a misc object with FPFP_BabyScript applied onto it. Registering it into the array to keep it persistent
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has finished internal setup of timers and quests
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has finished
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby ended iteration 1 of 1 total children
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby has finished adding children
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby has finished
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript <Item 1 in container  (00002CEB)>] : We've been moved to [ObjectReference < (00002CEB)>] from None
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:56PM] <<<<<<<<< DailyUpdate Finished for [workshopscript < (0009B18F)>]
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:57PM] <<<<<<<<< DailyUpdate Finished for [workshopscript < (00168945)>]
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:58PM] error: Cannot call HasPerk() on a None object, aborting function call
    [ (FF003B30)].fpfp_basepregdata.OnTimerGameTime() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BasePregData.psc" Line 1190
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:58PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp632"
    [ (FF003B30)].fpfp_basepregdata.OnTimerGameTime() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BasePregData.psc" Line 1190


Just to add my findings. I installed the new version 2.80 (beneath an older FPE 3.70) and got the message "... is a female" while applying a milker. I had a look on the script and this should not happen, because it is restricted exclusively to items not being a milker (Milk == 1 is set correctly in the property of the armor). In the F4SE logs I found that a GetValue() of a global failed beforehand what might have screwed it up. After loading a completely unmodded old savegame I found similar logs as Sthan. There were dozens like "... non-object variable named "::temp632"" - mostly related to FPFP_... scrips (already at OnInit during there init phases). I have not seen any dead references in CK, but I only looked on the base "Milk Machine".


So at least I had the same issue that properties where not set at some scripts. But I have no clue if this was already happening between MCM and "the game", or between the game and the scripts... 


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44 minutes ago, blabla321 said:

But I have no clue if this was already happening between MCM and "the game",

If it helps any, I tried to give piper Lactation from the MCM menu debug but nothing happend after clicking the add to npc.  addperk to npc console comand work, but like you say it only then works with the single use milk bottle and the armor machines dont fucntion

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6 hours ago, blabla321 said:


Just to add my findings. I installed the new version 2.80 (beneath an older FPE 3.70) and got the message "... is a female" while applying a milker. I had a look on the script and this should not happen, because it is restricted exclusively to items not being a milker (Milk == 1 is set correctly in the property of the armor). In the F4SE logs I found that a GetValue() of a global failed beforehand what might have screwed it up. After loading a completely unmodded old savegame I found similar logs as Sthan. There were dozens like "... non-object variable named "::temp632"" - mostly related to FPFP_... scrips (already at OnInit during there init phases). I have not seen any dead references in CK, but I only looked on the base "Milk Machine".


So at least I had the same issue that properties where not set at some scripts. But I have no clue if this was already happening between MCM and "the game", or between the game and the scripts... 


Yes, I am getting the same errors as well. I hadn't thought to look at F4SE logs.  

The issue with FO4 is that it doesn't clean up orphan variables/objects. 

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@Invictusblade So I had a couple of ideas.  I really love the changes you made, so once lactation is sorted, it will be perfect!


On the pregnancy chances, hostility, etc..


For Creature chances to impregnate, this should be related to the amount of semen they produce, which is probably related to size, or race.  So the default, or recommended, chances, could be based on the size of the creature. I believe there is a way to get this in game, but I'll look at it.  More semen = higher chance based on fertility of the player.


For Hostility, I would think that creatures that are mammals would not have an immediate chance of being hostile as opposed to the egg based creatures, or creatures without a form of empathy or emotion.  So, if you are impregnated by a dog, or wolf, I would say they would have a less chance of being hostile, as opposed to a deathclaw. 


Viability is a great idea for a variety of reasons.  Egg and Humanoid (Gorilla would be included) races should have a higher viability than others, such as dog, wolf, etc.  If the mother is human and the creature is not, that would allow you to assign viability based on things like compatibility.  Eggs don't have to consider this because they are not getting nutrients from the mother, but a dog in the womb, may not get the right things from the mother, lowering viability.


I'm just trying to reduce your headache of dealing with all the options! Haha.  I'll see if I can find Actor Values that would help you, if you're interested.

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Another Note:  Cum Overlays (Using Neb's newest Cum Overlays) are not always going away, especially on the NPCs.  Poor Cait was basically covered in cum overlays.    I turned Cum Overlays doing any work itself.  Should I turn those back on and let his mod handle removing the overlays?

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3 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Another Note:  Cum Overlays (Using Neb's newest Cum Overlays) are not always going away, especially on the NPCs.  Poor Cait was basically covered in cum overlays.    I turned Cum Overlays doing any work itself.  Should I turn those back on and let his mod handle removing the overlays?

which is why I decided to move away from cum overlays in this mod.


if it wasn't for the fact that effect shaders applies the texture to the head and hands, I would redesign cum overlays to use that instead because it is so much more reliable.


1 hour ago, Sthan Dust said:

@Invictusblade So I had a couple of ideas.  I really love the changes you made, so once lactation is sorted, it will be perfect!


On the pregnancy chances, hostility, etc..


For Creature chances to impregnate, this should be related to the amount of semen they produce, which is probably related to size, or race.  So the default, or recommended, chances, could be based on the size of the creature. I believe there is a way to get this in game, but I'll look at it.  More semen = higher chance based on fertility of the player.


For Hostility, I would think that creatures that are mammals would not have an immediate chance of being hostile as opposed to the egg based creatures, or creatures without a form of empathy or emotion.  So, if you are impregnated by a dog, or wolf, I would say they would have a less chance of being hostile, as opposed to a deathclaw. 


Viability is a great idea for a variety of reasons.  Egg and Humanoid (Gorilla would be included) races should have a higher viability than others, such as dog, wolf, etc.  If the mother is human and the creature is not, that would allow you to assign viability based on things like compatibility.  Eggs don't have to consider this because they are not getting nutrients from the mother, but a dog in the womb, may not get the right things from the mother, lowering viability.


I'm just trying to reduce your headache of dealing with all the options! Haha.  I'll see if I can find Actor Values that would help you, if you're interested.

which is why I made a MCM option for each creature because it was easier to fine tune

instead of calculating for each creatures viability or hostility or chances

like I did with the creatures pregnancy length, morph, extra children.


I would add a mcm option for creature baby to children length but like I explained before that is painful to explain

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1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

which is why I decided to move away from cum overlays in this mod.


if it wasn't for the fact that effect shaders applies the texture to the head and hands, I would redesign cum overlays to use that instead because it is so much more reliable.

So if you let Neb's mod do the overlay, everything works perfectly.  I just tested it and it seems to remove things fairly well.

1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

which is why I made a MCM option for each creature because it was easier to fine tune

instead of calculating for each creatures viability or hostility or chances

like I did with the creatures pregnancy length, morph, extra children.


I would add a mcm option for creature baby to children length but like I explained before that is painful to explain

I looked at your MCM code on that.  One of the problems with the CK is that it has very BASIC arrays.  So what I did is I have two or three arrays, so one is for the name of the setting, the other two are settings for that named setting.  You should take a look at this mod:  SUP F4SE at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


It really gets passed the limitations of the FO MCM (Which is not as feature rich as Skyrim MCM)  You can store more info in json or text or ini files to sort out all those settings.  MCM doesn't always act as its supposed to, and it doesn't tell you if you've even done something wrong.  Just as an FYI ;)


I do love the new effects.  I will mess with the calculations and send you my ini file for your consideration :)



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How does the enslavement work? Until now I've only managed to enslave Ivey (which still I'm unable to find), as every other NPC I try to enslave always gives me the message that it haves an high resistance. I get this message to both alive and dead NPCs, even if they died after surrendering (or after intimidating).

I'm sure that I'm still missing something on this, but can't tell what.

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3 minutes ago, Verasmile2 said:

How does the enslavement work? Until now I've only managed to enslave Ivey (which still I'm unable to find), as every other NPC I try to enslave always gives me the message that it haves an high resistance. I get this message to both alive and dead NPCs, even if they died after surrendering (or after intimidating).

I'm sure that I'm still missing something on this, but can't tell what.

Hiya.  I found that the NPC Enslavement is more geared towards Unique NPCS. I've not had luck with the non-unique NPCS. However, I use both WLD enslavement + Just Business which has a bunch more features for customizing your slaves as well as selling them.  It works perfectly with WLD.  Just Business is really good at the enslavement.  The Mod Author said he would be working on an update soon, so fingers crossed!


Also, the Loyalty Chip in WLD works rather well, especially on any Children/Creature you want to make a follower.

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35 minutes ago, Verasmile2 said:

How does the enslavement work? Until now I've only managed to enslave Ivey (which still I'm unable to find), as every other NPC I try to enslave always gives me the message that it haves an high resistance. I get this message to both alive and dead NPCs, even if they died after surrendering (or after intimidating).

I'm sure that I'm still missing something on this, but can't tell what.


29 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Hiya.  I found that the NPC Enslavement is more geared towards Unique NPCS. I've not had luck with the non-unique NPCS. However, I use both WLD enslavement + Just Business which has a bunch more features for customizing your slaves as well as selling them.  It works perfectly with WLD.  Just Business is really good at the enslavement.  The Mod Author said he would be working on an update soon, so fingers crossed!


Also, the Loyalty Chip in WLD works rather well, especially on any Children/Creature you want to make a follower.



about my enslavement mod, I have been pretty clear about it.

it was designed for the Raider Reform School unique tattoo system.

while also not needing Just Business because of XDI (which causing other mods such as the older version of companion Ivy to not work)


it is designed solely to capture unique female bosses.

however I did add some more beacons to summon friendly gunners and raiders (which requires you to kill x amount of NPCs)



in the next update, I will make some list somewhere of all of the enslavement victims (and I try to do something head-canon about the reason why)

I don't know, a institute plot to govern the several groups of raiders and gunners by the use of synths.


I might add a note somewhere in the institute that...

a. a perk to create beacons

b. the summoning frequencies for each NPC boss and their name (not a radio frequency, but a reason to craft a beacon for them) and gives a reason why you need to kill them first(or capture them.)


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17 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:




about my enslavement mod, I have been pretty clear about it.

it was designed for the Raider Reform School unique tattoo system.

while also not needing Just Business because of XDI (which causing other mods such as the older version of companion Ivy to not work)

Yes I want to get rid of the XDI requirement as well.  But yes, it your mod works much better with RRS.  I love the tats that change with status, like fertile or pregnant :)

17 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

it is designed solely to capture unique female bosses.

however I did add some more beacons to summon friendly gunners and raiders (which requires you to kill x amount of NPCs)



in the next update, I will make some list somewhere of all of the enslavement victims (and I try to do something head-canon about the reason why)

I don't know, a institute plot to govern the several groups of raiders and gunners by the use of synths.


I might add a note somewhere in the institute that...

a. a perk to create beacons

b. the summoning frequencies for each NPC boss and their name (not a radio frequency, but a reason to craft a beacon for them) and gives a reason why you need to kill them first(or capture them.)


I think that your enslavement is more for the resourcing aspect, like milking or blood.  Where Just Business is really a slave mod.  It works very well with your mod other than the XDI interface.  I'm not a fan of the "companion" mods like "Companion Ivy".  I'm more of a solo player haha.  So the only Follower I ever play with is Cait (Before she became born again in Vault 75 because she's boring after that!)  Piper gets on my nerves, and let's not even talk about Preston.  Omg, he needs some Xanax, and a personality adjustment.


I like your "Loyalty Chip" idea very much.  Its great to get followers who are not slaves, like children.  I like Just Business (Its really a brilliant mod) because I can have like 6 slaves with me.  Its very useful in the Nuka World quests when you have to take down the Bosses.  Side Note:  I am rewriting the Nuka World Quests so that it's possible to win the game without killing the bosses.  Adding the Nuka World Settlements Mod, allows me to take over settlements without pissing off the Minutemen.  I had to make one change to Factions, and Preston doesn't even care that I'm raiding nuka world.  


I love Nuka World DLC, just saying. I never get tired of this game because I spend all my time there haha.


Another side note:  You make your Storylines an option in the FOMOD.  I wouldn't.  I would just put them in because its kind of surprising when it pops up.  Like the Paperwork (which is "mostly rubbish") you scattered about.  Players think they wanna know what's going to happen, but the best part of playing is making it surprising, in my opinion :)  You added some awesome things that you can only figure out if you're actually playing, and not reading the ESP files.


But I am happy to report that:

-- Neb's Cum Overlays is disappearing yours but the mod must have all things enabled.

-- One thing Hardship -Beggar Whore did was add the Cum Tags to the AAF animations (He specifically talks about Savage Cabbages and BP 70 Anims) to add the "Cum is Produced" type tag.  That's probably why Neb's scripts are not working all the time, because they aren't tagged properly (His page states as much)  So I think his patch adds those missing tags.  You can probably do the same in your scripts by looking at the AAF properties on whether someone came (SexLab handled this perfectly so I hope the AAF team starts to standardize the tags)  But if a BP or Savage Cabbage Anim happens, I don't have any issues.  Its definitely the tags, same with the ZaZ squirt effects not being removed sometimes.

-- Lactation is not working well.  I can only do the quick, which breaks immersion.  They did the same thing in Skyrim with Hentai Pregnancy, but he still made the Character go through an animation cycle.  That mod calculates "Jugs of Milk".  Each "Jug" adds to the discomfort of the Player.  However, his Quick Milk, goes just 1 full milking cycle, which is about 30 seconds (But was still immersive because the Player had to pause and milk).  Breasts are enlarged, milking occurs, breasts reduce in size, then begin to fill again over a 12 to 24 hour period.

-- Everything else, from Hidden Synth, the Creature Attack Pregs, and the other options you offered are working very well.  However, if you are retooling the lactation, you have a timer because its sending the "So and So was Milked" message.  I would also reduce breast size at those intervals, because, that's how it works in real life :)  Same interval you use for increase, can be used for decrease.  

-- For Pregnancy, I would do the same as above, since you are increasing size over time, I would give at least 3 FPER months for the stomach and breasts to go back to normal, over time.  I have had two babies, and it isn't realistic for anyone to go from 9 months pregnant to super trim and slim bad ass in 10 seconds :) Haha

-- There are still many issues with the scripts not being updated with their property changes.  Debug Log is blowing up.  Its mostly Global Variable changes that aren't reflected in the "auto" properties.


I am very much enjoying the changes.  I hope you're not discouraged because these are really excellent mods.  And they make the game more realistic :)




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23 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Yes I want to get rid of the XDI requirement as well.  But yes, it your mod works much better with RRS.  I love the tats that change with status, like fertile or pregnant :)

I think that your enslavement is more for the resourcing aspect, like milking or blood.  Where Just Business is really a slave mod.  It works very well with your mod other than the XDI interface.  I'm not a fan of the "companion" mods like "Companion Ivy".  I'm more of a solo player haha.  So the only Follower I ever play with is Cait (Before she became born again in Vault 75 because she's boring after that!)  Piper gets on my nerves, and let's not even talk about Preston.  Omg, he needs some Xanax, and a personality adjustment.

I think in all of my hours of the game, I barely play with companions

Dogmeat annoys me when travelling (always gets in my way)


about Preston, that is why I like Thuggysmurf's mods because he manages to redeems and destroys him by making him into a bad guy.

(have you seen Agents of Shield? similar to Grant Ward who gotten considerable better when he became a bad guy)


24 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

I like your "Loyalty Chip" idea very much.  Its great to get followers who are not slaves, like children.  I like Just Business (Its really a brilliant mod) because I can have like 6 slaves with me.  Its very useful in the Nuka World quests when you have to take down the Bosses.  Side Note:  I am rewriting the Nuka World Quests so that it's possible to win the game without killing the bosses.  Adding the Nuka World Settlements Mod, allows me to take over settlements without pissing off the Minutemen.  I had to make one change to Factions, and Preston doesn't even care that I'm raiding nuka world. 

the only problem with the loyalty chip is that it changes(and cheats) the inventory(as well as skins for creatures). (I have no idea how to fix this issue)

24 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

I love Nuka World DLC, just saying. I never get tired of this game because I spend all my time there haha.

I do like that area, I should revisit it more (I barely played far harbor(all of the remaining achievements in my steam is from far harbor))


24 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Another side note:  You make your Storylines an option in the FOMOD.  I wouldn't.  I would just put them in because its kind of surprising when it pops up.  Like the Paperwork (which is "mostly rubbish") you scattered about.  Players think they wanna know what's going to happen, but the best part of playing is making it surprising, in my opinion :)  You added some awesome things that you can only figure out if you're actually playing, and not reading the ESP files.

there are two parts for the separated files.

1. some people want to play the game as someone other than Nate or Nora (start me up, etc) so having particular notes for Nate & Nora disrupt that idea

2. because of the awesome commonwealth captives, it does bloat some areas with useless NPCs (also some players don't want pregnant naked women around)



the future of the addon

1. I think I said about this before, but I would to add a caps container with a message to Nate & Nora's house that talks about the previous owners of the house. (Chinese-American owners who were shipped off to a detention camp OR Owners who died in the new plague(remember that existed in canon))

2. find a suitable office location for a law office that Nora worked (with notes about the defense of Eddie Winter)

3. find a location for Nate to have something important (such as a broken keycard for the speaker system at the south Boston checkpoint or something else)


something minor to expand the players family

25 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

But I am happy to report that:

1-- Neb's Cum Overlays is disappearing yours but the mod must have all things enabled.

2-- One thing Hardship -Beggar Whore did was add the Cum Tags to the AAF animations (He specifically talks about Savage Cabbages and BP 70 Anims) to add the "Cum is Produced" type tag.  That's probably why Neb's scripts are not working all the time, because they aren't tagged properly (His page states as much)  So I think his patch adds those missing tags.  You can probably do the same in your scripts by looking at the AAF properties on whether someone came (SexLab handled this perfectly so I hope the AAF team starts to standardize the tags)  But if a BP or Savage Cabbage Anim happens, I don't have any issues.  Its definitely the tags, same with the ZaZ squirt effects not being removed sometimes.

3-- Lactation is not working well.  I can only do the quick, which breaks immersion.  They did the same thing in Skyrim with Hentai Pregnancy, but he still made the Character go through an animation cycle.  That mod calculates "Jugs of Milk".  Each "Jug" adds to the discomfort of the Player.  However, his Quick Milk, goes just 1 full milking cycle, which is about 30 seconds (But was still immersive because the Player had to pause and milk).  Breasts are enlarged, milking occurs, breasts reduce in size, then begin to fill again over a 12 to 24 hour period.

4-- Everything else, from Hidden Synth, the Creature Attack Pregs, and the other options you offered are working very well.  However, if you are retooling the lactation, you have a timer because its sending the "So and So was Milked" message.  I would also reduce breast size at those intervals, because, that's how it works in real life :)  Same interval you use for increase, can be used for decrease.  

5-- For Pregnancy, I would do the same as above, since you are increasing size over time, I would give at least 3 FPER months for the stomach and breasts to go back to normal, over time.  I have had two babies, and it isn't realistic for anyone to go from 9 months pregnant to super trim and slim bad ass in 10 seconds :) Haha

6-- There are still many issues with the scripts not being updated with their property changes.  Debug Log is blowing up.  Its mostly Global Variable changes that aren't reflected in the "auto" properties.


I am very much enjoying the changes.  I hope you're not discouraged because these are really excellent mods.  And they make the game more realistic :)




1. so I think I removed all references to cum overlays but I will have another look. but I am fine if a cum mod is overriding my effects as well as they still can work when required

2. I will have a look

3. I will fix that in the next update, I didn't get around to swapping the body morphs. (besides I don't particularly want to follow another mod too much and I haven't played Skyrim in years)

4. hopefully that Hidden synth option does actually work (I copied some of scripts from synth swatter)

5. I was going to add postpartum but I decided last minute to reverse any work on it because it was going to add a fair bit of script for it to work. (next update)

6. I will have another look at it but here is the thing, I haven't actually played a proper game of fallout 4 in months.

I really want to

I have so many interesting mods to look at (looking at zorkaz worldspace mods)


and this means that I don't have any old save games (that work with the current mod list) so I don't know the long term effects of my changes.

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9 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

also some players don't want pregnant naked women around


In my case, I disable it because it results in naked males labeled "pregnant sex slave" or similar, due to also using MTO to make most "enemies" male (which includes the scavengers WDF's extras are based on).

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2 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


In my case, I disable it because it results in naked males labeled "pregnant sex slave" or similar, due to also using MTO to make most "enemies" male (which includes the scavengers WDF's extras are based on).

fair enough, when I am going to update it next, I will switch to the females from FPE so they should work

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1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

I think in all of my hours of the game, I barely play with companions

Dogmeat annoys me when travelling (always gets in my way)

All the companions except cait annoy me, before she is drug free.  Sad to say, but yes. Haha.  All of them are annoying to me.

1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

about Preston, that is why I like Thuggysmurf's mods because he manages to redeems and destroys him by making him into a bad guy.

(have you seen Agents of Shield? similar to Grant Ward who gotten considerable better when he became a bad guy)


the only problem with the loyalty chip is that it changes(and cheats) the inventory(as well as skins for creatures). (I have no idea how to fix this issue)

I do like that area, I should revisit it more (I barely played far harbor(all of the remaining achievements in my steam is from far harbor))

I completely understand this.  Far Harbor added some excellent things to the game, but the story totally fell flat.  I'm assuming they were going after the Shadow Over Innsmouth concept from HP Lovecraft, but it totally fell short.  New England fishing town over run by crazy.  Vault 118 was another opportunity wasted.  So much potential. I looked all over that vault for a story, but no.  So sad.  I haven't even explored all of Far Harbor because I was that disappointed in the implementation.

1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

there are two parts for the separated files.

1. some people want to play the game as someone other than Nate or Nora (start me up, etc) so having particular notes for Nate & Nora disrupt that idea

2. because of the awesome commonwealth captives, it does bloat some areas with useless NPCs (also some players don't want pregnant naked women around)



the future of the addon

1. I think I said about this before, but I would to add a caps container with a message to Nate & Nora's house that talks about the previous owners of the house. (Chinese-American owners who were shipped off to a detention camp OR Owners who died in the new plague(remember that existed in canon))

2. find a suitable office location for a law office that Nora worked (with notes about the defense of Eddie Winter)

3. find a location for Nate to have something important (such as a broken keycard for the speaker system at the south Boston checkpoint or something else)

I love this idea of back-story.  I'm trying not to change anything about the PC.  I want to introduce new paths they would probably have taken.  You basically have to choose between your child, crazy liberals (Railroad), crazy conservatives (BoS) and libertarians (Minutemen/Raiders).  Yes I love the idea of finding out where Nick and Nora worked.  I was just thinking that today.  But I've decided not to mess with that lore so I'll just insert new NPCs on that real.

1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

something minor to expand the players family

1. so I think I removed all references to cum overlays but I will have another look. but I am fine if a cum mod is overriding my effects as well as they still can work when required

2. I will have a look

3. I will fix that in the next update, I didn't get around to swapping the body morphs. (besides I don't particularly want to follow another mod too much and I haven't played Skyrim in years)

4. hopefully that Hidden synth option does actually work (I copied some of scripts from synth swatter)

5. I was going to add postpartum but I decided last minute to reverse any work on it because it was going to add a fair bit of script for it to work. (next update)

Yes, if you add Post Partum that would be awesome, because I am working on that now in my mod.  The after effects.  I have this script that basically checks to see if Shaun is still alive, and then the choices the PC has made.  That influences ambient grief and depression effects.  So, if you are playing the game without going after Shaun, the longer you are in game and not dealing with Shaun, it adds to the negative effects. Once you finish the Shaun storyline, I have ambient variables that will always be considered, but they will diminish over time.  Mostly to stay true to what a real person would do.  


Like, if the Player goes back to 111, they immediately have an increase in Depression and Grief, to a point, if you try to fast travel or go inside, the PC will refuse to go in.


1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:

6. I will have another look at it but here is the thing, I haven't actually played a proper game of fallout 4 in months.

I really want to

I have so many interesting mods to look at (looking at zorkaz worldspace mods)

Okay, you need to load your mods, and play for a few days.  When I am writing my mod, I go in, test then look for the next place to do something.  Modding should be for you and the people who play your mod.  I enjoy your mods because they let me just have fun.  And it is.  So if you're not playing FO why bother modding it? :)


Start a new game, and just start walking about.  Plus, you should always have a new clean start save to test with :)

1 minute ago, Invictusblade said:


and this means that I don't have any old save games (that work with the current mod list) so I don't know the long term effects of my changes.

All your changes are in the moment.  I've not seen any long term effects.

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8 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Okay, you need to load your mods, and play for a few days.  When I am writing my mod, I go in, test then look for the next place to do something.  Modding should be for you and the people who play your mod.  I enjoy your mods because they let me just have fun.  And it is.  So if you're not playing FO why bother modding it? :)

mainly because of two things

1. I actually do want to play it (but because of other mods, I always seem to be bug fixing (at the moment, I am trying to remove armor keywords and Armorsmith from my batch mods) half of the time, I refer to fallout as a spreadsheet game with rare amounts of violence added


2. it is a creative outlet for me, otherwise I pretty much do nothing much all day wasting skills I developed during Uni. (I live in a small town with crap internet because of reasons)


also about the lactation perk issue. which perk?


Active Milking Perk

Spend Milking Perk

Edited by Invictusblade
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