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@Invictusblade: Thanks so much for the new update! Sorry to keep pestering you about this, but in the MCM under Baby Options, the New Baby Smell Time in Game Hours still isn't settable even in the version you just uploaded. Like in previous versions, it immediately reverts to 1 no matter what I try to set it to.

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54 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

@Invictusblade: Thanks so much for the new update! Sorry to keep pestering you about this, but in the MCM under Baby Options, the New Baby Smell Time in Game Hours still isn't settable even in the version you just uploaded. Like in previous versions, it immediately reverts to 1 no matter what I try to set it to.

I may have mess something up, I will have a look


yep, I mixed up two of the values in the baby smell (the type had the 24 and the time had the 1)

I also fixed the mad cow transforming issue

uploading v2.80a soon

Edited by Invictusblade
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42 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

I may have mess something up, I will have a look


yep, I mixed up two of the values in the baby smell (the type had the 24 and the time had the 1)

I also fixed the mad cow transforming issue

uploading v2.80a soon


Yay! Thanks again for the quick feedback!

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On 1/27/2022 at 12:07 AM, Invictusblade said:

I will have a look at that

Yea cuz it would be pretty sick to have it as a recreational plot or a commerce plot where they sell the products or whatever cuz currently I have to have my sim settlements settlements be separate from my milk settlements. I dont know how difficult the process would be to add a custom plot to SS2.  

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@Invictusblade  So it seems lactaction may have an issue.  I put on the milker, and they stay on for one cycle then come off.  I think it may be left over from the previous MCM ini settings because they are reporting errors in the log.  I've tried changing them.  Tried removing the perk, then readding.  The perk is not being readded for some reason.


Just minor things.  I'll see if I can find the code bit.  I wanted to prepare to integrate these events into the other calculations, such as depression.  


I'll give you some examples here tonight when I finish this release.

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Call me whatever, but for some reason I just cannot get AAF, WD, or any of the related/connected/required mods to work. FO4 seems a lot more confusing and difficult than Skyrim or Skyrim SE. Can someone give me "infant-monkey-grade" step-by-step directions to get FPE, AAF, and WD to start working? There has to be something I am doing wrong but I don't know what.


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16 minutes ago, Talamaeus said:

Call me whatever, but for some reason I just cannot get AAF, WD, or any of the related/connected/required mods to work. FO4 seems a lot more confusing and difficult than Skyrim or Skyrim SE. Can someone give me "infant-monkey-grade" step-by-step directions to get FPE, AAF, and WD to start working? There has to be something I am doing wrong but I don't know what.



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3 hours ago, Mr.Grajill said:

Thank you for your hard work, but I have the same trouble as @Apollo2077 .

My settlers can not produce milk though wearing milk giver. I want to ask if there's a way to fix that bug now?

I tried reinstall the mod, but it didn't help.

so a couple of questions

1. is "Workshop NPC use this Milk System" On or Off?

2. which timer are you using for Breast milk milking? StartTimerGameTime or WaitGameTime?

3. How long is your time set for? and did you wait that long?

4. does NPC have Lactation? if required

5. is Resources required?

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9 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

so a couple of questions

1. is "Workshop NPC use this Milk System" On or Off?

2. which timer are you using for Breast milk milking? StartTimerGameTime or WaitGameTime?

3. How long is your time set for? and did you wait that long?

4. does NPC have Lactation? if required

5. is Resources required?

?I'm so happy to see you reply me so soon. Here is my situation:


1. Sorry but I want to know if it's an option named the same? I searched all the MCM options, but I didn't find it.

2. I use the latter one. Actually I used both of them. I stood in the game to wait and slept hours in game, no use as usual.

3. I set the time per 1 hour in game or 60 seconds in real world. I did wait long enough.

4. I don't know how to check if NPC have the perk, so I set "Not Required".

5. No...


I realized that I only produce seman or blood when I use the empty pack, I wonder if milk is the same ? Then how can I make NPC produce milk automatically??

(PS: I see "Manual" in the milk giver, so there's another "Auto" version? How to get that? )

Edited by Mr.Grajill
Grammatical Errors
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Milk Lounger seems to work, and the Milking Bed works though they don't lay on it.

I gave up on the portable milking machines, they didn't work on me or NPCs.


Also, idk how to use the Breeder Virus, I tried to inject myself with it and my character just ducks for a moment whenever I come out of workshop, pipboy or other 1st person view.

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1 hour ago, Darkanna17 said:

Milk Lounger seems to work, and the Milking Bed works though they don't lay on it.

I gave up on the portable milking machines, they didn't work on me or NPCs.


Also, idk how to use the Breeder Virus, I tried to inject myself with it and my character just ducks for a moment whenever I come out of workshop, pipboy or other 1st person view.


Same, there's no associated affect or perk listed for it in my Pip-Boy after injecting. I'm testing getting pregnant now so hopefully I'll be able to notice the accelerated gestation messages at least.

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The Lactation Perk is not being applied for some reason.  But I had debugging on.  This is the message

EDIT:  Found the Problem; Latest version the INVB_MCM is not compiled the new properties need to be set.  


Testing now.


EDIT:  Didnt' work. The only milking working for me right now is the Instant Milking.  StartGameTime is not working on this function


[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] error: Cannot call GetBaseObject() on a None object, aborting function call
    [ (FF006449)].fpfp_babyscript.OnInit() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BabyScript.psc" Line 63
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has started
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has determined we aren't NONE
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby found that the baby spawned was a misc object with FPFP_BabyScript applied onto it. Registering it into the array to keep it persistent
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has finished internal setup of timers and quests
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript < (FF006449)>] : On init has finished
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby ended iteration 1 of 1 total children
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby has finished adding children
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE Bab Handler - AddBaby has finished
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:54PM] FPE BabyScript [fpfp_babyscript <Item 1 in container  (00002CEB)>] : We've been moved to [ObjectReference < (00002CEB)>] from None
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:56PM] <<<<<<<<< DailyUpdate Finished for [workshopscript < (0009B18F)>]
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:57PM] <<<<<<<<< DailyUpdate Finished for [workshopscript < (00168945)>]
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:58PM] error: Cannot call HasPerk() on a None object, aborting function call
    [ (FF003B30)].fpfp_basepregdata.OnTimerGameTime() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BasePregData.psc" Line 1190
[01/29/2022 - 03:12:58PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp632"
    [ (FF003B30)].fpfp_basepregdata.OnTimerGameTime() - "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\FPFP_BasePregData.psc" Line 1190

Edited by Sthan Dust
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32 minutes ago, carstenqw said:

@Invictusblade There is also a bug where as a woman you can get the semen withdrawn perk and it will prevent AP from regenerating while it is active


I'm looking at the code now to see if it just needs to be recompiled.  The Quick Milk is the only thing that works, and the GameTime function doesn't seem to be firing in game to actually do the milking.  My Player had pasties on for an hour in realtime and only gave up one bottle.


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I believe I found the issue with Milking.

Look at the image I attached.  Looks like all the milking ARMO have not been reattached to the Script Properties.  I will test this a bit and see if it worked.


I had to compile them in the INVB_WastelandDairy.esp, then go into each ARMO and update the properties.  The errors in CK went away.



Okay, I tested and it is still failing in the code.  However, it didn't instantly give me milk, but it went through the loop like there was no timer.  So I think your WaitGameTime and StartGameTime are both having issues.  The Milking setting for StartGameTime never gives you milk.  The other gives it to you very fast.


Screenshot 2022-01-29 191859.png

Edited by Sthan Dust
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that is weird because it works for me and I do believe I updated everything


I will delete my loose scripts and try it again


update-> so I deleted the loose scripts because that might been an issue

but with the exception of StartTimerGameTime (which always been an issue with me) it works for me


can you upload your esp of WDF



Edited by Invictusblade
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14 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

that is weird because it works for me and I do believe I updated everything


I will delete my loose scripts and try it again

It is weird, but when I opened your mod in CK, it said quite a few scripts had not compiled and had dead references to auto properties.

And your Milking MCM options are not sticking.  So that's another problem. I have to tell you, my biggest problem yesterday was MCM.  It does weird things.

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53 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

that is weird because it works for me and I do believe I updated everything


I will delete my loose scripts and try it again


update-> so I deleted the loose scripts because that might been an issue

but with the exception of StartTimerGameTime (which always been an issue with me) it works for me


can you upload your esp of WDF



Me or Dust I dont know what you mean of esp i can send load order if you need? 

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54 minutes ago, carstenqw said:

Me or Dust I dont know what you mean of esp i can send load order if you need? 

I mean the file itself because I am pretty sure I have done everything correctly and it works for me

and I have been over the milker scripts and armor repeatedly


also post your load order



because the only things I can think of

1. installation problem (you are using an old version of the mod) *could be related to 3

2. some other mod is overwriting the milkers

3. it could be an issue because Creation kit converted WDF back into an ESP instead of an ESP/ESM

Edited by Invictusblade
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9 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Same, there's no associated affect or perk listed for it in my Pip-Boy after injecting. I'm testing getting pregnant now so hopefully I'll be able to notice the accelerated gestation messages at least.

I had the chances for pregnancy down to 0 but didn't change the individual sex/gender slider, female (player) was still at 100. I ended up pregnant with 5 kids to some random dude (either Mikey or Moss). That's the 1st time I've managed to get FPE to give me 5 human kids, ever. I think it had an effect, the crouching bug was a leftover (went away with quit and reload), but the effect on abdominal yield isn't visible until testing.

Edited by Darkanna17
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Manually adding the lactation perk (so I have it permanently now) didn't change anything, the portables still don't work.


- My puppies/grown dogmeaties seem to require beds and regular food now, like they're settlers. 
- How long do post-pregnancy bodymorphs last, do they go away over time, is there a way to change how long they last, is the change gradual or instant, is it an invisible equippable object?

- Is there a way to manually check in the console whether the Breeder Virus is active on a character?

- I think I broke the daddy quest, I turned "force father quest" off for Nate's triplets (didn't want to go looking for a disabled Nate) and then turned it back on for dogmeat and during random prostitution in the camps around Concord, but neither pregnancy has triggered "who's the father?"

Let me know if I'm bothering you or sounding demanding or needy, I really really like your work and I want to see it improve. I'd like to go through your English texts and fix them up if I may - like "i gonna miss this" and change it to "I'm going to miss this..." - hope that's not a bad thing to ask to do.

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26 minutes ago, Darkanna17 said:

I had the chances for pregnancy down to 0 but didn't change the individual sex/gender slider, female (player) was still at 100. I ended up pregnant with 5 kids to some random dude (either Mikey or Moss, great customers despite being huge nerds, offered to take me to a carnival (metajoke)). That's the 1st time I've managed to get FPE to give me 5 human kids, ever. I think it had an effect, the crouching bug was a leftover (went away with quit and reload), but the effect on abdominal yield isn't visible until testing.

I should really rename Chances to NPC Chances because there are two player based chances now


8 minutes ago, Darkanna17 said:

Manually adding the lactation perk (so I have it permanently now) didn't change anything, the portables still don't work.


- My puppies/grown dogmeaties seem to require beds and regular food now, like they're settlers. 
- How long do post-pregnancy bodymorphs last, do they go away over time, is there a way to change how long they last, is the change gradual or instant, is it an invisible equippable object?

- Is there a way to manually check in the console whether the Breeder Virus is active on a character?

- I think I broke the daddy quest, I turned "force father quest" off for Nate's triplets (didn't want to go looking for a disabled Nate) and then turned it back on for dogmeat and during random prostitution in the camps around Concord, but neither pregnancy has triggered "who's the father?"

Let me know if I'm bothering you or sounding demanding or needy, I really really like your work and I want to see it improve. I'd like to go through your English texts and fix them up if I may - like "i gonna miss this" and change it to "I'm going to miss this..." - hope that's not a bad thing to ask to do.

1. I will have a look at the bed issue (but I am fine with the food)

2. at the moment, forever because I haven't add a postpartum part yet.

3. check your perks in pipboy

4. I will have another look at this quest (but the quest didn't work properly in the first place(btw I didn't make the quest))


about the text, send me a esp/esl of your changes so I can fix them

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3 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

that is weird because it works for me and I do believe I updated everything


I will delete my loose scripts and try it again


update-> so I deleted the loose scripts because that might been an issue

but with the exception of StartTimerGameTime (which always been an issue with me) it works for me


can you upload your esp of WDF



My ESP is not clean yet. I am missing something.  So what's happening now is that it will do non-instant milk, but it does a loop that has no wait time. So I am trying to figure which script is causing the issue.  You have the MilkPack base for all the Milk devices. I would say that you should make the script on the "MilkPack" do all the work, because the others just changing the type of milk they produce. So OnMilk, you'd return like a MilkPack with a type, like Jet or buffout.

I'm looking at the code now, Because I'm also looking at what events I want to capture from you.  Like On Impregnated, On Birth, etc..


I think MCM is messing up (Just because I spent like 4 hours fixing that mess on my own mod which has a fraction of the settings you do).  I can't set the perks things to lactation.  And I can't get lactation in StartGameTime to work at all.  I've tried all the permutations.  I will look at your code in the AM. I'm sure its something stupid. I do this all the time :)❤️


I'll record a short video to show.

Edited by Sthan Dust
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