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8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

The Skyrim mods really give very little to NPCs other than boobs and bumps. I suggest that you handle all lactation effects in the Lactation Faction.  For performance, you can just say, if NPC is too far from PC, don't calculate anything other than the value, no morphing in game, just a value til needed.  Most NPCs that get pregnant and have a kid, I almost never see.  I have about 30 to 40 active pregnancies in game.

So I don't think anyone should be able to disable for immersion. Reset is okay, but the mod really is better if you enable all the related effects.  For instance, why would you not want breasts and butt enlarging during pregnancy. You are either pregnant or not. hahah ❤️  You have a lot of awesome settings, but the immersion comes from the stuff you hide in your code.  People love surprises.  I love the little files and notes you leave about in the game, like the DNA test. Those are awesome though "mostly rubbish" :)

basically I added a spell with a condition(MCM option) to the lactation perk



8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

So one ask I would have of you, which was also in the Skyrim Mod (Which you really should download and play the Lover's Lab mods on Skyrim.  SexLab is effing amazing.  The Hentai Pregnancy mod added a Post Partum phase, which I plan as one of my first 5 mental issues in Sanity Framework.  If a miscarriage happens, or they abort, or its a creature, or whatever, I could create an effect for each combination.

so one thing I am going to do is to make a aid object similar to spend perk idea

but it will activate when a dead baby happens or creature is born (MCM options) but at the moment, it will be a couple of perks


8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

I did love your Overlay Framework but it collided with a bunch of other mods I had, plus did unspeakable things to female body parts.  But totally not your fault, just a collision with other mods. Hahah.

what kind of unspeakable things? because It shouldn't do anything like that


8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

-- Add a post-partum phase = to FPE months.  The baby weight decreases over that period, rather from Pregnant to Super Trim in under 2 seconds. Hahha.  I'll see if I can write an addon for that.

-- CumOverlays: I like how your mod does it.  So rather than doing a SLM to remove residual overlays, maybe you just choose a single slot you use, and then have a clear function to remove that layer
-- Upload your new code to GitHub so I can refresh my fork :)❤️

I might add a simple post-partum system but I will wait a short while for that


here is the my two scripts to remove overlays.

Function RemoveMyOverlays_string(Actor akActor)    
    Bool isFemale = akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() as Bool
    Overlays:Entry[] ActorOverlays = Overlays.GetAll(akActor, isFemale)
    If (ActorOverlays.Length > 0)
        Int i = 0
        While (i < ActorOverlays.Length)
            If (Custom_strings_F.Find(ActorOverlays[i].template as String) > -1)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, isFemale, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            If (Custom_strings_M.Find(ActorOverlays[i].template as String) > -1)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, false, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            i += 1

Function RemoveMyOverlays_int(Actor akActor)    
    Bool isFemale = akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() as Bool
    Overlays:Entry[] ActorOverlays = Overlays.GetAll(akActor, isFemale)
    If (ActorOverlays.Length > 0)
        Int i = 0
        While (i < ActorOverlays.Length)
            If (ActorOverlays[i].priority as int == 7)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, isFemale, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
				Overlays.Remove(akActor, false, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            i += 1



8 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

Also tie your effects to gametime, not real time.  A PC should be able to sleep off things like, being covered in cum. :)  Or, add events like sleeping, swimming that would just remove any residuals.

yep, lesson learnt with that one



5 hours ago, KillinCuzICan said:

Not EVERYONE likes surprises, options are always better. That being said, the new-ish system sounds like fun Invictus and I'm looking forward to going back to being a walking, shooting milk dispenser!

well, in the upcoming version of wdf, I have added options for the following...


Creature Pregnancy Chance x 33 - Chances of creature impregnation

Creature Pregnancy Length x 33 - Length of Creature pregnancy

Creature Pregnancy Morph x 33 - How big is the belly

Creature Pregnancy Viable x 33 - if the creature survives childbirth

Spend Toggle x 3 - if there is a delay after milking

Quick use x 3 - Aid objects are quick(similar to old version)

NPC Workshop options x 3 - if milkers use the workshop version(slower) or personal(faster)

Lactation Effects - if lactation and active and spend perks have effects


(there are more options)

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quick question

how do you add objects to workshop from a NPC? (filled milk from NPC's wearing milkers)


Location workshopLocation = WorkshopParent.AddActorToWorkshopPlayerChoice(akActor) ; Assign NPC to workshop
WorkshopScript newWorkshop = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopFromLocation(workshopLocation) ; Get the workshop
	If newWorkshop
		If akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == GhoulRace
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Rads, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen1Race
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen2Race
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen2RaceValentine
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIF (RadLevel > INVB_Global_Rads.GetValue())
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Rads, GiftAmount, true)
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Breast, GiftAmount, true)

I am going to bed soon so I will be working on this tomorrow

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9 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

quick question

how do you add objects to workshop from a NPC? (filled milk from NPC's wearing milkers)


Location workshopLocation = WorkshopParent.AddActorToWorkshopPlayerChoice(akActor) ; Assign NPC to workshop
WorkshopScript newWorkshop = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopFromLocation(workshopLocation) ; Get the workshop
	If newWorkshop
		If akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == GhoulRace
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Rads, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen1Race
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen2Race
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIf akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetRace() == SynthGen2RaceValentine
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Synth, GiftAmount, true)
		elseIF (RadLevel > INVB_Global_Rads.GetValue())
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Rads, GiftAmount, true)
			newWorkshop.additem(Milk_Breast, GiftAmount, true)

I am going to bed soon so I will be working on this tomorrow

I have no tried yet, but I did notice that your scripts have trouble depositing things in workshop, saying its not found.


I did some digging on this, and there is a distance issue.  If its a large settlement, like spectacle island, it may not find the workshop because the NPC may be far away.  This becomes a bigger problem with expanded settlement mods.


[Edit:} I think the problem is also if you have any additional WorkShop mods installed, like Workshop+, Workshop Framework.  I noticed that the babies and gifts stopped being put in workshop after I installed these.  


Edited by Sthan Dust
New Idea
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4 hours ago, Rikbarf said:

I have a female pregnant character which is receiving the stat bonus from the magazine perks just fine, but I have another male character holding a baby and he does not receive the benefits. Any idea why?

Which benefits?  To my knowledge, most of the benefits come from being pregnant as a female.  I've not played a male character, but the pregnancy is the trigger for most effects, other than the New Baby smell which is limited.  Plus if you modify the baby at a workstation, I believe you can get effects by adding mods.  


Also, many of the perks are only for places like Vault 81.

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10 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

basically I added a spell with a condition(MCM option) to the lactation perk



so one thing I am going to do is to make a aid object similar to spend perk idea

but it will activate when a dead baby happens or creature is born (MCM options) but at the moment, it will be a couple of perks


what kind of unspeakable things? because It shouldn't do anything like that


It was messing with morphs from other mods.  Totally not your problem.  I'm retracing to see what caused the issues.  I got so used to how the Skyrim mods deal with morphing.  I never have collisions there, but those game mods have been around much longer.  The morphs in Skyrim almost never collide now.


I started a new game so I'll give it a go with the new character. 


10 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

I might add a simple post-partum system but I will wait a short while for that


here is the my two scripts to remove overlays.

Function RemoveMyOverlays_string(Actor akActor)    
    Bool isFemale = akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() as Bool
    Overlays:Entry[] ActorOverlays = Overlays.GetAll(akActor, isFemale)
    If (ActorOverlays.Length > 0)
        Int i = 0
        While (i < ActorOverlays.Length)
            If (Custom_strings_F.Find(ActorOverlays[i].template as String) > -1)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, isFemale, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            If (Custom_strings_M.Find(ActorOverlays[i].template as String) > -1)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, false, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            i += 1

Function RemoveMyOverlays_int(Actor akActor)    
    Bool isFemale = akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() as Bool
    Overlays:Entry[] ActorOverlays = Overlays.GetAll(akActor, isFemale)
    If (ActorOverlays.Length > 0)
        Int i = 0
        While (i < ActorOverlays.Length)
            If (ActorOverlays[i].priority as int == 7)
                Overlays.Remove(akActor, isFemale, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
				Overlays.Remove(akActor, false, ActorOverlays[i].uid as Int)
            i += 1



10 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

yep, lesson learnt with that one



I did find one thing I changed, that doesn't cause me nearly as many issues.  I installed the Mod for fixing the FPS issue, where game time is actually calculated based on frame rate.  That mod fixes that issue. I was running at 144 FPS, and it was totally messing up cooldowns and such.  This is a problem across all the mods.  We can thank our lord and saviour Todd Howard for this brilliant oversight that has carried to all his games.


10 hours ago, Invictusblade said:

well, in the upcoming version of wdf, I have added options for the following...


Creature Pregnancy Chance x 33 - Chances of creature impregnation

Creature Pregnancy Length x 33 - Length of Creature pregnancy

Creature Pregnancy Morph x 33 - How big is the belly

Creature Pregnancy Viable x 33 - if the creature survives childbirth

Spend Toggle x 3 - if there is a delay after milking

Quick use x 3 - Aid objects are quick(similar to old version)

NPC Workshop options x 3 - if milkers use the workshop version(slower) or personal(faster)

Lactation Effects - if lactation and active and spend perks have effects


(there are more options)

Oh I like that.  


One question I had, does the CustomEvents your mod sends, "FPFP_GiveBirth" "FPFP_Impregnate", does it tell you if the father was a creature?  I was going to hook this one up to the Sanity Framework this week.  From a RolePlay aspect, even though we can check if the PC is pregnant, they don't necessarily know who impregnated them.  I was going to add a Perk or Ability to eventually KNOW if you get impregnated by a creature, but I would say that would be per creature.  You may know the signs of being impregnated by a Wolf until you gave birth to a litter.  But that wouldn't automatically allow you to know all creature signs of pregnancy.  Maybe all canines.  Then we can classify the perk by species, like canine, reptile, etc.


I mention this because there's this effect in a Skyrim Mod where the PC's skin colour changes based on hormones.  I'd like to see this expanded based on which creature type you are impregnated by.  This then elevates ones stress and diminishes sanity when the changes start to occur.


That's why I was looking at your Overlay Framework, idea on how to do that.  Its fairly straightforward in the Skyrim mod.



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39 minutes ago, Sthan Dust said:

Which benefits?  To my knowledge, most of the benefits come from being pregnant as a female.  I've not played a male character, but the pregnancy is the trigger for most effects, other than the New Baby smell which is limited.  Plus if you modify the baby at a workstation, I believe you can get effects by adding mods.  


Also, many of the perks are only for places like Vault 81.

I'm talking about the benefits from the magazines named Maternal Instincts, two of them increase stats (charisma, luck and endurance) while being pregnant or holding a baby. 

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40 minutes ago, Rikbarf said:

I'm talking about the benefits from the magazines named Maternal Instincts, two of them increase stats (charisma, luck and endurance) while being pregnant or holding a baby. 

Okay, I'm looking at the code now.  It shouldn't care about gender, according to script.


Make sure you have the Perk, and then check that you're in the proper factions.  I use "Better Console" mod which will allow you to see all perks, factions, activeeffects, etc.  It looks like the "Baby Holding" Script puts you in 3 factions.  Probably the father's faction, and the others I'll have to open CK later and see.


The smell does dissipate over time.  I believe that Maternal Instincts only work constantly in Vault 81, or that's my understanding by reading the perk magazine text.  "The Women of Vault 81 get excited when you bring your babies to visit..." Not verbatim, but that's the general idea.


@Invictusblade Was working on the smell issue, from what I understand.  It works very well for me.

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9 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

I have no tried yet, but I did notice that your scripts have trouble depositing things in workshop, saying its not found.


I did some digging on this, and there is a distance issue.  If its a large settlement, like spectacle island, it may not find the workshop because the NPC may be far away.  This becomes a bigger problem with expanded settlement mods.


[Edit:} I think the problem is also if you have any additional WorkShop mods installed, like Workshop+, Workshop Framework.  I noticed that the babies and gifts stopped being put in workshop after I installed these.  


I have workshop framework

I decided to add a mcm option to control this so if "Workshop Gifter" is enabled(and working) then the workshop will get the milk otherwise the NPC will get them.

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19 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

I have workshop framework

I decided to add a mcm option to control this so if "Workshop Gifter" is enabled(and working) then the workshop will get the milk otherwise the NPC will get them.

Yeah, I'm getting this Error from Workshop Framework directly.  


[01/24/2022 - 05:29:00PM] error: Cannot check the buildable area of a None Workshop ref.
    [ (00000014)].Actor.IsWithinBuildableArea() - "<native>" Line ?
    [WSPlus_ActionManager (44000F99)].workshopplus:actionmanager.HandleGameLoaded() - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\WorkshopPlus\ActionManager.psc" Line 306
    [WSPlus_ActionManager (44000F99)].workshopplus:actionmanager.OnStageSet() - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\WorkshopFramework\Library\SlaveQuest.psc" Line 65


So there are bugs in that code that haven't been fixed which might be causing your issues.  And this is bothersome because my Fallout is not installed on that drive, so something is hardcoded to call files at a certain path.

Edited by Sthan Dust
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1 hour ago, Sthan Dust said:

Okay, I'm looking at the code now.  It shouldn't care about gender, according to script.


Make sure you have the Perk, and then check that you're in the proper factions.  I use "Better Console" mod which will allow you to see all perks, factions, activeeffects, etc.  It looks like the "Baby Holding" Script puts you in 3 factions.  Probably the father's faction, and the others I'll have to open CK later and see.


The smell does dissipate over time.  I believe that Maternal Instincts only work constantly in Vault 81, or that's my understanding by reading the perk magazine text.  "The Women of Vault 81 get excited when you bring your babies to visit..." Not verbatim, but that's the general idea.


@Invictusblade Was working on the smell issue, from what I understand.  It works very well for me.

Oh I see, I did not know those effects were meant to be active only while being inside vault 81. Thanks for clarifying.

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On 1/25/2022 at 11:24 AM, Rikbarf said:

Oh I see, I did not know those effects were meant to be active only while being inside vault 81. Thanks for clarifying.

I will have a look at this


edit-> because they should work all of the time not just in Vault 81 (but maybe I missed the beginning of the issue)

Edited by Invictusblade
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On 1/24/2022 at 7:49 PM, Invictusblade said:

I will have a look at this


edit-> because they should work all of the time not just in Vault 81 (but maybe I missed the beginning of the issue)

You are correct, that is precisely the issue I have. If it helps somehow, my male character is currently holding a white baby crafted from an abandoned baby. Upon waking up after sleeping a message appears "the smell has dissipated" or something like that.

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Switching to this now because my own Deathclaw babies hate me and they should have imprinted like the capturable ones, I'm assuming you fixed that in this one.


Thanks for all your help on the old mod. You're doing wonderful things here.


(edit) Should I disable AAF Family Planning Enhanced Addon Pack 1.2.1? It's from 2019 and I'm wondering if Dairy handles every pregnancy that it does. (/edit) 

Edited by Darkanna17
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1 hour ago, Darkanna17 said:

Switching to this now because my own Deathclaw babies hate me and they should have imprinted like the capturable ones, I'm assuming you fixed that in this one.


Thanks for all your help on the old mod. You're doing wonderful things here.


(edit) Should I disable AAF Family Planning Enhanced Addon Pack 1.2.1? It's from 2019 and I'm wondering if Dairy handles every pregnancy that it does. (/edit) 

Yes and no, depend on the egg, I believe I still have hostile deathclaw eggs (that are found in Deathclaw nests)


yes, disable the old addon pack, I have added so much content for interaction that I am not entirely sure if the older mods will work anymore.

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Fixed Milkers (with more than a few options)
Creature Pregnancy Chance - Chances of creature impregnation
Creature Pregnancy Length - Length of Creature pregnancy
Creature Pregnancy Morph  - How big is the belly
Creature Pregnancy Viable - if the creature survives childbirth
Creature Pregnancy Extra Children - How many children is roughly birthed
Spend Toggle - if there is a delay after milking
Quick use - Aid objects are quick(similar to old version)
NPC Workshop options - if milkers use the workshop version(slower) or personal(faster)
Workshop gifter option - Gives the Product to the Player(if in range) or NPC
Lactation Effects - if lactation and active and spend perks have effects
fix impregnation addon's
Added two more Bodytypes - should fix a couple of issues
added a different type of timer to objects such as babies
Added back the pregnancy version of Wasteland Resources

Among other changes and fixes


edit-> While I think I did everything correctly, I have a nagging doubt that I mess something up but I have no idea what

Edited by Invictusblade
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Hey, just wondering if you fixed the "add/remove lactation perk to player" "cheat" - I used it when I started immediately, considering I still had a baby at the start of the game (RP), but the perk went away very quickly. I added it later and gave myself a milker, it didn't work. Now when I hit the "cheat" button it does nothing, I can't lactate via that means. Is it possibly because I'm pregnant with Nate's triplets or something? No lactation until after birth, perhaps as a way to stop overlapping lactation perks from shortening the second one?

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Also, I'm wondering about "Use Wasteland Offspring" (or don't) in the options when installing/updating. What does that mean exactly? Is it another mod for compatibility's sake, or is it referring to something else, like pregnancy with monsters/animals? Would selecting that off cause behemoth offspring with a player to be human instead of supermutant?

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7 minutes ago, Darkanna17 said:

Also, I'm wondering about "Use Wasteland Offspring" (or don't) in the options when installing/updating. What does that mean exactly? Is it another mod for compatibility's sake, or is it referring to something else, like pregnancy with monsters/animals? Would selecting that off cause behemoth offspring with a player to be human instead of supermutant?

Wasteland Offspring is a creature mod that adds creature and cloning impregnation and other content


yes turning it off would turn creature offspring into humans (assuming that the FPE options are correct because you can turn it off there as well)

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4 hours ago, Sthan Dust said:

Heyya @Invictusblade


Love the new update.  Do you have CustomEvents I can hook into for pregnancy?  I would like to add an integration for the Sanity Framework to account of pregnancy in my calculations.  I wasn't sure if you had gotten that far.


No rush, but its on my TODO list.




I was looking into this until it became a hindrance to this release so I am going to look at it for the next update.

(I didn't want to mess anything up for this release)


also I have updated the scripts in github


btw are most of the changes understandable? especially the changes to the milkers. (such as the change of the timers)

as well as the new creature options


btw I was planning to do a creature age option for each (baby->child->adult) but that is very hard to express in a simple mcm option.

Edited by Invictusblade
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30 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

I was looking into this until it became a hindrance to this release so I am going to look at it for the next update.

(I didn't want to mess anything up for this release)


Awesome!  No rush!  I'm still working through the AAF Violate and Sex attribute hooks right now


30 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:

also I have updated the scripts in github


btw are most of the changes understandable? especially the changes to the milkers. (such as the change of the timers)

as well as the new creature options

Yes, I'm going to dig into it more this evening.  I had started last night but ran into a bug with my mod so I fixed that.

30 minutes ago, Invictusblade said:


btw I was planning to do a creature age option for each (baby->child->adult) but that is very hard to express in a simple mcm option.

I have to be honest, MCM is extremely limited in FO4, compared to the Skyrim version.  It is very persnickety.  And without the MCM Booster, it takes a long time to load.  It would be nice if you could display information in the MCM, rather than having to do messageboxes to get info.   I spent about 4 hours trying to figure how to just display information from the INI file, but its just not possible.


To do what you want, you'd almost have to have a separate section for each creature type with some sort of association.  So it could be









But that would get really hard to manage.  Or you could do it by Faction or Race.  I would think that all creatures in a similar race would have the same numbers for each stage.



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1 hour ago, Sthan Dust said:

To do what you want, you'd almost have to have a separate section for each creature type with some sort of association.  So it could be









But that would get really hard to manage.  Or you could do it by Faction or Race.  I would think that all creatures in a similar race would have the same numbers for each stage.



it is a lot worse than that.

it is a fraction of a variable.


lets use a dog as an example

a revived dog womb has a 0.3 growthmultipler

and the default human baby growth time is 36 FPE Months

36 X 0.3 = 10.8

= revived dog womb will grow up in 10.8 FPE Months


(btw the canon for extreme length is because of chemicals required for a external growth of a womb(something like that))


and then children can use its own growthmultipler or the babies one


so expressing this in a simple format for MCM is fairly hard



however because I am getting better with scripting, I might have a proper look at babies and children and see if I can change how it works

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