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Sorry, I haven't visited here for a couple of days. I suddenly lost interests in oblivion so I was just wandering around the internet and arguing with youtube racists for time killing.. you know, the usual.
I wasn't refering to you Garcemac no worry. Anyway, not important. Since I figure that throwing out half-done work for being annoyed is kinda childish, let me continue.
I'll separate the thread once I'm done with the 'SetSkin' thingy (because the current state of this isn't quite different from Reloaded for end-users). I'll probably upload the next version here tonight. The work is all done but I need to write a documentation about ini configuration, as it can be quite confusing for non-scripters.



Well, at least I need to know if this version works without critical bug, before I move this to another thread. My "testing" is very limited. I run oblivioin, cast the spell, set a body type and "oh, appearently it works." that is all. So, is 0.1 version playable? Any problem in actual game playing?

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Evening folks.


I'm back...sort of.


Movomo, thanks for picking up the torch and sorry for leaving everything in a semi-unfinished state.


Speaking to fajeena's issues...yes, I can fix the hole in the mesh.  That was an unintended result of my grand seam-mending experiment that started the entire Setbody Reloaded project last year.  Most HGEC style waist seams had fairly prominent seam lines which this mod entirely eliminated.  However, when I standardized the waist seam, I created a minor incompatibility with some of the pre-existing seams.  


I should be able to fix that with a script.


However comments like "Another reason why the SetBody reloaded HGEC  bodies are "shit" " are neither welcome nor productive.  If you don't like my work, don't use it.  I won't lose any sleep.

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@Movomo : been using version 0.1 a couple of days and it's working great :) to upgrade to 0.21 do i have to make a clean save ?

No. I'll mention it if updating requires a clean installing. However I don't think this will ever require clean save in the future.




In the meantime, I realized that 'SetSkin' is not quite possible for the moment. Because Blockhead 7.0 doesn't have script function yet that changes head/ear textures/models. This means if an imperial switches to a dunmer skin the face will remain same and vice versa.

Looks like ShadeMe is willing to update the function in the future version, so let's just wait.


Gerra will you update this yourself? If so be my guest, that's better I guess, or if not I'll make a new thread as it will take some time to update Blodehead.

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Gerra will you update this yourself? If so be my guest, that's better I guess, or if not I'll make a new thread as it will take some time to update Blodehead.



No idea yet.


Depending on how quickly I can get my rig to import/repair/export meshes I may tackle some of the HGEC incompatibilities that fajeena was angry about. 


As far as OBSE/Oblivion scripting...well I need to do a bit of an update to the break armor framework.  And Autosetbody needs to be completely re-written to be less of a resource hog.  I also have a bit of a backlog on updating my Blender scripts (that's what we call an understatement).


As long as your updated framework is compatible with legacy setbody calls, then we can just replace the current setbody.esp with your new version.  If not, then I can take a look into incorporating blockhead functionality into Setbody Reloaded.

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Not to get off-topic, but good to see you again gerra6, we were worried about ya.


Blame burn-out, a desire to get caught up on my games backlog, and then...well...Dark Souls went on sale.


I kept meaning to stop by and check in, but I kept putting it off until I was ready to take up modding again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Possible bug report: 


[tl;dr version:  The meshes for the "Normal - Soft" uncircumcised versions of many of the Robert's Male body variants are missing genitalia, and some of the circumcised menu options actually give you the uncircumcised meshes (and vice versa).]


I think I stumbled onto some buggy meshes in the Robert's male body varients.  I was trying the different options out and for many of the RM bodies the "Normal - Soft" varients are completely missing genitals.  In the group pic below from left to right: Average, Bulky, Muscular, Scrawny (which is fine and is shown for comparison), and Slender Athletic.  The lower body meshes don't line up at the waists either.  In the pic you can kind of see it on the guy on the right.  All the RM bodies except Scrawny, Boy 1, Boy 2, and Boy Athletic have problems with the "Normal - Soft" lower body versions.  I didn't check the other male bodies, just the Robert's ones.  I haven't check every single lower body possibilty for all the Roberts variants either.  I just stumbled upon this trying to set my PC to have a Heavy Muscular body with normal soft uncut penis and found him without any penis at all.


The picture with the 2 guys illustrates 2 other a minor problem with the menus.  The guy on the right was chosen "Muscular>Original."  The guy on the left was chosen with "Muscular>Original - Circumcised."  He's clearly not circumcised, the other guy is.  There's a mixup in the menu system.  The only other circumcised vs. uncircumcised pair that seems switched for the Muscular body is (possibly) the large semi-erect versions.  I checked all the lower body options for the Muscular body size, but I didn't exhausively check all the body sizes.  The few RM body sizes I spot checked all had switched circumcised/uncircumcised for the original versions.  This is really a minor issue, but thought I'd mention it.


I've resolved the texture issue in the 2nd picture, but I don't know if this is an isolated issue with PSE or if other Roberts textures are problematic, so I'll leave what I originally wrote:


The second issue is a texture issue. My character is wearing a ring of light (45 ft) and the genital texture on the guy on the right  doesn't match his skin and doesn't blend at the top in the pubic hair region. The guy on the left is fine.  Looking at all the Muscular body options, ALL of the circumcised versions show this behavior.  The uncircumcised versions match up fine to the rest of the body.


As I wrote this it suddenly dawned on me that PlayerSlaveEncounters actually overwrites your Imperial/male/footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds files, and that for the pictures I just grabbed a bunch of guards with MCS, so all are Imperial.  I thought I had corrected the issue with PSE, but I guess I never got around to it.  When I went back to the original Robert's body texture I was using for Imperial males the texture issue above corrected itself.  FWIW:  From the RMB v5.2 BAIN archive on Nexus, I've installed the "50 Imperial Textures RobM 6 - 2048" option, and for the normal map I used "100 - 6 normal map - imperial - 2048" option.  I have no idea what textures and normal map Ichabod included in PSE but they do not work well with Setbody's circumcised meshes, at least in my game. 




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Thank you Sarnaath. I confirmed both of your report - some RM variants' missing penis and mixup at the menu.
I've already fixed the menu issues, not only 'original' but some other skin/noskin mixup.
Also fixed ZKEC 'wide2' lowerbody menus before. I'll upload this version soon.

In the meantime, just copy & paste the missing genital from the original RM male bodies.
uploaded v 0.22 of Setbody (Blockhead)

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Movomo can you elaborate how your Setobdy works? It works the same as previous Setbody but instead uses real meshes and not "clothes meshes"? I am just curious.  :D


Uh..ok I guess.


Body items in Setbody Reloaded were clothing items, just like sack cloth pants/shirt or wrist irons, except that they are non-playable so they don't show up in your inventory menu. When we undress something, we need to equip that slot with these 'body-shaped clothing items'. So we want to catch these 'unequip' events happen. This is where we need 'OnActorUnequip' OBSE event handler (OBSE v20). It is triggered just before the actor undress something. We wait for a frame, and equip the body item for the corresponding slot.

Actually this is a damn smart idea when we don't have Blockhead, but potentially causes many bad things at the same time.

1. OnActorUnequip function will fire once every time anyone unequip anything. It includes scripted unequip such as Break Armor system or else. This means one unequip event could fire OnActorUnequip several times.

2. This method requires a quest script that runs once every frame. It remains idle most time, but still needs to run frame by frame to prepare for the busy moment.

Some people find these were heavy. I believe this was the main reason why some folks reported severe performance hit.


Blockhead Setbody, unlike this, will actually set the body mesh path directly. We couldn't set those body assets before. In the 'Characters -> Races' menu we can set body texture paths but cannot set mesh paths. Now Blockhead makes this possible.

Now we can set 'base' body assets for each individual reference. Simple as that, we no longer need to keep track of NPC-s to make them *look like* their bodies changed. We instead fire once and forget. We don't need event handler crap anymore because the new body path is the base path. So, every script in Blockhead Setbody actually does nothing unless you attempt to set a new body to an NPC. They are even easier to code than Setbody Reloaded.


Does this help? If you need the real technical stuff to learn scripting, you'd better be a bit more specific, and pm me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey movomo, I've been trying to make a script to catch what body the actor is currently using, so that I can later change the armor's nif path depending on the body the actor is using.



scriptname getiflightguts

string_var sbodytype
ref rtarget

begin onequip
    Let rtarget := GetSelf
    Let sbodytype := rtarget.GetBodyAssetOverride 2 2
    PrintToConsole "Actor's body is %s" sbodytype


Right now I'm trying to print to console what the actor is using.


However, GetBodyAssetOverride seems to be returning NULL. The player is using an override (lightGUTS upper and lower BBB), but the function isn't catching it. Do I have to put the plugin after your SetBody or something? Or should I check this with some other function?

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GetSelf won't return the target actor, it'll just return self. In this case it is a clothing or misc item.... Use GetContainer instead if you need to know exact mesh path.


However there is a similar function in Setbody. It is called BombshellGetCurrentAssets. (00081C)

It accepts the actor(ref) and the call type(int) as arguments and returns the currently set body type code (ex: DMRAB|DMRABU)

Note that the returning code is a composite one and contains all the body parts. You can call the bodyset function without correcting this, but you may need to separate the string into individual pieces for otherwise purpose.

Please see my readme file for details.


To be honest, I've never actually tested this function. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, in regards to autosetbody, i found that the DMR BBB cloth/armour mod

 which replaces all armour and cloth gears, renders autosetbody useless, as npc will always wear close and will appear to have BBB body. is there a fix to that? or a specific armour mod which works well with autosetbody?

many thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

SetBody Reloaded Unofficial Continuation

Beta v0.22










Any chance of a reupload? I can't open the archives with either 7-zip or winrar (Error: unknown method). I've donwloaded 0.22 and 0.21 several times to see if I've got a corrupted download, but to no avail.

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SetBody Reloaded Unofficial Continuation

Beta v0.22










Any chance of a reupload? I can't open the archives with either 7-zip or winrar (Error: unknown method). I've donwloaded 0.22 and 0.21 several times to see if I've got a corrupted download, but to no avail.

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Well sorry, but there is also another problem ( not  a "gap" this time but not better...)  : with the OP3 and  the BButt lowers.


I saw somewhere is this topic that the "bounce was redefine " ... i see it looks much more like the "old moving breast " system , but there 'll be some problems with some animations too , especially in "the back" side ...


Below , i've posted two file *² , sorry this an "avi" .format , i don't know how to create a "gif "...  Meshes used in the two files :  Upper , C or D cup HGEC from this topci , and lower manga HGEC ... the first from the Electro's Body Designer Spell ... BButt too of course.


The second  file is the one provided by this "Reloaded version 1-20" . I also tried with a few other lowers from different sources , with  no problem .




*² : sorry , only one file, the first isn't necessary. I must lear how to compress some files ... never used 7.z before to compress something nor Winzip and Co ...





NB : the animation  used is "Rubbidy" from the "FF ' Custom Animation 1-0 "  from this LL link:




PS  ( 2013-11-11 07:45 PM) : in this picture , another similar problem : this time i only used a simple "Breathing idle" from NOMAaM ... Upperbody : HGEC_BMRA(UpperBodyMan) , lowerbody : HGEC Langa BButt.


Same Result with an UpperBody HGEC Manga.


This problem occur only with the BButt versions. I thing you made wrong by changing the OP3 Node animation ...

Not tried yet with some DMRA, just because i don't like DMRA and of course don't use it.



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I just wanted to say thanks for the work porting this to blockhead. I play oblivion on an older machine, and switching to the blockhead version strongly improves FPS.


With the current version (22 i think?), i can still report issues with glitches/holes between upperbody and lowerbody... it tends to not be visible during idle and walking (but rarely is), but is often visible during sex. Affected is ZKEC and i think HGEC too.


I should perhaps say, that i have not downloaded any new meshes, but am still using the ones from original setbody reloaded (so, i only replaced the plugin, added blockhead and the ini. The glitches were not happening with the original plugin). If there are fixed meshes available, i'd be happy if someone could link me to their location.

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