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On 4/26/2024 at 2:31 PM, Machiavelique said:

It might be a good idea to repeat the tests in a new game with a minimum number of mods loaded.


Here, you could find in attachement 2 saves games :  Saves Trudy Fertility bugged.zip

508 : 19 october 81

509 : 27 october 81


I hope it will help you to investigate why Trudy's fertility cycle remains at 0% and whether other NPCs may be affected by this problem (it may be a question of age, but I'd like confirmation). Good to know : Sunny is in the same cell than Trudy and her fertility cycle works fine.



To make these savefiles, I've started a new game with the following Mods :

- SexoutNG 2.10.97

- SexoutCommonResources july 01 2023

- SexoutSpunk 1.0108.7

- SexoutPregnancyV3-20240412
- MCM 42507-1-5


Pregnanccy setting:

- Fertility Cycle Length : 10 days

- Female Fertility Enable : '4'

- (I've also changed minor settings but I'll let you see my Pregnancy configuration in the savefile)


I also use NVSE 6.2.9 with NVSE extender v19

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Machiavelique said:


Here, you could find in attachement 2 saves games :  Saves Trudy Fertility bugged.zip

508 : 19 october 81

509 : 27 october 81


I hope it will help you to investigate why Trudy's fertility cycle remains at 0% and whether other NPCs may be affected by this problem (it may be a question of age, but I'd like confirmation). Good to know : Sunny is in the same cell than Trudy and her fertility cycle works fine.

Made my tests using your save file. Fertility tokens on regular npcs appears only after vaginal sex that happens nearby or by player (900 units around player, fertility is set to 4, sex act should be vaginal, any other will be ignored).
Seems like originally it was made for optimization reasons, as giving tokens to every single female npc in radius would have been very performance demanding. Player and Companions (Sunny is treated as companion in SCR) have fixed IDs and fixed amount of actor references with expected performance loss, adding tokens to them automatically is not a big deal, unlike giving it to every npc. At least this is how I think it was made by original creators.

Who knows maybe later I'll find a way to rewrite this old code to make it work the other way, but for now I'll leave it as is.

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I agree that performance gains are preferable to functionality gains.

Indeed, after a sexual act that makes her pregnant, the fertility cycle increases. So I suppose a vaginal sex with the strapon and strapon ejaculate SPUNK option enabled, it should work (I'll try to do the tests later).


3 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:

Who knows maybe later I'll find a way to rewrite this old code to make it work the other way, but for now I'll leave it as is.


I just was going to ask you if you could give a random fertility cycle after the Fertility tokens have been assigned to the NPC, but I've done some tests and I can see that it already works that way. So I don't think you should improve this point either.




But I have another suggestion to make:

Is it possible to adjust the belly size in relation to the Max Belly size and PregPercent ?

For the moment, I have the impression that there are defined thresholds like :
- At x% of PregPercent the belly size is 1
- At y% of PregPercent the belly size is 2
- At z% of PregPercent the belly size is 3


Would it be possible to have something like :

belly size = 1+ [(PregPercent+offset)/100 * (Max Belly Size -1)]


with 'offset' < 100/Max Belly size  (I think offset = 14.2 is great if 'PregPercent' never exceeds 100%.)

with 'belly size' an integer

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Machiavelique said:

But I have another suggestion to make:

Is it possible to adjust the belly size in relation to the Max Belly size and PregPercent ?

For the moment, I have the impression that there are defined thresholds like :
- At x% of PregPercent the belly size is 1
- At y% of PregPercent the belly size is 2
- At z% of PregPercent the belly size is 3


Would it be possible to have something like :

belly size = 1+ [(PregPercent+offset)/100 * (Max Belly Size -1)]


with 'offset' < 100/Max Belly size  (I think offset = 14.2 is great if 'PregPercent' never exceeds 100%.)

with 'belly size' an integer

Current formula is a bit more complex, don't know how to even type it correctly, but it looks something like this,


;example values - FetusStartSizeCauc = 0.01, FetusMaxSizeCauc = 100, FetusStartSizeDC = 5, FetusMaxSizeDC = 40

PregSizeOfFetus = FetusStartSize + ((FetusMaxSize - FetusStartSize) * (PregPercent * 0.01)) ;starting values depends on fetus type
TotalPregSize = PregSizeOfFetusType1 * PregCountOfFetusType1
TotalPregSize += PregSizeOfFetusType2 * PregCountOfFetusType2 ; if more than 1 pregnancy, repeat for each extra pregnancy

ResultBellySize = BaseBellySize + ((TotalPregSize / 28) + CumBloat) ;Base belly size can be set in mcm, same for cumbloat effect
if ResultBellySize > MaxBellySize
   ResultBellySize = MaxBellySize

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Posted (edited)

Indeed it's a bit more complex. I can only think of two solutions:
1°) Completely rework the belly size formulas (I'd like to avoid that)
2°) Weight the ResultBellySize by a MaxBellySize/MaxBellySizeAllowedInMCMoption ratio (simple and effective)


In fact, problem is with a female player, 1 pregnancy (human semen), Cumbloating 10%, belly size adjustement 0.0, Max Belly Size 7, she has a belly of 7 towards the end of her Pregnancy cycle (I can't remember how many percent).
However, in view of the formulas above, I should get a ResultBellySize of 3.67 (so 3 if truncated). But as you point out, the formulas are more complex and it just looks like something similar to what you wrote above. So what I'm proposing in solution 2 may not be appropriate.



Solution 1°)

Understand all the parameters that the original author wanted to take into account in order to keep all the ideas.

The first formula I proposed above isn't bad, but it doesn't take into account many parameters that I hadn't thought of. I can improve my formula, but before that I need to fully understand how the current formula works.


Solution 2°)

PregSizeOfFetus = FetusStartSize + ((FetusMaxSize - FetusStartSize) * (PregPercent * 0.01)) ;starting values depends on fetus type
TotalPregSize = PregSizeOfFetusType1 * PregCountOfFetusType1
TotalPregSize += PregSizeOfFetusType2 * PregCountOfFetusType2 ; if more than 1 pregnancy, repeat for each extra pregnancy

ResultBellySize = BaseBellySize + ((TotalPregSize / 28) + CumBloat) ;Base belly size can be set in mcm, same for cumbloat effect

ResultBellySize *= MaxBellySize/7
if ResultBellySize > MaxBellySize




Whether it's solution 1 or 2, I need to take a look at the script to understand all the ideas behind it.

Edited by Machiavelique
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Machiavelique said:

In fact, problem is with a female player, 1 pregnancy (human semen), Cumbloating 10%, belly size adjustement 0.0, Max Belly Size 7, she has a belly of 7 towards the end of her Pregnancy cycle (I can't remember how many percent).
However, in view of the formulas above, I should get a ResultBellySize of 3.67 (so 3 if truncated). But as you point out, the formulas are more complex and it just looks like something similar to what you wrote above. So what I'm proposing in solution 2 may not be appropriate. Can you give me the name of the script concerned ?

As I can understand, originally there was only up to P3 max (looking at original SCR outfit conversions), so for human pregnancy P3 is even looking more or less realistic. But then there was made a breeding mods that required more extreme measures for fantasy, so now we have P7 as max belly size. To get P7 you need extra fetuses, either of 1 type or many, or cum bloat in extreme amounts(even with default 10%, deathclaw can overfill you very fast).
MaxBellySize is a mcm value, just forgot to mention it, so if it's set to 2, result size will cap at 2.
Formulas is spread around the code, most of them can be found there: SexoutP3SUDFPregnancy, SexoutP3SUDFBellyCalc, SexoutP5SBodyCalcs.

cumbloat formula from SexoutP1SUDFSemenSpermCount
CumBloat = (SemenTotal * 0.005) * (CumBloatPerc * 0.01) ;CumBloatPerc is mcm value, SemenTotal is all semen from NX - "Spunk:Vol:Inside" for females or "spunk:vol:anus" for males
if CumBloat > (CumBloatPerc * 0.01)
   CumBloat = (CumBloatPerc * 0.01)

Edited by Neutron_rus
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Does anyone know if there is a download link for Maternity Clothes that is not Torrent based?


I am getting Brainwashed Breeders with just a floating head and missing body, and I suspect it is because I did not install that torrent file.

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Posted (edited)

What I wanted to achieve was the following
* When you set the MaxBellySize to 6, you guarantee the player a belly of 6 at the end of pregnancy (around 90%) and a belly of 3 in the middle of pregnancy (around 40%).
* When you set the belly size to 5, you guarantee the player a belly of 5 at around 90% of pregnancy, a belly of 2 at around 30% of pregnancy, a belly of 3 at around 50% of pregnancy, etc.


This is not possible because of 3 things:
- The CumBloat (but this should be easily solved, just need to extract it from the formula and manage it separately)
- The type of Fetus, which will have different parameters depending on the genitor (and I can see that there are a ton of possibilities, it's really very complete)
- The number of Fetuses

Either we guarantee a maximum belly size to be reached with a bloating proportional to the pregnancy cycle, or we have a more complex system that will manage the belly size itself according to an incredible number of possibilities, and at best we propose to the player to cap the belly size with a variable. But we can't have both at the same time.


The second solution was chosen for the pregnancy and, honestly, it's much better that way. What I was trying to do is far more problematic.




19 minutes ago, DeepBlueFrog said:

Does anyone know if there is a download link for Maternity Clothes that is not Torrent based?



I think here, you can find a Mega link in download section




Or here for Maternity Pack Overkill, you can find Google drive link or Mega link in the download section

Edited by Machiavelique
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I just found it in the downloads while searching for something else and I was coming here to answer my own question :)

I do have Maternity Pack overkill but that didn't help with my missing body mesh issue. I will see if Maternity clothes helps.

Is it ok to use both or should I remove Overkill if I muse Maternity Clothes?

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6 hours ago, Machiavelique said:

What I wanted to achieve was the following
* When you set the MaxBellySize to 6, you guarantee the player a belly of 6 at the end of pregnancy (around 90%) and a belly of 3 in the middle of pregnancy (around 40%).
* When you set the belly size to 5, you guarantee the player a belly of 5 at around 90% of pregnancy, a belly of 2 at around 30% of pregnancy, a belly of 3 at around 50% of pregnancy, etc.

I can try to add this as separate "simplified pregnancy" function, but I still don't really understand what the point of it. To ensure that player will see all stages gradually whatever the pregnancy type and amount?

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6 hours ago, DeepBlueFrog said:


I just found it in the downloads while searching for something else and I was coming here to answer my own question :)

I do have Maternity Pack overkill but that didn't help with my missing body mesh issue. I will see if Maternity clothes helps.

Is it ok to use both or should I remove Overkill if I muse Maternity Clothes?

they are different mods.

Maternity Clothes is part of Ritual Clarity's SexoutCommonResources installation guide, and part of SexoutFrameWorkAssortment.

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Posted (edited)

To put it simply:
- I did Pregnancy tests with humans/creatures.
- In my tests I wrongly deduced that whatever the number of babies, the belly size would always reach a value of 7 at the end of Pregnancy.
- I therefore thought that the only trick that Pregnancy mod offered was to cap the belly size using the MaxBellySize MCM option.

- However, capping the belly size has the following major disadvantage: if you reach a belly size of 4 at 50% of the pregnancy percentage (and you have set the maximum belly size to '4'), the belly size will not change for the remaining 50%. So with a gestation period of '280 days', this means that the belly size will reach its maximum value (4) after 140 days, and will remain at 4 for the remaining 140 days (it's very long and not very realistic).

To fix it, my idea was to make the belly bloat proportional to the maximum belly size desired by the player.



I'd like to emphasise that what I've written above is due to a misunderstanding I had of how belly size works for Pregnancy.

Your explanations have helped me to see things a bit more clearly. Not completely, but enough for me to realise that the problem shouldn't be solved in this way (it would inhibit some of the functionality thought up and developed by the original authors, and inhibiting such complete functionality would be stupid).







So I did other tests, with much more care, and here are the results (PregPercent Values are not exact but very close) :


1 child (human semence)

PregPercent                         Belly size

0                                                 0

27%                                            1

57%                                            2

84%                                            3

100%                                          3


2 childs (human semence)

PregPercent                         Belly size

0                                                 0

15%                                            1

28%                                            2

47%                                            3

61%                                            4

75%                                            5

84%                                            6

97%                                            7



The great thing is that my measurements are coherent with the formulas you've posted.

However, there is always one major problem: having twins is enough to get a belly of 7, which is completely absurd compared to the size of the belly.

If you carry 4 (human) children, you can estimate that you will obtain an unrealistic belly size of 7 around 50% of Pregnancy Lenght (then, strangely, the belly size no longer changes during the remaining 50% of the time).





In my opinion, the fisrt start is to establish a correlation between different belly sizes (at the end of pregnancy) and the number of human babies they represent.. Then for each creature define the baby creature size in human baby size (eg: 1 centaur = 3.75 human, 1 dog = 0.3 human etc). It seems there's something in this direction with FetusMaxSize and FetusStartSize, but I'm not sure it's very easy to handle.  


The important thing is to fix it for every realistic cases cause obviously, this problem of belly size reaching the maximum size too early in the Pregnancy Lenght will always remain present in the most extreme cases (Unless you calculate in advance the final size of the belly at the beginning of the pregnancy and cancel the development of excessive Fetus in order to keep a proportional link between the size of the belly and the pregnancy cycle).




18 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:

I can try to add this as separate "simplified pregnancy" function, but I still don't really understand what the point of it. To ensure that player will see all stages gradually whatever the pregnancy type and amount?


I admit that the way I presented things was a bit confusing, but I hope I've made myself clearer.

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If I remember rightly, I originally went with the cap option because some people decided they didn't like the P6-P7 pregnancy models and I got a feeling it was only an appearance cap so other effects like P8, P9 etc. still applied regardless of the displayed size for larger or multiple pregnancies. Of course, I haven't played NV for over 10 years I have no idea what changes have been made since, but its great to see it still going and in good hands :)

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Machiavelique said:

If you carry 4 (human) children, you can estimate that you will obtain an unrealistic belly size of 7 around 50% of Pregnancy Lenght (then, strangely, the belly size no longer changes during the remaining 50% of the time).

For all humans, 3 babies is a hard cap, should be 75/25% then. I mostly test pregnancy with length set to 1% that makes this 2xx days into just 2, so it's never a big deal for me.


9 hours ago, Machiavelique said:

- However, capping the belly size has the following major disadvantage: if you reach a belly size of 4 at 50% of the pregnancy percentage (and you have set the maximum belly size to '4'), the belly size will not change for the remaining 50%. So with a gestation period of '280 days', this means that the belly size will reach its maximum value (4) after 140 days, and will remain at 4 for the remaining 140 days (it's very long and not very realistic).

Yes, sound about right.


9 hours ago, Machiavelique said:


In my opinion, the fisrt start is to establish a correlation between different belly sizes (at the end of pregnancy) and the number of human babies they represent.. Then for each creature define the baby creature size in human baby size (eg: 1 centaur = 3.75 human, 1 dog = 0.3 human etc). It seems there's something in this direction with FetusMaxSize and FetusStartSize, but I'm not sure it's very easy to handle.  


The important thing is to fix it for every realistic cases cause obviously, this problem of belly size reaching the maximum size too early in the Pregnancy Lenght will always remain present in the most extreme cases (Unless you calculate in advance the final size of the belly at the beginning of the pregnancy and cancel the development of excessive Fetus in order to keep a proportional link between the size of the belly and the pregnancy cycle).

I will see what I can think of for this one, right now I'm rewriting some parts of SOPreg for optimization and maybe to introduce scanner-like distribution function for fertility tokens, instead of sex based one.



Some example of current settings:

Human, cap at 3, startsize=0.01, maxsize=98~102, preglength=280. 
Centaur counts as pup, hard cap is 6, base settings startsize=0.01, maxsize=75, preglength=200.
Dog, cap at 6, startsize=0.01, maxsize=45, preglength=60.
Bighorner, cap at 1, startsize=0.01, maxsize=300, preglength=300.
SuperMutant, cap at 1, startsize=0.01, maxsize=200, preglength=300.
Gecko, cap at 8, startsize=0.01, maxsize=15, preglength=25.

Deathclaw, cap at 3, cap for alpha and female eggs at 1, in theory can be up to 5 eggs in total, startsize=5, maxsize=35~45, preglength=170~180. 


Oh, while checking stats, I noticed that only humanoids have extra hard cap of 3 that prevents to have any extra humanoid type babies. Creatures doesn't have any extra checks, so in theory you can have 6 male dogs and 6 female ones at the same time (+ extra 6m 6f cayotes and this can include every creature), though I don't think it's actually possible to reach this w/o giving tokens as is, as i'm sure it goes like 1 fetus per ova, and max possible ova you can have is 5 (9 with fertility drugs) if fertility is set to 300%.

Edited by Neutron_rus
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Posted (edited)


4 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:


Some example of current settings:


Human, cap at 3, startsize=0.01, maxsize=98~102, preglength=280. 
Centaur counts as pup, hard cap is 6, base settings startsize=0.01, maxsize=75, preglength=200.
Dog, cap at 6, startsize=0.01, maxsize=45, preglength=60.
Bighorner, cap at 1, startsize=0.01, maxsize=300, preglength=300.
SuperMutant, cap at 1, startsize=0.01, maxsize=200, preglength=300.
Gecko, cap at 8, startsize=0.01, maxsize=15, preglength=25.

Deathclaw, cap at 3, cap for alpha and female eggs at 1, in theory can be up to 5 eggs in total, startsize=5, maxsize=35~45, preglength=170~180. 


Oh, while checking stats, I noticed that only humanoids have extra hard cap of 3 that prevents to have any extra humanoid type babies. Creatures doesn't have any extra checks, so in theory you can have 6 male dogs and 6 female ones at the same time (+ extra 6m 6f cayotes and this can include every creature), though I don't think it's actually possible to reach this w/o giving tokens as is, as i'm sure it goes like 1 fetus per ova, and max possible ova you can have is 5 (9 with fertility drugs) if fertility is set to 300%.



That's why you're one of the best people to make these changes. There are a lot of parameters and it would take me an eternity to understand how Pregnancy handle them.

For example, you say it goes likes 1 fetus per ova, but I can see in the MCM menu a "multiple conception chance" option which seems to me to be similar to identical twins (same ova), and therefore the opposite of fraternal twins (two separate ova). 


So I wonder whether activating this option would allow the player to exceed the hard cap you described ? If so, how much Fetus can we get from "multiple conception" chance ? And what happens at 300% fertility + Max fertility drugs + Multiple conception chance? 

These questions are important for correctly estimating the size of bellies according the current paramters, and then consistently defining the number of human babies they can contain (the human baby would be the point of reference for creatures)



For example, let's imagine the following table:

Number of       Belly size at 100%                        Belly volume

human baby         pregnancy                       (in human baby units)
1                                   3.3                                               3.3
2                                   3.9                                               7.8
3                                   4.4                                               13.2
4                                   4.8                                               19.2
5                                   5.2                                               26
6                                   5.5                                               33
7                                   5.8                                               40.6
8                                   6.1                                               48.8
30                                  7                                                 210
31                                7.05                                              218.55
32                                7.10                                              227.2


This table above does not need to be included in the code, it simply serves as a basis for work.


You can note that we'll certainly never reach 30 human babies in a Belly, but that doesn't matter because the idea is to define a volume (in terms of human babies) in relation to the visual effect represented by the Belly.

The difficulty lies in drawing up the table correctly and seeing whether all the Belly sizes can be reached according to the Pregnancy parameters. It may be simpler to define a belly volume based on the visual effect of BellySize and then to evaluate the volume of a human baby. In all cases, it will be easier to work with an Excel file.



I suppose the formulas should then go something like this :


TotalPregVolume = 0


Foreach Fetus as FetusX
    PregVolume_FetusX = StartSize_FetusX + ((MaxSize_FetusX - StartSize_FetusX) * (PregPercent * 0.01)) ; with MaxSize_FetusX = 3.3 for human
    TotalPregVolume += PregVolume_FetusX


; Note that the values below are approximate, which is why I think it would be simpler to define a belly volume based on the visual effect of BellySize, and then define the volume of a human baby (and not the opposite as I did above).

if 3.3 < TotalPregVolume <= 7.8               THEN              BellyPregSize = 3   

if 7.8 < TotalPregVolume <= 19.2             THEN              BellyPregSize = 4

if 19.2 < TotalPregVolume <= 40.6           THEN              BellyPregSize = 5     



TotalBellySize = BaseBellySize + BellyPregSize + CumBloat


if  TotalBellySize > MaxBellySize              THEN          TotalBellySize = MaxBellSize


; MaxSize_FetusX must therefore be determined consistently for each creature


Edited by Machiavelique
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2 hours ago, Machiavelique said:

That's why you're one of the best people to make these changes. There are a lot of parameters and it would take me an eternity to understand how Pregnancy handle them.

For example, you say it goes likes 1 fetus per ova, but I can see in the MCM menu a "multiple conception chance" option which seems to me to be similar to identical twins (same ova), and therefore the opposite of fraternal twins (two separate ova). 


So I wonder whether activating this option would allow the player to exceed the hard cap you described ? If so, how much Fetus can we get from "multiple conception" chance ? And what happens at 300% fertility + Max fertility drugs + Multiple conception chance? 

These questions are important for correctly estimating the size of bellies according the current paramters, and then consistently defining the number of human babies they can contain (the human baby would be the point of reference for creatures)

Looks like it can happen once for human pregnancy, hard cap of 3 will remove any excess, as that check goes after pregnancy have started, while multiple conception one is before. But for creatures it might be possible to get many more in total, or at least I think so, and then cap for each token will removes any extra. I still don't understand like half of SOPreg code, lol

let fSpermChance := fOvaQuality * SexoutP0QVAR.fFertPeakPercM
let fMultConcChance := (SexoutP0QVAR.iMultConcAdj / 100) ; iMultConcAdj mcm value
; *** Set chances of multiple pregnancy from single ova to add extra offspring
if iBabyCount > 0 && fMultConcChance > 0 && iPregCountHumanoid < 1
	let fBabyCountAdj := (fSpermChance / 100) + fMultConcChance + (NX_GetRandom 0, 3)
	if fBabyCountAdj >= 1
		let iBabyCount += fBabyCountAdj


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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:

But for creatures it might be possible to get many more in total, or at least I think so, and then cap for each token will removes any extra

It's reassuring because, on the whole, it makes a certain amount of sense and the fact that the cap for each token will removes any extra is a good thing because it acts as a safeguard.


8 hours ago, Neutron_rus said:


let fSpermChance := fOvaQuality * SexoutP0QVAR.fFertPeakPercM
let fMultConcChance := (SexoutP0QVAR.iMultConcAdj / 100) ; iMultConcAdj mcm value
; *** Set chances of multiple pregnancy from single ova to add extra offspring
if iBabyCount > 0 && fMultConcChance > 0 && iPregCountHumanoid < 1
	let fBabyCountAdj := (fSpermChance / 100) + fMultConcChance + (NX_GetRandom 0, 3)
	if fBabyCountAdj >= 1
		let iBabyCount += fBabyCountAdj



I admit I don't understand the idea.

It's strange because If the player set the multiple conception chance to 1% in MCM menu, the extra offsping is 75%  with Peak Male Semen Quality * Ova quality < 99, and 100% with Peak Male Semen Quality * Ova quality >= 99


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I have been struggling, I am trying to install everything. From Sexout to Sexout pregnancy, And everything looked like it was working until I ran into the Fertile Breeders NPS's, they were invisible except their heads and hands. I tried to download the correct meshes, the right body modifiers and nothing seems to be working. I am using Vortex because FOMM kept crashing for me. And now my nude character is also missing their body. 

Can anyone help?

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I just re-installed NV today, and spent all day updating my mods and everything after years of not playing. I have everything working smoothly, which... is shocking. Though I have run into a problem and I'm not sure if anyone else has dealt with it, I feel like I've narrowed it down to pregnancy as a mod. when I try to adjust the pregnancy timer from 3% to say... 10% or something. A few seconds after I close the menu it resets back to 3%.

At first I thought maybe it was a MCM issue, but it's only the pregnancy length time that resets everything else stays to whatever I set it to. Any ideas on what might cause that?

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25 minutes ago, seyal said:

just re-installed NV today, and spent all day updating my mods and everything after years of not playing. I have everything working smoothly, which... is shocking. Though I have run into a problem and I'm not sure if anyone else has dealt with it, I feel like I've narrowed it down to pregnancy as a mod. when I try to adjust the pregnancy timer from 3% to say... 10% or something. A few seconds after I close the menu it resets back to 3%.

At first I thought maybe it was a MCM issue, but it's only the pregnancy length time that resets everything else stays to whatever I set it to. Any ideas on what might cause that?

I heard about this bug once, but didn't figured out what it was. Try updating plugins, mcm, maybe it will help, also check that nothing pushes reset button.

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4 minutes ago, Neutron_rus said:

I heard about this bug once, but didn't figured out what it was. Try updating plugins, mcm, maybe it will help, also check that nothing pushes reset button.

I know the mods are buggy at times, like I started doing the Bloatfly episode from Sexout Breeder, and it was running smoothly, still is as long as I don't talk to the green bloatfly in the nest, somehow that makes the game crash instantly when it tries to start the animation. I can interact with all the others ones, do animations with them, and everything but not that one bloatfly. What an odd issue...

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling each mod associated with the bug, at least all the ones that make sense. I only have like 40 plugins total. Which seems paltry compared to my Fallout 4 Mod list which is like 200 or something

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I did find the fix to that one though, I was missing NVAC which solves the crashing with the bloat fly animation. Still can't quite figure out why the MCM menu isn't the saving the pregnant % speed. Oh well, it's not a game breaker at least

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