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Serial Strip & Serial Stripper SE

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Serial Strip & Serial Stripper SE

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Serial Strip & Serial Stripper SE 


I did NOT create this mod. I simply converted it to use with Skyrim Special Edition. 


Antono is the creator and this conversion was uploaded with his express permission so that I can share it with you all!


The following is copied from Antono's original LE upload page:


About This File


Now we are also stripping your bras and panties!




Also stripping both PC and NPC!
















The SerialStrip plugin brings improved stripping functionality to Skyrim. No more will clothes and armor instantly disappear from the actor when he/she undresses. Instead, with SerialStrip the actor will methodically go from weapons to gloves, to helmet, to boots, to cuirass etc, removing each group of items in turn and playing appropriate stripping animations by aqqh!


The plugin works both for vanilla and modded items. It is designed to look for the "NoStrip" keyword to avoid stripping un-strippable items and will even try to resolve multi-slot issues and slot-keyword mismatching in modded armor. Also, if the user has SexLab installed and has configured some slots as unstrippable, SerialStrip will take it into account.


Thanks to Shinji72 who reviewed our mod you can see SerialStrip in action:




Also thanks to MMOxReview to review our mod on his out:




Modders can easily integrate SerialStrip into their mods: they only need to send a specific ModEvent and SerialStrip will automatically activate and strip the actor.


:exclamation: SerialStrip is a modders' resource: on its own, it does nothing. It needs other mods to activate it, e.g. SerialStripper



Serial Stripper


The SerialStripper plugin is a companion plugin for SerialStrip. It can activate it, it offers an MCM menu to configure it and provides the ability to initiate player stripping on keypress! Single taps will just remove one group of clothing whereas a prolonged keypress will completely undress the player. Needless to say, it needs SerialStrip to work!













Beta releases include new functionality but they may also contain some bugs. Please let us know if you find any :P


Most importantly, we are interested in getting feedback about any items you may find that don't strip properly so that we can improve on our stripping algorithm.


Features under beta testing currently: NPC stripping support.





Skyrim Sctipt Extender 64 (SKSE64)
Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE (FNIS)
PapyrusUtil SE(This is also bundled with SexLab. So, you don't need to install it if you have SexLab.)



















Recommended Mods


Auto Unequip Ammo : There doesn't seem to be an SE version, but I did not need it myself -NOMKAZ
SexLab SE: allows configuring the slots that will be stripped and offers something to do after removing those clothes!























Before updating, use the SerialStripper's Uninstall command from the MCM menu to uninstall both SerialStrip and SerialStripper. Then save your game, quit, remove the mods and install the new versions.





Coding: Antono, Heromaster
Animations: aqqh
Original idea: CGi, Heromaster
German translation: CGi, Heromaster
French translation: Narsilien80


Extra special thanks to aqqh for his animations and all the help he provides to the APPS team in general!



If you enjoy my conversion work and would like to toss a coin to my coffee fund, you can visit my Patreon ~ Nomkaz






SerialStrip v1.1.4
- Restores initial order of arguments in SendSerialStripStart() for backwards compatibility (API broke in v1.1.3).
- Modders: if you used to use this plugin but the API broke for you in v.1.1.3, please re-compile your scripts with this v1.1.4. You shouldn't need to edit your code but a re-compilation is necessary as SerialStrip's code has changed (no of arguments in SendSerialStripStartEvent()).


- Fix: Player/actor will no longer lock-up when attempting to strip while weapons/spells are drawn/readied.


- Strip NPCs (only one at a time - no multithreading yet) (feature from beta).
- added: SerialStrip now has its own MCM menu. Uninstall button can be found here.
- added: Debug mode: Turn on to have SerialStrip output debug messages to the log, turn it off to reduce log spamming.
- added: New argument in SendSerialStripStartEvent() and OnSerialStripStart(): asSlotOverrideList. A modder can pass here the name of a PapyrusUtil Int array (stored on the form of his mod) to override the user's configuration and define what slots to strip. On the Int list, 1 would mean "Strip" and 0 "DontStrip".
- added: New argument in SendSerialStripStartEvent() and OnSerialStripStart(): asExceptionList. A modder can pass here the name of a PapyrusUtil Form array (stored on the form of his mod) to define specific items which, if they are found, they will not be stripped.
- Requires SKSE 1.7.3 and PapyrusUtil 3.2.


- Brings functionality for stripping NPCs (only one at a time - no multithreading yet).


- Stable.
- Added uninstall functionality in the code. Modders can use it by calling the Uninstall() function.
- Localized to English, German and French.


- Easier and safer update path: values and arrays are initialized on each game load.


- Improved underwear detection: now will ignore main-body keywords if they are found on underwear, thus avoiding detecting bras and panties as main-body armor.
- Will now detect if rings are worn along with gloves and, if so, they will be removed first. Otherwise they will be removed at a later stage.
- Fixed animations mix-up (removing panties was animating like bras and vice-versa).


- Fixed issue with animations not playing if SS was started when sneaking/jumping/sprinting etc: now SS will not kick in unless player is in default state.
- Fixed issue where NoStrip keyword was ignored.
- Fixed issue where unrelated items were stripping during main-body (cuirass) stripping.
- Fixed issue where SexLab stripping configuration was not enforced.


Initial beta release.


SerialStripper v1.1.4
- Updated to work with SerialStrip v.1.1.4.


- Updated to work with SerialStrip v1.1.2.


- Makes use of SerialStrip's functionality for stripping NPCs. Just put the NPC in your crosshairs and press the button. If there's nothing under the crosshairs, the PC will strip.


- Corrected French translation by Narsilien80.


- Stable.
- Added uninstall options in the MCM menu. The parent mod SerialStrip can also be uninstalled through there.
- Localized to English, German and French.


- Initial beta release.

What's New in Version v1.1.4

Released May 25, 2016

  • SerialStrip v1.1.4
  • - Restores initial order of arguments in SendSerialStripStart() for backwards compatibility (API broke in v1.1.3).
  • - Modders: if you used to use this plugin but the API broke for you in v.1.1.3, please re-compile your scripts with this v1.1.4. You shouldn't need to edit your code but a re-compilation is necessary as SerialStrip's code has changed (no of arguments in SendSerialStripStartEvent()).
  • v1.1.3
  • - Fix: Player/actor will no longer lock-up when attempting to strip while weapons/spells are drawn/readied.
  • v1.1.2
  • - Strip NPCs (only one at a time - no multithreading yet) (feature from beta).
  • - added: SerialStrip now has its own MCM menu. Uninstall button can be found here.
  • - added: Debug mode: Turn on to have SerialStrip output debug messages to the log, turn it off to reduce log spamming.
  • - added: New argument in SendSerialStripStartEvent() and OnSerialStripStart(): asSlotOverrideList. A modder can pass here the name of a PapyrusUtil Int array (stored on the form of his mod) to override the user's configuration and define what slots to strip. On the Int list, 1 would mean "Strip" and 0 "DontStrip".
  • - added: New argument in SendSerialStripStartEvent() and OnSerialStripStart(): asExceptionList. A modder can pass here the name of a PapyrusUtil Form array (stored on the form of his mod) to define specific items which, if they are found, they will not be stripped.
  • - Requires SKSE 1.7.3 and PapyrusUtil 3.2.
  • v1.1.1-beta
  • - Brings functionality for stripping NPCs (only one at a time - no multithreading yet).
  • v1.0.4
  • - Stable.
  • - Added uninstall functionality in the code. Modders can use it by calling the Uninstall() function.
  • - Localized to English, German and French.
  • v1.0.3-beta
  • - Easier and safer update path: values and arrays are initialized on each game load.
  • v1.0.2-beta
  • - Improved underwear detection: now will ignore main-body keywords if they are found on underwear, thus avoiding detecting bras and panties as main-body armor.
  • - Will now detect if rings are worn along with gloves and, if so, they will be removed first. Otherwise they will be removed at a later stage.
  • - Fixed animations mix-up (removing panties was animating like bras and vice-versa).
  • v1.0.1-beta
  • - Fixed issue with animations not playing if SS was started when sneaking/jumping/sprinting etc: now SS will not kick in unless player is in default state.
  • - Fixed issue where NoStrip keyword was ignored.
  • - Fixed issue where unrelated items were stripping during main-body (cuirass) stripping.
  • - Fixed issue where SexLab stripping configuration was not enforced.
  • v1.0-beta
  • Initial beta release.
  • SerialStripper v1.1.4
  • - Updated to work with SerialStrip v.1.1.4.
  • v1.1.2
  • - Updated to work with SerialStrip v1.1.2.
  • v1.1.1-beta
  • - Makes use of SerialStrip's functionality for stripping NPCs. Just put the NPC in your crosshairs and press the button. If there's nothing under the crosshairs, the PC will strip.
  • v1.0.4.2
  • - Corrected French translation by Narsilien80.
  • v1.0.2
  • - Stable.
  • - Added uninstall options in the MCM menu. The parent mod SerialStrip can also be uninstalled through there.
  • - Localized to English, German and French.
  • v.1.0
  • - Initial beta release.

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    SKSE64, FNIS SE, Skyui SE, SexLab SE
  • Regular Edition Compatible



Found this on one of the Oldrim mod's page. Dunno if it helps but worth a try.



Some people have experienced keybind saving problem. I was told that it seems to be effected by the position in the load order and that the position of my mod cannot exceed position 7F Hex (127 Dec). I havent tested it myself since I donot use such amount of mods myself



  • 2 weeks later...

i Always get an Animation of drinking something out of a small bottle when i try to undress or Dress the normal way. is this supposed to happen? or what did i do wrong? i definetly have the animations when using the undressing Hotkey.



I dont understand how this bug could happen but reinstalling fores new idles and this mod fixed the issue in case anybody else Encounters it.


Same issue here, MCM settings not getting saved, when game reloaded all settings gone. Tried top and bottom of the load order, made no difference, still not works.


Edit: tried all kind of things, place stripper to the bottom of the load order, to the top. Tried not to enable all options, some options. Menu still not works.



I think the issue with the conversion. Downloaded LE version, used only the esp. Got it working, old esp working fine, MCM registers and saves the settings on reload.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 8/11/2019 at 8:25 AM, Fetterbr said:

dont understand, i already have version 1.1.4 in July i think so what is this ?

there was an non update update. 

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Investigated why the key doesn't keep across savegames. For me this seems only to happen with the esl version. For whatever reason the esl version (identical to the esp version except with the esl flag) doesn't have persistence for mod event registrations and key press registrations. I put the registrations into the load game callbacks and the persistence issue goes away. This seems to be the correct way to do it anyway for mod event registrations according to the notes for this


Attached both psc and pex versions of effected scripts. 


In addition, make sure you have the latest version of PapyrusUtil and that nothing is overwriting it, there have been a few updates for it to make it compatible with esl files and there are many mods out there that have old versions of PapyrusUtil embedded into them.   

SerialStripFunctions.psc SerialStripperPlayer.psc SerialStripperFunctions.psc SerialStripper_MCM.psc SerialStripFunctions.pex SerialStripperPlayer.pex SerialStripperFunctions.pex SerialStripper_MCM.pex

1 hour ago, gutieashl said:

Investigated why the key doesn't keep across savegames. For me this seems only to happen with the esl version. For whatever reason the esl version (identical to the esp version except with the esl flag) doesn't have persistence for mod event registrations and key press registrations. I put the registrations into the load game callbacks and the persistence issue goes away. This seems to be the correct way to do it anyway for mod event registrations according to the notes for this


Attached both psc and pex versions of effected scripts. 


In addition, make sure you have the latest version of PapyrusUtil and that nothing is overwriting it, there have been a few updates for it to make it compatible with esl files and there are many mods out there that have old versions of PapyrusUtil embedded into them.   

SerialStripFunctions.psc 63.73 kB · 0 downloads SerialStripperPlayer.psc 208 B · 0 downloads SerialStripperFunctions.psc 2.02 kB · 0 downloads SerialStripper_MCM.psc 6.41 kB · 0 downloads SerialStripFunctions.pex 44.63 kB · 0 downloads SerialStripperPlayer.pex 699 B · 0 downloads SerialStripperFunctions.pex 2.33 kB · 0 downloads SerialStripper_MCM.pex 5.88 kB · 0 downloads

Do you mind if I incorporate these new scripts into the Download with credit to you?

  • 2 months later...



Please, the strip is not working with sexlab. Need I did any to fix it? My sexlab is 1.63 beta 8 (last).


In the sexlab, I found one option, but is strip animation from sexlab, they not call strip animation from this mod....




Thanks a lot

Moacir Jr.


On 10/10/2019 at 10:06 PM, rizzuh said:

Serial Strip didnt play automatically, Stripper work just fine. Anyone now how to fix the issue ?

same to me.... strip not start....




I checked in the original post for this LE mod, and he has no linked with sexlab. He just uses the strip configuration of the sexlab to know what clothes to take. The strip integration before starting the sex scene, does not exist.





Moacir Jr.


  • 3 months later...

Running SE and PAH for SE, SL and flower girls all without trouble but I tried several of these files and all result in instant CTD upon loading any save game.  Anyone have any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong?  Thanks.

  • 2 months later...

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