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3 hours ago, CrimsonOmegaLance said:

Doesn't seem very clear about what got upgraded.

I think mostly it was made compatible with other Babo mods, but also some animations were added or changed, and a few tweaks whatever that means. I use it because I'm using Babo Dialogue. 

2 hours ago, YojimboRatchet said:

so this 1.02 add-on is supposed to be installed over the current version of defeat ? the instructions on the baka page are a bit confusing and contradictory

That's my understanding although it overwrites most of it. I tried it by itself and it didn't work but then sometimes Defeat doesn't work on it's own <shrug>. 

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When I bag someone and release them, they always teleport to the same location. Just to test, I bagged Sigrid from Riverwood, fast travelled to Dawnstar, ran around for about 2 minutes, and then hit release, she teleported back to her original spot outside her family forge in Riverwood. I've tried having her in a knocked out state, a tied up state, she always teleports to the same location regardless of where I bag her.


I tried searching the thread, and there were some mentions of an HDT issue, but no further elaboration.

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10 hours ago, Duncan Idaho said:
13 hours ago, YojimboRatchet said:

so this 1.02 add-on is supposed to be installed over the current version of defeat ? the instructions on the baka page are a bit confusing and contradictory

That's my understanding although it overwrites most of it. I tried it by itself and it didn't work but then sometimes Defeat doesn't work on it's own <shrug>. 

ok i'll give it a try at some point today then, see what happens and see if this thing finally works for me.

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Can someone explain the code that goes into selecting which aggressors will target which character when you have various settings enabled/disabled, specifically if I'm running with a follower?  I seem to only be able to get one of the following 2 scenarios which are not ideal:


1)  After downing both of us, or PC surrender and follower defeat, one or two aggressors will use PC, while the entire army lines up to use my follower, which means I then sit there for 15 minutes while "an aggressor watches over you".

2)  We surrender at the same time, whereby my follower is ignored as a target.


Trying to get to a 50/50 split if possible, so I need to understand how the aggressors get divied up.


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45 minutes ago, YojimboRatchet said:

which comments ?

The comments thread on the link to BakaFactory's Defeat. Some stuff about animations not working properly and characters getting stuck, but there are a couple of updates too so I'm going to give it a try.

About your earlier comment "the instructions on the baka page are a bit confusing and contradictory".  You need to uninstall the regular Defeat, load your game ("OK" the missing esp message), save your game (that's what they call a "clean save"), then reinstall regular Defeat and then Baka's Defeat to overwrite it, then reload the game. At least that's how I understand it. I think the point is that you need to install Baka's Defeat over a fresh install of regular Defeat. Maybe run Fallrim Tools as well after you uninstall regular Defeat.

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Anyone else have this problem: I play as a female character and use the various Femdom animations with this mod. When I initiate a rape scene with me as the aggressor, the animation starts as femdom just fine but almost immediatly switches to a "regular" aggressive scene, with my character as the victim. Anyone know why this would be ?


EDIT: I discvoered the culprit myself, for some odd reason Add An Actor doesnt work well with this mod.

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7 hours ago, Kage777 said:

Ok, yeah I'm using this with Death Alternative/SD+ but nothing seems to be happening. I have it set do Defeat and SD events are more prioritized over DA's.Either my character gets frozen standing in place or kneeling and i have to debug it so he can move again.

In my experience, those 2 mods don't work well together and DA almost always screws up defeat so badly that I have to reload a save without it installed.

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I'm  currently setting up Skyrim SE for the first time and SL Defeat was one I had planned on using again, after having used it a lot when playing Skyrim LE. However reading through the last few pages, it seems a lot of people are having issues with it.

Is there another combat surrender mod for Skyrim SE, that I should use instead?

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On 9/3/2020 at 5:49 PM, Tenebris305 said:

In my experience, those 2 mods don't work well together and DA almost always screws up defeat so badly that I have to reload a save without it installed.

Really? Cuz if i just use Defeat alone, that one's bleedout effect hardly ever happens even if i had them set to essential and i just get the game over reload without any of the events happening.  DA at least kinda helps the game over part; just not the events part at the moment.

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10 hours ago, Kage777 said:

Really? Cuz if i just use Defeat alone, that one's bleedout effect hardly ever happens even if i had them set to essential and i just get the game over reload without any of the events happening.  DA at least kinda helps the game over part; just not the events part at the moment.

If you have DA installed with it, it messes up defeats essential part. Usuaully once i install DA, i can get knocked down, but they keep hitting me until I either game over, or I get the "underwater" sound and get stuck in the downed state. Gave up on DA since I use defeat way more.

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On 6/18/2020 at 2:35 AM, Tenebris305 said:

When you go to player as victim, theres an option to see enabled races. When you click it, are the option enabled? (it could also be gender related)

Their enabled but they still just fuck the follower, hes a male follower and my pc is female. I didn't enable genders for creatures so their all male. I started all over again without this mod for now, cause even starting a new game didn't fix it. Although it's been a few months now, I'm not sure if I should try again this time and see if I can get it to work for females only.

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Why this mod works perfectly for me, but not when I have Lydia as follower? Is Lydia broken for this mod? I use EFF as mod for followers. When she is on knees she regains full health or she stand up in few seconds, with almost no HP, and takes another slap on the face by the enemy, so she can return on knees and repeat the process. I start to think maybe she is a masochist.

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5 hours ago, zep said:

Why this mod works perfectly for me, but not when I have Lydia as follower? Is Lydia broken for this mod? I use EFF as mod for followers. When she is on knees she regains full health or she stand up in few seconds, with almost no HP, and takes another slap on the face by the enemy, so she can return on knees and repeat the process. I start to think maybe she is a masochist.

It'll start happening with other followers too. Usuaully I just take their items and open the console and "kill" them. Then revive them and return the items and it fixes it for awhile. (You can just click them and type resurrect as well and it does the same thing. but make sure you take their items or they lose them on resurrect.)

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Can someone explain the code that goes into selecting which aggressors will target which character when you have various settings enabled/disabled, specifically if I'm running with a follower?  I seem to only be able to get one of the following 2 scenarios which are not ideal:


1)  After downing both of us, or PC surrender and follower defeat, one or two aggressors will use PC, while the entire army lines up to use my follower, which means I then sit there for 15 minutes while "an aggressor watches over you".

2)  We surrender at the same time, whereby my follower is ignored as a target.


Trying to get to a 50/50 split if possible, so I need to understand how the aggressors get divied up.


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