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24 minutes ago, InsanityFactor said:

What makes it more reliable? I've always considered getting it but it just looks like a texture improvement. Does it have a lot to offer performance-wise?

Biggest single thing: It is a 64 bit engine. For me, CTDs are simply an ugly, painful memory.  I do not particularly consider it a texture improvement,

but there are a lot of graphics improvements. Just about every LE mod has an SE equivalent now. SKSE and Sexlab are excellent.

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10 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Biggest single thing: It is a 64 bit engine. For me, CTDs are simply an ugly, painful memory.  I do not particularly consider it a texture improvement,

but there are a lot of graphics improvements. Just about every LE mod has an SE equivalent now. SKSE and Sexlab are excellent.

I see... I might get it soon then. Thanks.

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45 minutes ago, InsanityFactor said:

What makes it more reliable? I've always considered getting it but it just looks like a texture improvement. Does it have a lot to offer performance-wise?

14 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Biggest single thing: It is a 64 bit engine. For me, CTDs are simply an ugly, painful memory.  I do not particularly consider it a texture improvement,

but there are a lot of graphics improvements. Just about every LE mod has an SE equivalent now. SKSE and Sexlab are excellent.


Skyrim LE (Legendary Edition) not crash never. I play for 4 consecutive hours with 237 plugins with zero CTD.

The problem is not in the 32 bit engine. The problem is memory management. Simply, install the Stability Tools and learn to configure your game.


Skyrim SE (Special Edition) have less CTD because is a 64 bits game and not have problems in memory management but have others problems and limitations. Not all mods has been ported to SE and, maybe, some mods will never be ported, for example Requiem.

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33 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Biggest single thing: It is a 64 bit engine. For me, CTDs are simply an ugly, painful memory.  I do not particularly consider it a texture improvement,

but there are a lot of graphics improvements. Just about every LE mod has an SE equivalent now. SKSE and Sexlab are excellent.

skyrim special edition still crashes to desk top and it still has issues and then not all mods have been ported over to SE and I doubt that some mods will ever be ported over to SE

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23 minutes ago, Hiderius said:

skyrim special edition still crashes to desk top and it still has issues and then not all mods have been ported over to SE and I doubt that some mods will ever be ported over to SE

Lets just say it runs every LL mod I have ever wanted to run.

And it is far more reliable for me.

Steam says I have 4025 hours on Skyrim LE and 614 hours on SE. I do have some experience here.

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On 6/1/2019 at 11:29 PM, llokii70 said:

Looks awesome actually


Thanks. All I did in the end was paste a few NiAlpha nodes from another mesh, and then desaturate the textures and give them a blue overlay. It'll look better when I get the effect shader right. It applies but the scaling is wrong and the particle effects are turned off. I'll get to it.


I also need to get the player on the seat. I thought it would work when I activated the cart, but apparently not. I might reverse the roles from the taxi demo spell and see if that does it. If so, I reckon I can make the player AI driven (so you stay in your seat) and then make the girl in the traces player controlled (so she walks or runs accoding to the player movement keys. Then if she's hitched to the cart, she should pull the thing as she moves, and if the player has setVehicle called, he'll move with the cart.


I also have an idea for setting up a 5-team with one lead girl and then two rows of two behind her. if I can get the geometry right, I can make the four girls behind as vehicle passengers so they keep position with the cart.  And see if I can slave their animations to the lead so they run when she runs. Maybe  set them player controlled, but disable animation movement. So they run on the spot, but are only moved by the cart. Maybe play shock effects on the girls if you make them sprint.


Still a fair bit to do before I can make that work, of course.


I'm also kicking some spells around. Body Fever is one of the "not implemented" spells in the documentation. Basically puts a very fast update loop to keep arousal (or at least exposure) at 100% for the duration of one sex act. Orgasm knocks it back by 500? Next second it should be back at max. The aim is to get the victim to continually and helplessly orgasm for the duration of the sex act. Not sure if it will work or not though - the current SttF update loop is pretty quick, but everyone seems to stay at the usual 140 odd percent.


Also under consideration:


Denial: blocks orgasm until the spell is removed.

Only Her Master: Same, except that the block is temporarily removed while having sex with the caster.

Korneum's Curse: Kills the victim the next time they orgasm. Not a spell you'll probably use much, but worth it for the RP value. Maybe I'll add a spell that keeps a soul trap effect active for the duration of a sex act. Might make an interesting backfire effect, too...


I also want some spells that selectively sterilize the target, but allow her to be bred by the caster. And possibly a couple of other exceptions. I'm stuck for cool names for those at the moment.


More immediately, the main thing blocking a release is that the detect fertility spells are always returning true. Not sure why; I must have messed up a condition copying  across from the sshp addon. If I can fix that, I'll probably do a test release with the new stuff to date.

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Test releases: LE and SSE.






Deselect slavers_spellbook_pahe.esp and slavers_spellbook_slhp.esp, then read the book to get the new spells.


You'll need to re-brand and redo any SttF spells you had going.


I'm running with the LE version at the moment and it seems fine, but it's a test release, so expect trouble :)




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Gypsy Eyes Caravan has a pretty successful method of what you're shooting for with the carriage. The player sits on a seat and controls the horse that pulls it. Might be worth checking out as a source of inspiration. I often use that mod in conjunction with PAHE as a traveling slave caravan, though I like the idea of your conjured wagon a bit better. ;)

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That looks amazing, I have to say. I'll take a look at the scripting on it for sure.


One known issue with the test builds: the collars don't seem to be fully reliable to stop runaways. They're heaps better than nothing at all, but not 100% perfect. I don't mind that too much, but I want to find out why.




That caravan script is interesting. That could save me a lot of time and effort, that could.


Hypothetical question: If I was going to try a spot of modelling/mashup work, what would folks sooner have? A ghostly racing chariot marked with deadric runes, or a specral prisoner cart which you could use to transport untrained slaves?


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I'd love to contribute more for this mod as it's GREAT but between work and family I don't have a ton of time these days :)


My SE doesn't like the textures or meshes with the new bound collar and cuffs. Tried running them through Cathedral Optimizer with no luck. No crash but bad graphical artifacts.


I would vote B on the cart, as I hate crafting more collars of lashing to keep my gaggle of newly captured slaves with me. Much rather dump them in a cage on wheels that stays well back from combat and that I could park temporarily when I want to go in a dungeon. That way I don't spend a bunch of time individually restraining the slaves I've captured on the road.


You know what would be awesome? A mobile version of the slave camp from PAHE home sweet home. Easy to add slaves, can use a loyal combat trained slave to guard it, and can even have some training while stopped.

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40 minutes ago, teutonicguy said:

My SE doesn't like the textures or meshes with the new bound collar and cuffs. Tried running them through Cathedral Optimizer with no luck. No crash but bad graphical artifacts.


I can try saving in one of the more recent DDS formats. Paint.Net has a plugin. I don't suppose someone has .nif for the SSE bound sword they could post?


Also, you could try "coc docbook_test". That's a test cell, (fairly empty by my usual standards) but it's got an instance of the Ghost Cart parked there. I'm curious to see how that renders. It uses almost the same transparency for the nif, but the textures are opaque because if vanishes completely if make them even a little translucent.


43 minutes ago, teutonicguy said:

I'd love to contribute more for this mod as it's GREAT but between work and family I don't have a ton of time these days :)


I know the feeling. My modding time dropped off big time after I got married and a full time job :)

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Curse of Korneum:



scriptname docbook_curse_scr extends activemagiceffect

actor victim
SexLabFramework sexlab
idle property idle_pain auto
EffectShader property fx auto

event OnEffectStart(actor t, actor c)
	victim = t
	sexlab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()

	sexlab.TrackActor(victim, "slavers_spellbook_korneum_curse")
	RegisterForModEvent("slavers_spellbook_korneum_curse_End", "TimeToDie")

event TimeToDie(form f, int tid)
;	turn off tracking and unregister for mod events
;	just so we're not disturbed
	sexlab.UnTrackActor(victim, "slavers_spellbook_korneum_curse")
;	now, logically, the other party in the sex act is going to get the blame if anyone is
;	i've never tried to frame someone for a murder before (in-game or out of it) (except if it's been scripted 
;	as part of a quest) so I don't know if this will have any effect.
;	still can't hurt to try
	actor fallguy = None
	actor[] ll = sexlab.GetController(tid).positions
	int idx = ll.length
;	go through the list of participants, looking for someone who is not the victim
;	we won't use this for a bit, but I want to get it done before we start potentially
;	time sensitive stuff
	while idx > 0
		idx =- 1
		if ll[idx] != victim
			fallguy = ll[idx]

;	OK. Let's Rock!
;	start by lighting up the victim
	fx.play(victim, 2.0)
;	do a pain idle
;	wait a couple of seconds
;	kill them, and blame someone they were having sex with
;	masturbation will presumably be considered "death by misadventure"



I'm looking forward to seeing if I can use the blame feature to assassinate someone and have someone else take the blame.

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I vote transport cart. Would prefer no particle effects. I have a low end computer(dinosaur), so the less going on the better. Could lose the effects on the restraints, as well.                                            As always, everything looks good. But, have to say, don`t really care about framing someone. Paying the fine is simple enough to do. Plus, the only time I "murder" someone is for the Dark Brotherhood. My PC is a pretty nice girl. Yeah, she rapes and enslaves every hot piece of Fuck Meat she finds, but she always makes sure they cum for her when she does. She`s sweet, that way. ?                                                                                                                                                                                                    I`m gonna start a new play through, but waiting for the latest version to get all polished. No rush. Better to have it right than fast.

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7 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

I vote transport cart. Would prefer no particle effects. I have a low end computer(dinosaur), so the less going on the better. Could lose the effects on the restraints, as well


i might be able to sort out an MCM setting.


7 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

But, have to say, don`t really care about framing someone.


It's going to be entirely optional. I mean I doubt I'll ever use the spell myself outside of testing. I just like the idea that the you could, potentially use it to blame someone else.


Incidentally, I seem to remember sorting out a variant brand with one a pubic heart and one shoulder brand. Do you still want it?

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3 minutes ago, DocClox said:

Incidentally, I seem to remember sorting out a variant brand with one a pubic heart and one shoulder brand. Do you still want it?

That`d be great, thanks. The text and catalogue number included in the heart, I presume? Strangely, cataloguing them is one of my favorite features. Hopefully I`ll be able to figure it out. I`ll feel bad if I can`t. I am kinda hopeless with alot of the technical stuff, after all. I hate wasting peoples' time. So I can`t stress enough how much I won`t care having my suggestions blown off. Your vision for the mod is what really matters, as far as I`m concerned. Don`t want you burning out, catering to us deviants.

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I'd have to cast my vote for transport cart as well. I often use gypsy eyes caravan as a base where I just park it as a camp somewhere out in the wild and bring back captives from surrounding forts/dungeons, but I always have to bring the slaves back to my home and then go back and move the caravan.


Honestly, I'm excited about any innovations in slave transport, you've successfully made training fun instead of a series of boring whip sessions, and capture is already fun lol; if you were to upgrade moving the slaves that would make every part of the process actually fun in and of itself.




[edit]: I've been trying out the LE test build, here's what I have to report:


It looks like detect submission is working properly, at least as far as I can tell. I tried it with a ~80 submission slave and a 10 submission slave, they showed green and red respectively. 


Brand does not rename slaves for me at the moment, even with the MCM option toggled.


Mark for Capture works pretty well and is honestly a godsend, I can't count how many times I've accidentally killed a would-be captive.


Bound restraints work and look really great. However, I don't think the bound collar actually has any effect on slaves running away, as I had one slave try to run three times within five minutes while having the bound collar equipped. Additionally, there is only a remove bound belt spell, there is none for the other two. I'm sure you know that, but I'm mentioning it just in case.


Body Electric worked just fine, the effect maintained throughout a five-minute session.


Discipline did its job, although personally, I think I prefer "Sting!"


Brand on a marked and subdued enemy did enslave them properly, although it did not actually apply the brand, I had to recast it after enslavement. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I figure I may as well let you know. That being said, the brand applied just fine, minus the aforementioned rename.


Other than that, some spell descriptions are a bit wonky, but I figure that's all placeholder and you're well aware.


This was tested on my lvl 25 character on a save that has never had your mod installed on it before.





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15 hours ago, rcy68 said:

The text and catalogue number included in the heart, I presume?


Yeah, the text around the heart, the trampstamp bit on the back, one brand on the shoulder-blade, and the numbers. I'll include it in the next release.


15 hours ago, rcy68 said:

Strangely, cataloguing them is one of my favorite features.


I know what you mean. The only problem is I find it tends to bring out my inner Pokemon trainer. Hell, I don't event like selling them because it means a gap in the serial numbers.


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

if you were to upgrade moving the slaves that would make every part of the process actually fun in and of itself.


I definitely have plans in that direction. They're just taking a bit longer bycause my understanding of the nif format is a bit limited. But I'm getting there :)


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Brand does not rename slaves for me at the moment, even with the MCM option toggled.


There's a bug so it starts toggled ON in the MCM but is really off. I find I have to turn it off and back on again (to coin a phrase) and then it works. Thanks for the reminder :)


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

However, I don't think the bound collar actually has any effect on slaves running away, as I had one slave try to run three times within five minutes while having the bound collar equipped


D'oh! There's an update to the PAHE patch that you need if the collar and cuffs are going to be picked up properly. The collar is a little unreliable, but only a little. I'll post the relevant bits tonight.


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Additionally, there is only a remove bound belt spell, there is none for the other two. I'm sure you know that, but I'm mentioning it just in case. 


Yeah. Currently the restraints are still playable and can be removed by hand, so it's not a priority. But yeah, I do need to sort that out.


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Discipline did its job, although personally, I think I prefer "Sting!"


I like 'em both, but I find the targetting on Sting is a bit off at close range. Same with the lightning bolt spell its based on. It's OK if you dual cast, but I like to keep another spell in the off-hand, and the one-handed casts tend to pull to the side up close.


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Brand on a marked and subdued enemy did enslave them properly, although it did not actually apply the brand, I had to recast it after enslavement


There's a bit of a lag. I can't apply it right away, because if I do that, PAHE clones the tattooed actor and the tats gets wiped. So what ought to happen is that PAHE clones the target, and then fires off a mod event, and then I catch the mod event and apply the tattoo to the clone.


The patch for that made it into the last PAHE release. I should probably check and make sure I'm listening for the right mod event string.


7 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Other than that, some spell descriptions are a bit wonky, but I figure that's all placeholder and you're well aware.


I need to spend a bit of QA time on spell costs and descriptions, it must be said :)


3 hours ago, llokii70 said:

A ghostly racing chariot marked with deadric runes 


That's probably my perference. That said, I'll probably do both if I can work out the passenger problem.

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so this might be a noob question but I ask cause I have ran into a problem. First I downloaded and installed slavers_spellbook_tes5_0_0_7.7z and then went in game and added the spellbook to my inventory. Once in the inventory I read the book and exited reading the book, but once I exited the book the spells were not added. Shouldn't the book automatically add the spells after reading it?

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5 minutes ago, Hiderius said:

Shouldn't the book automatically add the spells after reading it?


It certainly should. Can you check the json file that drives the spell install is there? It should be in


(The file is in the archive, so that's something, at least).


If it is there, then I'm guessing the OnRead event on the book script isn't firing. Do you have logging turned on? There should be a pile of messages starting with

slavers_spellbook: reading book: 


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6 hours ago, InsanityFactor said:

Brand on a marked and subdued enemy did enslave them properly, although it did not actually apply the brand, I had to recast it after enslavement.


I just double-checked and the latest PAHE uses the "pahe_client_identifier" StorageUtil key to link slaved actors to their clones and PAHE_NewSlave as the mod event, which is what I'm using. So the tats should apply if you use brand to enslave a marked opponent, just with a second or two's delay while the game engine works through all the threads that are waiting.


I run the spellbook quest with zero priority so it can get pre-empted by all sorts of stuff. That's deliberate, since there's not much that is that urgent to do, and I want this mod to be a good neighbour. Still, I should probably consider bumping that up to 40 or 50.


If you get a chance, try that again and give it a few seconds to see if the tats apply.

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Just while I'm kicking ideas around, I keep thinking I'd like to do something with Magic Circles, at least for the more powerful spells.


Basically, it would work like this:


First of all you need a circle. You can have one made or find a naturally occuring one in Skyrim. The circle of candles in Cronvangr Hall will do for one of them. Others that spring to mind are the fairy ring up by the Twilight Sepulchre and the place on the walls of Winterhold College where you do the Conjuration Master ritual. There are more around as well, but those are the ones that spring to mind.


Second, once you have your circle, you charge it up with a spell. This would be a concentration + target spell, and you'd have to get a certain amount of magic into the circle.


Thirdly: Once the circle is charged, it lights up. In practical terms, this probably means a ghostly platform with a glowing circle inscribed with sacred geometries.


Forthly: really depends on what we're using the circle for. But, as a for instace, suppose we have a hyperfertility spell that pretty much garuantees a slave will get pregnant every time, for the rest of her life. So the next thing to do would be to tell her to enter the circle. I'll probably stick a kneeling capitive marker in the middle. Once she's sat down, blue swirling walls light up around the circle edge.


Fifthly: now you have you circle charged and occupied, you can start the spell, which is going to be a ritual cast. When it completes, the effect applies to the slave in the circle and the circle discharges.


Could also be used for talking to spirits, generating portals, all manner of stuff. Not intended so much to make things harder, just to give a sense of Ceremony to some of the more effective spells. And to look bloody cool as well, of course :)


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1 hour ago, DocClox said:


I just double-checked and the latest PAHE uses the "pahe_client_identifier" StorageUtil key to link slaved actors to their clones and PAHE_NewSlave as the mod event, which is what I'm using. So the tats should apply if you use brand to enslave a marked opponent, just with a second or two's delay while the game engine works through all the threads that are waiting.


I run the spellbook quest with zero priority so it can get pre-empted by all sorts of stuff. That's deliberate, since there's not much that is that urgent to do, and I want this mod to be a good neighbour. Still, I should probably consider bumping that up to 40 or 50.


If you get a chance, try that again and give it a few seconds to see if the tats apply.

I wasn't using the latest version of PAHE, just updated and it does work after a couple of seconds, as you said.

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