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Thanks, but I was just messing around at that point, and thought I'd post the screeny. I don't really have any concrete destination in mind.


That said, if you want to see how far you can push it with Katria, feel free :) I must admit, I'm curious.

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54 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

Nice choice of belt restraint. That style is my favorite. Looks good. You gonna do the whole set?               


Oh yeah :)


54 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

Will it keep them from running away? I don`t like the leash-collar from PAHE. It`s always been wonky for me.


That's the plan. One of the motivations behind this was "I need to get these new captures home, and I don't have any collars..". I'm thinking of adding a Pet Collar style activation option to "Fuck" as well. And to give the cuffs the option of acting as iron restraints for the "make sure you stay here" option. (Better than Iron if I an find a way to do it).


59 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

Is that a Forsworn girl?


Yeah, I've been spending a lot of time in the Reach for some reason. At some point, I want to look into some cosmetic surgery spells. How hard can it be to wash off some warpaint?


1 hour ago, rcy68 said:

It`s getting to be quite Epic



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25 minutes ago, DocClox said:



Thanks, but I was just messing around at that point, and thought I'd post the screeny. I don't really have any concrete destination in mind.


That said, if you want to see how far you can push it with Katria, feel free :) I must admit, I'm curious.

I'll see what I can remember that I've tried in the past with other npcs.  One thing I do remember doing for the The Manipulator's Harem feature that kinda works is spawning a new copy with the player.placeatme xxIDIDID command. You don't have the usual AI packages on the ffIDIDID version, I think, but they are linked so if you changed the outfit on one it'll change on the other as well.  No clones of Carlotta running about in silk panties in the bedroom and wearing merchant clothes at the stall.


Did you try to loot Katria's body while you were there? She has a somewhat funny line if you do.

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10 minutes ago, karlpaws said:

Did you try to loot Katria's body while you were there? She has a somewhat funny line if you do. 


I didn't, she was already in silent mode due to being enslaved. But I remember from previous runs :)


9 minutes ago, karlpaws said:

I think that's one of those nigh-impossible things. Head changing is a very much no no.


I thought that. But I noticed some SKSE functions for headparts that I don't remember seeing before, so I might investigate a little.

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copy paste notes I took as I went, kinda messy. results uncertain, but not promising.


prid katria, moveto, enable in Mzulft vault while quest not started, had shard. she stood, no idle

left and went to riften, moveto player, she started walking toward the gate.  left city and headed down the road.

messed around in Riften a bit, used player.moveto xxIDIDID and found her stuck in the mod added Keld Nar village near Kynesgrove.  Went back into the vault and moved her to me again and that time she walked out the door.

Puttng the clone into the Manipulator harem seemed to work without initial problems. The actual one wouldn't let me register her for the harem, the mod thought she already was in.  I guess it works on base, not ref, ID.

Left her on the other side of the map and fast travelled near the dungeon and headed in... she wasn't where she should be, so I went and looted her body for her journal, then moved her to me, but all she did was walk back to the door.  She went outside and headed off down the road, so apparently I broke the quest or her AI messing around.

Think I'll try running the dungeon and see what happens when I'm done, but I think cloning her is the only way and best done either after the quest if you want to do it or before and break it.

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Thanks for that. I always did have a thing for sexy ghost girls. Maybe I'll dust off the spell from necrophilia to let you summon the ghosts of the dead, only enslaving them rather than just having sex.


There's an obvious connection there with Yngvild and Arondil. That might be worth investigating.

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21 minutes ago, DocClox said:

Thanks for that. I alwsy did have a thing for sexy ghost girls. Maybe I'll dust off the spell from necrophilia to let you summon the ghosts of the dead, only enslaving them rather than just having sex.


There's an obvious connection there with Yngvild and Arondil. That might be worth investigating.

Yeah, if you kill him (before or after stealing the Soul Gem on the pillar that makes the ghosts aggro on him) maybe you could "rescue" them and take them somewhere warmer and more scenic. Afraid they can't go home, given they'd scare their friends and family and probably get re-killed.


Followed Katria around, fast travelling back and forth while "player.moveto katriaID" and eventually she returned to Keld Nar.  No idea why.


might try another test tomorrow, moving her to the PC in another location and see if she goes somewhere else. Might not be worth the effort, as I remember she didn't behave when the quest was done so either a console clone or a mod added NPC using her appearance for the template might be better.  Meaning to find out how exactly to do that for a bit, as there were a couple nice looking NPCs that have used appearances bettered by a couple mods I got recently, and I'd like to make a few friendlier versions of some NPCs I tend to kill instead of join and visit.

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For a console clone, you should be able to do player.placeatme <base_id> and get a new instance of her. Might need enabling though.


I'll have to see about some mod support for this sort of thing :)


It would be nice to have a more immersive option than my current approach of casting raise dead, beating them to half health and then enslaving them to get a fully-alive clone :)

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I thought I'd write up some of the Bound Restraints ideas from Korneum's point of view:




Bound Bindings

In the realm of Forms, there exist the perfect idealizations of every thing that ever existed in Mundus. This is well known, and mages of a more martial disposition have long exploited exploited this fact to summon these Ideals, that they may perform their theoretical function directly. The mundane world knows these applications and Bound Weapons, and in some provinces Bound Armor is also employed.


These same techniques are rarely applied outside the realm of combat. And yet there is no reason why this should be so. Have you ever been caught abroad without a sufficient supply of collars and cuffs? Have you ever been forced to delay your journey while you imparted the rudiments of Good Behavior to a gaggle of freshly branded slavegirls? What you need, are Bound Restraints.


Collars, cuffs, belts, plugs, gags, and more besides, all may be summoned and applied upon the bodies of your slaves. And since the protective requirements of a collar is rather less than that required for a suit or armor, it os possible to reduce extend the duration of the spell far past those of items that need to survive the rigors of deadly combat.


Even so, that is insufficient. Plans may change without notice and the needed duration of these spells impossible to predict. And so we have the concept of the Mana Pool. Charge the pool by concentrating with the spell in your left hand. Hold it for as long as you can, and then cast the first restraint. The pooled magicka will serve to extend the spell for some time and will feed all Bound Restraints you may choose to apply to the same target. When all your captives are charged and bound, you may proceed about your business.


Just beware complacency. When the pool dries up, the bindings will begin to draw upon your power directly, which can be inconvenient under certain circumstances.



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It's all fairly straight-forward once you get the basics down.




I still need particle effects for that "Bound Weapon" look




And after that, I want to do gag, blindfold, chastity belt ... and probably yoke as well. That should do for now.

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9 hours ago, DocClox said:

For a console clone, you should be able to do player.placeatme <base_id> and get a new instance of her. Might need enabling though.


I'll have to see about some mod support for this sort of thing :)


It would be nice to have a more immersive option than my current approach of casting raise dead, beating them to half health and then enslaving them to get a fully-alive clone :)

yeah, that's how I got the clone that just stood around and when I selected it in the console and went into a the Ratway in Riften and moved it to my PC, turned and walked out the door and stopped where I'd first done the placeatme command. That's part of what confused me with the moveto on the original... Inside the cell (where she does normally show up) she didn't walk the first time, and only after I'd left and come back to moveto again did she leave, but then stop at the same place she stopped before.


I don't know how PAHE does it, but that method did work well making persistent clones of randomly spawned bandits, warlocks and other spawned NPCs. I don't think that mod's method, as the mod does it, works on corpses but I suppose it could as long as the script can get the reference ID.  Thing is I think the corpse for Katria is a separate, always dead NPC so even that wouldn't really work. You'd just another "Katria" but then could have two, unique and persistent slaves.

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10 hours ago, DocClox said:

For a console clone, you should be able to do player.placeatme <base_id> and get a new instance of her.

I did load my "original" save and placed a clone at me, Haremized her and left for Ark-thataplace after reading the book and starting the quest. Katria-prime  did approach and did her dialog, then joined as a follower so doing things with the clone doesn't break the quest (though I didn't try setting her as an enemy or such).


I also had the thought that instead of messing around with a limited dialog, special voiced quest NPC, you could use her ghost visuals, or Wyndelius' Philter of the Phantom or any other like that in a spell to "raise" a corpse but instead spawn a new actor with the glowy effect applied, thus creating your own Arondil style ghost girls. I tried removing the effect from Katria but all I got was a transparent, not-glowing npc instead of a solid one.

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12 minutes ago, karlpaws said:

you could use her ghost visuals, or Wyndelius' Philter of the Phantom or any other like that in a spell to "raise" a corpse but instead spawn a new actor with the glowy effect applied


Yeah. That's pretty much what I did in SexLab Necrophilia, except that the ghost dispels when the spell wears off. Can't remember how I made if work offhand, but it can't be too hard to work it out :)

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9 hours ago, DocClox said:

One of the motivations behind this was "I need to get these new captures home, and I don't have any collars..".

Yeah, I would just stop and discipline fresh livestock on the spot. Tie them up, break out the whip and wail on them until running away ceases to be an option for them. If I`m in a dungeon, there`d be a string of girls all tied up in my wake like bread crumbs. Then I`d have to walk out the long way(back-track) gathering them up as I go. Can be a pain. Be nice if I could assign a trained slave(or follower. Alicia Painslut would be perfect) to take charge of them. Order her to "follow behind and gather up any fresh livestock". In effect, you leave her standing at the entrance and move deeper into the dungeon. When you tie fresh livestock up and move on, your "gatherer" moves forward and takes charge of her. When the dungeon is cleared, you call her(spell?) and she comes frolicking up, a string of slaves in her wake. OR you signal her(spell?) and she takes them home, or to a slave camp or whatever. When the Master/Mistress eventually comes home, they`ve all been assigned trainers and are being taught their place in your household. But your "Bound Restraints" spell is much simpler, so that`s the best way to go. I`m just fixated on incorporating slaves more in the game. Making them useful in more ways than as just pretty scenery you can fuck. And I`m big on automation and delegation of work. Set it, and forget it, so to speak. I mean, your slaves serial numbers are in the 80`s now. Having to personally see to their breeding(SGO3) alone would crush me in tedium. Hentai Creatures mod is an excellent source of "studs" to fill the slaves, but it only works when you`re there with them, which defeats the purpose of being free to do other stuff.                                                                                                           


Imagine the Dragonborn coming home, leading a string of freshly harvested livestock, and is greeted with the sight of his/her beautiful breeding cows working the fields, their bellies bloated with soulgems/eggs(chaurus/spider), their breasts engorged with milk. Periodically they move to the barn to be milked, the workshop to birth a clutch of soulgems, or the pantry to birth eggs to help feed the household, while followers and fighting slaves patrol the perimeter. You go inside to hear the moans of your followers as they`re overwhelmed by insatiable, nymphomaniac slaves happily and eagerly pleasing their beloved Masters'/Mistresses' favored servants. You head to the slave pens to drop off the new meat, glancing into the impregnation chamber as you pass by, where slaves are being refilled by various studs, before resuming their assigned tasks. The Slave Mistress takes charge of your delivery, assigning them trainers. Here, screams of pain and pleas for mercy blend with the moans of forced orgasms as the trainers work their charges mercilessly. Off to the bedroom, where your elite slaves(Sex Slaves mod) greet you joyfully and proceed to milk their beloved owner of all the cum they can coax from you, before drifting off in an exhausted slumber, cocooned in a blanket of soft, naked flesh. The next day, when you manage to extricate yourself from the clutches of your adoring concubines, you move about the household, indulging yourself with whatever tasks you feel like engaging in, before heading out on a new hunt. As you prepare to leave, you see a raiding party, led by a follower with a handful of fighting slaves, coming back from a raid on a bandit/imperial/stormcloak camp or the Thalmor, leading a string of fresh catches to the slave pens for breaking and training.(By fully exploiting all the bounties the enslaved female body is capable of producing, your household is completely self-sufficient. Slaves set to crafting can arm, armor and clothe your people. Merchant slaves can sell excess resources and crafted goods at the markets in towns and cities. Build mines at discovered ore deposits. Gather alchemy ingredients for potions. An entire slave-based economy. Of course, only the Dragonborn could do it. What Jarl would dare interfere in the Dovahkins' business? That`s a good way to get your capital sacked and women led off in bondage.)                                                                THAT, in my opinion, would be the fruits of the ULTIMATE slavery mod(s). Needless to say, my Skyrim endgame is "The Dragonborn rules Skyrim". Oh, I failed to mention my PC(Succubus) doesn`t kill Alduin. She takes him as her consort, thus securing the Dragons as her followers, and breeds mighty children with him. The DragonBORN becomes the DragonQUEEN. But that`s a whole other mod someone hasn`t made. Then there`s the Falmer(Things in the Dark). Hope that Frenchman fixes that mod, like he said. He knows how to write a good story. Ends with becoming Queen of Ibn, a city of Falmer. My vision for the future of Skyrim modding is multiple mods, all blending together(by design) into a DLC sized masterpiece. It`ll never happen, short of me inheriting a fortune or winning the Lottery and hiring gifted modders to make it a reality.

Sorry about that.^      I was in the mood to share. :)  A downside to me finding you likeable, I`m afraid. And me being a little burned out with playing Oblivion, while I wait for you to finish this. I`m trying out a new mod called Plunder. I really like it. The modder doesn`t speak English, so figuring it out is a little tricky, but I found it worth the extra effort. It`s not THAT hard to decipher the machine translations. Most of the time.                                                      Anyway, keep on keepin' on. Whatever you do is fine by me, and I`ll be glad to have it. Thanks, as always.

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2 hours ago, rcy68 said:

Sorry about that.^      I was in the mood to share


A proper reply to which will need to wait until I'm more awake then I am right now.


Instead, here's a screeny of the bound restraints with FX added.




It loses quite a bit for being static, the streams of particles are quite something.


Downside is, the ZAP framework seems to check for the Bondage enchantment rather than the Bondage Magic effect, so by adding this I seem to have stopped the items from functioning as restraints. I'll have another look tomorrow. Worst case, I'll keep the restraint and lose the SFX.


Anyway, it's bedtime over here, so I'm going to turn in. Later, all.


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6 hours ago, rcy68 said:

 I`m just fixated on incorporating slaves more in the game. Making them useful in more ways than as just pretty scenery you can fuck.


Have you seen the Sexy Bandit Captives mod Blackbird Wanderer is working on?  I suppose at this point the slaves aren't much more than scenery but the NPCs are being added to the game world with an eye toward being used by other mods as well as the mod's internal work.

3 hours ago, DocClox said:

Downside is, the ZAP framework seems to check for the Bondage enchantment rather than the Bondage Magic effect, so by adding this I seem to have stopped the items from functioning as restraints. I'll have another look tomorrow. Worst case, I'll keep the restraint and lose the SFX.

Can you add to the slave an invisible item, potentially not worn, that has the keywords ZAP is looking for when you add the spell?

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2 hours ago, karlpaws said:

Have you seen the Sexy Bandit Captives mod Blackbird Wanderer is working on?  I suppose at this point the slaves aren't much more than scenery but the NPCs are being added to the game world with an eye toward being used by other mods as well as the mod's internal work.

Oh, yeah. I know that one. I like it. Especially like the enchantment on the restraints. Wish I could learn that one at the Enchanting table. But they don`t really do much. Granted, they`re a little different than PAHE slaves, and variety is always good. And a nice bit of bonus treasure when clearing bandit camps. But once you have them, there they are, and that`s about it. Sex Slaves mod, though. Love those girls. My favorite followers. And as a wise Powder Ganger in the Mojave once said, "Sex slaves are the best kind of slaves"(Sexout Tryout, FNV).

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2 hours ago, sidfu said:

did u notice always in background of docs pics he has other slaves with awsome tatto setups that he tauntt us with since  its a pain to setup tats i nthe xml :P


Yeah, he does. Hopefully he`ll release his own slave tats pack, eventually. But I don`t really care for those big red circle tattoos they`re "branded" with. Too big, and too many of them. Just one on the back shoulder would be fine. I can live with them, though.

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23 minutes ago, rcy68 said:

Oh, yeah. I know that one. I like it. Especially like the enchantment on the restraints. Wish I could learn that one at the Enchanting table. But they don`t really do much. Granted, they`re a little different than PAHE slaves, and variety is always good. And a nice bit of bonus treasure when clearing bandit camps. But once you have them, there they are, and that`s about it. Sex Slaves mod, though. Love those girls. My favorite followers. And as a wise Powder Ganger in the Mojave once said, "Sex slaves are the best kind of slaves"(Sexout Tryout, FNV).

I think the enchantment is really just lore and story at this point and that might be all that it is. I suspect from some of the comments BW might have an idea of doing something with bindings via crafting, such that if you have them you'd be able to make a normal NPC or a freed captive into a slave one way or another if you have a binding, but that probably won't be until the quest and story part of the mod is developed. For now its enough to make sure that girls can be added to the camps in a lore friendly and manageable way and number, and (possibly as many as possible) other mods that add suitable locations can be handled.


The last version of the mod (which I haven't tried yet) added the option for you to tell captives you'd subjugated to hang around an area and look decorative or entertain NPCs and followers that might be nearby.

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Just time for some quick comments


6 hours ago, karlpaws said:

Can you add to the slave an invisible item, potentially not worn, that has the keywords ZAP is looking for when you add the spell?


Pretty much what I was thinking. Would be useful too, since I could swap items with different animations behind the scenes. I always wanted to be able to magically configure shackles to different bondage poses with a wave of my hand.


5 hours ago, sidfu said:

since  its a pain to setup tats i nthe xml


The JSON you mean? Mainly that's just copy and paste from other slavetat files. And maybe paste the result into JSONLint.com just to make sure you're not missing a comma or something.


Ah, maybe I'll cook up some sort of configurator.


2 hours ago, rcy68 said:

Hopefully he`ll release his own slave tats pack, eventually


Included with the mod. All my recent tats (not including the "chew toy" and "free use" ones are in the last release. And those two will be in the next one.


2 hours ago, rcy68 said:

Too big, and too many of them. Just one on the back shoulder would be fine


Already taken care of. There are tats in there to do any single one of those brands, or none at all if you prefer.


Try opening docclox\slavers_spellbook\json\branding.json with notepad, and paste the following over the file content:

        { "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Body" },
        { "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Feet" },
                "name"          : "Left Shoulder",
                "section"       : "Spellbook",
                "area"          : "Body",
                "color"         : 16711680,
                "glow"          : 16711680

That'll give you the stockings, along with one brand on the left shoulder. Feel free to delete the stockings lines if you don't want them :)


The color and glow numbers are the hex color codes for red (#FF0000), only in decimal since I can't presuade JContainers to load hex numbers correctly. If the red is a bit bright, try 9109504 which should give a dark red (#8B0000). Or pick your own color codes and convert them from hex to decimal with windows' calculator app. They don't have to be the same color either.


Or you could just replace the contents of docclox\slavers_spellbook\json\branding.json with this, instead:


That would make the Brand spell apply no tattoos at all, and you could manage your tats on a per-slave basis.




dropped the sample JSON above into JSONlint.com and found out I was missing a comma. Happens to us all. Fixed now.

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Quick Question: Anyone using this that isn't using PAHE? Ayone mind if became a hard dependency?


PAHE's leash collar effect depends on a keyword in the collar. I can't add that to my bound collars without adding a hard depend. I could make the collar invisible and unslotted, but that would affect the base records and all the normal leashing collars would become invisible too. Or I could patch pahslave.psc and test for a storageutil key. That's definitely an option.


Similarly, the chance of escaping from bonds dpeneds on some hard coded tests for specific restraints; anything new that gets added will register as rope. I'd like the bound restraints to be better then physical bonds.


And also, there's a findCuffs option that agan uses a hard coded list...


Hmmm... two out of three of these are going to need patching anyway.


Has anyone any experienec with MESKSEUtils?


That's got a CloneKeywords method that would solve the collar problem. Might be an easier fix.

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Getting the collar and cuffs to register as Zaz items was an easy fix. As @karlpaws suggested, an invisible Zaz collar and cuffs do the job nicely.


Does anyone know what governs the time limit for effects on armor? These seem to time out if I wait for an hour, and I can't see why.




forgot the most important part:



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8 hours ago, DocClox said:

Try opening docclox\slavers_spellbook\json\branding.json with notepad, and paste the following over the file content:

        { "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Body" },
        { "name": "Black 1", "section": "stockings Unp 7B", "area": "Feet" },
                "name"          : "Left Shoulder",
                "section"       : "Spellbook",
                "area"          : "Body",
                "color"         : 16711680,
                "glow"          : 16711680

That'll give you the stockings, along with one brand on the left shoulder. Feel free to delete the stockings lines if you don't want them :)

I appreciate it, I really, really do, but there`s no way I`m messing around with the interior workings of a mod(wouldn`t I have to redo it with every update?). Sounds very simple, in theory, but I can live with the 6 large circle thingies marring my beautiful slaves bodies(the 2 HUGE ones on the ass, especially suck). Plus, I like the heart and serial number. Love them, actually. It catalogues the slaves nicely. So the brand is what it is, and I`ll live with it. Worried about the stockings, though. LOVE thigh-high stockings, but never use them. Always clips.(I know, Bodyslide blah, blah, blah. I use it in the most basic of ways and leave it at that)                         I see you use UNP 7B body. I use CBBE Curvy, myself. Those stockings are gonna look like crap on my girls, aren`t they? I used your mod when it first came out, but when the updates kept rolling in every couple days(not a problem. keep them coming), I stopped using it. Actually, I switched to Oblivion. Haven`t played Skyrim since. I`m kinda paranoid with updates. Worried I`ll mess up and have to start a new game. Making a new character, combined with all the MCM settings, is such a chore. Takes hours, and then tweaking the settings here and there while playing...Ugh. So I switched games until your creative fervor calms down a bit. NOT a problem. Create away! The point is, I have no "real world" experience with using your mod, anymore. I`m really looking forward to it, but I`m patient. So I don`t want to cause you any confusion when I ask questions like someone who hasn`t used your mod, when I`ve been commenting on it for months.                           Hmmm...I`m seriously considering changing my profile name to "Unfrozen Caveman Modder". ? That way people will have a better idea of what kind of commenter they`re dealing with and not waste their valuable time with technical stuff I`m not gonna really get, or do. Makes me feel bad. If only I could kidnap Gopher and force him to sit next to me and explain stuff. He`s like the Bob Ross of modding. Love that guy. Now I know how my mom felt when I tried to show her how to set the clock on her VCR. ?

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