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That's the TES5Edit I've been getting. I did a bit of googling, and it seems to be a Pascal runtime error, which is why I think it's a bug.


The CTDs are unexpected I can load in the CK and play the esp for Oldrim, at least.


I may have to go back to my old position of SSE being unsupported.

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If it is any consolation, the Skyrim LE version of slaverers_spellbook.esp also crashes Skyrim SE TES5Edit and the CK.

Would you happen to have a copy of that esp, version 7, that you did not clean?

I am suspicious of cleaning operations...

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That one kills Skyrim SE Tes5Edit and the CK.

Would sure be nice If you could start with your V6 esp and reapply your changes...

Something went astray in the process. (not trying to make more work for you - but this version is not even convertible)


More palatable solution maybe - could you repackage V6 with your JSON and gradient changes? That would be very usable.

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6 has the same underlying problem. At least if gives me the same TES5 error. Five checks clean though. It might be less effort in the long run to start again from that. The scripts will be reusable and I can probably do some copy and paste work in zEdit if I'm careful.

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Well, this sucks. If I revert, it means abandoning best part of a day's dialogue writing. I've been trying to copy it all over, but zEdit's smart copy either doesn't work, or I'm too thick to work out how to use it. And if I don't smart copy, then every info references a quest in 0.0.7, which gets set as a master. zEdit doesn't have a "find references belonging to X" option, and xEdi, which does have such an option, won't work because with 0.0.7 now being a master, it tries to load it and crashes.


Oh what fun we have ...




I deleted everything in 007 but the header. xEdit loaded it all right.


I restored from the zip and deleted the spells. Still broken.  I deleted the magic effects: xEdit loaded it.


I eventually managed to narrow it down to one broken magic effect that  wasn't even used anywhere. Deleted that and xEdit loads the esp. I how have a huge list of broken properties to fix, but at least I know where the problems are.

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All right folks:




Let's see how this one breaks. For me, at the moment:


  •  It tests clear on xEdit
  • It runs with the resource from the 7z this morning
  • Brand and SttF work.
  • Slaver's Candle just gives a normal candlelight, albeit a permanent one.

There may well be some odd weirdness with factions and formlists; I'll get those cleaned up. For now I just want to know if anyone else can load this without CTD.




Detect Submission is still broken. This time I think because the spells have duplicates that are masking the actual effects. I was busy reworking them when it all went sideways. Nothing I can't fix.




Detect Submission does too work. It just doesn't work on newly captured (and unbranded) forsworn. You need to brand them before some of the spells will work.


Note that branding need not include tattoos. You can set the tats to an empty set, or you can remove them afterwards. But you need the link that the brand sets up.


enb 2019_05_14 21_45_39_96.png  enb 2019_05_14 21_45_36_11.png


I feel better with that working :)

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Plopping slavers_spellbook_fixed on top of V6 - is loadable by both Skyrim SE Tes5Edit and the CK.

You are going to make this work yet!

Sorry for all the trouble you are going through - but the result is worth it (to me - easy to say).

If you have another specific configuration you would like me to test, let me know. I seem to have about 20 variations...


I seem to have a permanent Slaver's Candle - Red and Blue.

What is the hex ID of the spell I need to cast to turn it off? There seem to be a good half dozen Slaver's Candle spells defined.

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Glad to hear it.


There's an old version of the Slaver's Candle spell and the current one. Something I keep meaning to clean up. Each candle color is a separate ability, so it might be easiest to use removespell from the console. Red is ca35 and blue is 3a3c

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Quick note about the state of development.


Having spent a couple of days playing the game testing extensively, most things look pretty solid. However there are still some oddities where things depend on formlists and factions. A lot of that got messed up in the recent upheaval. Moreover, in the course of fixing all that it became apparent that moving formlists into the esm wasn't going to work the way I wanted. I can't pre-load a formlist in a master with spells from a normal plugin, for instance.


Consequently, I'm going to try something different.


First of all, for all those factions from other mods which I want to test, I'm going replicate them in slavers_spellbook.esp


Second, all branded slaves are going to get their own formlist. I'll see about auto-populating that when the main quest reloads.


Third: about once a minute, a routine is going to wake up, whizz down that formlist and copy faction ranks from the mods in question to local ones.


Fourth, I'll add a way to request an update scan here-and-now, but it'll have something like a five second lock-out on it


With all that in place, I can roll the SLHP and PAHE addons back into the main mod, and the esp disappears as well. This will help simplifiy installing things and relieve pressure on games approaching their mod limit.


Detect spells will now use the local factions for their conditions. The spells will request an update when they run, so while there may be a small lag for changes from the last 60 seconds, it should update fairly fast.


And having done that, I can write a few more detects, for things like respect and sex training, which I've been wanting to do for a bit.


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ahh crap look slike u had to modify the file that SILF needs to patch  for sgo alsodcc_sgo_QuestController.psc

here the file that is modifled for inflation newtwork. not sure if only



Function ResetMod_Prepare()
{check that everything this mod needs to run exists and is ready.}

    IsInstalledSlif = Game.GetModbyName("SexLab Inflation Framework.esp") != 255




    self.OK = TRUE


was modifed to get them to work.


damn looks like its more than just hat.
what code do u modify i cant seem to find it

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OK. So I have a Sex Training Detection spell now. I tell you, I've been neglecting these girls. I thought I was doing almost nothing but fuck them, but I've never seen so much red in my life. Clearly I'm going have to work on that side of things.


Next task is to untangle  the mod from a couple of unwanted master files it's picked up. After that, I can finally look at doing some new spells.


Things that are in the melting pot at the moment:


  • More quest content
  • Setting up Ulvutukitig's combat spell
  • Ulvutukitig has some riekling servants that occasionally need to get laid. Maybe you could help out.
    • more Uluvutukitig & riekling things to follow on
  • Chain Beast spells
  • Bound Restraints. (Like bound armor, but to tie up slaves)
  • More detects
    • (Although I'm worried about too many of them- maybe a general purpose detect and a configurator spell to select what it acts upon)
  • Some weird and crazy ideas for slave transport
  • ...
  • That's probably enough to be going on with

And this was going to be a nice, simple mod too... ;)

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10 hours ago, fred200 said:

When you want some testing done - give us an inline download.


Cheers, I'll take you up on that.


Lazy morning so far. Been noodling around with tattoos:




It's proving a pain to get right. The Capitalized Words are supposed to take a color. But what's happening is they're staying black and the color is shading the creamy backcolor I laid down so the tat would be readable on dark skin. Tis most passing strange...

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