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CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR

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I do not know how adjust SMP parameter for collision, with  collider mesh which will be offered as real mesh,

So only use virtual sphere is simple enough for me. (at current)


And it make me easy when I try to convert out-fit, from CBBE special to 3bbb body,,  I just need to exchange nude body without additional mesh.


 I really do not know  how I manage those real collision mesh for reference body,  with clothing. 


Then  3bbb seems offer unique aploach, wear collision armor , and I find maybe next version will offer scripted collision armor,

which auto- equip when sex animation start....  (though I do not check ,the collison armor still,,)

what I feel pity,, if I choose full CBPC,, there seems no new anus physics ^^;;


But I rather  hope to see, after finish sex,, if the anus hole rapidly close and open,,, but it is not about collision effect,,, ^^;


I suppose,, if I can force to load Config_ana.txt  which discribe gravity values,,

with interval.. after finish,,, e, then show some shaking around the hole..  then stop to load,,


but just imagine,, may not work. as I planed.


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12 minutes ago, greenmango12 said:

I do not know how adjust SMP parameter for collision, with  collider mesh which will be offered as real mesh,

So only use virtual sphere is simple enough for me. (at current)


And it make me easy when I try to convert out-fit, from CBBE special to 3bbb body,,  I just need to exchange nude body without additional mesh.


 I really do not know  how I manage those real collision mesh for reference body,  with clothing. 


Then  3bbb seems offer unique aploach, wear collision armor , and I find maybe next version will offer scripted collision armor,

which auto- equip when sex animation start....  (though I do not check ,the collison armor still,,)

what I feel pity,, if I choose full CBPC,, there seems no new anus physics ^^;;


But I rather  hope to see, after finish sex,, if the anus hole rapidly close and open,,, but it is not about collision effect,,, ^^;


I suppose,, if I can force to load Config_ana.txt  which discribe gravity values,,

with interval.. after finish,,, e, then show some shaking around the hole..  then stop to load,,


but just imagine,, may not work. as I planed.


Look i have the collision armour integrated into the body they have the  same sliders  and no need to adjust SMP parameter for collision and no need to auto- equip when sex animation start


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Thanks  manpan..  yes  I know you can do well as you hope...  but I do not know how to use such reference body for convert clothing.

(it not means, I ask someone to help me how to,,? though I feel interesting your work)


, simply I may not hope to play around with  smp for body at current.   howmany users recommend it work better my decision not change..

unitll I understand how CPBC work more clear.  there are many things which I have not tried,,, ( add  collison sphere and modify for Estrus mesh etc)


 I rather hope,, to use next CBPC version for almost all physics about body and body,, (with tight clothing only)  if I can.  


Btw,, I have made 3 original new sliders , which I really often use to make my followers.. (around aerora and adjust nipple more free)

then I often need to modify,, project file, when body up-dated.. almost everytime.


current 3bbb unfortunately change mesh,, (not keep same vertex count anymore,,merge vagina as one mesh  is reason I feel. ), so I needed some complex work, with out fit studio,  (need to transfer slider data for new mesh,,)  If I try new body,, I must need same work, with more complex meshes, so It is rmain reason,,, I may not hope to try new body soon even though it work better.?



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11 minutes ago, greenmango12 said:

Thanks  manpan..  yes  I know you can do well as you hope...  but I do not know how to use such reference body for convert clothing.

(it not means, I ask someone to help me how to,,? though I feel interesting your work)


, simply I may not hope to play around with  smp for body at current.   howmany users recommend it work better my decision not change..

unitll I understand how CPBC work more clear.  there are many things which I have not tried,,, ( add  collison sphere and modify for Estrus mesh etc)


 I rather hope,, to use next CBPC version for almost all physics about body and body,, (with tight clothing only)  if I can.  


Btw,, I have made 3 original new sliders , which I really often use to make my followers.. (around aerora and adjust nipple more free)

then I often need to modify,, project file, when body up-dated.. almost everytime.


current 3bbb unfortunately change mesh,, (not keep same vertex count anymore,,merge vagina as one mesh  is reason I feel. ), so I needed some complex work, with out fit studio,  (need to transfer slider data for new mesh,,)  If I try new body,, I must need same work, with more complex meshes, so It is rmain reason,,, I may not hope to try new body soon even though it work better.?



To convert the clothing you have Acro748 tutorial .pdf

삼본젖 의상 가이드.pdf삼본젖 의상 가이드.ko.en.pdf


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37 minutes ago, manpan22 said:

Ah OK because I have already downloaded almost all,,  from original sight..  so I simply could not read words, I must think (I may better to learn other country words more,,,  and my google not translate from pdf,,, 


Wait,,    so you translate as english ?   or it offered already in original 3bbb sight ?  anyway I did not see english version ,when I visit Acro Sight.. 

(I really often open visit his page,,with google teacher) thanks you offer it!!!  (of course thanks Acro748 ^^)


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3 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

Ah OK because I have already downloaded almost all,,  from original sight..  so I simply could not read words, I must think (I may better to learn other country words more,,,  and my google not translate from pdf,,, 


Wait,,    so you translate as english ?   or it offered already in original 3bbb sight ?  anyway I did not see english version ,when I visit Acro Sight.. 

(I really often open visit his page,,with google teacher) thanks you offer it!!!  (of course thanks Acro748 ^^)


Look at https://www.onlinedoctranslator.com to translate the pdfs , and also thanks to Acro748 for everything offered , you also have on Arco´s page a lot of costumes already converted to 3bbb

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On 11/2/2019 at 9:14 AM, greenmango12 said:

I hope to know, is there way to force one time  up-date all CBPconfig.txt  without use interval, and keep current position. (so not mov cell etc)?

Try console command pcb. Not sure it will work as it does not reload the current cell. If it doesn't work, try F5 > F6 (QucikSave > QuickLoad), which does reload the current cell and force-update CBPC.

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1 hour ago, Vyxenne said:

Try console command pcb. Not sure it will work as it does not reload the current cell. If it doesn't work, try F5 > F6 (QucikSave > QuickLoad), which does reload the current cell and force-update CBPC.

Thanks it was good try to understand clear.

but I think, at least with MO2, the procedure not work. (at least with my test)

maybe if I discribe all prameter in CBPConfig.txt and use synful to change on and off , it may work

but it may not save my changing about added prrameter.


So we need to use CBPConfigXXXX.txt about gravity and other node names (and if it is not default bone. mix use,, you need to make them separately)

I need to keep both.  (One is for 3bbb bone (follower and  ohter female)  , then One is for clothing which I sitll not converted.


I suppose,, Once Tuning.rate set as zero,,or comment out,  even though I change it,, without use sinful,, SKSE do not load it again.

So I use PCB for up-date cell, but it not work.. and if I quit game but not return desktop, it not work.

It only up-date and check current frame.rate value, when I re-start..  once I set fram.rate as 0.  


So If I need to adjust gravity value in game, with txteditor,, I must start frame.rate = 60 etc.

but it continue to re-load and get strange shake,  once I set frame.rate =0,  it stop.  

then I set frame.rate = 60 again, and edit,, the modify not up-dated,, untill I return desk top, and start game from SKSE.

I do not know, if it is related with MO2 way.,, 






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Then it was interesting for me,, because 3bbb weight is more sensitive, as author said.. 

so I understand,, he recommend keep gravityBias under 0.01 (as max value)  

at current I only test CBBEspecial config, with clothing, so it may effect too.. 

if I use CBBEspecial for nude,  I may see more large defomation,, with same value..  


after all,, if I set gravityBias,, it means,   breast shape sug from which in body-slide (zero pose)

so more high value,, will force to breast sag hard (but along to gravity direction)




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1 hour ago, Vyxenne said:

Just a short clip to show that CBPC physics, including internal belly bulge, work just fine with the new release of XPMSSE:


Hey just so you know, people have to be friends with you to view that video. I'm not sure if you intended the privacy settings that way or not, in case you don't want to friend a bunch of randos ?

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3 hours ago, Tuvalu said:

Hey just so you know, people have to be friends with you to view that video. I'm not sure if you intended the privacy settings that way or not, in case you don't want to friend a bunch of randos ?

Well, I changed the privacy on it but for some reason it didn't "take." Try this link, which I just tested- it shows "Public" so it should be visible.



Sorry for the previous screwup.

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3 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Well, I changed the privacy on it but for some reason it didn't "take." Try this link, which I just tested- it shows "Public" so it should be visible.



Sorry for the previous screwup.

Ha ha,, thanks I planed to message and ask you if please me add as your friend?  etc ^^; 


Then I do not know, but,, do you think,, if it can add more move for breast with full body move cycle?

I feel, (as my feeling when I glance the short movie)  I felt breast may move up-down with piston cycle.

and hope to know, what your combination (body and config files), which you used for the movie?


(CBBE default special or CBBE 3bb or your cusotmized (belly added) CBBE etc.. and your currently using CBPConfigs.

so I can compare with my settings,, )


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1 hour ago, chevalierx said:

i use cbbe se with patched belly node , and blug work , but colision sos , cbbe special not working  any help ?

about collision pelvis with SOS ,,  most of movements are controlled with your CBPCollisionConfig.txt  for CBBE special body.  (as default)

so if you do not see clear vagina open with SOS,  you may try adust Collision settings. [NPC pelvis [pelv] section. radius size.

for low and high weight.   and may better adjust sphere position more stricitly, with use NifScope. (In nexus you may get PDF documetn

to adjust collision sphere, pos and radius for low and high weight)


Next  acjust Collider Nodes setting for SOS (physics) . about Genitals nodes. I only install SOS phsyics version (maybe for hdt smp)

but it worked for me with CBPC too.  so I do not know default SOS version sitll work or not.

[NPC Genitals01 [Gen01]]
0,0,0,3 | 0,0,0,3

[NPC Genitals02 [Gen02]]
0,0,0,3 | 0,0,0,3

[NPC Genitals04 [Gen04]]
0,0,0,3 | 0,0,0,3

[NPC Genitals05 [Gen05]]   #I added it just for quriosity,, I do not know it need or not,,

0,0,0,3 | 0,0,0,3

[NPC Genitals06 [Gen06]]
0,0,0,4 | 0,0,0,4


the last number should be radius.. I usually tweak the radius of gen6 . it may depend your SOS size too.


NPC genital 06 is first contact point, of your SOS mesh, so may better first tweak it with your choosen

SOS nif files in nif scope.  (if it was in bsa,, you may need to extract it,, I do not remember,, clear,, loose or bsa,,maybe I extracted it to check all)


When there is more collision,between collider SOS nodes sphere with pelivs sphere,    simply CBPC try to move vagina bones to wide.

(I  remember author said, in this topic, not clear remember all detail though,,)


Of course,, you may better wait answer from more skillful users.  but to help you,, most of us may need to see how you set up

you said use CBBE special with belly node patch (which patch?   it offer original config files too?)

but you do not say what config file you currently using at all.

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My future request to shizof  for CBPC ver 3 etc,,, ^^;

1. yes it is already requested,, I hope if there is way to apply different setting file for each cloth,, 

or when wear it,, it read other config files ...  at current I adjust reference shape,, eg for hard armor,, I made another slider preset , 

then controll default breast postion, (more push up), but it can not controll how move large.. 


2. I hope new parameter (or one more parameter), to easy adjust How open pelvis area with contact ,, multipler etc..

   (or if there are more parameter,, eg,,time value, it need to open (delay) when contact,, , I may apreciate too, )


3. console or script with MCM menu,, I do not know,, but command which can load  all config (collison too)  of CBPC one time  with out use interval.

 when we need... so I can more easy play with each config files. (with synful interval on or without synful load CBPConfig.txt)



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As for me,, I almost keep using original Config which CBPC mod offered. about collision setting.. (CBPCollisonConfig.txt ) for CBBEspecial body.

and about other physical shaking use synful popstar preset. at current I use  3bbb autor offered..CBPConfig.txt 


(It compatible with default CBBEspecial or custom one with belly node and weight) 

I really like 3bbb at current,, 




I think your linked first one mod seems  deform standard CBBE shape heavy,, ,, so  you may better not mix up with other modder offered config files. if you do not ajust by your self.   Best is ask the modder who offered the option config files. with  his preset.  (and check CBPConfig.txt)


Then actually I use animal SOS SE  with pick up CBPC config files for animal SOS .


(and you may need to pick up the patch which adjust race name for animal SOS configs,

if your "creature race name" changed with translation .  they need to return as english, for CBPC work.


Then are you MO2 or voltex user ? because as you know we can install many config files with body,as we like., but you must need to know

which config files are actually used,, (some configs will be overwritten,, with your mod order, without you set un-active)

if you are MO2 user, same me,, so you  can check it in right pane data directory,, then which mod offere current CBPC setting files.

in SKSE/plugins.


eg the Animal SOS CBPCmasterConfig.txt  add many creature or animal race name. but other mod usually not discribe it.

so  if you download other config later,, the master file Animal SOS offered  is overwritten.. 

then  it cause problem,, because MasterConfig need to discribe all Node which work with CBPC..

so you may need manually merge MasterConfigs..for some case.


eg 3bbb offer original MasterConfig which discribe 3bbb nodes.  and AnimalSOS masterConfig discribe other race, with auhor setting.

so I need to merge them manually or may lost creature collision or 3bbb breast effect.

even though you use CBBEspecial,,with slider preset,  you may better check both MasterConfig and what node, and race are discribed. then merge them. if you need.


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I found, (though it should be already mentioned, and only me did not notice it,,)

To CBPC keep work,, PC must need to keep in range of current actors..


That was reason, why when I play with defeat, and hide bihind,, then just move free camera to check my follower sex with enemys,,

log distance,, (I keep hidden,,),, animation often not see physics clear,, or maybe lose at all..


it seems need to keep range between PC and actors.   so if I set npc posing, or animation,, but take distance, and use free camera then close up

it never show (maybe) CBPC physics,,  I do not remember it is same about SMP or PE though,,,




This distance stop CBPC work. for NPC . neither,, without free camera or close up only with free camera.


Then if I walk to folloser one step,, I clear see CBPC work...  I must need to count distance,, from today,?, for sneaking  NPC animation,


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17 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

Ha ha,, thanks I planed to message and ask you if please me add as your friend?  etc ^^; 


Then I do not know, but,, do you think,, if it can add more move for breast with full body move cycle?

I feel, (as my feeling when I glance the short movie)  I felt breast may move up-down with piston cycle.

and hope to know, what your combination (body and config files), which you used for the movie?


(CBBE default special or CBBE 3bb or your cusotmized (belly added) CBBE etc.. and your currently using CBPConfigs.

so I can compare with my settings,, )


It's not CBBE-anything. It is UUNP-HDT and/or UUNP-Special. UUNP has a belly bone by default so it is not necessary to hack the mesh to add it. UUNP-Special has a fully functional vagina as well, so again, it is not necessary to install Clams of Skyrim or anything else to enable vagina physics and collisions.


The breast movement in my short video is from Immersive CBPC Config and is not quite enough for me, I'm in the process of slowly adding a bit more movement. Here is an archive containing all of my body physics config files:


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35 minutes ago, Vyxenne said:

It's not CBBE-anything. It is UUNP-HDT and/or UUNP-Special. UUNP has a belly bone by default so it is not necessary to hack the mesh to add it. UUNP-Special has a fully functional vagina as well, so again, it is not necessary to install Clams of Skyrim or anything else to enable vagina physics and collisions.

I see,, sorry I miss understand, your meaning ^^;  (I know you useUUNP then this time, I thought if you just test CBBE to show it work)

 but as you said,  it is not problem UUNP or CBBE yes I clear remember, eventhough I use default CBBE special body, it worked about vagina collision for both.. and UUNP special is body what I have used with PE in LE, and there are not many difference when we use for CBPC then vagina

and SOS should work.  


Then I compare  difference, for CBPConfig,,, your  Breast.maxoffset value..  3 is a little bit small or tender move for me. (of course it depend on user)

I usually keep it as 8 , for gravity test,, set more high value 10 etc. 


So I could see clear,, the value is important to limit shaking range. without change my setting..thanks you offer setting files^^


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23 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

I see,, sorry I miss understand, your meaning ^^;  (I know you useUUNP then this time, I thought if you just test CBBE to show it work)

 but as you said,  it is not problem UUNP or CBBE yes I clear remember, eventhough I use default CBBE special body, it worked about vagina collision for both.. and UUNP special is body what I have used with PE in LE, and there are not many difference when we use for CBPC then vagina

and SOS should work.  


Then I compare  difference, for CBPConfig,,, your  Breast.maxoffset value..  3 is a little bit small or tender move for me. (of course it depend on user)

I usually keep it as 8 , for gravity test,, set more high value 10 etc. 


So I could see clear,, the value is important to limit shaking range. without change my setting..thanks you offer setting files^^


If you leave Tuning Rate set above 0, you may get shaking. To eliminate the shaking, set Tuning Rate to 0 and test in-game.

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1 hour ago, Vyxenne said:

If you leave Tuning Rate set above 0, you may get shaking. To eliminate the shaking, set Tuning Rate to 0 and test in-game.

Yes.  then once set Tunig Rate to 0 with game playing,  I can not edit gravity related parameter, any more. with keep gaming.

(so you edit gravity with Tuning rate 60 etc,, then fnish your work ..set Tuning rate as 0.. it work.

but if you hope to edit again,, then set Tuning rate from 0 to 60,, and edit gravity values, these parameter not up-loaded anymore.

I can confirm it.. (about other parameter, seems not show this issue,, at least I can change Synful option, and force to re-load with interval.

whenever I hope so)

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6 minutes ago, greenmango12 said:

Yes.  then once set Tunig Rate to 0 with game playing,  I can not edit gravity related parameter, any more. with keep gaming.

(so you edit gravity with Tuning rate 60 etc,, then fnish your work ..set Tuning rate as 0.. it work.

but if you hope to edit again,, then set Tuning rate from 0 to 60,, and edit gravity values, these parameter not up-loaded anymore.

I can confirm it.. (about other parameter, seems not show this issue,, at least I can change Synful option, and force to re-load with interval.

whenever I hope so)

Yes, everything you have said is true. SINful CBP is unique in offering immediate testing of in-game CBPC parameter changes. The reason SINful CBP does not facilitate testing of Gravity parameters without reloading the game is that Gravity parameters were unheard of when SINful CBP was released. I have no doubt that 3aq is hard at work adding Gravity parameters and settings to SINful CBP as we type these comments.


Or not. :classic_wacko:

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13 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

Yes, everything you have said is true. SINful CBP is unique in offering immediate testing of in-game CBPC parameter changes. The reason SINful CBP does not facilitate testing of Gravity parameters without reloading the game is that Gravity parameters were unheard of when SINful CBP was released. I have no doubt that 3aq is hard at work adding Gravity parameters and settings to SINful CBP as we type these comments.


Or not. :classic_wacko:

^^;    I request (really modestly,,) Shizof will offer , console command or MCM menu with new version first, to load all configs  of CBPC,

as same as we reload something with console menu..


though I do not know how it can be,,  (we have already many requests,, I know,,)


 then hope if 3aq may plan to add those new  CBPC things (at current it only adjust CBPConfig.txt only,,as 3aq intended,, to keep compatibility

for CBP user,, )


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