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41 minutes ago, AlexFerreman said:

I am receiving "[RJW] ERROR: No available sex types for pawnName, pawnName" error.

No one had sex from the save start, lovers lovin' instead.


Edit: For some reason my starter-3-colonists has their genitals under Whole Body (with red text), other pawns(including recruited prisoner) is not like that way.

[RJW] ERROR: No available sex types for Pawn and Pawn
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
rjw.SexUtility:DetermineSextype(Pawn, Pawn, Boolean, Boolean, Pawn&)
rjw.SexUtility:ProcessSex(Pawn, Pawn, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
rjw.PATCH_JobDriver_Loving_Cleanup:on_cleanup_driver(JobDriver, JobCondition)
Verse.AI.JobDriver:DMD<DMD<Cleanup_Patch3>?-460265088::Cleanup_Patch3>(JobDriver, JobCondition)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:CleanupCurrentJob(JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:DMD<DMD<EndCurrentJob_Patch1>?1199904128::EndCurrentJob_Patch1>(Pawn_JobTracker, JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean)


you used prepare carefully and broke your starting pawns

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23 minutes ago, AlexFerreman said:

Is it okay if I manually add them using dev commands (remove hediff, add hediff)?

Yes, but be careful to select "implants" and not Health condition as you do so. Your problem comes from adding genitals through health condition in Prepare Carefully. Also, to avoid this issue in the future, add all three rjw parts (Breast, Genitals and Anus) at the same time when using prepare carefully (that is to say, "tick" all three of them before hitting the "add button").

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4 hours ago, Ed86 said:

well the problem with parts is that nobody reported it as things in the storage, and im not good enough at reading minds, since pawn parts working fine

will get fixed in next version, current stuff is storage rip

And here I didn't want to needlessly bother you . My bad, I thought I seen it being mentioned before and assumed you're already tackling the issue.

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So I don't want to mess with the script coding for whoring price generation, especially because I have no idea how to call things in Rimworld's architecture, but looking at it, I have a couple tweaks I'd like to suggest.

One, instead of using trait checks for price modification due to beauty, might i suggest using the PawnBeauty stat?  For just vanilla it doesn't matter, but with support for more races via Humanoid Alien Framework 2.0, there's some support for variable PawnBeauty beyond the traits and beyond the standard five integer values (-2, -1, 0, 1, and 2).


Two, would it be possible to implement support for the whore pawn's TradePriceImprovement stat?  Currently it appears Social skill doesn't affect pricing at all (I'm pretty sure Whoring is a Social-type job in real life) and again, other mods have the ability to affect that stat which would in turn allow them to affect whoring prices.

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Are there known Mods that interfere with whoring, or RJW in general? I am getting an issue where visitors 'accept the offer' but when they go to the room the visitors just leave and my pawn will wait at the bed. I am using quite a few mods so would rather not have to go through them one by one. But this was working some time earlier in my play through, so I assume its one of my more recent mods causing the problem. I also updated to 4.0.3, so maybe its a new bug?


My most recent mods added are: Mercer's Backpacks + Nano Suit (Continued), VGP Vegetable Garden, VGP Fabrics, VGP Medicine, VGP Resources, VGP Gourmet, Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued), Apparel Organizer (Continued), Traders Have Money, [SYR] Harvest Yield Patch, Repair Workbench, Stabilize Here, M-13's Generators mods. and my personal theory is Hospitality.


Any other information needed to help me out?

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26 minutes ago, Namelessprophet said:

Are there known Mods that interfere with whoring, or RJW in general? I am getting an issue where visitors 'accept the offer' but when they go to the room the visitors just leave and my pawn will wait at the bed. I am using quite a few mods so would rather not have to go through them one by one. But this was working some time earlier in my play through, so I assume its one of my more recent mods causing the problem. I also updated to 4.0.3, so maybe its a new bug?


My most recent mods added are: Mercer's Backpacks + Nano Suit (Continued), VGP Vegetable Garden, VGP Fabrics, VGP Medicine, VGP Resources, VGP Gourmet, Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued), Apparel Organizer (Continued), Traders Have Money, [SYR] Harvest Yield Patch, Repair Workbench, Stabilize Here, M-13's Generators mods. and my personal theory is Hospitality.


Any other information needed to help me out?

Was about to comment on this issue.

Out of those mods I only have Less Arbitrary Surgery and Hospitality, but I noticed this problem before either of those mods were updated to 1.1, so they can't be the main culprit (since I didn't even have them). Forgot about it being a problem, because of how rare visitors are without Hospitality, even though that mod was largely incorporated into the base game.

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5 hours ago, Namelessprophet said:

Are there known Mods that interfere with whoring, or RJW in general? I am getting an issue where visitors 'accept the offer' but when they go to the room the visitors just leave and my pawn will wait at the bed. I am using quite a few mods so would rather not have to go through them one by one. But this was working some time earlier in my play through, so I assume its one of my more recent mods causing the problem. I also updated to 4.0.3, so maybe its a new bug?


My most recent mods added are: Mercer's Backpacks + Nano Suit (Continued), VGP Vegetable Garden, VGP Fabrics, VGP Medicine, VGP Resources, VGP Gourmet, Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued), Apparel Organizer (Continued), Traders Have Money, [SYR] Harvest Yield Patch, Repair Workbench, Stabilize Here, M-13's Generators mods. and my personal theory is Hospitality.


Any other information needed to help me out?

I have the same bug since the last RJW update. The bug also occurs when I only have harmony, core, hugslib and rjw active in the mod list.

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Is there a way I can stop every animal I butcher from dropping it's damn penis?


I don't want a stack of muffalo penis! I just want some hoes damn it!

Plus they can be butchered into HUMAN meat somehow, and they inflate my colony value early into the game.

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I've been trying to see how the insect pregnancy system works and haven't been able to get my Megaspiders to breed at all.  I activated wild mode to see if it could occur at all, and found that it did, however I run into a bug where the party that was initiated (receiving for the most part) stopped functioning completely, pathing stops, needs cease to decay, ect.


The debug menu spits out several errors:


These ticks forever and pawns (colonists and animals) don't move;



Exception ticking Megaspider108029 (at (170, 0, 128)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Pawn_RotationTracker.UpdateRotation () [0x000ee] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at Verse.Pawn_RotationTracker.RotationTrackerTick () [0x00000] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.DMD<DMD<Tick_Patch1>?-874163328::Tick_Patch1>(Verse.Pawn)
  at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x0015c] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)


Exception ticking Kiriko (at (168, 0, 126)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Pawn_RotationTracker.UpdateRotation () [0x000ee] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at Verse.Pawn_RotationTracker.RotationTrackerTick () [0x00000] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.DMD<DMD<Tick_Patch1>?-874163328::Tick_Patch1>(Verse.Pawn)
  at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x0015c] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)



Eventually this gets thrown and almost all the non-debug UI vanishes:


Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.ColonistBarColonistDrawer.DrawIcons (UnityEngine.Rect rect, Verse.Pawn colonist) [0x0014c] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at MoodBarPatch.MoodPatch.Prefix (RimWorld.ColonistBarColonistDrawer __instance, UnityEngine.Rect& rect, Verse.Pawn& colonist, Verse.Map& pawnMap, System.Boolean& highlight, System.Boolean& reordering) [0x0038a] in <bf88911819014c82b27656378bd8ed6c>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.ColonistBarColonistDrawer.DMD<DMD<DrawColonist_Patch1>?410492160::DrawColonist_Patch1>(RimWorld.ColonistBarColonistDrawer,UnityEngine.Rect,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Map,bool,bool)
  at RimWorld.ColonistBar.ColonistBarOnGUI () [0x00135] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.MapInterface.DMD<DMD<MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs_Patch2>?639602176::MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs_Patch2>(RimWorld.MapInterface)
  at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () [0x0001f] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
  at Verse.Root.OnGUI () [0x0003d] in <65f126dfb1e4464fa378d4b237f11a99>:0 
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)


I do have a fairly extensive modlist, but the only thing that would be interfering with RJW would be Children, School, and Learning, EPOE, and Achtung!, nothing else touches organs or does large edits to jobgiving as far as I am aware. 


Any advice or instructions to fix/aid in debugging would be appreciated.



I figured out the issue, somehow my copy of the mod had somehow doubled up on a bunch of functions (I'm guessing that filename's changed and me choosing to overwrite didn't clear it out properly), I ripped the old install out and it seems to have fixed it, I will update this if that's not the case.

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14 hours ago, Namelessprophet said:

Are there known Mods that interfere with whoring, or RJW in general? I am getting an issue where visitors 'accept the offer' but when they go to the room the visitors just leave and my pawn will wait at the bed. I am using quite a few mods so would rather not have to go through them one by one. But this was working some time earlier in my play through, so I assume its one of my more recent mods causing the problem. I also updated to 4.0.3, so maybe its a new bug?


My most recent mods added are: Mercer's Backpacks + Nano Suit (Continued), VGP Vegetable Garden, VGP Fabrics, VGP Medicine, VGP Resources, VGP Gourmet, Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued), Apparel Organizer (Continued), Traders Have Money, [SYR] Harvest Yield Patch, Repair Workbench, Stabilize Here, M-13's Generators mods. and my personal theory is Hospitality.


Any other information needed to help me out?

idk... seems client does move to whore that they do their kinky stuff

maybe caravan leaves and interrupts pather for client?

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9 minutes ago, Ed86 said:

idk... seems client does move to whore that they do their kinky stuff

maybe caravan leaves and interrupts pather for client?


So the caravan does not leave, I would understand how that could mess with the system. It happens even when the caravan is not leaving for quite awhile. juste95 seems to get it with no other mods. It seems like a real issue, I just don't have a clue how to look into it. Would rolling back to 4.0.2 break everything?


8 hours ago, juste95 said:

I have the same bug since the last RJW update. The bug also occurs when I only have harmony, core, hugslib and rjw active in the mod list.

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On 3/9/2020 at 1:20 PM, bearlyAlive said:

Do you have the latest version of Lost Forest? I think the block was added around 1.1.

There's no misunderstanding, I de-compiled LF and found the code that anesthetizes pawns trying to user RJW actions on LF critters.

If you want, I have a fix. Drop me a PM and I'll send you the link. I don't want the author to immediately counter my fix so I won't upload it publicly to LL


Could you send me it aswell

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fixes for casualsex and whoring
disabled vanilla orientation rolls and quirk adding for droids
fix for droids getting hetero sexuality instead of asexual
fixed rjw parts resetting in storage 
added fluid modifier, maybe someday use in drugs or operations 
added previous part owner name, maybe one day you stuff them and put on a wall 
added original owner race name


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Bestiality simply does not occur unless the animal has a wildness value of 0 and the pawn is a zoophile. Is it intended that only zoophiles can ever get beast action and only with specific animals? I see theres code intended for pawns to resort to bestiality when sexual frustrated but i've never seen it happen.


It really sucks that I can only get bestiality to happen by toggling the "mark for animal breeding" button. If I want my other female pawns to engage in it i need to enter dev mode and give them the zoophile trait.


Edit: So yeah bestiality is basically not functional outside of the zoophile + breeder toggle. Even manually telling the pawn to mate with an animal doesn't work properly, they just go to the bed and then nothing happens so something is broken somewhere.

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Just a reminder that the "induced libido" effect from humpshroom doesn't actually effect sex drive. It seems to only impact fatigue.


This may be easy to miss, since the sex bar does drop initially when taking humpshroom. The humpshroom does drop sex drive one time on the initial dose, but the subsequent induced libido hedif has no effect other than fatigue.


I've tried to fix it myself. I've found the hedif definition for it. I can see where it adds fatigue. I've tried adding in effects, but everything I put in generates an error on start, so obviously I don't know what I'm doing.





Figured it out.  For anyone interested in changing this themselves, the file is \mods\RJW\Defs\Drugs\Humpshroom.xml


The edit is as follows.


Find the definition for the induced libido effect. (<defName>HumpShroomEffect</defName>)


Then under stages, insert the bolded text.




Change the values to whatever you want.  It took me way too long to figure this out. Hopefully this helps the other knuckle-draggers out there like myself who have no mind for coding.


I'm not sure if the fatigue impact is intentional, but I left it in. I guess it make sense.






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On 3/22/2020 at 10:34 PM, furel said:

Hi, What ways I have to increse vulnerability?


I have the mod Prison Labor installed and I don't want make useless prisoners removing body parts.


And if I have marked for whoring a prisoner, how I can atract the visitors to de prison zone so they can "work". 

1. Increasing parts sizes through surgery or licentia labs, big parts are most desired. Some traits affect it. If you designate them as CPs and they get masochist trait that'll increase it too.
2. You could always use Trading Spot and choose them to hang around your jail? Tbh I've never seen prisoners whoring for money actually working. Not sure if that's intended or not.

15 hours ago, TheOne666 said:

Is there a way I can stop every animal I butcher from dropping it's damn penis?


I don't want a stack of muffalo penis! I just want some hoes damn it!

Plus they can be butchered into HUMAN meat somehow, and they inflate my colony value early into the game.

Are you using Harvest Organs Post Mortem/Prisoner Harvesting/Harvest Everything or a similar mod? I'd say that'd be the issue. Check those settings.

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i really love this mod, thx for updating it frequently. also i have some questions

does a pawn get happy for being pregnant or sad by getting an abortion?

bc that would be pretty immersive. maybe another situation, imagine if a female pawn gets full of eggs and depending on if she has a oviposition fetish "im full of eggs eww i hate it" -30

or being pregnant by another man's besides her lover.

idk just some random ideas, i don't know how to code mods for Rimworld

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