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1 hour ago, Anonymous said:

It's one of those things that are explained in a foolproof way in the OP.


Im not seeing whats outlined here. Thats not what happened in my game - the rapee has gained the rapist trait after getting raped repeatedly. I suppose ill try a bunch more with the 5% chance to give masochist but im wondering if manually telling someone to rape is broken as was discussed a few posts above mine.

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1 hour ago, Anonymous said:

It's one of those things that are explained in a foolproof way in the OP.


Im not seeing whats outlined here. Thats not what happened in my game - the rapee has gained the rapist trait after getting raped repeatedly. I suppose ill try a bunch more with the 5% chance to give masochist but im wondering if manually telling someone to rape is broken as was discussed a few posts above mine.

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2 hours ago, Anonymous said:

As for ovipositors they seem to be very unstable. One thing is that they re-roll the new size mechanic several times a day (size change isn't exactly stable to begin with, but it's several magnitudes worse for ovipositors) and another is that they may just flat out disappear when birthing unfertilized eggs.


And yes, that's how ovipositors work in the 4.x version of RJW. Eggs are stored inside an ovipositor and only those that are can be implanted... all the while giving the "mother" all debuffs it would for a potential host.

Imo, I'd be nice if the movement malus at least scaled with the gestation progress of an egg (perhaps multiplied by a creature size, so larger "host" pawns would suffer lower if not no movement penalty?) and then worked more or less like most "vanilla" eggs, i.e. stop progress at 50% (with a comparably lower movement malus).

ah I see, then when that Pawn rapes someone shouldn't the egg be deposited? then again they have both male and female....they might not have used the female one....

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2 hours ago, Tinala said:

Thanks ill give this a try! Now to figure out the dev mode.

Edit: Can't seem to find this add hedriff thing at all.



1. Enable dev mode in settings.

2. Click this icon in the top bar

3. Search for add hediff

4. Search for rjw to find the section where sizes are


5. Click on the colonist you want to alter > pick anus/genitals/chest


Note that many people are reporting sizes randomly changing on game load, so might only be temporary help, but you might get lucky.

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2 hours ago, roclefrara@matra.site said:


Im not seeing whats outlined here. Thats not what happened in my game - the rapee has gained the rapist trait after getting raped repeatedly. I suppose ill try a bunch more with the 5% chance to give masochist but im wondering if manually telling someone to rape is broken as was discussed a few posts above mine.

You may not realize it, but you aren't saying anything out of ordinary. To begin rolling the dice for the Masochist trait, a pawn first needs to reach "Feeling broken (Extremely broken)" status, which is achieved by... getting raped repeatedly.

1 hour ago, Sosina said:

ah I see, then when that Pawn rapes someone shouldn't the egg be deposited? then again they have both male and female....they might not have used the female one....

Yeah, the female ovipositor has to be used first, then the male so the eggs get primed.

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On 3/16/2020 at 2:38 PM, darknoss said:

After the RJW4.0.2 update, the right button can not be operated actively, and the display is like a picture.


it still cannot be operated. It is tested that the old pawn cannot be executed.
NEW pawn can be operated by right-click.



seems to be some sort of game bug where workgivers are not updated


rjw/defs/WorkTypeDefs/visible = true

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1 hour ago, Anonymous said:

Yeah, the female ovipositor has to be used first, then the male so the eggs get primed.

Ah makes sense....i wish I could choose to "implant eggs" as an option for raping with races that have a female and male Ovipositor Cause it seems that it may never use the Female one (not sure how to check if they are using male or female Ovipositor

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2 hours ago, pumacatrun2 said:
  Hide contents


1. Enable dev mode in settings.

2. Click this icon in the top bar

3. Search for add hediff

4. Search for rjw to find the section where sizes are


5. Click on the colonist you want to alter > pick anus/genitals/chest


Note that many people are reporting sizes randomly changing on game load, so might only be temporary help, but you might get lucky.

Thank you! I have now managed to set their genitals and anuses to what I felt they should start out as. Really appreciate the help! ♥

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1 hour ago, Jappercut said:

You used to be able to harvest animal genitals post-mortem, but can't seem to be able to do that anymore? Does anyone know why? Don't know if it's HOPM that removed this or Rimjobworld.


During the 1.1 update genitals were changed in code from an implant to an organ. HOPM only allows implants and bionics to be removed from animals not organs.

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10 hours ago, Experica said:

its very weird does it require lost forst and garamRaceAddon (which i know its likely error on my end when this mod description clearly state  its not compatablie with either those two).

This is ModManager's bug - those are not dependencies, those are incompatible mods

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11 hours ago, 369cf0 said:

Hello, sorry if this has been requested before but would it be possible to implement moaning sounds like in sexbound, there are already sound effects and it shouldn't be hard to pick a random sound out of a directory.

After looking into how sounds work in Rimworld, I've discovered that SubSoundDef.TryPlay selects a random audio grain to play, as seen here:

public virtual void TryPlay(SoundInfo info)
  ResolvedGrain resolvedGrain = this.RandomizedResolvedGrain();

public ResolvedGrain RandomizedResolvedGrain()
  chosedGrain = this.resolvedGrains.RandomElement<ResolvedGrain>();

So if this works as I think it does, couldn't this be implemented with just a few xml edits and a tweak to xxx.sexTick()?

Example (not tested):

    <eventNames />
          <li Class="AudioGrain_Folder">
          <li Class="AudioGrain_Folder">


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I was poking around in the files and it appears that the HumpShroomEffect (Induced Libido) only increases the rest fall rate, is there no way to make it increase the rate at which sex need increases (i was thinking by 250%)? I also thought about modifying the severity per day to -0.1 per day, and give humpshroom 0.066 severity and aprodisiac drug 0.25 severity. Probably would need rebalancing for the recreation values too... hmm.


Something that could be really fun too would be progressive hediff effects based on severity, so that pawns that take a whole bunch of aprodisiac pills at once literally cannot fulfil their sex need in any way until the severity decreases quite a bit.


Something like this:

>0.9 Induced Libido (maddening) +600% sexfallrate

>0.8 Induced Libido (overwhelming) +350% sexfallrate

>0.6 Induced Libido (frustating) +200% sexfallrate

>0.3 Induced Libido (bothersome) +150% sexfallrate

>0 Induced Libido (psyched) +100% sexfallrate

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This may have been obvious but the [RF]Body Type Extend is a 1.0 body texture mod almost completely disables RJW features.

The things that aren't there include: Sexuality, RJW commands box, and genital generation.


Again, this was probably very obvious but I'm a stupid and didn't think it would cause such a problem.


Edit: Since it has been updated, everything works fine now.

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2 hours ago, Drinx said:

Just something I've noticed:

Using Prepare Carefully sets my entire squads fertility to 0%. 

Works normally with Character Editor.

I noticed this to, but didn't realize it was prepare carefully doing it. It worked fine last week, then noticed it a day or so ago that everyone was at 0. I "dev moded" some archotech bits on my pawns so they could still breed so it was a dirty quick fix.


Wish CharacterEditor was as user friendly as PC is.

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25 minutes ago, coldheartzero said:

I noticed this to, but didn't realize it was prepare carefully doing it. It worked fine last week, then noticed it a day or so ago that everyone was at 0. I "dev moded" some archotech bits on my pawns so they could still breed so it was a dirty quick fix.


Wish CharacterEditor was as user friendly as PC is.

Yeah took me a bit to figure out why their sex need was tanking lol

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1 hour ago, Horatius_PL said:

You mean where they are to be crafted? Machining table or its mod equivalents.

Hm. Pretty sure I'm not seeing it anywhere.

I'm not certain how the recipe xml file is supposed to look like, but isn't every item supposed to have a <recipeUsers> block? As it is only Chains seems to have it and looking at all available crafting tables it appears to be the only item that can be crafted. Chastity belts, gags, etc. don't appear anywhere in the tables.


Edit: Yeah, edited the xml file and now they appear in the list as they should.

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hum... I have a big problem... :(

RJW don't work at all... the pawn don't have quirk, genitals, etc... here a screen to show what is missing :


and, when i want to force a pawn to rape, masturbate or just fuck, i got an error :


Pawn Anderson threw exception while executing toil's finish action (1), jobDriver=rjw.JobDriver_Masturbate_Quick, job=Masturbate_Quick (Job_118) A=(48, 0, 42), toilIndex=1: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at rjw.xxx.has_quirk (Verse.Pawn pawn, System.String quirk) [0x00011] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.PawnExtensions.Has (Verse.Pawn pawn, rjw.Quirk quirk) [0x00007] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.GenerateMinTicksToNextLovin (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00058] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.IncreaseTicksToNextLovin (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00025] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.Aftersex (Verse.Pawn pawn, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x00000] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.JobDriver_Masturbate_Quick.<MakeNewToils>b__5_5 () [0x00000] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at Verse.AI.Toil.Cleanup (System.Int32 myIndex, Verse.AI.JobDriver jobDriver) [0x0001f] in <642567a9bd804f26a9090d82e2c3673d>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Toil:Cleanup(Int32, JobDriver)
Verse.AI.JobDriver:DMD<DMD<Cleanup_Patch1>?-1866050560::Cleanup_Patch1>(JobDriver, JobCondition)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:CleanupCurrentJob(JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob(JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.JobUtility:DMD<DMD<TryStartErrorRecoverJob_Patch1>?-492288768::TryStartErrorRecoverJob_Patch1>(Pawn, String, Exception, JobDriver)



so, if someone know why or have similar problem, i'm all ears!

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22 minutes ago, yannmes said:

hum... I have a big problem... :(

RJW don't work at all... the pawn don't have quirk, genitals, etc... here a screen to show what is missing :


and, when i want to force a pawn to rape, masturbate or just fuck, i got an error :

  Reveal hidden contents

Pawn Anderson threw exception while executing toil's finish action (1), jobDriver=rjw.JobDriver_Masturbate_Quick, job=Masturbate_Quick (Job_118) A=(48, 0, 42), toilIndex=1: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at rjw.xxx.has_quirk (Verse.Pawn pawn, System.String quirk) [0x00011] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.PawnExtensions.Has (Verse.Pawn pawn, rjw.Quirk quirk) [0x00007] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.GenerateMinTicksToNextLovin (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00058] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.IncreaseTicksToNextLovin (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00025] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.SexUtility.Aftersex (Verse.Pawn pawn, rjw.xxx+rjwSextype sextype) [0x00000] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at rjw.JobDriver_Masturbate_Quick.<MakeNewToils>b__5_5 () [0x00000] in <40e46a21bf754ce8b093d0d5d782f541>:0
  at Verse.AI.Toil.Cleanup (System.Int32 myIndex, Verse.AI.JobDriver jobDriver) [0x0001f] in <642567a9bd804f26a9090d82e2c3673d>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Toil:Cleanup(Int32, JobDriver)
Verse.AI.JobDriver:DMD<DMD<Cleanup_Patch1>?-1866050560::Cleanup_Patch1>(JobDriver, JobCondition)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:CleanupCurrentJob(JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:EndCurrentJob(JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.JobUtility:DMD<DMD<TryStartErrorRecoverJob_Patch1>?-492288768::TryStartErrorRecoverJob_Patch1>(Pawn, String, Exception, JobDriver)



so, if someone know why or have similar problem, i'm all ears!

This looks fairly similar to an issue I had, no RJW menus, no sexuality, and no genitalia generation. My issue turned out to be a 1.0 body texture that I wanted to use, only I didn't get any errors.

My first guess is that if you have some body texture or body overhaul mod (especially if it is a 1.0 version), to disable it and see if RJW features return.


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