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8 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

I'll let you think about a "gift system" you can give to your dating npc to increase relationship points but there are some rules that must be followed:


  • The objects must be in vanilla game;
  • The objects must be 3 or multiple of 3;
  • one and each object must be compatible with the corresponding personality, there are 3 personalities: A (Spicy - complex), B (Romantic- sentimental), C (friendly - brave - naive);
  • I tend to be a lazy ass and this must be considered.

spicy - lusty Argonian Maid vol 1 or 2 - 0001ACEF - 000F699D

romantic - amulet of dibella - 000C8915

friendly - rings of health - 000fcefd - 000fcefe - 000fceff - 000fcf00

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2 hours ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

spicy - lusty Argonian Maid vol 1 or 2 - 0001ACEF - 000F699D

romantic - amulet of dibella - 000C8915

friendly - rings of health - 000fcefd - 000fcefe - 000fceff - 000fcf00

Thank you, i will probably add them right  in the next version :)

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2 hours ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

spicy - lusty Argonian Maid vol 1 or 2 - 0001ACEF - 000F699D

romantic - amulet of dibella - 000C8915

friendly - rings of health - 000fcefd - 000fcefe - 000fceff - 000fcf00

Amulets: Dibella seems more suited to Spicy! Mara for romantic, Arkay for friendly?


Books: Lusty Maid and also Thief of Virtue 1ACDD (and The Sultry Argonian Bard, Volume 1 xx006925 (Dawnguard)) for spicy,

Of Fjori and Holgeir B64B1 for romantic, maybe The Windhelm Letters 0ED03C

Friendly: any skill book? Or map marker books maybe.


Actually dropped in to mention getting reported for sex indoors makes things too hard(!). With most inns not even having doors, everyone going into your room all the time...

Also in houses with more than one occupant, many Amorous Adventures will be an issue! Suggest indoors be safe from reporting, or at a minimum inns and homes (not just player).


("You have been seen having sex", not "doing" btw)


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1 hour ago, Sydney said:

Amulets: Dibella seems more suited to Spicy! Mara for romantic, Arkay for friendly?


Books: Lusty Maid and also Thief of Virtue 1ACDD (and The Sultry Argonian Bard, Volume 1 xx006925 (Dawnguard)) for spicy,

Of Fjori and Holgeir B64B1 for romantic, maybe The Windhelm Letters 0ED03C

Friendly: any skill book? Or map marker books maybe.


Actually dropped in to mention getting reported for sex indoors makes things too hard(!). With most inns not even having doors, everyone going into your room all the time...

Also in houses with more than one occupant, many Amorous Adventures will be an issue! Suggest indoors be safe from reporting, or at a minimum inns and homes (not just player).


("You have been seen having sex", not "doing" btw)


Use a mod that add doors for inn...or just before having sex make your friend follow you to a quieter place...before doing it.


About amorous adventures indoors, the reporting has been coded to avoid report by friends, among others, by friends i mean npcs that have a relationship rank (vanilla disposition) >= 1, so you may want to make something good for those people before going in their house and fuck someone, also most of the time amorous adventures let you find a quiet place before doing it :)


nice suggestions for the objects btw

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1 hour ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Have been testing & having fun with the dating aspect of the mod. Do you think once they reach the official lover rank we can get a follow me dialog for the lover?


They already have, and it's not needed lover status for unique (it's needed only for non unique)...requirement is relation points of 4,0 at least or official lover status for non unique. Then use the tool dialogue "i need your help follow me at once", this will make the actor your companion (you need to have the companion slot free or use EFF)

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6 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

They already have, and it's not needed lover status for unique (it's needed only for non unique)...requirement is relation points of 4,0 at least or official lover status for non unique. Then use the tool dialogue "i need your help follow me at once", this will make the actor your companion (you need to have the companion slot free or use EFF)

Sorry, should have specified. It's not showing for non-unique.


edit: Ok, I found it thank you.

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3 hours ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

What do you think about adding a .4 to each successful date? That way providing there are no negatives by the 10th date the NPC would be considered a lover status.

Do you mean giving a bonus just for accepting the dating proposal?

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Haven't done too much with this yet but I'd say .5 for each completed date.


Some things that seemed odd to me (haven't checked at all so some (all!) of this may be due to mod setup of course):


Kids have dialogue

Combat submitting a bandit was a crime! (Walking around with a slave though is fine)

Drugged wraps and slave chains from normal vendors

Number of above and condoms sold by vendors waaaaay too high

Bandits cannot be turned in to guards


I turned off reporting for public sex. It was just too sensitive for me personally (even with SLPrivacy). I do like the idea though.


Would still love an (in game) way to tie up and leave downed enemies in a way that they will simply be unloaded from memory on leaving the area (and after a few hours). I don't want to enslave everyone that surrenders! Right now you can only kill or enslave, there is no middle ground.


I love the dating system! And some of the NPC likes and dislikes have me laughing out loud! It is so much more immersive to actually court (date) people! Would like an MCM to turn off dialogue by gender though!



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1 hour ago, Sydney said:

Haven't done too much with this yet but I'd say .5 for each completed date.


Some things that seemed odd to me (haven't checked at all so some (all!) of this may be due to mod setup of course):


Kids have dialogue

Combat submitting a bandit was a crime! (Walking around with a slave though is fine)

Drugged wraps and slave chains from normal vendors

Number of above and condoms sold by vendors waaaaay too high

Bandits cannot be turned in to guards


I turned off reporting for public sex. It was just too sensitive for me personally (even with SLPrivacy). I do like the idea though.


Would still love an (in game) way to tie up and leave downed enemies in a way that they will simply be unloaded from memory on leaving the area (and after a few hours). I don't want to enslave everyone that surrenders! Right now you can only kill or enslave, there is no middle ground.


I love the dating system! And some of the NPC likes and dislikes have me laughing out loud! It is so much more immersive to actually court (date) people! Would like an MCM to turn off dialogue by gender though!



Probably i will add a bonus for successful dating proposal, or increase the end kissing bonus if done right;


About kids dialogue i confirm that in my version there aren't, probably you are using a mod that change children like mods that make them killable (the condition i use in the dialogue for this is "ischild == 0");


If combat submitting a bandit was a crime it is because you submitted the npc while it was non hostile, maybe it was a quest bandit? This also works for guards, if you try to turn a bandit, which was not hostile to guards before enslavement, they won't accept it.


Tie up features will never be made, it's already covered by enslaving. Submitted npcs stay in bleedingout pose for 180 secs if you do nothing then they resume normal ai package when time ends or when you unload.them by fast travelling or going far from them (vanilla spell handling). I think you can manually add an actor to be handled by ZAZ if you want to tie it up not using the normal mcg ways. When i made the submission spell i could only choose one pose, bleedingout or bound. I chose bleedingout because it's less buggy and because it's supported by more creatures, also it's more immersive since when you submit someone it's supposed the victim is in a beat up status. I won't change this, other mods use memory hungry approaches or aliases for what you want, it's not worth for me.


I am for equivalence of gender, if a man can court a woman, a woman can also court a man :) so for me dialogues are good both ways.

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3 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

Probably i will add a bonus for successful dating proposal, or increase the end kissing bonus if done right;


About kids dialogue i confirm that in my version there aren't, probably you are using a mod that change children like mods that make them killable (the condition i use in the dialogue for this is "ischild == 0");


If combat submitting a bandit was a crime it is because you submitted the npc while it was non hostile, maybe it was a quest bandit? This also works for guards, if you try to turn a bandit, which was not hostile to guards before enslavement, they won't accept it.


Tie up features will never be made, it's already covered by enslaving. Submitted npcs stay in bleedingout pose for 180 secs if you do nothing then they resume normal ai package when time ends or when you unload.them by fast travelling or going far from them (vanilla spell handling). I think you can manually add an actor to be handled by ZAZ if you want to tie it up not using the normal mcg ways. When i made the submission spell i could only choose one pose, bleedingout or bound. I chose bleedingout because it's less buggy and because it's supported by more creatures, also it's more immersive since when you submit someone it's supposed the victim is in a beat up status. I won't change this, other mods use memory hungry approaches or aliases for what you want, it's not worth for me.


I am for equivalence of gender, if a man can court a woman, a woman can also court a man :) so for me dialogues are good both ways.


I was suggesting something like for instance.. I just asked Danica Pure-Spring on a date and she accepted and say we went and crafted the whole time during our date. Then the date was finished and I chose to "just say goodbye" instead of kissing her or vice versa. There was no offenses made during our date. If I choose to do this 8-10 times there should be some sort endearment/trust gained between the both of us to where she would feel safe enough to strip all of her clothes off and grind her cunt on my thigh until she got off.

You know something innocent like that.

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53 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:


I was suggesting something like for instance.. I just asked Danica Pure-Spring on a date and she accepted and say we went and crafted the whole time during our date. Then the date was finished and I chose to "just say goodbye" instead of kissing her or vice versa. There was no offenses made during our date. If I choose to do this 8-10 times there should be some sort endearment/trust gained between the both of us to where she would feel safe enough to strip all of her clothes off and grind her cunt on my thigh until she got off.

You know something innocent like that.

I agree, i olan to make the following change so:

Just say goodbye gives you 0,15 which means you need 11 dating if you don't do anything else to speed up the process to reach the full sex consent, also the kissing will be increased to 0,20 to compensate. By the way i am able to fully increase by 1,0 at least during my dating because during the date you are supposed to do things like talking, dancing etc... The dating lasts for 1 real life hour at least this means you are able to have several conversations with your dating npc, especially after fast travelling to increase the relationship points just talking during your other activities, just remember to use the correct approach.

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8 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

I agree, i olan to make the following change so:

Just say goodbye gives you 0,15 which means you need 11 dating if you don't do anything else to speed up the process to reach the full sex consent, also the kissing will be increased to 0,20 to compensate. By the way i am able to fully increase by 1,0 at least during my dating because during the date you are supposed to do things like talking, dancing etc... The dating lasts for 1 real life hour at least this means you are able to have several conversations with your dating npc, especially after fast travelling to increase the relationship points just talking during your other activities, just remember to use the correct approach.

Oh i did not know you could do that more than once per date. So, I was prematurely ending dates. Duhh

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4 hours ago, giamel said:

Oh i did not know you could do that more than once per date. So, I was prematurely ending dates. Duhh

Yes only talking about your achievements and dancing/drinking/eating together are available once per date but having conversations is possible multiple time during date, because after 8 in game hours or after a fast travel the cooldown vanish. I.e in my game I like Birna in winterhold, she has a spicy personality so she like dancing, the nearest bardnis in windhelm so i usually have a spicy conversation with her, then fast travel to windhelm, then have a new spicy conversation...go to candleheart inn and ask a bard to let us dance, then i have a new spicy conversation and talk with her about the dragon words i discovered...then fast travel back to winterhold and have a new spicy conversation etc...because i have RND2.0 I have the need to sleep, just after sleep i have a new spicy conversation with her and at the end i kiss her passionately, at least 0,50 points earned, do this about 5 times and you can marry her! It's for this reason i did not think was necessary to add a bonus for successful dating, but nevertheless i think it would be a nice addition for roleplay.

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I was working on a two piece set of armor and noticed something you may be interested in as far a outfit management. I added my custom armor to a leveled list and added it to the default armor leveled list to all level 1-5 bandits. I came upon a npc wearing my custom 2 piece armor. I enslaved her. Then I clicked "undress" instead of showing the 2 pieces (top slot56) & (bottom slot32) it only showed 1 piece the bottom available to remove.


The top piece and her shoes were inaccessible I've also noticed this with shields. I made her submit to being my lover. She then registered as a follower with AFT I selected the gear option to allow AFT to manage her wardrobe. At this point I was able to access everything she was wearing including the top piece and shoes.


The source code comes with AFT. This may be what we are looking for as far as wardrobe management in M.C.G.


P.S. This also offers the ability to equip them with whatever armor you give to them.

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5 hours ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Upon further testing this unfortunately also causes the naked bandit bug on non unique NPCs. Sorry for the hype. This obviously uses the outfit record also.

It's unfortunate but i think there isn't a clean solution for this, about your top armor not being undressed that actually may be because when i undress i don't use the unequipall() command which is somewhat dirty but i make the actor equip and remove an invisible armor and maybe i forgot to add topslot 56 in it, you can check in tes5edit

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4 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

It's unfortunate but i think there isn't a clean solution for this, about your top armor not being undressed that actually may be because when i undress i don't use the unequipall() command which is somewhat dirty but i make the actor equip and remove an invisible armor and maybe i forgot to add topslot 56 in it, you can check in tes5edit

Yea, it's not checked in tes5edit. But shoes and shield are checked and don't remove for me also.

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22 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Yea, it's not checked in tes5edit. But shoes and shield are checked and don't remove for me also.

I will look into it, do you see them if you use the inventory button, instead of undress?


You could edit the naked armor in tes5edit and check every slot available and see, maybe it'only because i forgot a slot or two 

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1 hour ago, anghelos92 said:

I will look into it, do you see them if you use the inventory button, instead of undress?


You could edit the naked armor in tes5edit and check every slot available and see, maybe it'only because i forgot a slot or two 

Yea, I have em all checked. I thought you may have had additional settings in a script that needed to be specified and no they do not show in the inventory as either.

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One mod that simultaneously allows you to date a waifu using RPG mechanics, surrender/get robbed by bandits instead of having to reload, sell off prisoners to vikings like in Mount&Blade (galleys need rowing and vikings' cocks need warming afterall) , hire any useless bumpkin immersively as my squire to hold my valuable shit and take my abuse instead of just pressing a button, and on top of that there's a system in place for making your butt hurt if you still manage to suck at the game?! (can we get an odometer on our butts too to further shame us?)


Alright what's the catch?

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Hey anghelos92


 Great mod! Really enjoying all the new functions! Quick question? What exactly needs to take place, for followers to start fist fighting over dropped items? I have dropped numerous items with several followers in tow, one worth 50,000 GP and nothing seems to happen? Was is the criteria that needs to be met for something like this to happen?



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Hey fellas, lurker here. Just wanted to report that this mod seems to be working perfectly fine with Skyrim Special Edition, even unconverted!


@anghelos92, SE has a new method of handling .bsa files, so trying to load .bsa files created in LE/CK32 will cause SE/CK64 to crash.


The fix is very simple, however. You just have to unpack the .bsa to the /Skyrim/Data directory (so all the files are loose), and delete the original .bsa so SE/CK64 doesn't try to load them.


Also, if you find yourself unable to compile scripts in CK64: Bethesda in their infinite wisdom changed the scripts file structure from /Scripts/Source to /Source/Scripts. Yeah, I don't know why, either. Anyway, in order to compile scripts in CK64, the folders need to be set up as /Skyrim/Data/Source/Scripts with all the source .psc files in /Scripts. Another simple fix.


Here's a handy post if you want more info: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4633-skyrim-se-things-to-know-when-converting-standard-mods-to-sse/ Written by the legendary old grognard Arthmoor (Creator of "Alternate Start--Live Another Life" and "Cutting Room Floor"), so you know it's good info.


Let me know if you're able to get your mod converted! I'll stress again, the mod is working in SE even without conversion, so I haven't converted it myself yet (my potato PC takes forever to load CK64 and I'm too lazy lol). I also want to help @anghelos92convert the mod on his own rig, so he doesn't have to rely on lazy old me or anyone else to do it. If a day or two passes and @anghelos92hasn't shown up, or is unable to convert it, I'll attempt a conversion myself and report my results.


EDIT: Bad news. I tried to convert the mod myself in CK64, but CK seems to consistently crash on me during the load process for whatever reason. I'd like to ask somebody else to try a conversion, though--It might be that my computer is simply too weak to handle it. The mod seems to load all the files, albeit very slowly, but eventually crashes while initializing references.


Luckily, the mod seems to work fine on SE without conversion. If you're willing to take a chance that maybe something goes wrong and borks your SE save, you should be able to just download and play the mod as long as you unpack the loose source files, and delete the .bsa after.

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