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Day 5: Notified by Aroused Redux my boner was ready, Arnie Grab and plunge deep inside the littlest of all. Make Arnie feel big and strong! Had breakfast.



Day 6: Another boner. WTF. Fucked the redguard. Had breakfast.

Day 7: Awoke to another boner. Realized i was sleeping next to 3 naked women. Thats like passing out in the snow drunk then wondering why when you wake you have a cough. fucked the nord then dressed them all. Ate Breakfast. Asked Gurtie on another date she refused.

Day 8: No boner. Gurtie yelling at me as usual. Had breakfast. another rejection by Gurtie.



Days 9/10: Breakfast, Rejection

Day 11: arousal notification. Ate breakfast, rejection. getting low on food and mead. Remembered Agnis still down there. Checking if she's got food and searched harder for more food. Agnis holding out on a sweet roll. Found bread, fish, mead, few potatoes enough for few days but the place is cleaned out. Agnis, looking good *wink, but her voice. I can't bring myself to do it. Fucked Breton again.



Day 12: Breakfast, rejected. Got disease from raw fish. bad fish.

Day 13: Breakfast, rejected.

Day 14: Breakfast, rejected.

Day 15: Awoke with need sex notification, looked around at my girls and noticed bellies were getting nice and plump and breasts were filling with milk. I nailed the nord. then went to go check on the mage and her female guard (both pregnant) down in the prison. They were gone. Found an egg! Exited prison was attacked by male redguard bandit. 2 more bandits already bound female altmer and male lizard will save him maybe i'll kill him on my next date with Gurtie. She may like that or for food. What's troubling is the Altmer looks like she's already pregnant. This is starting to get weird.

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Day 17 woke, ate, rejected. Gotta get more water out of mead. Checked the crops. The seeds I planted are growing nicely. Fucked redguard



Day 18-21: woke, ate, rejected by Gurtie. The bitch!


Day 22: woke, had breakfast, low on food, got water, rejected. Admiring the bellies and breasts of my crops. This would be the last times I will have sex with them until after birth. Sadly I have Madonna complex. This is when you stop seeing a woman sexually and start seeing her as a mother with child. I find that i'm afflicted by this during the final quarter of the pregnancy.



Day 25: Out of normal food. Will start eating corpses. But that lizard is looking appetizing. removed girls footwraps gotta fix those eventually.

ate bandit corpse. Rejected by Gurtie. Hmm, wolf and mammoth killed each other. 30 mammoth steaks not registering as food. Oh well back to corpses.

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See wandering knight and his stupid horse off in distance gonna try and eat em, the assholes. Don't know why I have such a vendetta towards them. Yes! attacked by my hot dark elf thief heading to get knight. I just LOVE taming her. I call her Sox.

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Sox not following. Switch to command mode to get her up by the furs. She'll be the only one I can use for my arousal level because of my.... (clears throat) affliction.


Day 26:  Dirty skeever going after my food. Killed skeever.

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Time to eat. Pitbulls go for the throat, Baboons go for the crotch. So, I'm more like a baboon. Went and got some water. Rejected by Gurtie again.

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Day 28: Ate breakfast, rejected.

Day 30: Tomorrow babies will be popping out. Time to check the crops.

note had to take prisoner clothes off twice on each girl. at some point the altmer started wearing prisoner clothes again.

Day 31 Awoke have hight arousal, girls started labor, get breakfast, fetch water, Plowed Sox in the muff, then nap until its over.

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Day 32 Awoke named 2 babies, altmer and breton had babies. Have high arousal again. Had breakfast. After breakfast 6 more births including others at the other camps. guess its time to put it in Sox one last time since she doesn't follow and get these girls dressed to go visit the others.

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Later we left the fort only 3 girls will follow me had to leave the altmer and Sox. named 2 more births from the road.



Day 32:  Got back to Silent moon killed 4 newly spawned bandits and the two I had left originally were with child. Looking them over again, wished I would have taken them with me to the "Celebration of Semen".



Day 32: I Didn't leave any preggers at halted stream camp so I just slaughtered all that respawned there for fun.


Day 32: Killed 4 bandits and 2 necromancers at cave no sign of the very first kahjiit.


Looked in my pregnancy log. Said there was 1 more pregnancy. decided to head back to Greymoor. Thought it may have been my Sox and she was the last one carrying my baby. the heir to all that I survey.


Day 33: I awoke to the male lizard (my soon to be meal) holding his new baby!? Sox is not pregnant. Da - Da - Daaaaaaaaa!


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@Bush_Connoisseur we should write a serie about your PC and his stories ?? reqlly well done! 


I noticed from your screenshots that you use MCG Lust and Sexlab Arousal together, they have overlapping debuffs are sure you want to use them both? You can disable the mcg lust system and its widget if you want use sexlab arousal. But i know that if you like things hardcore then using both is good :P


I noticed that you got rejected a lot of times. Statistically since a new player at begin of the game has at least 15 speech skills you should have 1/7 chance to succeed in inviting someone to date. It seems that you either was so unfortunate or (i thinks this) your high lust level debuffs and maybe other effects lowered your speech skills a lot.


About slaves not following you, remember that you can have a max of 4 slaves following you at the same time, they are called slave following 1...slave following 2 etc while they are following you. You can have a total of 40 slaves waiting for you but you can bring with you only 4 at time.


About dressing glitches unfortunately it's very hard controlling them in skyrim without the function setoutfit() that breaks the game. So i.e. to make sure they remain naked you must take from their inventory every armor because from time to time their AI package force them to wear the best armor they've got in inventory, but if they have nothing they should wear nothing (unless their inventory resets, something that happens for certain npcs). When i coded the undressing feature you note that i added an open inventory command the moment they get undressed, it's annoying to have to close an extra inventory when you undress someone but it's intended that you take from their inventory the clothes that you would not normally see if you just click the button inventory.

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9 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

@Bush_Connoisseur we should write a serie about your PC and his stories ?? reqlly well done! 


I noticed from your screenshots that you use MCG Lust and Sexlab Arousal together, they have overlapping debuffs are sure you want to use them both? You can disable the mcg lust system and its widget if you want use sexlab arousal. But i know that if you like things hardcore then using both is good :P


I noticed that you got rejected a lot of times. Statistically since a new player at begin of the game has at least 15 speech skills you should have 1/7 chance to succeed in inviting someone to date. It seems that you either was so unfortunate or (i thinks this) your high lust level debuffs and maybe other effects lowered your speech skills a lot.


About slaves not following you, remember that you can have a max of 4 slaves following you at the same time, they are called slave following 1...slave following 2 etc while they are following you. You can have a total of 40 slaves waiting for you but you can bring with you only 4 at time.


About dressing glitches unfortunately it's very hard controlling them in skyrim without the function setoutfit() that breaks the game. So i.e. to make sure they remain naked you must take from their inventory every armor because from time to time their AI package force them to wear the best armor they've got in inventory, but if they have nothing they should wear nothing (unless their inventory resets, something that happens for certain npcs). When i coded the undressing feature you note that i added an open inventory command the moment they get undressed, it's annoying to have to close an extra inventory when you undress someone but it's intended that you take from their inventory the clothes that you would not normally see if you just click the button inventory.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I left them both on intentionally. The Lust and aroused reduxed systems seem to work hand and hand with no problem. As long as everyone is covered the arousal seems to max out about once every 4 days. Yet, with 3 people unclothed it seems to max out once a day.


As far as getting rejected I remained at level 1 and my speech craft remained at default value, I did not do much talking to to NPCs to raise it and wasn't concerned with raising to achieve another date with her. I felt she was a comical antagonist I perpetuated by visiting and reporting on her once a day inside the camp besides battling threats, hunger, thirst and arousal. I really hadn't tested the dating system but glad to know its there.


Following slaves. I totally forgot about the 4 npc limitation. That would make sense because I originally enslaved that redguard at Silentmoon and left her there. But the first slave was the radiant spawn altmer who disappeared. The thing that was concerning was the new Altmer and male argonian that spawned at the fort already bound in ropes and pregnant. Then the male giving birth. I guess the disappearance of the first altmer and then the second set of two down in the prison contributed to that oddness. Some how the new npc's that spawned were indexed as the NPCs that disappeared.


Inventory: understood. Do you think the cloning of, and destruction of the original NPC will change that dynamic of those rules in the future? That feature has not been implemented yet, correct?

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Another idea that would be cool would be to transfer the active slave faction to a dormant sand boxing slave faction package, going about and doing daily generic routines like wandering,  interacting with objects and sleeping. Besides simply the "stand here" package. Hopefully this would also free up active slave slots. Kind of like MHIYH for followers. Allowing users to choose which 4 slaves will travel or be relocated.

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1 hour ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Glad you enjoyed it.

I left them both on intentionally. The Lust and aroused reduxed systems seem to work hand and hand with no problem. As long as everyone is covered the arousal seems to max out about once every 4 days. Yet, with 3 people unclothed it seems to max out once a day.


As far as getting rejected I remained at level 1 and my speech craft remained at default value, I did not do much talking to to NPCs to raise it and wasn't concerned with raising to achieve another date with her. I felt she was a comical antagonist I perpetuated by visiting and reporting on her once a day inside the camp besides battling threats, hunger, thirst and arousal. I really hadn't tested the dating system but glad to know its there.


Following slaves. I totally forgot about the 4 npc limitation. That would make sense because I originally enslaved that redguard at Silentmoon and left her there. But the first slave was the radiant spawn altmer who disappeared. The thing that was concerning was the new Altmer and male argonian that spawned at the fort already bound in ropes and pregnant. Then the male giving birth. I guess the disappearance of the first altmer and then the second set of two down in the prison contributed to that oddness. Some how the new npc's that spawned were indexed as the NPCs that disappeared.


Inventory: understood. Do you think the cloning of, and destruction of the original NPC will change that dynamic of those rules in the future? That feature has not been implemented yet, correct?

Yeah the npcs spawning already bound and pregnant is very concerning indeed. This mod doesn't handle pregnancies but it may be that the male pregnant was a woman before! Yeah it sounds strange but i noticed that if you left some particular non unique npcs enslaved the game may reset their appearence when it resets the cell they were! Indeed i thibk it's time to implement that cloning feature you suggested!

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28 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Another idea that would be cool would be to transfer the active slave faction to a dormant sand boxing slave faction package, going about and doing daily generic routines like wandering,  interacting with objects and sleeping. Besides simply the "stand here" package. Hopefully this would also free up active slave slots. Kind of like MHIYH for followers. Allowing users to choose which 4 slaves will travel or be relocated.

Thanks for the suggestion i will see if it can be done as a separate plugin maybe

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53 minutes ago, Destroyah340 said:

Are there other mods this conflicts with besides Defeat & Submit?

Read the faqs. MCG mod hasn't conflicts with deteat or SUBMIT. It has overlapping features with them that you may wisely resolve: i.e. using defeat mod...you may wisely choose to disable the player features of mcg. The same happens with submit. They are totally compatible. "Real" incompatibilities are listed in the faqs

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31 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Thanks for the suggestion i will see if it can be done as a separate plugin maybe

I don't know how hard it would be to remove them from an active following slave and set them a calmed dormant sandboxing slave. I was under the impression that it was removing one faction and adding them to another faction. I was also thinking in dialogue instead of wait/follow it could be "You stay here until i return for you" but being calmed I would think they may retain animus for the PC as well as other NPCs. Just something to think about for the future. it isn't imperative.


Which reminds me I did not object to NPCs wanting to attack my slaves. They were bandits after all and could have wronged them or someone they loved in the past. I think it adds another dynamic to the game. Where one would have to smuggle their slaves to safety so they aren't found out and executed on the spot and you always have the make follower option ready to go for when they have been rehabilitated and earned their stripes they may graduate to companion status which would alleviate the npcs attacking slaves response to recognizing followers as friendlies.


I'll test next once the cloning is in place. Looking forward to it.

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28 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

I don't know how hard it would be to remove them from an active following slave and set them a calmed dormant sandboxing slave. I was under the impression that it was removing one faction and adding them to another faction. I was also thinking in dialogue instead of wait/follow it could be "You stay here until i return for you" but being calmed I would think they may retain animus for the PC as well as other NPCs. Just something to think about for the future. it isn't imperative.


Which reminds me I did not object to NPCs wanting to attack my slaves. They were bandits after all and could have wronged them or someone they loved in the past. I think it adds another dynamic to the game. Where one would have to smuggle their slaves to safety so they aren't found out and executed on the spot and you always have the make follower option ready to go for when they have been rehabilitated and earned their stripes they may graduate to companion status which would alleviate the npcs attacking slaves response to recognizing followers as friendlies.


I'll test next once the cloning is in place. Looking forward to it.

Giving a custom AI package to an actor it's not difficult but it's tedious since you need to put the actor into an alias which have the package, the process to make this is slow because creation kit opening and editing of aliases is quite slow, especially if i need to make 40 aliases for this, but i think i will do this regardless because it's a nice feature to add. About the spaves being attacked this is not something i can't reproduce, i tried but in my game onve i enslave someone, be it a bandit, a master vampire or a necromancer they are never attacked by others when they are my slaves. People return hostile to slaves only if i recruit them as follower and dismiss them. Can be possible that a mod of yours add the slaves to a particular faction? Papyrusutils should give instrument to force ai packages on the go but i don't know the implications on save bloat (all of you should know i freak out about game stability :P )

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3 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

Read the faqs. MCG mod hasn't conflicts with deteat or SUBMIT. It has overlapping features with them that you may wisely resolve: i.e. using defeat mod...you may wisely choose to disable the player features of mcg. The same happens with submit. They are totally compatible. "Real" incompatibilities are listed in the faqs

K I read thru it some more, the main page doesnt list EFF & Hentai Pregnancy as required but later down in newer posts u say they are hard requirements?


Also this wont interfere with other soliciting/recruitment dialogues like from Defeat, DCL, or Cursed Loot right? Am makin sure cuz Ive had Skooma Whore interfere with Maria Eden & SexLab Solutions cuz SW didnt explicitly list it overwrites certain dialogue

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1 hour ago, Destroyah340 said:

K I read thru it some more, the main page doesnt list EFF & Hentai Pregnancy as required but later down in newer posts u say they are hard requirements?


Also this wont interfere with other soliciting/recruitment dialogues like from Defeat, DCL, or Cursed Loot right? Am makin sure cuz Ive had Skooma Whore interfere with Maria Eden & SexLab Solutions cuz SW didnt explicitly list it overwrites certain dialogue

EFF & Hentai Pregnancy aren't required. I've seen posts where people were using Defeat w/ it as well. Not sure about DCL or Cursed. You should give it a shot and tell everyone what you think to help flush out this mod. Maybe seeing how it plays from previous saves or quite possibly a fresh start.


kudos on the sexy avatar. Mmm, blue women.

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21 hours ago, Destroyah340 said:

K I read thru it some more, the main page doesnt list EFF & Hentai Pregnancy as required but later down in newer posts u say they are hard requirements?


Also this wont interfere with other soliciting/recruitment dialogues like from Defeat, DCL, or Cursed Loot right? Am makin sure cuz Ive had Skooma Whore interfere with Maria Eden & SexLab Solutions cuz SW didnt explicitly list it overwrites certain dialogue

I need a moderator to ERASE the first posts when ungrateful people where bitching about requirements. All you need to know about potential conflicts are in the Faqs it's written pretty clear in the mod description, no more is know at the moment, mods you said should be compatible. For short only mods that modify vanilla marriage dialogues or quest, or mods that modify vanilla companion recruit quest can conflict with this mod. SOLUTION: PUT MODS YOU SUSPECT TO BE CONFLICTING WITH MCG LOWER IN LOAD ORDER.


THIS IS FOR ALL: Only valid and updated informations about this mod come from the MOD DESCRIPTION, THE FAQs and the MOD GUIDE.


20 hours ago, giamel said:

EFF & Hentai Pregnancy aren't required. I've seen posts where people were using Defeat w/ it as well. Not sure about DCL or Cursed. You should give it a shot and tell everyone what you think to help flush out this mod. Maybe seeing how it plays from previous saves or quite possibly a fresh start.


kudos on the sexy avatar. Mmm, blue women.

My friend...bad news about the cloning...cloning a non unique npc still spawn a random actor. In addition to that cloning an unique NPC while can be useful to complete quest that require killing giving you the opportunity to enslave the objective instead at the same time that system would break factions, i.e. if you enslave a merchant cloning it, it will no more giving you trade dialogues because it will not have anymore a trade container to refer to, so even with all the current limitations it seems that the current enslaving system is still better and more reliable than cloning. If you know a different way than cloning using the placeatme(actorbase) let me know! EDIT:  [Hopefully solved in 1.5.10]

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@Bush_Connoisseur Using the system (actortoclone.getbaseobject() as actorbase).getTemplate() for LEVELED ACTORS non unique (your random bandit) seems to work nice to clone non unique levelled npcs, this has been implemented in version 1.5.10 and that should give you opportunity to enslave non unique npcs while killing (the mechanic happens behind a fade from white imagespace ) the original actor, this also let you "clear" the location because the original actors are killed during enslaving and the cloned slave should retain his/her appearance and above all GENDER during the game, it should not reset. There is just one minor immersion problem: During cloning the actor reset it's inventory so if you enslave a bandit woman with heavy armor the clone, while will be the identical person, will also have a different inventory so she may wear a leather armor after, but that will not reset again after enslavement.


UNIQUE NPCs still use the former system so they are not cloned to don't break quests or merchant faction systems, so i.e. if a quest want you to kill an unique npc you can't enslave him/her, to complete the quest you must still kill him/her.

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38 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

@Bush_Connoisseur Using the system (actortoclone.getbaseobject() as actorbase).getTemplate() for LEVELED ACTORS non unique (your random bandit) seems to work nice to clone non unique levelled npcs, this has been implemented in version 1.5.10 and that should give you opportunity to enslave non unique npcs while killing (the mechanic happens behind a fade from white imagespace ) the original actor, this also let you "clear" the location because the original actors are killed during enslaving and the cloned slave should retain his/her appearance and above all GENDER during the game, it should not reset. There is just one minor immersion problem: During cloning the actor reset it's inventory so if you enslave a bandit woman with heavy armor the clone, while will be the identical person, will also have a different inventory so she may wear a leather armor after, but that will not reset again after enslavement.


UNIQUE NPCs still use the former system so they are not cloned to don't break quests or merchant faction systems, so i.e. if a quest want you to kill an unique npc you can't enslave him/her, to complete the quest you must still kill him/her.


Awesome progress, I may be able to do some testing on it tonight. Tomorrow is the national American holiday day of observance where friends and family come together to celebrate and give thanks to God almighty for a bountiful harvest in the new world. Of course later we also thank God for allowing our forefathers to conquer, murder, rape and enslave the warriors and their people that were in this land prior. It is what it is. No remorse. Much like your mod.

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7 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:


Awesome progress, I may be able to do some testing on it tonight. Tomorrow is the national American holiday day of observance where friends and family come together to celebrate and give thanks to God almighty for a bountiful harvest in the new world. Of course later we also thank God for allowing our forefathers to conquer, murder, rape and enslave the warriors and their people that were in this land prior. It is what it is. No remorse. Much like your mod.

LOL wish you a good thanksgiving day, and THANKS AMERICA FOR THE TRADITION OF BLACK FRIDAY just after that day. Love capitalism! LOL 


About the mod you may find that the newly implemented Fade out of white imagescreen during non unique actors enslavement may be a bit non unoptimized at the moment, i will fix the effect later to be more immersive :) hope the tests will be good

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5 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

LOL wish you a good thanksgiving day, and THANKS AMERICA FOR THE TRADITION OF BLACK FRIDAY just after that day. Love capitalism! LOL 


About the mod you may find that the newly implemented Fade out of white imagescreen during non unique actors enslavement may be a bit non unoptimized at the moment, i will fix the effect later to be more immersive :) hope the tests will be good

Going to head back in game shortly but I tested the enslavement process 4 times. It didn't fade to white for me so I was able to witness the death of the original and placement of the new actor. Which is fantastic for me, I prefer it that way. But, I was wondering if a remedy instead of fading to white could it be possible to disable the original actor first then kill and create the new actor? Also all clothes stayed the exact same for me on all four actors. It is very impressive how you've gotten to this point with such an extremely small download.

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Hello anghelos92 ! 

I recently discovered MCG and so far so good. 

I have one question related to lust widget. When I set arousal increase in Eager NPCS after absorbing dragon soul or in Aroused setting if character in seen naked, MCG widget won't update lust score even if  it is changed.

Keep up great work and thanks for your effort.

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7 hours ago, RyuUchiha said:

Hey, quick question.

How does this racial preference thing work? Do you need a specific mod for it or does it require a LOT of sex with Nords for example? I have over 30 sex acts with Nords and Animals, yet I have no change in racial preference. Any help?

It's exactly the second, at the start of the mod you have a value of ten hidden of each category even if the control page displays 0. You obtain a preferred race if the experience number in one category or race is > than the sum of all categories /2 (the categories are listed under the sexual experience section under mcm control page and the only 2 not included in the calculations are total sex acts (obv.) and group sex acts . Based on my calculations if you fuck ONLY NORDS you need at least 65 fucked nords to make them your preferred race, more if you in the mean time increase values in other categories. Be aware that having a preferred sexual race starts the good/bad orgasm system and preferred racial perk: this means that you will have a +10% damage output against nords but also this will means that only if you fuck nords your lust will lower and you eill have good orgasm effects, instead having a preferred sexual race and fucking someone who is not a preferred sexual race will not lower your lust and will also give you bad orgasm effect which are the complete opposite effect that good orgasm (i.e. an orgasm while you have a normal mood gives you 10% better prices for 5 minutes, if you have a bad orgasm with normal mood youhave 10% worse prices for 5 minutes etc...)

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2 hours ago, psyseed said:

Hello anghelos92 ! 

I recently discovered MCG and so far so good. 

I have one question related to lust widget. When I set arousal increase in Eager NPCS after absorbing dragon soul or in Aroused setting if character in seen naked, MCG widget won't update lust score even if  it is changed.

Keep up great work and thanks for your effort.

Thank you psyseed :) about your question...lust and arousal are two different things. LUST of mcg is an innate sex need that grows over time based on a rate influenced by your mood level and it's indipendent from direct external stimuli. Arousal instead is dipendent on external stimuli and if you want a widget to see that value you need the mod SLAM "sexlab arousal monitor widget" by bearmiasma. The buffs and debuffs of the lust and arousal system are partially overlapping and you may find that it's wise to disable one of the two system so i suggest you if you are not an hardcore gamer to disable the lust system and the lust widget and use the arousal system of sexlab arousal

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7 hours ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Going to head back in game shortly but I tested the enslavement process 4 times. It didn't fade to white for me so I was able to witness the death of the original and placement of the new actor. Which is fantastic for me, I prefer it that way. But, I was wondering if a remedy instead of fading to white could it be possible to disable the original actor first then kill and create the new actor? Also all clothes stayed the exact same for me on all four actors. It is very impressive how you've gotten to this point with such an extremely small download.

Thank you my friend, nice suggestion i will try it. Actually when you see them disappearing i am not disabling them because using disable() will still make them be "there" but not rendered in 3d with AI disabled bloating your save, also delete() could break respawn point so i am actually using setcriticalstage() ? which is the equivalent of disintegrating them and letting the game garbage collect them, this should prevent save bloat. Sometimes using the setcritical stage on an actor in combat could produce bugs that's the reason i kill them first and then disintegrate them :P i will check if i can fix the fade or implement your suggestion!

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15 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

It's exactly the second, at the start of the mod you have a value of ten hidden of each category even if the control page displays 0. You obtain a preferred race if the experience number in one category or race is > than the sum of all categories /2 (the categories are listed under the sexual experience section under mcm control page and the only 2 not included in the calculations are total sex acts (obv.) and group sex acts . Based on my calculations if you fuck ONLY NORDS you need at least 65 fucked nords to make them your preferred race, more if you in the mean time increase values in other categories. Be aware that having a preferred sexual race starts the good/bad orgasm system and preferred racial perk: this means that you will have a +10% damage output against nords but also this will means that only if you fuck nords your lust will lower and you eill have good orgasm effects, instead having a preferred sexual race and fucking someone who is not a preferred sexual race will not lower your lust and will also give you bad orgasm effect which are the complete opposite effect that good orgasm (i.e. an orgasm while you have a normal mood gives you 10% better prices for 5 minutes, if you have a bad orgasm with normal mood youhave 10% worse prices for 5 minutes etc...)

Thank you! Especially for the explanation.

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Enslavement test with MCG 1.5.10

I plan to disable the eat, drink, sleep mod at the start of the fertility ritual to speed thru the 30day pregnancies



Day 1: Enslaved and took imperial female hostage at smuggler's cave. removed her torso armor, left shoes and bracers equiped.



Headed to Haulted Stream camp.  Attempted to enlave female khajiit then thwarted by friendly female bosmer doing mission from the Notice Board mod I recognized earlier from town. She and her companion killed the khajiit. Angrily, I killed her companion and enslaved her as restitution. She will pay with her pussy.



Entered Silent Moon Camp. Enslaved another bosmer archer.


On road to Fort Greymoor a attractive Vigilent of Stendar caught my eye. She will make a nice addition to my collection. So, I enslaved her. I think she's a radiant spawn.


I enslaved 4 additional females guarding the yard and the wall at Fort Greymoor. I escorted the original 4 to the area where the ritual will be performed. Ordered them to wait then collected the remaining 4 and escorted them to the same area and ordered them to wait.


Entered Greymoor and enslaved 3 more females.

Entered Greymoor prison found 2 more females raped lizard and ork, enslaved just ork. ordered ork to remain with her kinky friend doing whatever to the dead troll.





day 2: Ritual will be performed tonight stroke of midnight. had breakfast, female quota has been met and I'm way ahead of schedule compared to last test. I will head to Riverwood to look for another radiant spawn.


Exiting Greymoor and down the road I was again attacked by sexy Sox. Subdued and enslaved her. Arelith & stormcloak guard escorting imprisoned altmer commenced to attack me.



Seeking refuge headed to guard tower. When I approached I was asked by guard if I would go to jail, pay bounty or die. I think I received 40bounty for enslaving friendly bosmer.


I chose pay bounty then was teleported to entrance of Dragon's Reach. Was met by a redguard courier while heading for city exit who gave me a note. Eager to get to Riverwood I continued on. I like it when Sox stands this close to me.


Sox and I pressed straight through Riverwood to get to radiant spawn point. Once we arrived I was immediately attacked by a reguard male and ork female. after killing the male I enslaved the female. I saw that they had robed and murdered a young breton woman. We took a moment of reverent silence to show our respect for the breton woman then removed the dead woman's garments to inspect if she had been anally raped. Since I only have a degree in political science I had no idea what to look for. The results were  inconclusive.



Still ahead of schedule we took a shortcut to get back to Fort Greymoor. For fear of soreness and dehydration during the ritual I opted not to capture 2 more readily available females bandits. We headed back toward fort Greymoor.



After reaching fort Greymoor I escorted the 2 new captives up where the other females were waiting excitedly for the start of the ritual.


While I was preparing for the night's festivities  I noticed I had a cut on my hand. It looks like it may be infected. Which is concerning to me.




to be continuted

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13 minutes ago, Bush_Connoisseur said:

Enslavement test with MCG 1.5.10

I plan to disable the eat, drink, sleep mod at the start of the fertility ritual to speed thru the 30day pregnancies



Day 1: Enslaved and took imperial female hostage at smuggler's cave. removed her torso armor, left shoes and bracers equiped.



Headed to Haulted Stream camp.  Attempted to enlave female khajiit then thwarted by friendly female bosmer doing mission from the Notice Board mod I recognized earlier from town. She and her companion killed the khajiit. Angrily, I killed her companion and enslaved her as restitution. She will pay with her pussy.



Entered Silent Moon Camp. Enslaved another bosmer archer.


On road to Fort Greymoor a attractive Vigilent of Stendar caught my eye. She will make a nice addition to my collection. So, I enslaved her. I think she's a radiant spawn.


I enslaved 4 additional females guarding the yard and the wall at Fort Greymoor. I escorted the original 4 to the area where the ritual will be performed. Ordered them to wait then collected the remaining 4 and escorted them to the same area and ordered them to wait.


Entered Greymoor and enslaved 3 more females.

Entered Greymoor prison found 2 more females raped lizard and ork, enslaved just ork. ordered ork to remain with her kinky friend doing whatever to the dead troll.





day 2: Ritual will be performed tonight stroke of midnight. had breakfast, female quota has been met and I'm way ahead of schedule compared to last test. I will head to Riverwood to look for another radiant spawn.


Exiting Greymoor and down the road I was again attacked by sexy Sox. Subdued and enslaved her. Arelith & stormcloak guard escorting imprisoned altmer commenced to attack me.



Seeking refuge headed to guard tower. When I approached I was asked by guard if I would go to jail, pay bounty or die. I think I received 40bounty for enslaving friendly bosmer.


I chose pay bounty then was teleported to entrance of Dragon's Reach. Was met by a redguard courier while heading for city exit who gave me a note. Eager to get to Riverwood I continued on. I like it when Sox stands this close to me.


Sox and I pressed straight through Riverwood to get to radiant spawn point. Once we arrived I was immediately attacked by a reguard male and ork female. after killing the male I enslaved the female. I saw that they had robed and murdered a young breton woman. We took a moment of reverent silence to show our respect for the breton woman then removed the dead woman's garments to inspect if she had been anally raped. Since I only have a degree in political science I had no idea what to look for. The results were  inconclusive.



Still ahead of schedule we took a shortcut to get back to Fort Greymoor. For fear of soreness and dehydration during the ritual I opted not to capture 2 more readily available females bandits. We headed back toward fort Greymoor.



After reaching fort Greymoor I escorted the 2 new captives up where the other females were waiting excitedly for the start of the ritual.


While I was preparing for the night's festivities  I noticed I had a cut on my hand. It looks like it may be infected. Which is concerning to me.




to be continuted

Ahahahah, ?? i am gonna print all this! Thank you, really...i lost it at the breton encounter LOL, this has been a pretty nervous day for me because sales for black friday in my city were not really good and i feel frustated for the state of fallout 4 adult modding, i want to port some features of mcg for skyrim that are not in the fo4 version but i feel i won't be up for the task because there isn't a framework like sexlab and for this reason i was pretty sad, but you changed everything with this! Now i am happy :)


Edit: a savage and pussy smasher like you would easily cauterize that wound with a burning blade

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