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This is a question for everyone who is using this mod - after a certain level, your player health would be so high that to trigger Violate, you'd have to set the health threshold to a high percentage, like 80%, to be violated. I'm wondering if there are better ways to solve this. What settings or mods are you using to keep things interesting even at high levels?

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39 minutes ago, Tanglin said:

This is a question for everyone who is using this mod - after a certain level, your player health would be so high that to trigger Violate, you'd have to set the health threshold to a high percentage, like 80%, to be violated. I'm wondering if there are better ways to solve this. What settings or mods are you using to keep things interesting even at high levels?

Play in survival mod if you aren't already and use pipe guns. I'm level 230 and still get killed easily.

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1 hour ago, Tanglin said:

This is a question for everyone who is using this mod - after a certain level, your player health would be so high that to trigger Violate, you'd have to set the health threshold to a high percentage, like 80%, to be violated. I'm wondering if there are better ways to solve this. What settings or mods are you using to keep things interesting even at high levels?


I also set surrender on cripple. In addition, I'm using Combat Strip Lite to automatically surrender after too much of my clothing and armor is gone, and Sex Attributes perversions may cause me to surrender against certain enemies when willpower gets low.


I also have plans for one of the food addiction side effects in Unhealthy Craving to be a malaise which can cause you to just give up mid-fight because you're too exhausted to continue (increasingly likely the fatter you are). That's probably going to land in 1.4.0 since I've pretty much nailed down the features for 1.3.0, and am about done playtesting everything to find corner case bugs now.

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28 minutes ago, vaultbait said:

Unhealthy Craving to be a malaise which can cause you to just give up mid-fight because you're too exhausted to continue (increasingly likely the fatter you are).

That's pretty good idea actually and immersive tooΒ ?Β (too lazy/fat to run so just give up)

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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:


I also set surrender on cripple. In addition, I'm using Combat Strip Lite to automatically surrender after too much of my clothing and armor is gone, and Sex Attributes perversions may cause me to surrender against certain enemies when willpower gets low.



How do you set it such that you automatically surrender after too much of the armour and clothing are gone?

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1 hour ago, lee3310 said:

Play in survival mod if you aren't already and use pipe guns. I'm level 230 and still get killed easily.


I am playing in Survival mode, but not using pipe guns. My issue is that while pipe guns may make me kill them slower, they don't take me down faster.

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14 minutes ago, Tanglin said:

How do you set it such that you automatically surrender after too much of the armour and clothing are gone?


In Violate's MCM there's an integration setting for CSL, so you can choose to surrender at any of its stripping levels. Configure CSL to progressively strip armor and clothing from slots when you're hit (for example chest and head armor, then arms, then legs, then outfit, etc) and align your Violate setting to whatever point you think your character would surrender due to lack of protection/modesty/whatever you like.

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Based on the wording of the description, it seems that this integration from Violate to CSL serves as an extra layer of protection, in that, unless the value is set to zero, the stripping level requirement needs to be met before the normal automatic surrender can proceed. What I need is more of an extra layer of vulnerability for the player character, though.

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Second what vaultbait is saying.


Combat strip lite + Violate are perfect together and fix almost all level scaling issues. Only automatic weapons/shotguns are a problem as they can blast off your armor too quick, but if you fiddle CSL settings then you should give yourself time to react.


I have it set so basically armour is "lives" and when they are gone, I go down - health is just a mechanic I use to manage this process. I also use Scourge - which is a level balancing mod that I can recommend (hard early on, but gets most scaling spot on).


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Can a "sacrifice" option be added when you have companion victims option activated?


  • Offer yourself to be the sole victim. You get a slight increase in relationship with your companions.
  1. The violator(s) decide(s) to take you up on your offer, whereupon they let your companion(s) run away to a safe distance to return to your side when you escape, or they force your companion(s) to watch to show them what being selfless gets you.
  2. The violator(s) refuse, and violate you all.
  3. The violator(s) refuse, and violate your companion(s) while they force you to watch as a sick joke.
  • Beg the violator to take your companion(s) and let you leave. You get a slight decrease in relationship with your companions.
  1. The violator(s) decide(s) to take you up on your offer, whereupon they let you run away a safe distance and your companion(s) return to you when they're done, or they force you to watch for being such a scummy companion.
  2. The violator(s) refuse, and violate you all.
  3. The violator(s) refuse, and violate youΒ while they let your companion(s) to run away or force them to watch as your punishment.
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AAF Violate makes everyone (including bugs, creatures and raiders, literally everyone) friendly and not hostile when i start a new game. Its fine if i disable mod. Is there any way to fix this? I did a reinstall for resetting mcm setting but no hope. Im using start me up redux. Maybe its related to them?

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On 12/3/2022 at 6:08 PM, lee3310 said:

Even if it sounds really fun, i've always avoided mods like autonomy because:

1) Script heavy

2) If you move far away from an active AAF scene it can lead to the idle loop bug (stuck NPCs)...


On 12/3/2022 at 6:43 PM, vaultbait said:


Agreed, I turn the timer for it waaaay down and scale back the scan radius a lot for partner distance. I also don't allow the player in its scenes.


As for moving too far away, I want to say one of the last updates for it was to cancel AAF scenes once the player moves out of range.


Btw how script heavy is violate since i wanna use it along with my regular gameplay? Which mods should i avoid for script and save bloating issues?

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15 minutes ago, jariabila said:



Btw how script heavy is violate since i wanna use it along with my regular gameplay? Which mods should i avoid for script and save bloating issues?

Personally, i don't care how heavy on resources violate is because it's a must have?, but it's more than fine to use (no save bloat or anythingΒ of theΒ sort)

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5 hours ago, jariabila said:

Btw how script heavy is violate since i wanna use it along with my regular gameplay?


When it comes to EB's mods, it's not a question about how "script heavy" they are (They aren't) ; it's a matter of realizing that EB's mods have a scope, are planned out from the development side of things, and have been constructed with a plan.


Ego's mods are some of the most stable when it comes to the lewd modding side of things. They're well done, small scope, and do what they're designed to do, and do it very well. He's built a good reputation here for a reason: his mods rarely, if ever...cause people headaches. When a bug is found, or an issue arises...he is really good about rectifying/mitigating the issue on his end if it's possible. If it's not he's good at coming here and explaining.


This is why his mods are must have. They're well developed, and well supported. There's no spaghetti code here.



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First of all great mod idea, this has been a staple on my mod list.Β 


I know this was asked a while ago but I was wondering if there was any further consideration put into having bad end options when the player is the aggressor on surrendering NPCs instead of having to kill them manually.Β 


Also was wondering if it was even possible to bad end the companions, I understand this would only trigger if the bad end was triggered on the player. It just seems weird sometimes that they would only kill the player after.Β 

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I'm new with AAF Violate, so I'd like to know if male characters can too be violated? Because so far, when I try to have my male character be....well....you know, and try to surrender it doesn't work, I have F4SE installed and it IS well installed...so am I just dumb trying to use male character?


P.S: I didn't read all of that discussion I'm now posting a comment in so, please be indulgent...

Edited by Stargaryen01
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2 hours ago, Stargaryen01 said:

I'm new with AAF Violate, so I'd like to know if male characters can too be violated? Because so far, when I try to have my male character be....well....you know, and try to surrender it doesn't work, I have F4SE installed and it IS well installed...so am I just dumb trying to use male character?


P.S: I didn't read all of that discussion I'm now posting a comment in so, please be indulgent...

I do not believe it works with a male pc. AFAIK, you cannot change pc gender in the MCM settings. Maybe someone else will reply with a definitive answer.

Edit to add: Most of these adult mods are geared towards a female pc. You might just have to read info and such for the mod to see if a male pc will workΒ  with it. Good luck.

Another edit: Found this link:


Might peruse that to see get more info.

Edited by jrag0921
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1 hour ago, jrag0921 said:

@EgoBallistic Hey :)

Just a thought / suggestion. If you have the time and/or inclination, perhaps you might consider adding a small blurb or comment in the description in bold letters as to whether or not this works with a male pc. It seems that is asked frequently regarding these mods. Take care and appreciate your work.

It will work with a male PC.

You need to set AAFΒ  ignore_animation_gendersignore gender = true (if I remember right! But probably not, so try it & see. Or don't try it and see then try it and see. LOL)

Use un gendered animations. The attached has the genders removed... I don't know if it's SavageCabbages latest pack... have to check.

It adds to the SC xml files, it does not replace any.

I don't use the gay shite but other seem to have it working that way.

SC Ungendered.7z

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1 hour ago, izzyknows said:

It will work with a male PC.

You need to set AAFΒ  ignore_animation_gendersignore gender = true (if I remember right! But probably not, so try it & see. Or don't try it and see then try it and see. LOL)

Use un gendered animations. The attached has the genders removed... I don't know if it's SavageCabbages latest pack... have to check.

It adds to the SC xml files, it does not replace any.

I don't use the gay shite but other seem to have it working that way.

SC Ungendered.7z 9.87 kBΒ Β·Β 0 downloads

Thank you for the input and info, Izzy. Hope it helps the OP. Appreciate it!

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Has anyone else experienced freezing on a heavy load order? I've noticed it only happens when an npc surrenders. not everytime, but the only time my game freezes is when an npc surrenders. most likely some sort of conflict that ill probably spend days troubleshooting D;


Edit: using 1.59 instead and getting rid of wasteland dairy fixed the freezing issue i was having

Edited by UCDreezy
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2 hours ago, manOculture277353 said:

the animations don't work for me whenΒ  I surrender the enemies walk up like the scene is about to start and the npcs start clapping while my character is standing still hands up


Make sure AAF is working before you try to use mods which call AAF to play animations. You don't mention what troubleshooting you've already tried and whether you're able to successfully start animations manually through AAF's on-screen interface, but if you're struggling to make AAF work you'll probably have more luck seeking help in the AAF Discord channels.

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