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10 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

None of the animation packs include FFF or FFM threesome animations.  It would be possible to convert MMF threesomes into FFF or FFM ones, but I don't know that anyone has done that.


Violate doesn't support FFF or FFM threesomes anyway.  If Violate can't find two male aggressors it won't play a threesome.


As far as the error you are getting, that is happening because AAF can't find the animations that Violate is asking it to play.  If you have MMF animations installed but aren't able to play them, something is wrong with the way your animation packs are installed. 


Note that Savagecabbage's are the only MMF animations tagged as "aggressive" in the Animation Position Tags mod.  Have you tried turning "use tags" off in the MCM under Global options and see if you get MMF threesomes to play then?

Violate doesn't strip attackers itself, AAF does that.  I have noticed that sometimes attackers don't undress or re-dress properly, but there's not much I can do about it.


When you get robbed, you always get to keep one weapon.  You will see the message "10mm was unequipped" when the violation ends, but that just means it was holstered, not that it was taken out of your inventory.  So I think what you are seeing there is a raider who happens to have the same gun as you.  The robbery script uses the removeitem() function to directly transfer your stuff into the robber's inventory, there is no copying going on.

Got it working.... finally! Halstrom_tagData XML wasn't in the AAF folder. Put it in there and now the FMM threesome work.  






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Hi EgoBallistic.....i have a question....i have installed Violate, AAF Authonomy Enhanced, AAF Family Planning and RSE (with almost all disabled), if i unninstall RSE i loose the orgasm event so family planning do nothing

Can i solve this in any way?

Thanks for your help

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16 minutes ago, Tanglin said:

Finally! And nice screen shots :)

I thought so too! ?


Now.. Next pressing matter is figuring out how to get male erections to work and getting the cum overlay to work. Neither has anything to do with AAF Violate though.


After that, I should be good to go for a full play through of the game with the added element of rape and rape payback from AAF Violate thanks to EgoBallistic's amazing talents.   

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2 hours ago, ReaperBlade said:

Got it working.... finally! Halstrom_tagData XML wasn't in the AAF folder. Put it in there and now the FMM threesome work. 

Good to hear.


Those screenshots are great.  Would you mind if I put them in the banner images on the file page next time I update the mod?

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hello ego


Sorry to bother you again !!! but I would like to ask you a question.

Is it possible (feasible) that you add a function so that our character remains naked after the rape but the NPCs get dressed?

Indeed if we follow the logic undressing is done automatically via AAF and the dressing should be done manually once we fled.

I tried to edit some AAF xml files

AAF_equipmentSetData.xml, removing the "reequip" lines corresponding to the slots I use

AAF_settings.xml by putting the option of the rework delay to -1

and I managed it works.

however, I have noticed (with super mutants) that the clothes of some NPCs use the same slots as the clothes I use and therefore they also stay naked.

that's why I'm asking you this.


I will also ask the question on AAF thread



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40 minutes ago, hkheung said:

hello ego


Sorry to bother you again !!! but I would like to ask you a question.

Is it possible (feasible) that you add a function so that our character remains naked after the rape but the NPCs get dressed?

Indeed if we follow the logic undressing is done automatically via AAF and the dressing should be done manually once we fled.

I tried to edit some AAF xml files

AAF_equipmentSetData.xml, removing the "reequip" lines corresponding to the slots I use

AAF_settings.xml by putting the option of the rework delay to -1

and I managed it works.

however, I have noticed (with super mutants) that the clothes of some NPCs use the same slots as the clothes I use and therefore they also stay naked.

that's why I'm asking you this.


I will also ask the question on AAF thread




Egoballistic may or may not implement what you are asking, but you can configure your equipmentsetdata file such that you use <condition isFemale="true"> to make females not reequip, and males to reequip. Of course, you'd also have to limit rapists to be males for this to work.


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1 hour ago, hkheung said:

hello ego


Sorry to bother you again !!! but I would like to ask you a question.

Is it possible (feasible) that you add a function so that our character remains naked after the rape but the NPCs get dressed?

Indeed if we follow the logic undressing is done automatically via AAF and the dressing should be done manually once we fled.


There are a couple of different ways to do this.  One, as @Tanglin said, you can make an EquipmentSetData file that prevents females from re-dressing, like the attached file.


The other is to turn on robbery chance to 100%.  If your character is robbed, they will remain naked afterward, because their clothes will be unequipped before AAF undresses them.



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4 hours ago, alima309 said:

I found the "My aggressors are being attacked" issue comes from.


The enemy has radiations will cause it......glowing ghouls, glowing hound.

will cause the sex scene stopped.

You are correct.  This will be fixed in the next version.  As an added bonus, the fix greatly improves script performance when fighting those kinds of enemies.

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23 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

There are a couple of different ways to do this.  One, as @Tanglin said, you can make an EquipmentSetData file that prevents females from re-dressing, like the attached file.


The other is to turn on robbery chance to 100%.  If your character is robbed, they will remain naked afterward, because their clothes will be unequipped before AAF undresses them.



thank you for the answer

I tried with your xml but I was not successful in making it work the actors in the animations stay dressed now
I admit that I am too stupid to understand.

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3 hours ago, GRIMSNIPER3 said:

 Ok so i downloaded every thing correctly i think and i could customize it in the MCM but besides that nothing is working what should i do to fix this     

How would you expect anyone to be able to help you if all you've got is "nothing works"? How do you know nothing works? You got into a fight and died without triggering the Surrender? You surrendered but no animations happened? Nothing works how? Based on what you've got, all that can be said is that you messed up the installation somewhere.

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I'm having the same issue as grim up there, but I will elaborate. Everything is installed, as it should. I go into the mcm and have everything set up. First thing I tried when installing it was the surrender key. Surrender key did not work. I thought "Okay, well I will just try the god mode auto surrender". Just as before, nothing happened. I figured maybe it only works on a new save. Started new game, set everything up again and yet again to no avail nothing happened. Pressing the key does nothing, no anim, no behavior change, no surrender, and even with debug mode on it still shows nothing.


It seems almost as if the scripts arent even there to begin with. I am currently trying a manual install in case mod org missed something



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3 minutes ago, turdpoop said:

I'm having the same issue as grim up there, but I will elaborate. Everything is installed, as it should. I go into the mcm and have everything set up. First thing I tried when installing it was the surrender key. Surrender key did not work. I thought "Okay, well I will just try the god mode auto surrender". Just as before, nothing happened. I figured maybe it only works on a new save. Started new game, set everything up again and yet again to no avail nothing happened. Pressing the key does nothing, no anim, no behavior change, no surrender, and even with debug mode on it still shows nothing.


Couple of tips: 


1. Make sure the hotkey is unused by other MCM stuff, etc. You should get a warning if you're trying to use a key that's already assigned, but it won't hurt to check. 

2. When using the surrender key, make sure you're looking at an aggressor. Because of the nature of how it works, sometimes a surrender won't happen unless you're looking at a target. 

3. Assuming you have animations installed, make sure you have Halstrom's AAF Position Tags, or, alternatively if you're using the newest AAF, the new Theme Packs. It's important to make sure you are not running both. Run either APT or the Theme Packs. Not both. If you previously had APT, you need to uninstall it before adding the new theme packs. 



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1 hour ago, turdpoop said:

I'm having the same issue as grim up there, but I will elaborate. Everything is installed, as it should. I go into the mcm and have everything set up. First thing I tried when installing it was the surrender key. Surrender key did not work. I thought "Okay, well I will just try the god mode auto surrender". Just as before, nothing happened. I figured maybe it only works on a new save. Started new game, set everything up again and yet again to no avail nothing happened. Pressing the key does nothing, no anim, no behavior change, no surrender, and even with debug mode on it still shows nothing.


It seems almost as if the scripts arent even there to begin with. I am currently trying a manual install in case mod org missed something



Sounds like your F4SE scripts are not installed.  Make sure you installed the Data folder from the F4SE archive into your Fallout 4 folder.  A lot of people miss that and get the same results you have.

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With the recent Fallout 4 update (which broke everything, damn you Bethesda!!) I have finally had the time to manage to get everything updated and working properly again. And as an added bonus, males now get erections during animations FINALLY, HALLELUJAH!!! So perhaps I should be thanking Bethesda for breaking my game so I'd be forced to update everything which resulted in a positive bonus for me. LOL! 


Apparently, the problem before for why I wasn't getting erections was due to BodySlide. I had the AAFCP properly installed by not BodySlide. After updating BodySlide to the latest version it fixed my erection problems for males. Or shall I say, human males... I'm not getting erections for Feral Ghouls. I surrendered to Feral Ghouls and they strip and have penises but they don't get erect. Haven't tested on normal Ghouls or super mutants.


Tested this mod on a Yao Guai/bear that I tried to surrender to, but it wouldn't let me surrender to the bear with the mod informing me that that I couldn't surrender to that type of creature. Not an AAF missing animation warning but a popup in the upper left corner of the screen where tutorial tips are usually shown.  


I tested on a DeathClaw and that worked ok for one animation where the Deathclaw is holding the player in one hand and slowly pumping her up and down the length of its cock like a pocket pussy. (Damn that DeathClaw cock looks brutal!) Shame the player doesn't look like she's in much pain being fucked by that thing! Would be better if there was more pain in the players face with aggressive painful sounds of her screaming out, struggling to take the size and pain of that thing impaling her. Would be great if she was speared all the way through from pussy out the mouth, with the pointy cock head coming out of her mouth with her head tilted backwards to open up her throat for the cock head to push it's way all the way through. That'd be awesome.  


When I tried other animations using the DeathClaw besides the default human pocket pussy animation, there was a distorted animation. Pressing the PgDn key went back to the Deathclaw holding the player like a pocket pussy again. So I'm guessing there's only two Deathclaw animations right now and one of them is not working right?  I know animations are not part of this mod but I'm just asking in general. 




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I'd like to see an option added to this mod where you can attempt to kill your rapist(s) during an animation to set yourself free. Like if you press the surrender hotkey key during an animation it triggers an end of the current animation and the 'Jet effect' is applied to slow down time. (Would be great to add in a slow motion heartbeat sound to that effect to simulate the player's adrenaline pumping). All of the rapist(s) in the area, still nude, attempt to flee out of fear (with the Jet/slow motion effect running) and the player, also still nude, equips a 10mm pistol and has the opportunity to kill them as they attempt to flee. When the last of the rapists is killed the slow motion effect is removed and the player drops to her knees with her head hung down in an exhausted pose and sobs for a bit before standing up and returning to normal. 


Perhaps this could be tied in with the Nerd Rage perk so that you have to have that perk first in order to be able to have this ability or perhaps a new perk could be added to the game called, "Rape Rage" or something like that that you get after being raped X amount of times? Or this could be configured in the MCM so that you can have it from the beginning or you can set it so that you get it after so many rapes scenes before exhaustion? I believe RSE combat assault has something like this implemented but I don't want to use RSE combat assault with this mod. Tried before and they don't get along too well from my testing.  

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3 hours ago, ReaperBlade said:

Apparently, the problem before for why I wasn't getting erections was due to BodySlide. I had the AAFCP properly installed by not BodySlide. After updating BodySlide to the latest version it fixed my erection problems for males. Or shall I say, human males... I'm not getting erections for Feral Ghouls. I surrendered to Feral Ghouls and they strip and have penises but they don't get erect. Haven't tested on normal Ghouls or super mutants.


Tested this mod on a Yao Guai/bear that I tried to surrender to, but it wouldn't let me surrender to the bear with the mod informing me that that I couldn't surrender to that type of creature. Not an AAF missing animation warning but a popup in the upper left corner of the screen where tutorial tips are usually shown.  




When I tried other animations using the DeathClaw besides the default human pocket pussy animation, there was a distorted animation. Pressing the PgDn key went back to the Deathclaw holding the player like a pocket pussy again. So I'm guessing there's only two Deathclaw animations right now and one of them is not working right?  I know animations are not part of this mod but I'm just asking in general.


I don't believe there is currently a way to make feral ghouls switch between erect and flaccid.  You can install the meshes from Leito's rigs to give them penises, but that will result in either permanently erect or permanently flaccid ferals.  I might be wrong and someone has made a way to do that, but I am not aware of one.


Yao Guai are supported by the AAF Creature Pack 01 animation pack, and you need to have Aggressor Races set to "Everything" in the AAF Violate MCM to be able to surrender to them.


Using PgDn to switch animations will sometimes cause the actors to be reversed in the animation you switch to, which sounds like what happened to you there.  When that happens, the human will get a Deathclaw skeleton and vice versa, so you have a huge distorted human screwing a small distorted Deathclaw.  So it's generally best to avoid doing that. 


Currently there are three Deathclaw animations, one in Mutated Lust and two in Vadermania.  Halstrom's tags file does not tag the one from Mutated Lust as "aggressive" so you won't see it if you have tags enabled.  I added that tag to those two positions on my machine so I see them in violation scenes.  When animations are played normally, i.e. not with the pgup/pgdn keys, you don't have the same distortion issues you saw above.

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