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2 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

Once you have recruited Ivy, you will want to take some time to explore the items inside her cellar.

That's all I will spoil for today. :)


(DONE/ADDED) - <REDACTED> (Preferably HIDE it until Ivy has been recruited)..
(DONE/FIXED) - Ivy's LipSync in Mysterious Note Scene.



(Sorry I'm just a waterfall kind of guy)

Suspicious squinting intensifies

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7 minutes ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

Suspicious squinting intensifies

There are notes and holotapes scattered around the wasteland.. in well known places.. (All of them occupied by enemies.. Around 6 in total).

Each note or holotape that you find contains information about Ivy, or her past, upon reading the contents scenes and affinity dialogue will kick off, sometimes leading to a quest request by Ivy.. (E.g. can we find the second part of this note? Can we activate this HyperCombat upgrade routines? etc.. etc..). Most of these dialogues are monologues by Ivy giving more insight into her past.. depending on if you deserve that kind of information at that time of course...


If your affinity is too low and the information is too personal she will request it back from the player..

Ivy's most inner secrets are only divulged to her true lover. This means you must have gone through a real journey with Ivy if you want to hear and know about these things. Most of this is new information about her past, not in the current release. (The new build we're working on has about 2000 new lines in total added at this point, ChicGeek is already stocking her cupboards with honey and Earl Grey tea).

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2 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

There are notes and holotapes scattered around the wasteland.. in well know places.. all of them occupied by enemies.. (Around 6 in total).

Each note or holotape that you find contains information about Ivy, or her past, upon reading the contents scenes and affinity dialogue will kick off, sometimes leading to a quest request by Ivy.. (E.g. can we find the second part of this note? Can we activate this HyperCombat upgrade routines? etc.. etc..). Most of these dialogues are monologues by Ivy giving more insight into her past.. depending on if you deserve that kind of information at that time of course... 


If your affinity is too low and the information is too personal she will request it back from the player.. 

Yeah, I wasn't far off in my thinking either :P

Anyway, enough on my plate with reworking my mods for ZeX & FB, then going and getting back to where I was with Ivy and exploring the other 7/8ths of the Commonwealth, without keeping up with more up-coming Ivy...




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@Fiona159 @urbanoantigo in a few weeks the ESPS/ESMS will be done. I'd like to work together with you, to make sure the translations accurately convey the deeper meanings of certain sentences. In many cases a literal translation will not work, so we'll need to find accurate 'sayings' in your language to replace them with.

I'd like to release the translations together with the main release, if possible.


We can discuss further details through PM's.


Or, as google translate would say in Russian:

через несколько недель будет выполнена ESPS / ESMS. Я хотел бы работать вместе с вами, чтобы убедиться, что переводы точно передают более глубокие значения определенных предложений. Во многих случаях буквальный перевод не будет работать, поэтому нам нужно найти точные «высказывания» на вашем языке, чтобы заменить их на. Я хотел бы выпустить переводы вместе с основным выпуском, если это возможно. Мы можем обсудить дальнейшие детали через PM.


OR in Portugese:

Em poucas semanas, o ESPS / ESMS será feito. Eu gostaria de trabalhar junto com você, para garantir que as traduções transmitam com precisão os significados mais profundos de certas frases. Em muitos casos, uma tradução literal não funciona, por isso, precisamos encontrar "frases" precisas em seu idioma para substituí-las. Eu gostaria de liberar as traduções junto com o lançamento principal, se possível. Podemos discutir mais detalhes através de PMs.

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1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:

@Fiona159 @urbanoantigo in a few weeks the ESPS/ESMS will be done. I'd like to work together with you, to make sure the translations accurately convey the deeper meanings of certain sentences. In many cases a literal translation will not work, so we'll need to find accurate 'sayings' in your language to replace them with.

I'd like to release the translations together with the main release, if possible.


We can discuss further details through PM's.


Yes, sure, good idea has already been translated as a translation with the game file.

You have the reason, litter translation or automatic type, does not work with the depth and content richness of Ivy's speeches, I noticed this in many of their lines, I remember a joke she tells about Frankeinsteim and Robocop, that to make sense in translation needed a dapation, I loved the idea of already working on the translation for the launch

Perfect, you can count on me.

In brazilliam portuguese:
Muito obrigado

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16 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

The original inspiration for Ivy in '17 was my first true love.. the woman I fell in love with before I ever even saw her.. (Stevie Nicks)

But Jessica Kelsey Amlee has been the 'model' so far for Ivy since I've worked on 1.5:







Funny thing is I recently changed my Ivy to blonde before reading your post. I personally think it suits her (Please ignore the graphics, I play in a potato laptop cause I'm a poor wahmen).


I've been away from this thread for a while and I saw something about translations? If you need them in Spanish you can count on me (Translator from English to Spanish here!)


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Spanish is very cool,
If I am not mistaken already has translation of the subtitles of Ivy for Portuguese of Brazil and Russian, Ivy can already be considered a Mod Multi Languages

I already organizing myself here I just saw that the ESP-ESM Translator
the program I use here had an update this month, already in version 3.67

I tested some before, but this is the best I found, one of the advantages is that as it is harder you make some mistake that breaks the code.

it is very simple to use and has a well explained tutorial

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Development Update

NONE. Been testing and found suddenly I was playing for 3 hours straight with Ivy, slowly building affinity. Then I figured I must have missed something, so I restarted.. went over everything again. No bugs, no things to change.. everything (so far) just right.. The underlying system, in it's simplicity, is actually extremely strong. Ivy only knows 'affinity' (e.g. how well you know each other, not how much she likes you it's a distinct difference), irritation and arousal. 'Irritation' is not so much a counter as it's a 'state'.. it's being fed by a counter called 'disappointment' this counter increases at moments where you disappoint Ivy. When affinity rises above certain levels, Ivy starts considering you to be more than just a good customer (or better put, she considers you her 'main' customer) but she can also grow to love you. It's then up to the player to reciprocate or not. You can enter and exit your relationship with Ivy... up to a point. There comes a time when Ivy loses interest in you all together, but by then.. you two will have had quite some 'fights' and you will know why she has rejected you..


So now that I have created this system I can finally also consider my original ideas for Ivy's alignment, e.g. she should grow more 'evil' if players are evil and vice-versa. That will not mean a whole bunch more dialogue, but rather certain actions.. or interjections.. So it's more like a Paragon/Renegade counter. In which where if the player does a lot of renegade actions (e.g. shoot and kill settlers, basically act like a raider) Ivy should do the same. I'm not sure if I will implement this. I have some concerns. She is stable and very fun to play with right now and I'm concerned about the interactions such a secondary system could introduce. Which is why I'm thinking of perhaps keeping it more simple, by hooking into Ivy's mood for this. e.g. When's she happy she's more paragon, when she's irritated she's more renegade.. I think that's the best way to go. It would only mean introducing some scripted events or scenes here and there for Ivy's renegade actions (e.g. kill a dialogue target of the player if they're being highly irritating).


So.. Friday evening.. going to continue playing to see if I can find more I need to fix.

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Development Update

Been playing last night and this morning. Ran into a few minor issues I'll be focusing on today. Found an 'old' bug where Ivy would ask the player for Mutfruit while the quest was still running. Found out that Ivy says her erotic memory archive is blocked (and it should be at that point) but it's not, looking into that.


AND I finally confirmed what I had been expecting for a while.. when you put a script fragment in a dialogue item, the script is run for each SENTENCE in the dialogue (at least for sure the 'start' fragment, but I highly suspect the same for the 'end' fragment. This complicates some manners for me here and there, meaning I'll need to be adding some timeouts to certain events and dialogues, otherwise players might exploit these dialogues to raise affinity/lower irritation etc..etc...

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3 hours ago, Mr.House said:

Sorry for asking this, but is the music you use for this mod actually legal to download?

But.. did you know what I was working on.. in secret???

I might as well share then.. 


Introducing the W.I.V.S. Band.

01 - W.I.V.S. Band - P-Fidelity.mp3


Because any serious radio station has their own 'house' band to provide it with music...

In the next release (and there is some confusion as to whether it's 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 or 5.0.. the actual new version that will be released is 2.0) all of the music on W.I.V.S. radio will be replaced with custom made music for Ivy. At least 12 different songs in the same style as the current royalty free songs can be heard on the radio. Because Mr.House's question I've decided to share this info with you all at this time, because one of the major things which has been bothering me for some time is the current royalty free music, which you can actually hear under quite a lot of youtube videos these days (there just isn't a lot of free music available).


Ivy's music is copyrighted to the W.I.V.S. Band, all songs have been registered.

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not sure if this was asked or not, I understand that you try to make every thing self contained 

but is there any mod's that you would have us load, with ones that are needed or recommend to aid in the joy of running Ivy 2.0

or the red rocket basement, or museum when it comes out??? 

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2 hours ago, athoscaru said:

not sure if this was asked or not, I understand that you try to make every thing self contained 

but is there any mod's that you would have us load, with ones that are needed or recommend to aid in the joy of running Ivy 2.0

or the red rocket basement, or museum when it comes out??? 

There are no mods adviced to run extra with Ivy other than the NX-2C Sloot Suit of course!




There are, however, some mods unadviced to run with Ivy 2.0. Upon release I will make a complete write-up. Any multifollower mod or extra companions like Heather are unsupported. From 2.0 Ivy will check if she is in a party bigger than 2 and if it's not a special circumstance where it is allowed, she will say goodbye to the player and will return to her root cellar. In special occasions (for instance while doing the Robot DLC) you are allowed to travel together with Ivy. She will stop being your companion during that time, but will continue to travel with and protect and follow you where needed. During that time all of her advanced features (such as HyperCombat) will be disabled.


Any race-changing mods or mods that change Ivy's size will automatically disable her completely (that includes things like the Anime mods).

Ivy does not like being 'tampered' with and she has many layers of protection built in to prevent this from happening.

You can however, provide her with a unique skin or body, if you want to do so, this is allowed. (e.g. change her into a Synth model).


Ivy herself will be released with a lot of extras to enjoy her. And the 2.0 release is being developed with modders in mind.

So much so, that I am writing dialogue that will never be featured in her normal mods but can be activated by modders for other mods, such as pregnancy dialogue, and child dialogue (if she gets a baby with the player), which I know to be popular requests for Ivy. Other dialogue will include Prostitution dialogue + haggling and toilet responses for users using toilet mods. This must still be activated by another modder for work, so it's not like these lines will automatically activate when you have these types of mods installed.


Please note: Originally Ivy cannot conceive children, she is half robot but the subject is avoided altogether in the mod.


Special scenes and keywords and globals were added that modders can easily hook into, for instance to make full fledged sex scenes through RSE, or another platform that provides animations. Ivy itself will be released first as base ESM 2.0, together with the Nuka World DLC, Museum of Pornography Add-On, the still nameless 'Porn Mag' Add-On and some other extras and add-ons not mentioned yet which will remain a surprise.


Red Rocket Basement is not a part of this release.

But another, somewhat mysterious player home featuring a small quest, located in Concord and the Glowing Sea, will be...

And for this mod, Reginalds PreFab ShackFest comes highly advised due to the small crafting stations it offers.


(Note: This player home is empty and has a workbench, it must be decorated by the player.. but Ivy might have some ideas on how she wants to have it decorated..)




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Hi @Reginald_001. Once again, thanks for Ivy. I have begun to play FO4 with the following mod:




It basically wipes humans out of the game and really makes the player a true sole survivor. The author of that mad provides details for other mod authors on how to prevent this. You can also do it via console by "addkeyword skk-476nodisable".....when you remember to do it. Ive been grabbing Ivy before engaging the 4-76 mod and adding the keyword manually to make sure my precious Ivy is not culled since I am not sure what the game actually thinks she is. In your revamping of Ivy, could you perhaps look into 4-76 proofing her if she requires it?

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14 minutes ago, Olmech said:

Hi @Reginald_001. Once again, thanks for Ivy. I have begun to play FO4 with the following mod:




It basically wipes humans out of the game and really makes the player a true sole survivor. The author of that mad provides details for other mod authors on how to prevent this. You can also do it via console by "addkeyword skk-476nodisable".....when you remember to do it. Ive been grabbing Ivy before engaging the 4-76 mod and adding the keyword manually to make sure my precious Ivy is not culled since I am not sure what the game actually thinks she is. In your revamping of Ivy, could you perhaps look into 4-76 proofing her if she requires it?

It's highly unlikely I will be adding such keywords to her base mod. But it will be easy to make a small patch mod for Ivy (she is an ESM) in which you can add multiple base mods and keywords such as this to prevent it from happening. If you have Fo4Edit it should prove easy to add the keyword yourself, to your specific needs.

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5 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

But.. did you know what I was working on.. in secret???

I might as well share then.. 


Introducing the W.I.V.S. Band.


01 - W.I.V.S. Band - P-Fidelity.mp3


Because any serious radio station has their own 'house' band to provide it with music...


In the next release (and there is some confusion as to whether it's 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 or 5.0.. the actual new version that will be released is 2.0) all of the music on W.I.V.S. radio will be replaced with custom made music for Ivy. At least 12 different songs in the same style as the current royalty free songs can be heard on the radio. Because Mr.House's question I've decided to share this info with you all at this time, because one of the major things which has been bothering me for some time is the current royalty free music, which you can actually hear under quite a lot of youtube videos these days (there just isn't a lot of free music available).


Ivy's music is copyrighted to the W.I.V.S. Band, all songs have been registered.


Just to elaborate on this.. the album is currently being recorded and will receive a final master, to be placed in game. It will replace all current songs in W.I.V.S. radio. Of course the trailers will remain and have even been expanded upon with more trailers from open film archives.

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2 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

Any race-changing mods or mods that change Ivy's size will automatically disable her completely (that includes things like the Anime mods).

Could you please elaborate on "race-changing mods" as I use a mod that expands the bone regions for face morphs and I'm not sure if that counts. I can understand Ivy not working perfectly with other mods but it's upsetting to read that it will actively refuse to work with work them.?

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45 minutes ago, helgen_has_fallen said:

Could you please elaborate on "race-changing mods" as I use a mod that expands the bone regions for face morphs and I'm not sure if that counts. I can understand Ivy not working perfectly with other mods but it's upsetting to read that it will actively refuse to work with work them.?

Good question.


Mods that change her base race from human to something else will not work. You cannot change her into GhoulRace, or another race. Synth1 and Synth2 races are allowed. If certain races are put to my attention (e.g. some kind of Futa race that people are into or whatnot) I will add them as exception to which races Ivy allows herself to be, upon first inspecting the race myself. This is to ensure that no inappropriate content containing Ivy will be released.

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"There are, however, some mods unadvised to run with Ivy 2.0. Upon release, I will make a complete write-up. Any multi-follower mod or extra companions like Heather are unsupported. From 2.0 Ivy will check if she is in a party bigger than 2 and if it's not a special circumstance where it is allowed, she will say goodbye to the player and will return to her root cellar. In special occasions (for instance while doing the Robot DLC) you are allowed to travel together with Ivy. She will stop being your companion during that time but will continue to travel with and protect and follow you where needed. During that time all of her advanced features (such as HyperCombat) will be disabled."


I completely respect your freedom as mod author to build whatever restrictions into your mod that you feel are appropriate. I would like though to request that you consider upping the party size limit from 2 to 3. Ever since I found Ivy she has not left my side, and I do mostly travel with just us 2. There are times though when I'll grab a vanilla follower just long enough to get their perk, or another mod adds a companion to quest with for a bit. If you feel the Hyper-combat thing would be unbalanced in a party greater than 2, that's understandable. The thought though of having to banish Ivy back to her cellar every time some additional content includes another companion is disheartening. I would still likely run with Ivy as she is the best companion mod of all time after all. The thing with moddiing this game from a user standpoint is whenever it's about options rather than limitations, it usually provides a better experience. Sometimes I mod it easier for myself, and other times I make it torturously difficult for myself, just to get all the different possible experiences. Replayability and all. I'd love to have Ivy there by my side through it all if possible. I don't post much except for what I'm passionate about. I'll respect your stance, either way, I just felt the need to make the request for consideration.

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4 hours ago, Dumuzi said:

"There are, however, some mods unadvised to run with Ivy 2.0. Upon release, I will make a complete write-up. Any multi-follower mod or extra companions like Heather are unsupported. From 2.0 Ivy will check if she is in a party bigger than 2 and if it's not a special circumstance where it is allowed, she will say goodbye to the player and will return to her root cellar. In special occasions (for instance while doing the Robot DLC) you are allowed to travel together with Ivy. She will stop being your companion during that time but will continue to travel with and protect and follow you where needed. During that time all of her advanced features (such as HyperCombat) will be disabled."


I completely respect your freedom as mod author to build whatever restrictions into your mod that you feel are appropriate. I would like though to request that you consider upping the party size limit from 2 to 3. Ever since I found Ivy she has not left my side, and I do mostly travel with just us 2. There are times though when I'll grab a vanilla follower just long enough to get their perk, or another mod adds a companion to quest with for a bit. If you feel the Hyper-combat thing would be unbalanced in a party greater than 2, that's understandable. The thought though of having to banish Ivy back to her cellar every time some additional content includes another companion is disheartening. I would still likely run with Ivy as she is the best companion mod of all time after all. The thing with moddiing this game from a user standpoint is whenever it's about options rather than limitations, it usually provides a better experience. Sometimes I mod it easier for myself, and other times I make it torturously difficult for myself, just to get all the different possible experiences. Replayability and all. I'd love to have Ivy there by my side through it all if possible. I don't post much except for what I'm passionate about. I'll respect your stance, either way, I just felt the need to make the request for consideration.

Hey Dumuzi,


Thanks for posting and replying. It's not (so much) a 'moral' but a technical choice to not allow MF mods. If you read several posts (or pages not sure) back you'll see how I explain that Ivy has a 'light' follower mode which will disable most of her functionality but will allow you to temporarily travel with more companions. This was especially created for those moments where you need another companion to advance the story.


The thing you need to understand about MF mods is this: They are all flawed. I've tested each and every single one of them. And all of them break Ivy, in visible and invisible ways. This is the reason she will never support MF mods, until that time when an MF mod is released that actually works well.


5 hours ago, ChicGeek said:

50 down, 250 to go...


Finally starting to actually look like something ?



I'm loving it. :)

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58 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

Hey Dumuzi,


Thanks for posting and replying. It's not (so much) a 'moral' but a technical choice to not allow MF mods. If you read several posts (or pages not sure) back you'll see how I explain that Ivy has a 'light' follower mode which will disable most of her functionality but will allow you to temporarily travel with more companions. This was especially created for those moments where you need another companion to advance the story.


The thing you need to understand about MF mods is this: They are all flawed. I've tested each and every single one of them. And all of them break Ivy, in visible and invisible ways. This is the reason she will never support MF mods, until that time when an MF mod is released that actually works well.


Understood and thanks for explaining. While I have never personally had an issue with AFT that I've noticed, that doesn't mean that there weren't numerous things that weren't borked under the hood so to speak, and I just didn't know any better to tell the difference. May well be the light mode will suit just fine for when a quest has an attached follower or the like.

I only hope she is still as talkative in those cases as all the various things she says out of the blue are one of the best things about traveling with her.


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Question, how easy will be for Ivy to get affinity, lets say i talk to her and choose all the responses she likes I take her to places she likes, etc. could we get really high or even max her affinity in just a few hours, is there a limit, maybe per day or ingame hours or something? i ask cause i hate when you max an npc approval/affinity or whatever is called in the game in just a few hours, specially if the game is long.

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3 hours ago, Dumuzi said:


Understood and thanks for explaining. While I have never personally had an issue with AFT that I've noticed, that doesn't mean that there weren't numerous things that weren't borked under the hood so to speak, and I just didn't know any better to tell the difference. May well be the light mode will suit just fine for when a quest has an attached follower or the like.

I only hope she is still as talkative in those cases as all the various things she says out of the blue are one of the best things about traveling with her.


The way I understand it (Although I am probably completely wrong) is that Companions like Ivy here, Darlene on Nexus etc.., require themselves to be in the "1st" slot of the group. That is if you have Ivy, Darlene, Mollie, Cait, and Curie, To get all of Ivy's idle comments and her "extra" functions the companion order would have to be like:-




4- Mollie


But whoever is in slots 2-5 suffer in the environmental interaction and in Darlenes case she is a lot like Ivy- needs slot 1 to have the mod working as it should. Of course Reginald will probably say thats all wrong lol


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