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On 12/27/2022 at 2:04 PM, eldr3d said:


I have converted the GSBDoggieBelt Mesh, I think it's the only one missing from these. See my comment here. You're welcome to add the contents of my patch to your archive if you give credit:)

There, done! I don't know if it translated well into being put together. Check if it works. I don't have Skyrim SE installed atm

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I don't know if anyone can help me, i download ZAZ 8.0+ CBBE HDT Rev3, run FNIS no error or warning, i'm on AE all mod up to date and working fine. In game is see the prompt Zaz Animations, i see the MCM, but SLAL don't register it and i can't go in the option "Sex Lab" in the Zaz MCM.

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On 11/24/2022 at 12:40 PM, oscartw said:



I am sure that im installing the se version, but fnis always ending up with this as result, and characters in game would be T-posing

Did you had any luck solving problem? i have exact same one, using proper file as someone pointed that out to you and no luck, all humanoids t pose 

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On 1/16/2023 at 10:23 AM, Newka said:

I don't know if anyone can help me, i download ZAZ 8.0+ CBBE HDT Rev3, run FNIS no error or warning, i'm on AE all mod up to date and working fine. In game is see the prompt Zaz Animations, i see the MCM, but SLAL don't register it and i can't go in the option "Sex Lab" in the Zaz MCM.

The ' Sex Lab' tab takes a while to load for me, like 5-10 seconds. If it's not that then I have no idea.

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On 1/6/2023 at 4:24 PM, pull_my_blonde_pigtails said:

Nemesis crashes when trying to launch it with with 8.0+

Try this....


Go into the Windows search bar. Type Region, you may then need to choose Administrative language settings, then in the administrative tab you should see a section called Language for non-Unicode programs, Click change system local, when this opens make sure there is no checkmark in Beta: Use UTF-8 Worldwide language support. Reboot and it should now work as intended. 

This should fix Nemesis error 6002 when trying to update the engine or run the batch.

Edited by jshef0
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  • 2 weeks later...


I am using Skyrim SE v1.6.460

I have successfully installed SL etc

but when I install

ZAZ Animation pack 8.0 the MCM menu does not show up.


I am wondering if my ZAZ 8.0 is the correct version.

the port is ZAZ 7.0 amd when I load it the game crashes.


Please help?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Pamatronic's Yarm for random SexLab scenes between NPCs and I use ZAP Helper Addon for permanently locking NPCs into ZAZ furnitures.


My goal now is to prevent Yarm from integrating locked up NPCs into sex scenes. Therefore, I tried to create a patch by adding new conditions to Yarm. However my patch doesn't work and locked up NPCs still end up in Yarm sex scenes.


Is there a ZAZ attribute (keyword etc.), which I could use to create new conditions? For the mod to know when a NPC is locked in ZAZ furniture?





What I have tried so far with the patch is adding a "Subject.Get.In.Faction" for "ZFP Bound NPCs" and "Locked NPC Faction for ZFP" (see screenshot in spoiler section), but this approach doesn't seem to work.

Edited by Gudulba
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On 11/29/2022 at 5:19 PM, ETSubmariner said:


I have discovered that 'data\MESHES\ZaZ-UltimateDataPack\ZaZ - Accessories\Restraints\02ZAZ - IronShackles\HandCuffsIron_go.nif' might be what is causing my game to freeze. It will just happen randomly. I had previously tried to console in some items like the black wrist behind version, which goes into my inventory but the second my mouse touches it for the preview, crash. Missing .nif or something I think.


So that's what it is. I noticed one of the zbf cuffs caused my game to crash when using add item menu. Wonder what the best way to fix it is.

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50 minutes ago, Splendor Solis said:

Thanks! I just deleted the .nif to stop the crashes, but this is even better. Out of curiosity, do you know what went wrong with the file?


Sorry, no, I do not know why that mesh causes a CTD


I noticed that the CuffsIron_go.nif mesh works okay, therefore my patch uses a copy of CuffsIron_go.nif that is named to HandCuffsIron_go.nif so that it replaces the bad mesh file.



Edited by Herowynne
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