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Drab to Fab: Poster Edition by Nuverotic 1.0.0

9 Screenshots

About This File

Venture into an enriched Starfield experience with a rejuvenated series of in-game posters. While Bethesda's original posters provide a foundational narrative, this mod breathes new life into them, merging allure with class, thereby enriching every player's discovery journey.

Each poster is an intricate blend of AI technology and artistic touch. At the heart of each design lies an AI-rendered figure, meticulously blended into a reimagined backdrop. However, it doesn't stop there. With precise Photoshop adjustments and carefully curated text placements, these posters transcend mere in-game decorations, offering players an aesthetically advanced and captivating visual.


Designed to be both captivating and respectful, all posters abide by Safe For Work (SFW) standards and are crafted with streamers in mind. They resonate with an enhanced allure, yet remain anchored in the game's immersive atmosphere.


This is an evolving project, and as such, players can anticipate periodic updates with batches of redesigned posters. Engage with Starfield in a whole new light, and enjoy the elevated sense of wonder these revamped posters bring to the game.



I experienced some differences with The Nexus administration due to the presence of a "Liberal Tears" coffee cup in my content, despite also featuring a "Conservative Tears" version. It's important to remember the value of balanced dialogue and understanding in today's digital age. Some modders have expressed concerns about the use of their work on The Nexus without explicit consent. I advocate for platforms that promote freedom of expression. I've found Lovers Lab to be more accommodating in this regard.


Edited by Nuverotic

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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