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Documentation And Technical Support



Technical Support

So it's not working as expected? Don't despair! We're here to help.

Post in this thread if you are in need of technical support with the mod.


Attached you will find the documentation for Ivy 5.0.

You can find this same documentation in game, in the NX-2C Controller Holotape.


Do not hesitate to ask any questions, should you have them!


Ivy's Affinity Quests

- HyperCombat!

Kicks off after speaking with Ivy and Ivy has engaged an enemy in combat more than 20 times.

- Into the Deep
Needs a minimum player level of 17. Kicks off several affinity levels after establishing a deeper love relationship with Ivy. (Affinity = 46. PL > 17)


- Robotic Assimilation
Kicks off once you reach affinity level 60+ with Ivy and speaking with Ivy.

- Ivy Goes to NukaWorld

Kicks off after finishing Into the Deep and Robotic Assimilation, and after NukaWorld has been unlocked (e.g. the NukaWorld radio signal can be found)


- Processing Power! (short quest)

Kicks off after Ivy has asked you for a spare secondary backup processor for over 10 times.


- Nice Rack!

Kicks off after picking up more than 20 magazines with Ivy in the vicinity.


How to recruit Ivy in a few minutes:




Welcome to Companion Ivy 6.0!

Ivy was created with the greatest of care and dedication.
Over 4 years of development time went into creating a rich and full backstory that fits in the world and in the story line of Fallout. While she may at first glance appear to be a mindless sex puppet, she is far more than that!


Her 'mind' was created using real life psychological models, exploring childhood trauma, nihilism, existentialism and other psychological phenomenon. She draws upon a rich history of psychology as taught by Freud, Carl Jung and many other renowned clinical psychologists around the world. But next to that, she is also sexy as hell and delivers powerful lines with a comic punch that will make you smile, smirk, or cry every time she surprises you with a new line of dialogue as you travel the wasteland together.


Her psychological profile was created from three distinct personalities, which you as player will come to meet as you travel with her and get to know her better. Each personality fights for its own place within Ivy, making her a unique individual and one that is consistent in the world, based on real life psychological principles.

Always remember when talking to Ivy that she likes to use metaphors!


Ivy is a so called 'Prime Companion'.
You could also describe it as a 'Gold' companion.. what does this mean? It basically means she has a shitload of content. Much, much more than regular companions have and perhaps... maybe even the most content of any custom companion for any Bethesda game to date (the jury is still out on that one). At the time of writing all of her dialogue in all of her base mod and add-ons count for nearly 9500 lines of dialogue. But the current base mod has around 7000 lines of dialogue. In comparison, the player character has 12000 lines!


This means that she is meant to be used as a SINGLE FOLLOWER and has about as much content as a regular DLC sized add-on as released by Bethesda.

Ivy comes with many special functions, multiple quests (in new locations) and thousands of lines of dialogue, unique for each situation, location and quest. Her radio station offers trailers, music, news and weather reports. She comes with add-ons, DLC and other extras.


Consider Ivy to be a game-long quest.

Ivy needs a NEW GAME.

Meaning you, walking out of the vault, and recruiting her directly, to run with you through the game.

She was not designed to be recruited in a later/high level save. It will result losing a lot of content that's important. Her quests and affinity are designed to be built up from the moment you leave the Vault. This is an important distinction between regular followers. Ivy is like a long running quest, not a follower to fill the troupe of other followers with. If that's your thing, Ivy is not for you!


- You CAN dismiss her at any time to recruit other followers to get their perks.

- You CAN run with other companions and even use AFT. But you will lose support (see the AFT fact sheet in the spoiler below).

- Installing Ivy will not interfere technically with other custom companions, unless they overwrite vanilla assets and/or vanilla quests.


WARNING: Using Ivy with multi follower mods will result in lack of functionality for Ivy.
Ivy allows you to travel with Dogmeat as a secondary companion if you use a suitable mod to enable that functionality.


01- Introduction (See above)

02 - Recruitment & Dismissal.txt

03 - Dialogue.txt

04 - Service Menu.txt

05 - Affinity.txt

05a - Affinty - Flirting & Arousal.txt

06 - Teleportation.txt

07 - Combat & HyperCombat.txt


Hyper Combat Attack Moves

Electric - Ivy teleports to combat target and drops an electric / flash grenade.

Forcepush - Ivy teleports to combat target and uses a concussive grenade, pushing combatants away.

Telefrag - Ivy teleports to combat target and re-emerges inside of them, thereby eviscerating them.

Grenade - Ivy teleports to combat target and drops a random type grenade.

Frenzy - Ivy teleports to combat target and whispers into their ear, making them frenzy.

FreeBird - Ivy does NOT teleport to the combat target. Instead she teleports them 500 meters up into the air so they free fall to their death.

DeathAbove - Dito as FreeBird.

Headpop - Ivy teleports random limbs from the body of the combatant.

Overkill - Ivy becomes panicked. Time slows down and she teleports towards up to 7 different combatants at a time, killing them all through telefrag attacks.


AWKR / Keyword mods

- If incompatibilities found, prefer AWKR in your load order (e.g. make sure it's loaded AFTER Ivy)



- Should work fine with 6.0, but you might miss some of Ivy's content during the initial quests.


How will affect her Outcast And Remnants, Project Valkyrie and Depravity?

- Ivy will work well with all of those mods, but you might lose any of her quest related content for quests that are skipped. None of these affect her affinity for you or the outcome of her own storyline. My advice is to 'try the artist vision' with a clean playthrough just with Ivy, then play her and integrate into any mod you'd like.



- Ivy sometimes SCANS too often. If it's bothering you, open the console and adjust the SCAN frequency:


Open the console, type 'set _ivy_scan_frequency' to 100 (disables her scanning)

Setting it to 0 makes her scan ALWAYS, so don't do that lol.

You can set it to 99 to only make her scan every so often.


See the Advanced Gameplay Guide below for more information on Ivy's Global Variables.

HC Tape Semi Spoiler.flvHC Tape Full Spoiler.flv

Edited by Reginald_001


Recommended Comments

Advanced Gameplay Guide

So.. you've come to meet Ivy.. you've leveled up a bit in her affinity.. you've (finally!) enabled her HyperCombat routines.. and now you're off to storm the Commonwealth with Ivy. So what will you do next? Well.. read the Advanced Gameplay Guide of course! And learn all the dirty little secrets there are to know to make the most out of Ivy.


This guide will be updated in the coming days/weeks as new tips spring up.


Does Ivy has sex animations? Is she a Sex mod?

No. Ivy does not come with sex animations. She has custom animations for demeanor, chats and other story related things, but not sex. All animations frameworks and mods have proven to be unstable and introduce bugs and other hidden issues I do not want to subject Ivy to. So short answer, no.


NX-2C Controller Holotape

Players that want to make the most of Ivy as an experience will check the NX-2C controller holotape as it holds a shitload of information and toggleable options for Ivy. You can configure her follow distance there (near or far). But you can also enable or disabling her automatic teleporting (warping).


Automatic Teleporting

Ivy uses a built in relay (automatic teleporter) by which she is bound to the player as long as the player is awake. You can disable this functionality, or configure it to only work when you are not in sneak/stealth mode. Bystanders CAN react to her teleportation so be aware around the Brotherhood of Steel when using. Ivy will try to automatically disable her teleporter while you are in the vicinity of the BOS and as long as you are friendly with them. If not.. she'll gladly use HyperCombat to kill any BOS member she sees...


Can I play Ivy when do a full BOS play through?

Yes. As long as you are honest to Ivy about it.

Or lie to her.. you can always be adventurous! Hey.. you might even survive!


How to quickly raise affinity with Ivy

Talk once at least every 4 in game hours to Ivy. Sleep at least ONCE a day with her in a bed. Both activities will quickly rise her affinity.

Do all of Ivy's requests and saying 'yes' to most of her questions will also do the trick (though in a lesser manner than simply speaking with her).

When doing 'Out of Time'. Speak to Ivy before rescuing the settlers from the Museum of Freedom for a quick bonus rise in Affinity!


- Flirting does not affect affinity in any way. (To Ivy, sex is basically meaningless... a pastime.. nothing else.. you'll need more to impress her).

- Enabling Ivy's profanity filters and disabling her prostitution routines does not affect affinity in any way. (Reason, see above).


How to use the NX-2C Teleporter Module

You get it when you recruit Ivy and you can make one at a chembench. BIND IT TO A QUICK KEY IN YOUR PIPBOY.

You will use it. It's handy. And it has a very cool feature described later on in Combat tips.



(Then you may head-canon it that her electronic body had a spasm or something)..


How to use HyperCombat to your best advantage

By investing in three perks you upgrade Ivy's HyperCombat systems to be faster and more bloody:


Bloody Mess

Upgrade this perk to make Ivy's HyperCombat attacks more bloody and gory.

 Science! and Robotics Expert perks.

Upgrade these perks both in tandem (1 for each level) to upgrade Ivy's frequency of HyperCombat attack.


Warning: Though is possible to enable Ivy's HyperCombat through the console, before hitting the HyperCombat affinity quest, this will make it so this quest is never started and you will lose all affinity that you can gain while doing that quest.


Making HyperCombat even more deadly.

- By using the NX-2C Local Teleporter Module (that you've bound to a hotkey earlier) you can kickstart Ivy's HyperCombat routines.
It will make her use her HyperCombat more often.

- By using the NX-2C Local Teleporter Module during battle, you can teleport Ivy out of danger if she is attacked by a big monster or other dangerous enemy.

- By using the NX-2C Local Teleporter Module You can use Ivy as a combat distraction: Order her to the center of attack, once there and the enemies attack, use the teleport module to call her back to your position. The enemies will be distracted and confused at what happened, time for you to line your shots.


IVY's Automatic Scanning and NPC interactions with settlers.

You can find 2 Globals in the console to configure both of these to your liking.

In Ivy 6.0. configuration options will be added in an MCM for Ivy.



(Default: 30) The higher the number, the LESS likely it is that Ivy engages in chats with other settlers or citizens.

This number is (n) times 4 seconds of a random that runs at 5%


(Default: 30) The higher the number, the LESS scans she does.

This number is (n) times 4 seconds of a random that runs at 5%





They are often MIS-NAMED. Making you think they do ONE THING but they DO A WHOLE OTHER THING. I work well, but I also work kinda messy sometimes. Often Ivy's globals are read only, overwritten by script. And often CHANGING THEM can lead to really strange states for Ivy, breaking her dialogue because her internal counters are mis-matched with the globals. In short:



So simply put, there's no real way to cheat her. No real way to change her globals, other than globals described (and documented) in this post.

Seriously, I'm not saying this for fun. If you set her other globals thinking it will help you to configure her, it won't. Use the options in the NC-2C Controller Holotape for that. :)


For (much) more information on which globals you can change within Ivy visit the Technical Reference & Modding Guide.




1) Ivy's HAIR.


- Order Ivy to SIT on a chair.

- Stand in front of her, open the console and click on her. Note her ID in the top of the console.

- Type 'SLM #IVY'S ID# 2' <-- Note and do not forget the '2' behind Ivy's ID.

- Close the console


2) Ivy's DRESS.


- Talk to IVY and enter her TRADE menu.

- Give her the item of clothing you want to give her, and press T to have her equip it.


3) Ivy's FACE.


- Order Ivy to SIT on a chair.

- Stand in front of her, open the console and click on her. Note her ID in the top of the console.

- Type 'SLM #IVY'S ID# 1' <-- Note and do not forget the '1' behind Ivy's ID.

- Close the console


More to be added later.

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Soo, THANKS! but Im stupid, what am i suppose to install here? Ivy 5.0 zip file and magazines...whats the z01 file? looks like it has the same ivy 5 zip in it? Do I just install 1 zip and the magazines?  So I install the zip as normal, then extract the zip from the z01 file to install? but unexpected end of file when I try to extract the zip in zo1


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OK, unzipping to the 2 files have to have the EXACT same name but here is the step by step

1 select BOTH files

2 unzip/extract

3 open MO2 or NNM and add the file FROM the unzipped folder

4 install mod as you normally would






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30 minutes ago, Nosimo said:

Soo, THANKS! but Im stupid, what am i suppose to install here? Ivy 5.0 zip file and magazines...whats the z01 file? looks like it has the same ivy 5 zip in it? Do I just install 1 zip and the magazines?  So I install the zip as normal, then extract the zip from the z01 file to install? but unexpected end of file when I try to extract the zip in zo1



15 minutes ago, tokyobomber said:

1: no clue how to unzip the archive

2: is it really needed to start a new game for ivy 5.0?

Sorry all I was working on a support post at time of writing...

YES You Need a new game and Clean save (No mods in save file) if you don't have one use this


I had to start new game/clean save, SEVERAL times during the test phase

BTW Discord IS Live and I'm on right now

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1 minute ago, kchurchjr said:


Sorry all I was working on a support post at time of writing...

BTW Discord IS Live and I'm on right now

Got it figured out, the .zo1 file got corrupted on download so I couldn't unzip....Thanks again!

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51 minutes ago, athoscaru said:

I am having trouble adding the magazines

in mod manager it replaces ivy 5.0 ???

The mags are a separate download and esp...

EDIT There is be a small overwrite with the Fomod but that's no big deal

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57 minutes ago, athoscaru said:

I am having trouble adding the magazines

in mod manager it replaces ivy 5.0 ???

They are the base mod and the magazine is an add-on for it. They shouldn't (and don't) interfere with eachother.

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what was the final verdict on heather casdin? is it actively conflicting or just 'use at your own risk' level? ill still make ivy playthroughs but had 1 or 2 I wouldn't mind having both in for nostalgia to their original playthroughs

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3 hours ago, war6425 said:

what was the final verdict on heather casdin? is it actively conflicting or just 'use at your own risk' level? ill still make ivy playthroughs but had 1 or 2 I wouldn't mind having both in for nostalgia to their original playthroughs

Final verdict: Technically no issue at all.  :)


Hell, I'm gonna dismiss Ivy soon in my playthrough and recruit some other companions for their perks, then get back to her again.

It's all good.


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Good Day. A minor issue, I can only get the quest to start, and audio to play if I unpack them from the ba2 files (all other assets are working fine). also can't get the radio station. this has happened to me before, with other mods and I have not been able to track the issue down. When does the radio trigger? in the vault or after you leave it? Can i trigger it thu console? Thanks for any help.

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The radio and the quest triggers once you enter Sanctuary. A full video on how to recruit Ivy will be posted shortly.

I have posted a video on how to recruit her.


No idea on why it only works when you unpack. Did you by chance rename the ESM file?

Here's how the files should be called:



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Everything looks as it should. I have had this happen before, with other mods. I'll eventually take the time to track it down, but in the meantime I am enjoying the new version of Ivy.

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For what it's worth I can confirm that Niether Old World Radio 1 & 2 nor Olivia Overnight conflict with Ivy's Radio

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thanks reg. I finally got a day off and plan to mess about a little, do the commands from ivy4 still work for sitting her down and accessing the appearance?;



1) Ivy's HAIR.


- Order Ivy to SIT on a chair.

- Stand in front of her, open the console and click on her. Note her ID in the top of the console.

- Type 'SLM #IVY'S ID# 2' <-- Note and do not forget the '2' behind Ivy's ID.

- Close the console


2) Ivy's DRESS.


- Talk to IVY and enter her TRADE menu.

- Give her the item of clothing you want to give her, and press T to have her equip it.


3) Ivy's FACE.


- Order Ivy to SIT on a chair.

- Stand in front of her, open the console and click on her. Note her ID in the top of the console.

- Type 'SLM #IVY'S ID# 1' <-- Note and do not forget the '1' behind Ivy's ID.

- Close the console

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Hi all,

I seem to have a problem getting the decryption key.

Got the activation tape, ran it, worked fine, up came the map marker at a certain building. I go inside and the marker vanishes so I thought maybe it was a blind search type and stumble on it some where or Ivy will give clues.

I tore that building apart and found that the marker came up in one small area. I got the distance counter down to zero as I head butted a wall. Went into tcl thinking it was in the wall or the floor, nope. I assume I am looking for another tape.

Can anyone guide me here.





EDIT: Now I am totally confused.

Thanks for the reply Reginald but that is the tape, once you get it and run it, it tells you you need a decryption key and Ivy says the key should be at Med-Tek, problem as per my post.


Now this is where it gets a little strange, I did the search using Ivy V5.0. Between then and now I installed the 5.1 update and before coming back on here I thought to try to use the tape again, but still no decryption key and it works.




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I have the same problem as E.K.




I was also talking about the decryption key in med-tek, not the tape under concord. I also upgraded to 5.1, and reran the tape. It worked.

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It is hidden in a room beneath concord. Jump over the sewage pipe (close to where the Mirelurk is). And you will find a room there with a yellow crate.

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Even during test it too some looking and some digging. WHEN I finally found I couldn't help but think "I'm on to your bullshit @Reginald_001 " the Affinity will be the same way.

Search Every. Single. Nook. And. Cranny

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First, you need to have a certain amount of combats with Ivy. After every combat  start talk with her

and when you fill that amount of combats she will start talking about hyper combat. After that you receive quest about hyper combat and marker to tape. 

Can't go straightforward and get the tape for HC.


Reginald, i have small question about magazines.

In chemstation/utility has option for crafting tape - Ivy magazines something something.
Is this tape for some quest line, or can be crafted anytime.


Ivy is unique companion. In every aspect.



When read logs about creation of Ivy and see name of her creator, Dr. Stein, always recall this:





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