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Entry 64: House Hunters Skyrim Edition

Hey, it's Fenrir.  We decided I'm writing this down after I managed to beat both my mom and Damien in a game of rock-paper-scissors for who is the focus today.  Last time I came back from Elsweyr with Inigo and Sofia, but that's not relevant right now.     We decided when we reported in to Windhelm that we'd split up, but our plans were immediately interrupted by a letter appearing in mine and my mom's pockets.   I read mine, "Hey, isn't this a great spell I learned in

Blog Introduction & RZAA Furniture Pack WIP 1

Well met travelers, cultured gentlemen, or whatever fucking name you perverts want to call yourself.   Welcome to my development blog, its primary purpose is to show progress on new furniture packs I'm trying to make for Display Model 3.   Long story short, DM3 it is a SSE framework which allows you to place furniture anywhere in the world and then trap poor/lucky? NPCs on. It has many cool features but the one I think most people love is the fact that you can leave NPCs on t


ajelloacc in Development Blog

Fool's day

My Prince’s Skyrim pupil wanted to reward him and me for helping him modding his game. He offered some money but we refused to take it for two reasons. His mother is the only one that provides for the family, which means they have not much money, and second, if we took the money, it wouldn’t be help anymore. Anyway, since both of them insisted to reward us, we said that they may treat our children instead of us. So, he joined us in taking Mikey and Precious to MacDonald’s who loooooved their Fre


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Sudden burst into Time Wound

One rare screenshot. Couldn't resist to capture it. And so we learn that in this particular scene, base-leveled actors (like bandits and guards) are not unloaded by the engine (I had 13 followers and only this one followed in Time Wound). Everything else in the scene went as expected, fortunately.    


Speele in Simple share

Mini Case Study: Guards Armor Replacer as a Standalone

Hi folks, we'll be back with Kirsti's adventure soon (I'm a little distracted with Star Citizen 3.17's public test right now). But in the meanwhile, a commenter on Reddit asked about turning Guards Armor Replacer into a standalone mod. I actually did just that much earlier in my modding effort, and under normal circumstances I'd just share my converted plugin. However, this mod has somewhat closed permissions that restrict sharing edited versions, so instead I offered to document the steps to do


gregaaz in Miscellaneous

Super sonic erection

> My Prince NEVER have erection problems. As a matter of fact, there are so many things that turn him on and makes him horny. He is sex addict like my Ivy and me. But, there are things, mostly visual that makes him having "super sonic erection" as I like to call it. Besides loving us sucking his tongue, seeing me and my Ivy smooching (any lesbian smooching), seeing my Ivy and me wearing nurses' and similar sexy outfits, our sporty exposed legs and so on and so on, that makes him having incred


Evaloves4 in general

Initiation (Part 2 of 3)

II     The house was darker than before. Lighting the way with the candelabra, Madam led me up the stairs and to the door I was looking for, bathing our surroundings in flickering lights as she carried the two-headed candlestick before her.   “Here we are”, she proclaimed. “Just enter when you’re ready.”   I nodded. “Thanks, Madam.” With that, she left, taking the dancing lights with her. I took a deep breath, then opened the door and entered the room behi

The Secret of the Bloodskaals (Kirstia's Third Adventure, Chapter 4)

And just like that, I was descending into another cave full of divines know what dangers. I had little reason to doubt Hircine's advice, and it seemed like I could do some good investigating Crescius' mystery, but I proceeded with caution. I was reasonably confident that pitfalls and loose rocks weren't going to be the extent of the challenges in my path. Keeping my father's sword and the Dwemer arquebus close at hand - I had some doubts about my ability to swing an axe or draw a bow in these ti

Freeform Jacks nerds c

on the previous night, the jocks brought some friends on a fucking contest. Apparently, the blond dude won because his gf enjoyed it more.     Afterwards, the jocks fucked each other to sleep.     Some cleanup to start the next day     "Thanks for your help, Jon. You can come fill inside me if you want."         "Alright, posing's over."       "Let's bring this to the


HorsesShoot810 in Sims 4

Nexus releases restored

Just duplicate of my Nexus post.   For a variety of reasons, I had to temporarily hide my releases on the Nexus and provide backup access to them on LL The main reason is serious health problems and, as a result, financial difficulties. I did not want to talk about it directly until I was sure of a positive result. This significantly limited my opportunities physically, in terms of time and the ability to access the Internet. I partially managed to solve this situation, but the ne


TRX_Trixter in Situation

Helping Smilja

I don’t know how many of you remember my Prince’s cousin, Smilja? She is his Uncle’s younger daughter, married and lives with her husband in Austria. (You can read about her in my earlier diaries). Anyway, she called my Prince several days ago heavily crying and asking if she my come to visit us for she needs to talk to us in person about very serious matter. We agreed and she arrived next day. She brought the gifts for each of us and although she tried to behave normal, she couldn’t hide her fe


Evaloves4 in Diaries

An Uninvited Guest (Kirstia's Third Adventure, Chapter 3)

I retired to my room with a hearty-looking loaf of braided bread and a cup of thick, piping hot juice. Carrot juice, according to Geldis the barkeeper. The taste was... unusual, but not bad. I ended up tearing off bits of bread and dipping them in the stew-thick juice. By the time my hunger was sated, I was about ready to head on my way, but a sense of fullness prompted me to make use of the nightsoil bucket before I dressed. While busy doing my business, the door to my room quietly opened. I gl

Entry 63: Air and Desert Power

Hey everybody, it's Fenrir!  I'm headed to Elsweyr with Shirley to look for Inigo and Sofia, and feel out if the Khajiit would be amenable to rebellion against the Thalmor.  First I decided I would hit the Smithery and craft some Lighter armor and a new shield.  I've been working on my enchanting (very good) and alchemy (fair) because I have no skill with restoration so I need to rely on potions.  I also crafted a Dwemer Autocannon, which will help me immensely against large groups.  I also brou
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