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  1. OK, well if you ask my personal taste, I look for the PC <-> NPC interactions. In mods I typically disable anything not involving the PC, because it generally reduces script load and increases stability. For example, in Defeat I turned on the ability to get followers involved, but I had to turn it off again because of bugs. I kept having NPCs decide "let's assault a summoned Dremora", but by the time they got around to doing it the summoning had expired and everything would freeze. I'm not saying your mod would have that bug, but I get nervous about the issues from stuff like that. I wouldn't want to see my followers just suddenly start having sex because someone approached them and I got no say in the matter... that could be annoying if I'm trying to get somewhere fast. I would definitely appreciate a lot of the stuff on your list though. #6 is especially interesting, and #7 because sometimes approaches really don't make sense. #8 would require some care to balance, because it's hard to get costs to match up to PCs of various levels, and basically everyone is higher status than a starting character. The idea of reporting a fake crime is neat though!
  2. Will try this. I think it's pretty essential to have people actually approach an attractive PC. Is there any chance of taking Sexlab nudity into account? Or presence of devious devices? This mod could easily address the immersion breaking problem of "why does nobody seem to care if the PC is walking around nearly naked"? I think this mod would get a massive popularity boost if you had some dialog that's likely to fire off if the PC is wearing a bunch of devious devices. The great thing with this mod is that it allows a spectrum of approaches, so putting in kinkier options doesn't have to mean "everyone in Skyrim suddenly becomes a serial rapist". It opens up the possibility of "even if you're not highly attractive, you look highly available".
  3. Is there a way to replace the default sexlab strapon with a bodyslide version? I did a few searches and can't find any mention of this, but it seems like a logical thing...
  4. I'm getting crushed breasts with this XML file, even on a nude body, but not with several other XML files. I love this file because it's the only one that I don't find silly looking, with other files even the "loremonger" or "less bounce" options keep bouncing for a ridiculously long time. I'm using XPSME 2.06, CBBE HDT preset from Bodyslide 2.1, and HDTPE 14.28. In particular the XML from file 54044 on Nexus, "HDT Breast And Butt Physics - TBBP BBP Supported", does not have crushed breasts. It specifically requires XPSME and HDTPE 14.28. Could this XML be subtly incompatible with one of the new mods?
  5. I would also like to say thanks! I've enjoyed DD in the past as something to try out with a "throwaway" save, and I think once it's a bit more stable with a few more features I'll actually start a playthrough to test it out from the beginning. I'm fairly burned out on Skyrim, I need ways to provide new gameplay challenges. Vampires and SD+ are the only things I haven't done lately. SD+ has a lot of features but what I personally look forward to the most are the "master follower" features, especially ones that change up the fundamental gameplay. I like SD+ for its ability to throw weird challenges into normal questing. I think you've already mentioned this kind of stuff being on your to-do list, so I'm just saying hey, really looking forward to these specific features. - Master can restrict armor, weapons, inventory access - Master able to give a set of starter adventuring gear to the PC (should be customizable by the player so items from mods can be used, or low vs. high level gear, like my suggestion of "duplicate everything from a special box") - Master has some way to give direction to the PC. Maybe generate simple radiant quests to retrieve things around the map (stuff that can be accomplished without killing, because the PC may not be in a good shape to fight). There should be a time limit so PC can't ignore it. Master could even punish the PC for not going toward it fast enough (make sure distance to the quest market is going down) - Leash effect to keep running away from feeling too easy - Punishment if the PC dies and the party is saved by Death Alternative - Some way to prevent PC from keeping all the loot. Like, maybe the master periodically demands that the PC give up all excess gold and items, but if for some reason this can't be done the PC can pay the debt in other ways. This one actually sounds hard to implement without breaking some kind of gameplay. If the player is using economy mods that require them to spend most of the gold they get, if they have to sell stuff at one merchant and spend it at another, etc. One possibility is the master gets all non-quest loot that the PC picks up, and the PC has to ask for it back. Master will just give them some proportion of it automatically (like 25% of GP value) and anything more requires special payment, or makes master unhappy or whatever. Master should clear his inventory every so often, in cities or whatever. Or if the PC keeps everything, master will randomly demand excess stuff...
  6. I have a suggestion about custom slave gear, which might help the master follower equip the player more appropriately. What if the custom gear is stored in a chest in the dreamworld, and whenever the player needs to be given gear, everything in the chest is duplicated and given to them? This would allow the player to put whatever gear they want in the chest, including custom items. You could even have different chests, like one for basic slave clothes and another for a slave that's allowed to have adventuring gear. Basically I'm thinking of the situation when the player's inventory is controlled and the player might get all gear from the master. There should be a full set of gear to start adventuring so the player doesn't have to go find gear while naked. It's actually kind of complicated to produce a full set of gear. Player requires light or heavy armor, maybe a specific type of weapon due to specialization, bow or crossbow or not, and then the material depends on their level. And they might want every single piece of equipment to be a custom one provided by a mod. The only problem is you can't update this until you get to dreamworld after the first enslavement. Maybe the chests can go somewhere that adventurous players can reach with coc.
  7. This is something that could be added through SD+ with Death Alternative. This already has slavery and robbery scenarios. It might not be a huge effort to add new triggers for those. Maybe some enterprising modder could ask SkyrimLL or the Death Alternative guy if there's a way to trigger their scenarios through dialog. That way NPCs could give you a "surrender or die" type option without having to attack you.
  8. This is a really great idea. Devious Devices is technically brilliant but I barely use it, because it's not really part of the general game right now, just special quest lines in Winterhold and Captured Dreams Shop. NPC reactions to having the things on are REALLY important so that it adds new gameplay rather than just meaning "time to find a key". And I totally agree that being able and practically required to struggle out of the armbinder is kind of lame.
  9. That doesn't happen to anyone else or we would have heard about it by now. Your problem lies elseswhere. Please stop insulting Skyrimll. The flying horse bug absolutely happens to me. I didn't mention it because I hadn't had time to confirm that SD+ was doing it. But every time I load a save on horseback and try to move, the horse goes zipping back and forth through the air in crazy directions. The only way to prevent this is to dismount and re-mount right after loading. I don't have to be enslaved, it's happening all the time.
  10. The CBBE spriggan armor is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12101/? The bodyslide files for it are here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32731/? Download the file "5 - Various".
  11. I think I did the initial quest on version 1.2.
  12. It looks like bathing in the Eldergleam Sanctuary isn't setting that magic effect on my character. I get the message that the Spriggan is lulled to sleep, and a blue light shows above my character, but hasMagicEffect returns 0.00. The spriggan_stage is also 0.00. Now that I think of it, bathing in the Sanctuary never did seem to prevent growth stages from happening fairly quickly, so it may never have been working for me.
  13. Cool.. do you know who it is from? I am still some ways off before using this one but it is always good to know for asking for permissions. Aradia is a member of this site who's done a bunch of armors. I just uploaded my edited version here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16350-bodyslide-armor-and-clothes-list-v2/page-27?do=findComment&comment=826103
  14. Damn, I'm also seeing the guardian fail to spawn. Papyrus log says: [06/19/2014 - 01:11:51PM] Spriggans: player entered Shadowgreen Cavern without cleansing. [06/19/2014 - 01:11:53PM] Spriggans: player entered Shadowgreen Cavern without cleansing. [06/19/2014 - 01:12:08PM] Spriggans: being near a Spriggan grove makes your inner Spriggan frisky. However, I'm damn sure I cleansed and had no Spriggan showing. I coc'd to Eldergleam Sanctuary, swam, got the blue glow and the message that the spriggan was sleeping. Then I used coc to the Statue of Meridia, and ran straight to the cave without casting any spells, getting wet, or taking any damage (I used tgm to get past some enemies without using magic). After clearing the cavern I tried going coc'ing back a second time to cleanse, then coming back to the cavern. Same log message, tells me I didn't cleanse.
  15. I found a minor glitch when using the Sacrificial Sriggan mod. If you enter the dream world wearing the unremovable Spriggan armor your character just sits there with controls disabled. No movement, inventory, etc. I'm not sure if the Spriggan armor or gloves are doing it, but it's obvious that SD+ is unable to put on the wrist bindings.
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