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What are you doing right now in Skyrim (Screenshot required)

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Note to self: Turn off Succubus Miasma otherwise it will take us forever to get anywhere.


Look at the hands/fingers on the screenie from last night and then look at them today.


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Yesterday's screenies were in L-H Mine, this is the caravan site and things are the same in Kolskeggr.


Looks like it's pointing at the complete wrong texture file. My male feet look something like that, I just haven't gotten round to fixing it. Odd that it only happens in some areas, tho.

I am currently going through 35,000+ Speech files (opening each one in Audacity to see if it's something I can use) for a custom player voice or at least an attempt to modify a custom player voice. Since it's not for an NPC I really need mostly grunts, breaths and the like. Probably have enough to make a lore friendly custom voiced follower but that is more work than I want to put in on something I could never release due to copyright.


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The fingers thing disappeared shortly after returning to the game. It was still there when I loaded in but I noticed it had gone shortly after.


Still in Kolskeggr there, I think.

I picked up some regular Forsworn boots and gloves in Blind Cliff but I haven't forsworn them yet. I'm in Sanuarach Mine and the fingers are still good.

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Sundas, 17th of Last Seed (Continued)


With more than a little concern I ventured into the ruins, eager to make my fortune. I'd heard tales that these ancient abodes were often haunted, but I was certain those were just old wive's tales. Regardless, it was dark and ominous. 








Ghosts and the undead would be the least of my worries however. These ruins had become home to a cult worshipping the Daedric Prince Namira. With no qualms, I fought my way through the vermin. They were many however and when I reached the final chamber, gave to grace with their leader I reached back to find my quiver had run dry. They overpowered me but strangely chose not to kill me. I think I heard one bitch mutter something about champion before I blacked out. 


I awoke outside the ruins with all of my gear, including my clothing, missing no doubt taken from me. A wandering Khajiit helped me to my feet. He offered me his help and a sword, and told me he'd killed one of the cultists who'd been lingering outside. I took her robes to cover my body and try to fight the cold and, together with my new friend, we went back in to recover my gear and take revenge. 





Together we fought our way through the rest of the cultists and managed to recover my equipment. 





Afterward he went on his way, with several of the valuable items I'd acquired as payment. I changed in my tent and decided to rest before I left. 





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On 1/7/2020 at 11:36 PM, Grey Cloud said:

Tomorrow I'm going to decide whether to get rid of the draugr (The Municipal Seven) or get some more and take on a fort.

They say "Better late than never" but I beg to differ.

Kleo, 19 draugr, 2 skellies and Pei from HSO just tried Ft Hraggstad. We died. We died several times. We died several times while getting no further than the forecourt. We died even when there was a HSO Villain in the forecourt fighting with the Thalmor (who had just taken out the previous owners).

The Thalmor, excuse me, the Elite Thalmor are level 50 right from kick-off and they come in numbers.

We gave up.


Went round to Upper Steepfall Barrow just in time to find a HSO Villain taking on the 2 frost trolls. Like an idiot I ran across the bridge and launched one of my legendary forward power attacks and 'goodbye Upper Steepfall, hello Lower Steepfall' - pudoosh. Reloaded and managed to get through the fight without any further disasters.


Currently thinking about going to Lost Echo and recruiting the falmer, chaurus and anything else I can get my hands on and having another go a Hraggstad.


Thought I had a screenshot but apparently not. Poxy Elite Thalmor probably killed it.

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I tend to like teaching disagreeable people lessons.


Olda is such a shrew, and a liar to boot, complaining about her husband being a drunk when his booze is all stashed way out in the wilderness. How's he supposed to get drunk every day when he doesn't have any booze? Then she's crabbing about them not having any money and about to lose the lumber mill when he's cranking out logs one after the other, business never better though with a sad reason.


So, I helped Horgeir feel better and show her what happens when she's a spiteful shrew.  She better be careful or she might find herself losing the mill and a more agreeable wife in her place.





I did give her nicer clothing, so she is no longer wearing those plain near-rags that pass for "common clothing" but then any townsperson is similarly clothed with a "Sylva's corset and skirt".



Sapphire sure has a sad and tragic back story, but that doesn't mean she has any right to setup and scam a new guy just trying to make a living. At least with her experience she knows how to handle a guy, so I used her hair for a handle and made her apologize to Shadr while forgiving his financial debt.






I had some little hope that I could warm her heart up and maybe make them a nice couple, this being the town of Mara but she's proving a challenge.


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Plotting my revenge.

From a safe distance. ☹️


Lost Echo here we come.


Well we arrive in Lost Echo and run into Kirin from HSO. One of the skellies chooses this very moment to put the make on Kleo.


Me and skellie died toot bladdy sweet. The rest of the team seem to have killed Kirin but everything had gone tits and I had to exit the game.


Took the time to have a quick look at the esp for the Thalmor in Forts. Scary.

Magicka and Stamina Offset = 1000 Health Offset 500

Min Level 50 Max Level 1000

Perks 142

Conj, Dest = 100; Rest, Alt = 92; Sneak 87. All else 15.

H = 991, M = 10344, S = 10050

There's about 12 or so of them in the fort.


Now have to decide whether to spend the time sorting out the esp or bin the mod.


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29 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Plotting my revenge.


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From a safe distance. ☹️


Lost Echo here we come.




Well we arrive in Lost Echo and run into Kirin from HSO. One of the skellies chooses this very moment to put the make on Kleo.




What is HSO?

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20 minutes ago, Alessia Wellington said:


Honeypopcorn Skyrim Overhaul.

Oh I see...

A Goblin Slayer mod, kinda.


I never heard of it before.

HSO that is, not Goblin Slayer (that I am vaguely aware of)

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3 minutes ago, Mez558 said:

Oh I see...

A Goblin Slayer mod, kinda.


I never heard of it before.

HSO that is, not Goblin Slayer (that I am vaguely aware of)

There's a 'Riekling Slayer' guy in this mod who is apparently based on the Goblin guy.

HSO, no longer available for LE, has all sorts of 'villains', merchants and followers scattered across Skyrim and Solstheim.

The villains are fairly tough but balanced and only appear as individuals. They are sort of 'free-lance' and generally attack anything so it is possible to let them do the needful in some places. ?

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Meanwhile, preparations for Fort Hraggstad ( ? ) have progressed.

Between Volskygge and Lost Echo



Finally ready to move out



On the main road next to the turn off for the fort


Too late to do anything now so it will have to wait for tomorrow.


A quick roll-call:



Dragr (various) 23

Skeletons 6

Frost Trolls 4

Rieklings (various, foot) 23

Rieklings (various, mounted) 7

Chaurus 6

Chaurus Hopper 1

About 70 as far as I can make out. Plus an ace up my sleeve. ?

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Loredas, 30th of Last seed,

Spending some quality time with Camilla while I'm in Riverwood on business. 










Incidentally, when I suggested we find somewhere private, she led me right up behind Faendal's house. I'm also still pretty bruised and cut up from a duel I had with Irileth the other day. 



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31st of Last Seed,

Apparently I had a little too much Alto last night...




Riverwood is such a dull little hamlet. Maybe if there were more to do here I wouldn't spend every night in the Sleeping Giant getting sloshed...




I don't remember much after that, but I woke up behind the Inn, without my clothes, a handful of septims on the dirt beside me. I don't even wanna know...




Arissa tells me I got so drunk last night I stripped and started dancing in the Inn, after which I wandered outside and wasn't seen again until I stumbled in this morning...




Which explains the judgy looks I've been getting this morning, and the tone in their voices when they address me as their Thane. We should probably leave town soon. I'm still not sure how I came by those septims...


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Reviewing the troops after taking Fort Hraggstad.

Swapped 'Thalmor Forts Invasion' for the 'No Perks' version which made a huge difference. I must have misread the esp because in addition to the dozen or so Elite Thalmor, wearing glass, there was about the same number of regular Thalmor, wearing elven. Threre were about 10 or 12 dead bandits which the Thalmor had killed before I changed to the 'no perk' version.

I only died once and that was my own fault.


1st Battalion The Queen's Own Herbaceous Borderers



Damned handful of OBIS bandits inside the place took out almost as many of my troops as did the Thalmor outside. Even an appearance by Mona the Fire Witch couldn't stop us.

Roll call

Dragr (various) 23 18

Skeletons 6 3

Frost Trolls 4 3 (Don't know why there are only 2 in the picture)

Rieklings (various, foot) 23 12 (Probably half this number were added when we stepped outside and were attacked by a troop of the things).

Rieklings (various, mounted) 7 4 (Don't know why there are 5 in the picture)

Chaurus 6 0 (They played a blinder against the Thalmor with the poison artillery but went down like flies in the close-quarter stuff with the bandits)

Chaurus Hopper 1

Down to about 42


All in all a damned fine show.

Next stop is probably the vampires for Sybille.

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5 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Reviewing the troops after taking Fort Hraggstad.

Swapped 'Thalmor Forts Invasion' for the 'No Perks' version which made a huge difference. I must have misread the esp because in addition to the dozen or so Elite Thalmor, wearing glass, there was about the same number of regular Thalmor, wearing elven. Threre were about 10 or 12 dead bandits which the Thalmor had killed before I changed to the 'no perk' version.

I only died once and that was my own fault.

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1st Battalion The Queen's Own Herbaceous Borderers



Damned handful of OBIS bandits inside the place took out almost as many of my troops as did the Thalmor outside. Even an appearance by Mona the Fire Witch couldn't stop us.

Roll call

Dragr (various) 23 18

Skeletons 6 3

Frost Trolls 4 3 (Don't know why there are only 2 in the picture)

Rieklings (various, foot) 23 12 (Probably half this number were added when we stepped outside and were attacked by a troop of the things).

Rieklings (various, mounted) 7 4 (Don't know why there are 5 in the picture)

Chaurus 6 0 (They played a blinder against the Thalmor with the poison artillery but went down like flies in the close-quarter stuff with the bandits)

Chaurus Hopper 1

Down to about 42


All in all a damned fine show.

Next stop is probably the vampires for Sybille.

Is that head floating or falling?

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12 hours ago, Mez558 said:

Is that head floating or falling?

Floating. It seemed to belong to a bandit mage who was off screen to the left. Among the 142 perks the Thalmor had was Savage Strike and Devastating Blow. They took out the bandits before I swapped to the non perk version.

It will be interesting to see how the thalmor do against OBIS bandits without all the perks. :classic_ph34r:

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Trying to put food on my families table the only way I know how, making and selling skooma. Doing my rounds when 1 of Stoobs bitches tries to low ball me on some coin, asking if she can get discount on Skooma, I got kids to feed chick. I made her a fair deal though, instead of giving her the skooma for 60 gold like she asked, it sells for 75 normally, I offered her the skooma for 50 gold, plus a blowjob. Very fair i thought, she felt it was fair too or just really wanted that skooma cause I got my 50 gold and the blowjob. Overall good day for male PC. 





















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13 minutes ago, jessegtgt said:

selling skooma


14 minutes ago, jessegtgt said:


I'm awarding an extra point for career choice and another for being a fan of Mr Stoob/Noobshire. ?

I've just installed and started Skooming Skyrim to run alongside of Skooma Whore and SW Addicted. Any tips or pointers welcomed.

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