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13 hours ago, LatencyRemix said:

If at all possible, could i make a small request.  An Enable/Dissable toggle in the MCM menu.  I turned off MME and BAC but am still getting riped clothes function

Yea, the mod should definitely have an off button. Unfortunately I didn't design the mod with this in mind so it will be a bit tricky. Turning things off will be fine. It's coming back on I'd be worried about. 

17 minutes ago, Durante said:

So I've tried out the newest version, and the odd thing is, my PC is using TAOWBA armor, tear chance is 0% milk is 0,4 and far away from 4.0 threshold but the armor gets torn anyway and unequipped.

There is something odd happening with the rip chance math. It's the next thing I'm going to look at but armor definitely shouldn't rip. Not yet at least. I'll look into it. Thanks. 

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IDEAS and INFO, for breast size altering, and mod ideas.


I was looking through the possible future additions sections, and saw the crawling, if the breasts were too full, on the list, I have been messing around with the Milk Mod Economies settings, for way too many hours, and here are some ideas.


- MCM options, to tailor the breast growth. Setting I tested out, are below.


- Breast size limiter

- Small... if you take your medication to slow down breast growth, you are able to safely wear armour. Downside, more desirable to animals, as its made with animal pheromone containing items.

- Normal... your everyday breast size, pregnancy, drugged, lactacid, milked.

- Overflow disease... caused by being attacked by certain creatures, a disease, like a creatures venom. It causes milk overflow problems, breasts growing up to 5 times larger than normal. I recommend curing it, unless you really like busty women.

- Overflow disease, can make your characters breasts soo heavy, they will have to crawl. Draining stamina at an alarming rate, if you walk upright. Crawling = Normal stamina drain.

   Crawl too long though, and you will be unable to stand up, as your muscles change. Unless milked. Adopting the style of a cat for running, sprinting and walking.


    Devious Training, does the something similar with its feet options.



- Crawl animations, there are 2 crawl animations out there.

- Catwoman style crawl. KISS - Khajiit Cat Sprint and Sneak

- All fours, hands and knees crawl. Crawl on fours animation




I was using Milk Mod Economy and found the areas in the MCM that control breast size.



- Breast scale visual = ON

- Level based breast scale and milk limit = OFF


- Maximum breast size ( visual ) =

       5 = Normal sized breasts

       28 = Massive sized breasts


- Difficulty = Legendary                                    ( to stop the game changing the Maid Level, and breast size. )



- Maid level = 

     2 = Normal sized breasts ( it gives a size 5 limit )

     10 = Massive sized breasts ( it gives a size 28 limit )



Before messing around with the settings, my characters breast would not go above size 4. This prevented clothes ripping, and reduced the burden of huge breast weight slowing you down, and adding extra weight to you, so reducing your carryweight.


It now works perfectly, I messed around with the massive sized breast setting, I talked about above. But it was adding 32 extra weight, as well as slowing my character down and adding debuffs to tons of my characters skills. So I made a setting to make the breast size less punishing, allowing my character to wear armour for most of the time.


Then I thought that it would make a good disease, for your mod. Plus... you've been wanting an excuse to have out of control breast growth, and crawling... win, win...


Unless your character has size 28 breasts, that is...


These are just some setting, and ideas. If you don't like them, or can't be bothered, then just ignore this post... :)


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On 9/19/2018 at 8:57 PM, Krazyone said:


Solid ideas.


I've been thinking of making the breast rope equipable 'under armor'. This would need me to change the rope to be more like a devious device with an inventory facing item and a rendered item. Bit of a pain to set up but then you could have armor equipped all the time as long as the rope is equipped under it but you wouldn't get any milk to feed your addiction. And there would need to be some kind of consequence for long term use. If anyone is good at making slavetats and would like to help: I was thinking of adding a purple skin effect to the breasts when the rope is equipped for some time to simulate blood. Perhaps with a few stages, getting deeper in color over time. Unfortunately I know almost nothing about creating textures/slavetats aside from messing about in Gimp a few times. 


I've also been considering expanding ripping to other slots, head, feet, hands. I've used Loot and degradation for ages but with that mod you can't get anything back when it breaks. Also thinking of adding armor breaking similar to ripping but I would need new sounds. 


But before any of this, first and foremost, I want to make the existing code more, modular and reliable. Ripping is still a bit weird. Got hit with a swinging log trap the other day and my character must have dropped 20 torn clothes. I actually started rewriting the mod from scratch the other day. Then I thought to myself, fuck that Monoman, you've fucking lost it. I wish I had unlimited time. 


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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

Solid ideas.


I've been thinking of making the breast rope equipable 'under armor'. This would need me to change the rope to be more like a devious device with an inventory facing item and a rendered item. Bit of a pain to set up but then you could have armor equipped all the time as long as the rope is equipped under it but you wouldn't get any milk to feed your addiction. And there would need to be some kind of consequence for long term use. If anyone is good at making slavetats and would like to help: I was thinking of adding a purple skin effect to the breasts when the rope is equipped for some time to simulate blood. Perhaps with a few stages, getting deeper in color over time. Unfortunately I know almost nothing about creating textures/slavetats aside from messing about in Gimp a few times. 


I've also been considering expanding ripping to other slots, head, feet, hands. I've used Loot and degradation for ages but with that mod you can't get anything back when it breaks. Also thinking of adding armor breaking similar to ripping but I would need new sounds. 


But before any of this, first and foremost, I want to make the existing code more, modular and reliable. Ripping is still a bit weird. Got hit with a swinging log trap the other day and my character must have dropped 20 torn clothes. I actually started rewriting the mod from scratch the other day. Then I thought to myself, fuck that Monoman, you've fucking lost it. I wish I had unlimited time. 


1. Rope under armour, Deviously Devices has a hide function that I use, when devious devices don't fit right.

   But my characters breasts jut out about 12 inches ( 30 cm ), when its equipped, so it probably would be a bit strange.

   I reckon some type of breast squeezer would be better, a tight bikini top. With flat disks would be better, to compress the breast.

   Or a Devious Chastity Bra, with a Cow paint job. Giving a large Debuff, or maybe some tight armour that constricts the chest.


- I like the idea of rope bondage under armour, giving a milk leaking effect. Allowing you to wear your armour, but with a severe Debuff.

- Tattoo on Skryim Tutorial, with a gorgeous picture... 



I haven't tried it, the Mudbox program is free. I've never made actual tattoos for games, but my characters tend to have them in Skryim and Fallout 4.

- Deviously Cursed loot has a feature that applies skin bruising body tattoos when you wear devious devices, but its not good, as it only has a few of the devious devices tattoos needed. Leading to the wrong tattoo for the device worn.


I use the Apropos mod, which applies tattoos after rapes, with debuffs. The tattoos are cuts, scrapes, soreness, running make-up and skin cutting wounds.



2. Adding rips to other armour slots would be losing the immersion, as its meant to be caused by breast expansion.

- Still looking for the way to repair torn clothing.

- I really like the new shop characters, do they repair your broken clothing. If they don't, then it would make sense if they did.

- Clothing is really plentiful in Skryim, I just normally throw away the old ones. It would be funny, if the Dragonborn was not fond of stripping down corpses. Or the the thought of wearing a corpses clothes and armour was too disgusting, forcing her to not pick up stuff off corpes. Buying her stuff from shops only.


' Your stomach turns as you reach out towards your freshly killed corpse, recoiling. You decide not to defile the corpse... ' ?


Corpse loot = 0 for this dungeon crawl... ?



3. The ripping mechanics works 100% perfect for me, that is... after I added the Milk Mod Economy tweaks I mentioned in my earlier post.



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21 minutes ago, Krazyone said:

Adding rips to other armour slots would be losing the immersion, as its meant to be caused by breast expansion.

Other slots would only be affected by getting hit in combat. 

22 minutes ago, Krazyone said:

really like the new shop characters, do they repair your broken clothing

They should. Pick up your stuff when it tears bring it to a tailor and ask 'can you fix my torn clothes' 

Its actually not that obvious now that I think about it. Must add it to the FAQ. 

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4 hours ago, cascen said:

hello man,i have to say i really like this addon mod,the strip thingie etc.. i want ask what about maybe 4 next update to add the veiny breast like bein cow as? it will be cool as fuller boooobs ^_^

I've never seen this veiny texture. I've looked through being a cow (both the mod and the slavetats pack) but can't find it. 

I'd consider it if I could find it and of course get permission to use it. It's definitely from being a cow?

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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I've never seen this veiny texture. I've looked through being a cow (both the mod and the slavetats pack) but can't find it. 

I'd consider it if I could find it and of course get permission to use it. It's definitely from being a cow?

yes i am 100% sure is from bein cow random attribute theres also option in mcm ,but actuALLYi dont use anymore bein cow cos the trasformation mess up with my character face etc etc,but the veiny thingie is cool ^^

Screenshot (8).png

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3 hours ago, cascen said:

yes i am 100% sure is from bein cow random attribute theres also option in mcm ,but actuALLYi dont use anymore bein cow cos the trasformation mess up with my character face etc etc,but the veiny thingie is cool ^^


Thanks, found them. They're so subtle I couldn't see them in Gimp lol.

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1 hour ago, LinksSword said:

Could follower possibly be supported? 

How would that work? I mean how does your follower satisfy their addiction? Do they satisfy their addiction? Do they go cold turkey? Where do they get lactacid from? Do they stop following you and go off to become a lactacid junkie? 

It's all just a bit vague for the amount of work it would take. 


In a bit of news I've decided to split off the armor destruction side of milk addict into it's own mod.





Names a bit silly I know but the acroymn MWA feels right since it's split from Milk Addict (MA)


Advantages over say Loot and Degradation is that all slots would be supported. Not just head, hands, body, feet. It was.... interesting to watch my character get stripped of all her bikini armor. And you'll be able to get your stuff repaired.

Splitting the code out though is being a serious PITA. Imagine chewing two sticks of gum and then deciding you want to separate them back into their original sticks ?


Edit: Oh and I finally figured out why my MCMs aren't showing up on first load. If you're interested:

I don't know 'the why' but I know the cause is having an OnInit() block in your MCM script. Even an empty OnInit block will do it.

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20 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

How would that work? I mean how does your follower satisfy their addiction? Do they satisfy their addiction? Do they go cold turkey? Where do they get lactacid from? Do they stop following you and go off to become a lactacid junkie? 

It's all just a bit vague for the amount of work it would take. 


In a bit of news I've decided to split off the armor destruction side of milk addict into it's own mod.

  Reveal hidden contents




Names a bit silly I know but the acroymn MWA feels right since it's split from Milk Addict (MA)


Advantages over say Loot and Degradation is that all slots would be supported. Not just head, hands, body, feet. It was.... interesting to watch my character get stripped of all her bikini armor. And you'll be able to get your stuff repaired.

Splitting the code out though is being a serious PITA. Imagine chewing two sticks of gum and then deciding you want to separate them back into their original sticks ?


Edit: Oh and I finally figured out why my MCMs aren't showing up on first load. If you're interested:


  Reveal hidden contents



I don't know 'the why' but I know the cause is having an OnInit() block in your MCM script. Even an empty OnInit block will do it.



Mods that allow followers to eat at a regular basis might be doable, or since you can give your follower lactacids they can still be affected to the effects of tripping, And eventually ware off but your right now i think about it follower would be more difficult to work in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ideas... At higher addictions, you will get desperate for a source of Lactacid.


I use Skooma Whore, and the excellent Skooma Whore Addicted mod.

The Skooma Whore Addicted mod adds some nice features.


- At high levels of addiction, Skooma addicts steal Skooma when they see it and gulp it down. Whether it be on corpses, someones pocket, or shopkeeper inventories.

- Make mandatory, terrible bargains with shopkeepers for a hit of Skooma.



Idea for Lactacid addicts...


- Stealing Milk, to Hell with the consequences.

- Pregnant Lydia wakes up to find the player, gulping down her milky goodness.

- Give shopkeepers 500 Gold for a drink of Milk... Keep your addiction in check, or be very poor. ( MCM optional, as its pretty hardcore )

- Sexlab Pheremone mod, you could make a patch to add a pheremone affliction... at high addiction, you have a chance of getting Cow Pheremones.

- Paying pregnant women, for a taste of their Milk. 200 Gold. Player can't help themselves, they just run up and throw their money at them.

- Unwillingly throwing yourself in nearby milking machines, to get some free Lactacid and Milk.


These would accentuate the loss of free will, with the addiction... Kicking the milky habit would be very tough...



Just some crazy ideas... ?

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On 10/20/2018 at 5:25 PM, Krazyone said:

Ideas... At higher addictions, you will get desperate for a source of Lactacid.


I use Skooma Whore, and the excellent Skooma Whore Addicted mod.

The Skooma Whore Addicted mod adds some nice features.


- At high levels of addiction, Skooma addicts steal Skooma when they see it and gulp it down. Whether it be on corpses, someones pocket, or shopkeeper inventories.

- Make mandatory, terrible bargains with shopkeepers for a hit of Skooma.



Idea for Lactacid addicts...


- Stealing Milk, to Hell with the consequences.

- Pregnant Lydia wakes up to find the player, gulping down her milky goodness.

- Give shopkeepers 500 Gold for a drink of Milk... Keep your addiction in check, or be very poor. ( MCM optional, as its pretty hardcore )

- Sexlab Pheremone mod, you could make a patch to add a pheremone affliction... at high addiction, you have a chance of getting Cow Pheremones.

- Paying pregnant women, for a taste of their Milk. 200 Gold. Player can't help themselves, they just run up and throw their money at them.

- Unwillingly throwing yourself in nearby milking machines, to get some free Lactacid and Milk.


These would accentuate the loss of free will, with the addiction... Kicking the milky habit would be very tough...



Just some crazy ideas... ?

Don't get me wrong. I like the ideas and they make sense. The problem is control. Personally, I really dislike when control is taken away from the player for any more than a few seconds. When the player is forced to walk somewhere it can often bug out I find. And anytime I've been sent up a stairs my character starts walking stupidly slow. So I usually end up targeting something in front of me and teleport myself there just to get it done. Not fun. 


If there's a way to do it without forcing the player to walk somewhere then it's fine. Things like blocking the dialog and being only able to ask for milk instead is much better IMO.

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On 10/20/2018 at 5:25 PM, Krazyone said:

Ideas... At higher addictions, you will get desperate for a source of Lactacid.


I use Skooma Whore, and the excellent Skooma Whore Addicted mod.

The Skooma Whore Addicted mod adds some nice features.


- At high levels of addiction, Skooma addicts steal Skooma when they see it and gulp it down. Whether it be on corpses, someones pocket, or shopkeeper inventories.

- Make mandatory, terrible bargains with shopkeepers for a hit of Skooma.



Idea for Lactacid addicts...


- Stealing Milk, to Hell with the consequences.

- Pregnant Lydia wakes up to find the player, gulping down her milky goodness.

- Give shopkeepers 500 Gold for a drink of Milk... Keep your addiction in check, or be very poor. ( MCM optional, as its pretty hardcore )

- Sexlab Pheremone mod, you could make a patch to add a pheremone affliction... at high addiction, you have a chance of getting Cow Pheremones.

- Paying pregnant women, for a taste of their Milk. 200 Gold. Player can't help themselves, they just run up and throw their money at them.

- Unwillingly throwing yourself in nearby milking machines, to get some free Lactacid and Milk.


These would accentuate the loss of free will, with the addiction... Kicking the milky habit would be very tough...



Just some crazy ideas... ?


16 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Don't get me wrong. I like the ideas and they make sense. The problem is control. Personally, I really dislike when control is taken away from the player for any more than a few seconds. When the player is forced to walk somewhere it can often bug out I find. And anytime I've been sent up a stairs my character starts walking stupidly slow. So I usually end up targeting something in front of me and teleport myself there just to get it done. Not fun. 


If there's a way to do it without forcing the player to walk somewhere then it's fine. Things like blocking the dialog and being only able to ask for milk instead is much better IMO.


In Skooma Whore Addicted, the steal, gulp down Skooma, and unwilling barter effects are instantaneous, and jarring... when it happens.


But I get what you mean by slowing the game down, that's why I left out Prison Overhaul from my latest play-through... The stairs were not a problem, as I used to set the character to run everywhere on Prison Overhaul.


I'm just finding the addiction to be a little light, no real impact of being a junkie.

The breasts being too big to wear armour is fun, but I'd like to request a few more hardcore features.

Maybe a MCM option, to make your life a living hell unless you give in to your cravings. Without slowing down the game, but making it considerably harder if you don't give in, and gulp down some Lactacid.


Just some ideas... If you don't like them, then just ignore this post... :)

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On 9/26/2018 at 12:08 AM, LinksSword said:

Mods that allow followers to eat at a regular basis might be doable, or since you can give your follower lactacids they can still be affected to the effects of tripping, And eventually ware off but your right now i think about it follower would be more difficult to work in.

I'd also like follower addiction with tripping, but my first thought about followers was that imho it doesn't make that much sense for them to demand gold from you for milking them. Instead maybe add a cooldown, that can be reduced by their (average in X hours) lactaid level. So the player is encouraged to feed them, which leads to addiction, which also might make them forcegreet the player and demand milk on their own. Here a cooldown or something is required, either customizable via MCM or instead of timing offer places. Like, when entering 

[ ] city

[ ] tavern

[ ] dungeon


Alternativly, "simulate" the addiction. Add some kind of background story maybe just by dialogue if your follower is addicted, then add addiction and random trippings, breast growth etc calculated rather by answers given during dialogue than actual food consumption.

18 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Don't get me wrong. I like the ideas and they make sense. The problem is control. Personally, I really dislike when control is taken away from the player for any more than a few seconds. When the player is forced to walk somewhere it can often bug out I find. And anytime I've been sent up a stairs my character starts walking stupidly slow. So I usually end up targeting something in front of me and teleport myself there just to get it done. Not fun. 


If there's a way to do it without forcing the player to walk somewhere then it's fine. Things like blocking the dialog and being only able to ask for milk instead is much better IMO.

Prison overhaul has imho a quite good system. It lets the player walk on their own as long as they stay within a certain range, but i guess this requires an NPC walking the same way. Maybe add someting like an invisible rabbit?^^ I think Inte would be willing to help here if you want to copy that.


An alternative might be to add some... more serious consequences if the player is within a certain range around a milking machine and has full breasts, not sure how script heavy the scans would be for that, though. Consequences might start with a message "You feel the urge to get milked", then you have a bit time to get into the machine, if you don't you start some animations more and more often until you can hardly move at all. This was done for FillThemUp with DDi animations for vibrating plugs and i thought it's a great idea to force the player to do something, but i don't see why that shouldn't be possible with pretty much any animation and without plugs, and therefore, without DD as a requirement.

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16 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

What's the difference? (Genuine question, not a smart ass retort)

idk if you noticed but the zaz breast ropes are missing weighting, as when i equip them my body is set to max size 100 bodyweight, and its baffaling when this happens when my character gets suddenly huge. and this doesn't happen with the ones from heretical-resources as they have proper weighing.

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I have a request that would fit in this mod in theroy i think, but i'm not sure if it's compatible with the current system and no good idea how to work around the... logic issues.

Melodic made (converted? not sure) some clothes (scroll down to second post) with two versions: one covering breasts, one either slipped down or aside. So i'd love it if instead of just stripping these outfits, it would switch them. :)

I guess the easiest way for you would be to add an option in MCM to define a "base" and "switch" outfit, at least that would spare you the work to do this yourself and keep it up-to-date. I might roleplay this, but i guess i'd need at least an option to entirely exclude an outfit from stripping, not sure if that's already included. But if you could implement switching automatically, i'd like it much more.^^


*edit: What might work for the ripping part is to remove the covering outfit from the inventory and replace it. Those items would be "ripped" in every case it happens then. Oooor maybe leave the chance, unequip them if breasts become too big and they don't rip, switch them if they get "destroyed". 


Still looking for a good reason why my panties would be moved aside because Melodic made a few of those too, but that might out of reach for this mod... ;)

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Sorry guys. I'm not ignoring you. Just been really busy with the tweaks. 



On 10/23/2018 at 10:45 AM, Krazyone said:

In Skooma Whore Addicted, the steal, gulp down Skooma, and unwilling barter effects are instantaneous, and jarring... when it happens.

That's defintitely something I'd like. The problem is that there isn't much milk lying around in the world. Maybe I could add milk to bandit leveled list or something. I could also perhaps block dialog with Npcs that have massive milky boobs, since your character wouldn't be able to focus on anything else, and only be able to ask for milk. Things like this are preferable to taking direct control of the player. 

On 10/23/2018 at 10:45 AM, Krazyone said:

I'm just finding the addiction to be a little light, no real impact of being a junkie.

I'd actually agree with you on this. This is why I wasn't happy with just the usual stamina/magicka debuff and added tripping and striping. 



On 10/23/2018 at 12:55 PM, Nazzzgul666 said:

I'd also like follower addiction with tripping, but my first thought about followers was that imho it doesn't make that much sense for them to demand gold from you for milking them. Instead maybe add a cooldown, that can be reduced by their (average in X hours) lactaid level. So the player is encouraged to feed them, which leads to addiction, which also might make them forcegreet the player and demand milk on their own. Here a cooldown or something is required, either customizable via MCM or instead of timing offer places. Like, when entering 

Hmm maybe but I'm not sure it makes sense if both you and your follower are junkies that you would want to give your precious milk to your follower. 

On 10/23/2018 at 12:55 PM, Nazzzgul666 said:

This was done for FillThemUp with DDi animations for vibrating plugs and i thought it's a great idea to force the player to do something,

It's one thing to play an animation on the spot and another thing to make the player navigate skyrims shitty navmeshes to do something. Maybe if you passed close enough to a milking machine and was a short walk but also programming code that doesn't cause conflicts with other mods in the process is difficult if not impossible. 

16 hours ago, Nazzzgul666 said:

I have a request that would fit in this mod in theroy i think, but i'm not sure if it's compatible with the current system and no good idea how to work around the... logic issues.

Melodic made (converted? not sure) some clothes (scroll down to second post) with two versions: one covering breasts, one either slipped down or aside. So i'd love it if instead of just stripping these outfits, it would switch them. :)

I guess the easiest way for you would be to add an option in MCM to define a "base" and "switch" outfit, at least that would spare you the work to do this yourself and keep it up-to-date. I might roleplay this, but i guess i'd need at least an option to entirely exclude an outfit from stripping, not sure if that's already included. But if you could implement switching automatically, i'd like it much more.^^

First off. Thanks for the link. Wasn't even aware that page existed and there's some good stuff on it and for both CBBE and UUNP which is great. 


Now. Yea sure I can see where you're going with that. Boobs get big enough and they pop out using the alternate outfit. So instead of tearing clothes into generic rags and dropping them, convert them to the alternate outfit and equip it. Eg: From: 










Makes sense and would be pretty cute. I'm not sure how hard it would be to shoe-horn into the existing code though. That and I had planned to port armor destruction to Mortal Weapons & Armors as it's Item recycling is superior. I'm not sure how popular that would be with people here. 



On 10/23/2018 at 7:16 PM, LinksSword said:

idk if you noticed but the zaz breast ropes are missing weighting, as when i equip them my body is set to max size 100 bodyweight, and its baffaling when this happens when my character gets suddenly huge. and this doesn't happen with the ones from heretical-resources as they have proper weighing.

Are you sure you've built it in bodyslide? I tested it there and used the console to scale my characters weight from 0 to 100 and it defintitely scales. The preview in bodyslide does crash bodyslide for some reason though (so close the preview before you select it). I think it would be pretty easy to swap the armor out in TesEdit if all else fails. Plus the only breast ropes I could find in DD was the rope harness which doesn't deform the breasts to give them the 'squeezed' look. 

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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:




Hmm maybe but I'm not sure it makes sense if both you and your follower are junkies that you would want to give your precious milk to your follower. 

Mh yeah, for me the perpetuum mobile feels too easy so i avoided (and forgot) that, i.e if you can't feed yourself anyways (without a milking machine around, that is) it would make sense to give it to your follower and the other way around. 


It's one thing to play an animation on the spot and another thing to make the player navigate skyrims shitty navmeshes to do something. Maybe if you passed close enough to a milking machine and was a short walk but also programming code that doesn't cause conflicts with other mods in the process is difficult if not impossible. 

Misunderstanding i think. The intresting part in FillThemUp was that the player had total control between animations - you could run away and everything, but because of the plugs vibrating more and more often until it was almost constantly triggering animations, the player was, well... forced to stay "voluntarily". I could imagine something similar here - trigger one animation if you're close to a machine, get a message, trigger them more often if the distance between character and machine becomes bigger - or from there on simply increase the frequency the animations trigger until milking is done.

POPs leash walk works similar actually - you have total control, as long as you stay close to the NPC in charge. Taking controls away is a "punishment" for beeing too far away. This at least gives the players the option to navigate around shitty navmeshs, if they use the option is up to them. Imho a great solution for not really giving a choice vs avoiding bad navmeshs


*edit: i think i confused something, not sure anymore if we're talking about getting milk into you or out of you - milking machine ofc makes only sense if we're talking about getting milk out because your breasts hurt or something.^^

Getting milk in, mh... my best suggestion would be to block/replace dialogue with characters that have milk. The thing from Skooma whore addiction sounds intresting too, but i never tried it, not sure how well this works in practice.



First off. Thanks for the link. Wasn't even aware that page existed and there's some good stuff on it and for both CBBE and UUNP which is great. 

Now. Yea sure I can see where you're going with that. Boobs get big enough and they pop out using the alternate outfit. So instead of tearing clothes into generic rags and dropping them, convert them to the alternate outfit and equip it. Eg: From: 

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Makes sense and would be pretty cute. I'm not sure how hard it would be to shoe-horn into the existing code though. That and I had planned to port armor destruction to Mortal Weapons & Armors as it's Item recycling is superior. I'm not sure how popular that would be with people here. 



Well, i wouldn't really enforce it. Like i said imho the best solution would be an offer to define outfits, a couple of mods have an option to recognize at least the armor currently worn, using that would require me to "equip, then press button to chose outfit one ->equip and press button to chose alternative to outfit one",... "equip, then press button to chose outfit N->chose alternative to outfit N" and be quite some work for a couple of outfits, but it's not like there are hundreds of options and even if, i wouldn't install and wear them all at once, so...


Ofc it would be some work for you to add, if nobody else wants it i understand you wouldn't do that, but i hope i'm, not alone.^^ And yes, the outfits are easy to miss, a couple of month ago there were only the 7b conversions from the front page so i was very pleasently surprised when i found all the new stuff yesterday. :)

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