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12 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

Don't use the game's built-in mod manager.  It doesn't handle the LooksMenu plugin properly and will cause the issue you are having.


Oh man, the game's built-in mod manager... It literally ALWAYS AUTOMATICALLY reorders your mod load order AND SCREWS IT UP evry time you close it. AVOID LIKE SEVEN HELLS...


Personally, I didn't care that much until now, but I noticed as I'm getting older, I often misclick at things, like I want to click on Load and accidentally click on Mods instead. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's very annoying and knowing the above, which I learned the hard way after getting my mod load order screwed up several times by the official mod manager without realizing it was happening, yesterday I finally decided to disable it completely so that it doesn't even show up in the main menu anymore. I guess that also explains what is that so called "creation club disabler" mod good for too lol. Except, I chose to do it manually through ini file edit.


Do It Yourself
Add the following to your Fallout4.ini or Fallout4Custom.ini:




Edited by MrFuturehope
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1 hour ago, VonHelton said:

Looksmenu, which is a requirement for AAF, is refusing to display the presets tab. It's not greyed out, it literally isn't there. To get the presets tab, I have to go to the main page, scroll down to mods, move it's load order a bit, then go back in the game.

......I have to do this ervery time I load the game. Obviously, this is not normal.

But in addition to that aggrevation, AAF has decided to not work so long as Looksmenu is having problems.

So! Anyone got any ideas on how to get Looksmenu running?

(I tried different versions of looksmenu)



By "main page" you mean the "mods" option in the main game menu? If so, that does not play nicely at all with externally-managed mods, it's designed to handle official DLCs, Creation Club mods, and things from the Bethesda mod portal. It will royally screw up your plugins list if you touch it when you're using mods that weren't installed from one of those locations.

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I think you guys misunderstood me. The ONLY thing that gets Looksmenu to show the presets option IS the game manager........

Unless you guys can pull a rabbit out your hats.

I've tried installing different versions of Looksmenu, Compundum & AAF.......Nothing works.

I've deleted the presets folder & remade it.

I've redownloaded the game from STEAM.

I wonder if Beth has broken something???



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Never mind I got it sorted..........(Might wanna write this down & save it to a text file!)

I had to DELETE all my INI files under "Documents/My Games/Fallout4" & start the game with it's EXE.

The game EXE replaces the INI files with fresh ones.

Now everything (thusfar) seems to be working as advertized.

:cool: :thumbsup:




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Well, sorta........I got AAF working, but the presets on Looksmenu refuse to work unless I disable the following command:




Setting this command to zero effectively kills F4SE, but allows Looksmenu preset to show up. It has the added bonus of screwing up my HUD, which is 2560x1080.





Any programers out there??





Edited by VonHelton
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On 4/15/2023 at 12:50 AM, ookkerpak said:



I'm trying to make an action that makes an actor go through a set of mfg expressions. I have many sets in mfgSetData, which work just fine in individual expression actions.

I read the wiki and ended up understanding that I could reach my goal using my mfgSetData, list the sets in expressionData, refer to an expression id in reactionData and finally refer to the reactionset in actionData. I tried referring to expressionData in actionData, but that didn't work out.


I'm certainly doing something wrong here and my main suspect is the reactiondata.xml. I copied the overall format of the files from the wiki and then yeeted the things I didn't want, all the conditions etc.


The content of my xml's, headers removed for brevity:

  Reveal hidden contents


What is wrong with these?


I'm going from memory without testing. But, it looks like the issue would be in your reaction XML.


Even if you don't need a condition, you may need to wrap doExpression within a blank condition node in order for the structure to be readable.


Also, you removed stat and range attributes. I don't believe there is a default fallback for leaving those out. As a solution, you could just make a dumby stat with a value of 50 and set the range to "0-100" so that it always triggers.


On 4/15/2023 at 12:50 AM, ookkerpak said:

Also: Is there a way of making "setscale 0.98" console command into an action?


That isn't currently part of the API. But, there are many events in AAF that can trigger a function where you can apply that type of code.


On 4/18/2023 at 1:27 AM, VonHelton said:

Ok, I'm pleased to report everything is working. Apparently, the offending mod is called "Truby9". It's a HUD adjustment mod.

I deleted this mod & went back to Flawless widescreen & now everything is back to normal.



:cool:  :thumbsup:


Good to hear it worked out. Thank you for following up to let us know you resolved it on your side.

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15 hours ago, dagobaking said:

I'm going from memory without testing. But, it looks like the issue would be in your reaction XML.


Even if you don't need a condition, you may need to wrap doExpression within a blank condition node in order for the structure to be readable.


Also, you removed stat and range attributes. I don't believe there is a default fallback for leaving those out. As a solution, you could just make a dumby stat with a value of 50 and set the range to "0-100" so that it always triggers.


Thank you! Got it working like this:




<defaults isPersistent="false" isHidden="false" defaultValue="50" minValue="0" maxValue="100" decayRate="10000"/>

        <stat id="dummystat"/>



        <reactionSet id="BJ_Reaction">
            <setStat stat="dummystat" range="20-" targetStat="dummystat" setTo="50.0"/>
            <doExpression stat="dummystat" range="0-100" expressionID="BJ_Expression1"/>



And now my problem is that I can't get rid of it ? I also tried it with removing that setStat -line from reactiondata but that didn't do much.

I'd like to limit the reactions duration to one position only, so that it goes away when the position is changed. Just like the mfgset basic expressions do. I tried to fiddle with the decayRate and setstat numbers, but couldn't come up with an equation that would do what I wanted to.

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On 4/24/2023 at 9:51 AM, ookkerpak said:


Thank you! Got it working like this:


  Hide contents


<defaults isPersistent="false" isHidden="false" defaultValue="50" minValue="0" maxValue="100" decayRate="10000"/>

        <stat id="dummystat"/>



        <reactionSet id="BJ_Reaction">
            <setStat stat="dummystat" range="20-" targetStat="dummystat" setTo="50.0"/>
            <doExpression stat="dummystat" range="0-100" expressionID="BJ_Expression1"/>



And now my problem is that I can't get rid of it ? I also tried it with removing that setStat -line from reactiondata but that didn't do much.

I'd like to limit the reactions duration to one position only, so that it goes away when the position is changed. Just like the mfgset basic expressions do. I tried to fiddle with the decayRate and setstat numbers, but couldn't come up with an equation that would do what I wanted to.


Maybe you could use the condition node and then switch the stat back and forth between states.

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  • 1 month later...



If I have a RefCollectionAlias with 9 actors, what would be the best way to tell AAF to use those actors to start a scene?


The way that I know is to individualize each actor (ActorRef01, ActorRef02, ActorRef03...) and pass them one by one to AAF.


I was just wondering if it's possible to do it with a RefCollection:



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39 minutes ago, JB. said:



If I have a RefCollectionAlias with 9 actors, what would be the best way to tell AAF to use those actors to start a scene?


The way that I know is to individualize each actor (ActorRef01, ActorRef02, ActorRef03...) and pass them one by one to AAF.


I was just wondering if it's possible to do it with a RefCollection:




StartScene() takes an Actor[] array. The blunt force solution would be to iterate through the RefCollectionAlias contents and build that array in a loop, like so (example assumes you're in the context of a script that extends RefCollectionAlias):


Actor[] Participants = new Actor[0]
Int CollectionLength = GetCount()
Int Counter = 0
While Counter < CollectionLength
    Participants.Add(GetAt(Counter) as Actor)
    Counter += 1


I don't see any available native function to convert a RefCollectionAlias to Actor[] or ObjectReference[] automatically, though maybe the new FormListToArray() function in LLFP v44 could serve as a blueprint for something like that in the future (or maybe other F4SE extensions like SUP or Baka Framework already have something along those lines, I haven't checked).

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4 hours ago, chelzmcnamara said:

Anyone know what other mod could be making NPCs spectate? I don't have the spectator mod installed.


Boston Devious Helpers Bimbo Collar Quest has something like that.  Otherwise, I don't know.

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1 hour ago, AngelPhoenix69 said:

Is it me, or is anyone else not getting past 70% in game?


Please make sure you are following "The Fucking Manual" exactly, and are using either Vortex or Mod Organizer, have the proper versions of all mods in green text and the load order correct with nothing loading after it and test in a new game.  If you need additional assistance, please join the discord linked in the guide :)

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28 minutes ago, Sgt. Marge said:


Please make sure you are following "The Fucking Manual" exactly, and are using either Vortex or Mod Organizer, have the proper versions of all mods in green text and the load order correct with nothing loading after it and test in a new game.  If you need additional assistance, please join the discord linked in the guide :)


That's the thing I have, I even redownloaded them all, and followed the guide.

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just installed fo4 again anywhere i can download this without creating a discord account, even the file now has a link going to the moddingham that then tells me to go to discord.

or do i have to create a moddingham account because of the "cant see files" at the bottom of the first post?


Ok back again had to make an account just for this, all the downloads are on the first post, just incase anyone else reading though needs to know, also no need to make discord stuff

Edited by NoobyMcNoobnoob
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2 hours ago, NoobyMcNoobnoob said:

just installed fo4 again anywhere i can download this without creating a discord account, even the file now has a link going to the moddingham that then tells me to go to discord.

or do i have to create a moddingham account because of the "cant see files" at the bottom of the first post?


Ok back again had to make an account just for this, all the downloads are on the first post, just incase anyone else reading though needs to know, also no need to make discord stuff


Please make sure you are following The Fucking Manual because otherwise it can be incredibly difficult to figure it all out on your own.  You need all the requirements listed there or you won't get it to work properly.  If you still need help with getting AAF to play animations after following that guide then you should join the Discord server as that is where all AAF support is centralized and we can help you much easier on Discord.



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1 hour ago, Gebertiji said:

does dowwnload with wabbajack ?


From what I have seen, any mod list from Wabbajack that has nsfw mods from LoversLab will prompt you during the download process to click each download manually.  Be sure to read through all documentation for any such lists from the list maintainer.  We don't provide support for AAF for anyone using Collections or Wabbajack so it's between you and the list maintainer to get it to work.  However, if you want to try a basic setup without using this type of mod list to see if you can get it to work, that would be better for you so you can learn how to install these things yourself.  Follow "The Fucking Manual" which has been linked in this thread as well as in my signature.  And if you can't get AAF to work by following that guide, feel free to join the AAF discord for assistance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

okay I've been beating my head against the wall for hours now and I can't get AAF to work for me; some mods seem to work right up until its time to show an animation and I've tried using this tool to find the issue and I see that its unstable from how many mods so I tried with less mods on another file and it still didn't want to work cause it keeps saying the ESM priority is wrong but no matter what reordering I try it stays red I'm dumb as a sack but I feel like I was getting close....


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