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13 hours ago, McLude said:

I keep getting a $101 fine in the Rift (everywhere), even though I'm obeying all laws. Even made everything legal, still fined. I'm not certain it's this mod but I don't think any of my other mods issue fines, they haven't before. Not sure how to read the debug messages. 

According to the debug messages you are naked, you have weapons but don't have them equipped and you are not collared. Can you share your settings for those crimes? Then I can take a look at the code.The amount of the fine should match with one or some of them though.

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7 hours ago, Teutonic said:

Accoring to the debug messages you are naked, you have weapons but don't have them equipped and you are not collared. Can you share your settings for those crimes? Then I can take a look at the code.The amount of the fine should match with one or some of them though.

The only crime was wearing armor, $50. If I wear armor, the fine was $151. I can fire up the game in a few hours and get more info as needed. 

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I make use of the "reports invalid when collared" feature, but it's a little generous.

In fact, it's possible to exploit it by putting on a collar with (manipulate locks) to avoid fines.


I don't do that on purpose, but when I end up in a collar - yet not actually enslaved - for some reason, it often feels like life just got easier, despite the rapes.


It would be nice if we could have a few rules for slaves while using this feature.


What if there were something like a checkbox for the Weapons, Magic-use, and Armor fines - something like "Imprison collared" - so a collared PC who breaks that rule goes straight to prison?

(And for collared, possession alone would always be sufficient).

Would be cool if there were a way to enable a must be naked rule, only for collared, while having it be must not be naked for non-collared characters.


It makes sense that other sex offences would still be ignored for collared PCs if "reports invalid when collared" is ticked.



I can imagine SL Adventures having a "Must have a follower outside city" crime rule, so guards who meet you outside the walls could fine you, if you are travelling alone. Maybe most people don't want it or care, but surely there are more crimes that could exist, and this is one.

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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I can imagine SL Adventures having a "Must have a follower outside city" crime rule, so guards who meet you outside the walls could fine you, if you are travelling alone. Maybe most people don't want it or care, but surely there are more crimes that could exist, and this is one.

I think that would be hard to do.  A lot of dynamically-added followers dont seem to count for mods that let you do things with followers.

I've also been robbed (through daymoyl) and raped (thru this) by a pahe slave despite not allowing followers to diddle me (and then im like you cheeky little shit give it back XD)


..I also can't let the fuckers man my market stall -_- lazy good for nothins... only ever wanna ogle my butt due to the vow setting and occasionally nuke me because a fox growled at me.

Gonna imagine stuff that lets you have a temporary follower like sexlab dialogs and MCG won't count either.  they probably gotta specifically be set up as a 100% follower I assume.  I'm not exactly a whiz at the creation kit so i dunno.

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I wish there was a way to manually add an NPC to be recognized by this mod as a follower... Kinda like how Scent of Sex lets you add individual NPCs to rules. The one follower I want to be her most reliable protector is the only one the mod won't recognize, so he can't prevent rape, and even partakes in it. The only way I can keep him from victimizing her is to use SL Aroused to block him from exceeding -2 arousal. Also, I can't seem to add him to my AFT followers, so that's not an option either.

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Can you integrate Sexlab Horrible Harassment Expansion so that you are grabbed and have a chance to escape during an attempted rape?  You can scroll down that page to see "Modders Note" section for how to integrate


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10 hours ago, Harry Smackmeat said:

I think that would be hard to do.  A lot of dynamically-added followers dont seem to count for mods that let you do things with followers.

I've also been robbed (through daymoyl) and raped (thru this) by a pahe slave despite not allowing followers to diddle me (and then im like you cheeky little shit give it back XD)

I think that SL Adventures has already largely solved those problems. However, it's a work in progress. I believe Teutonic intends to fix it regardless of any features that happen to rely on follower detection, because he already has a need to reliably detect followers.


7 hours ago, ShenGo said:

I wish there was a way to manually add an NPC to be recognized by this mod as a follower...

If SL Adventures respects the faction, you just need to add them to the faction.


There are two common ways to find arbitrary NPCs in a faction.


1) a cloak (this CAN be efficient and well behaved)

2) walking the actors in the cell - generally considered to be "safe" performance wise, but can fail to find actors just across an exterior cell boundary.


(Teutonic is well aware of this).

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Hi, is it possible to include a Wet Dream feature which, when you sleep you have a chance to be teleported into a weird place and have sex with a bunch of random creatures (when sex ends you get teleported back to the bed)? The chance can depend on your arousal level so if you go to sleep with high arousal then there is high chance for that to happen.


Mechanically I think this is similar to sleep rape, only that you get teleported and the creatures are randomly drawn from a list.


Also this features has many advantages:


1. You can have anything to happen with no need to worry about logic, lore, or immersion, since they're only dreams.

2. All creatures now they got equal chance to be used.

3. No need to worry that clutters and room size may sometimes hinder how animations play, especially when many actors are involved.

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3 minutes ago, jalingon3011 said:

Hi, is it possible to include a Wet Dream feature which, when you sleep you have a chance to be teleported into a weird place and have sex with a bunch of random creatures (when sex ends you get teleported back to the bed)? The chance can depend on your arousal level so if you go to sleep with high arousal then there is high chance for that to happen.


Mechanically I think this is similar to sleep rape, only that you get teleported and the creatures are randomly drawn from a list.

Has merits, but might be better just to go and have a kip? ?

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So I don't know if this is a glitch or an incompatibility issue but with this most recent update my magicka is reduced to 1 or negative numbers even before I install the mod in the MCM. I'm running it along side Devious Loot for the cursed treasure and enslavement aspect but left it's rape feature deactivated hoping to use yours for it instead. Is it a case of one or the other or is it something entirely different.

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1 hour ago, McLude said:

Got a Reach bounty while in Whiterun, not sure how this happens. Why does the weird shit happen to me. 


Maybe way off (might just be lag or glitch in SLAdv, after all), but you don't happen to be playing with FMEA running, do you? I remember running into something with that mod spamming bounties in the 500 range for attempting to pick a lock with an alarm trap; bounties continued mounting after leaving the Hold where it happened. I forget the specifics surrounding why it happened that way, but your situation reminded me of how confused I was at the time.


Just a thought.

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29 minutes ago, Sulrandir said:

Maybe way off (might just be lag or glitch in SLAdv, after all), but you don't happen to be playing with FMEA running, do you? I remember running into something with that mod spamming bounties in the 500 range for attempting to pick a lock with an alarm trap; bounties continued mounting after leaving the Hold where it happened. I forget the specifics surrounding why it happened that way, but your situation reminded me of how confused I was at the time.


Just a thought.

I don't what FMEA is so probably not using it. 

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Hi I have 3 questions/problems regarding to sleep rape. I tried it in a Dwemer Ruin dungeon.


1. I set the minimum attacker to 5, but somehow only 1 attacker shows up, why?


2. Also I tried sleep rape with 100% chance at home but nothing happens, why?


3. After the sex scene ends the attacker started to go into combat instead of disappear or running away (even the debug message says "in combat"). Is that supposed to happen?

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7 hours ago, McLude said:

Got a Reach bounty while in Whiterun, not sure how this happens. Why does the weird shit happen to me. 





Are you using the mod Sexlab PaySexCrime?  If so it could be that your pardon time expired and that is the bounty you still owe in the Reach.

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7 hours ago, McLude said:

I don't what FMEA is so probably not using it. 

"FMEA" is this mod:



Your symptom just seemed familiar, and it was something that took awhile for me to track down, so figured I'd chime in, just in case.


That said, I wonder if SLAdv could possibly toss out some flavor messages to tell you what crime(s) you've been charged with. Something like, "You've been reported for violating Law: [crime name] by Witness: [NPC display name]." Maybe make it something that can be toggled on/off for those who don't want the message spam or who just aren't interested in that transparency. I know that, for me, obessive enough that I'm constantly opening the MCM to check the crime settings in whatever hold I'm in, to figure out why my bounty just went up. Taxes are passed to messages like this, so it's clear when you're hit with those, but other crime reports, not so much.


Alternatively, maybe a "Bounty Info" page in the MCM that displays your current overall bounty in each hold, and maybe captures and displays some info about your last 5 or 10 crime reports from this mod. Not too detailed, just Crime type (ex.: Public Nudity, no need to go into inverted, Thane exempt, etc.), bounty/fine amount, Hold, and maybe Witness/Reporter name.


Just a rolling list of the most recent, not an ongoing history. Obviously, if your world is harsh enough that you're getting hit with tons of bounties in a short time frame, you'd spill some, but for most, I'd think it'd be a useful quick-reference.


I wouldn't expect it to display or report on vanilla bounties or bounties from any other mods, either, but it could be useful for people running multiple mods that apply bounties, to be able to tell if a given bounty came from this mod or not.


Certainly not a "critical fix" or anything, but might be useful for more casual troubleshooting. Just an idea that popped into my head, I'm enjoying the mod as-is and it works well without it, but for me this would be an appreciated enhancement to the current functionality.

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8 hours ago, Sulrandir said:

Maybe way off (might just be lag or glitch in SLAdv, after all), but you don't happen to be playing with FMEA running, do you? I remember running into something with that mod spamming bounties in the 500 range for attempting to pick a lock with an alarm trap; bounties continued mounting after leaving the Hold where it happened. I forget the specifics surrounding why it happened that way, but your situation reminded me of how confused I was at the time.


Just a thought.

Strange - nobody else has reported this issue with FMEA, can you reproduce it or let me have more details please?

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38 minutes ago, Bane Master said:

Strange - nobody else has reported this issue with FMEA, can you reproduce it or let me have more details please?

It was a weird issue, happened a LONG time ago, probably an older version of the mod, DEFINITELY an old load order for me, which turned out to be horribly buggy due to my own ignorance, so entire save game was abandoned and scrapped. Can't reproduce issue, can't produce logs, and didn't go digging through forum history to try to find where I remember reading the info that helped; was just going from (admittedly spotty) memory.


All that's to say, I haven't EVER had any issues with FMEA, so don't waste time investigating this as a bug report.


Like I said: I may be WAY off, but it sounded familiar, so I just thought it was worth mentioning in case OP has other mods applying bounties which might have them chasing their current issue in the wrong thread (because THAT's happened to me more times than I care to admit, too), that's all.


LOVE FMEA and SLAdv, both work great for me and add a ton of fun, customizable consequence to in-game actions, and they appear to play well together, too. No complaints here.

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I'd like to share my progress and address some of the comments as well. I have not done an awful lot (too many games to play), but I returned to development last week. 


Since issues were reported with the save/load feature that I could not reproduce, I fiddled around with it instead of just saying "are you sure you typed the name of the file correctly when loading it?". The result is that it is no longer necessary to enter the name of the file you want to load. Instead, the mod is aware of the files in their respective folders and you can select which one you want to load from a list. 


I have also tried to fix the issue of being pulled out of bed by strong hands when noone is actually there to rape you. The system should now work a lot more reliably.


I have also integrated a patch for Sexlab Horrible Harrassment, although I have not tested it yet since I am not familiar with HH.


Some other bugs not really worth mentioning have also been fixed (those were things I mentioned before I would fix).


One thing that has been bothering me is that masturbation does not lead to rape anymore, which I intend to fix next. Then I might add some more options / smaller features that have been in the pipeline for a while. If things go as planned, I will release the update later this week and then, finally, start implementing a combat rape feature in v0.73. I will share my thoughts on the matter when v0.72.4 is out so you know what to expect and can share your input.


On 5/4/2019 at 3:26 PM, Lupine00 said:

I make use of the "reports invalid when collared" feature, but it's a little generous.

In fact, it's possible to exploit it by putting on a collar with (manipulate locks) to avoid fines.


I don't do that on purpose, but when I end up in a collar - yet not actually enslaved - for some reason, it often feels like life just got easier, despite the rapes.


It would be nice if we could have a few rules for slaves while using this feature.


What if there were something like a checkbox for the Weapons, Magic-use, and Armor fines - something like "Imprison collared" - so a collared PC who breaks that rule goes straight to prison?

(And for collared, possession alone would always be sufficient).

Would be cool if there were a way to enable a must be naked rule, only for collared, while having it be must not be naked for non-collared characters.


It makes sense that other sex offences would still be ignored for collared PCs if "reports invalid when collared" is ticked.

First I thought having the "reports invalid if collared" flag being crime-specific would be best. Then again, being able to flag yourself as a slave in the MCM might be a better approach. You would still have to manually set the flag on enslavement, but that shouldn't be a problem. Another one of those things that seem obvious in retrospect.


On 5/4/2019 at 3:26 PM, Lupine00 said:

I can imagine SL Adventures having a "Must have a follower outside city" crime rule, so guards who meet you outside the walls could fine you, if you are travelling alone. Maybe most people don't want it or care, but surely there are more crimes that could exist, and this is one.


On 5/4/2019 at 6:19 PM, Harry Smackmeat said:

I think that would be hard to do.  A lot of dynamically-added followers dont seem to count for mods that let you do things with followers.

I've also been robbed (through daymoyl) and raped (thru this) by a pahe slave despite not allowing followers to diddle me (and then im like you cheeky little shit give it back XD)


On 5/4/2019 at 9:25 PM, ShenGo said:

I wish there was a way to manually add an NPC to be recognized by this mod as a follower... Kinda like how Scent of Sex lets you add individual NPCs to rules. The one follower I want to be her most reliable protector is the only one the mod won't recognize, so he can't prevent rape, and even partakes in it. The only way I can keep him from victimizing her is to use SL Aroused to block him from exceeding -2 arousal. Also, I can't seem to add him to my AFT followers, so that's not an option either.

Such a crime might actually give me a reason to use followers. Since custom follower mods seem to be in common use, a feature to manually add them as followers seems reasonable and not too difficult. 


18 hours ago, jalingon3011 said:

Hi, is it possible to include a Wet Dream feature which, when you sleep you have a chance to be teleported into a weird place and have sex with a bunch of random creatures (when sex ends you get teleported back to the bed)? The chance can depend on your arousal level so if you go to sleep with high arousal then there is high chance for that to happen.


Mechanically I think this is similar to sleep rape, only that you get teleported and the creatures are randomly drawn from a list.


Also this features has many advantages:


1. You can have anything to happen with no need to worry about logic, lore, or immersion, since they're only dreams.

2. All creatures now they got equal chance to be used.

3. No need to worry that clutters and room size may sometimes hinder how animations play, especially when many actors are involved.

Perhaps someday, but not in the near future.


13 hours ago, Chris79 said:

So I don't know if this is a glitch or an incompatibility issue but with this most recent update my magicka is reduced to 1 or negative numbers even before I install the mod in the MCM. I'm running it along side Devious Loot for the cursed treasure and enslavement aspect but left it's rape feature deactivated hoping to use yours for it instead. Is it a case of one or the other or is it something entirely different.

No idea what might cause this. Did you update or install the latest version in a new game? Does your Magicka get drained over time or is your maximum reduced, or what?


10 hours ago, McLude said:

Got a Reach bounty while in Whiterun, not sure how this happens. Why does the weird shit happen to me. 

One reason why this can happen is that you got reported in Reach but fast travelled to Whiterun before you actually got the bounty. There is a short time window for that to happen.


5 hours ago, jalingon3011 said:

Hi I have 3 questions/problems regarding to sleep rape. I tried it in a Dwemer Ruin dungeon.


1. I set the minimum attacker to 5, but somehow only 1 attacker shows up, why?


2. Also I tried sleep rape with 100% chance at home but nothing happens, why?


3. After the sex scene ends the attacker started to go into combat instead of disappear or running away (even the debug message says "in combat"). Is that supposed to happen?

  1. Did it use attackers who were already there or did it spawn some? If the former, it always only picks one for performance reasons.
  2. Homes are exempt.
  3. I have had some weird stuff with hostile attackers as well, which should no longer happen in the next version. Hopefully that fixes that issue as well. It's not something I have seen happen though.
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2 hours ago, Teutonic said:

One reason why this can happen is that you got reported in Reach but fast travelled to Whiterun before you actually got the bounty. There is a short time window for that to happen.

I had been in Whiterun for about 1 game day and fast traveled to the stables, it's the only time I've seen it so maybe script lag or a 1-off glitch. 



2 hours ago, Sulrandir said:

That said, I wonder if SLAdv could possibly toss out some flavor messages to tell you what crime(s) you've been charged with. Something like, "You've been reported for violating Law: [crime name] by Witness: [NPC display name]."


I like that idea. Might also help explain the mysterious $101 fines I keep getting in the Rift. 

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4 hours ago, Teutonic said:

Such a crime might actually give me a reason to use followers. Since custom follower mods seem to be in common use, a feature to manually add them as followers seems reasonable and not too difficult. 

That would be fantastic to see. But, of course, at your own pace. :) No pressure and thank you for making this mod!

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Thank you for your reply. 


1. I believe it uses the attackers that are already there. But in previous version I remember multiple attackers can be used, whereas now my follower takes off her clothes and does nothing... shouldn't my follower at least also get an attacker?


2. Homes are exempt is a very good idea, but I still get the "blurry waking up sequence" and the "a strong arm pulls you up" message, which I think maybe shouldn't happen since there is no attack happening.


3. Yes I also remember attackers don't turn hostile in previous versions. Hope it gets fixed soon.

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6 hours ago, Teutonic said:

I'd like to share my progress and address some of the comments as well. I have not done an awful lot (too many games to play), but I returned to development last week. 


Since issues were reported with the save/load feature that I could not reproduce, I fiddled around with it instead of just saying "are you sure you typed the name of the file correctly when loading it?". The result is that it is no longer necessary to enter the name of the file you want to load. Instead, the mod is aware of the files in their respective folders and you can select which one you want to load from a list. 


I have also tried to fix the issue of being pulled out of bed by strong hands when noone is actually there to rape you. The system should now work a lot more reliably.


I have also integrated a patch for Sexlab Horrible Harrassment, although I have not tested it yet since I am not familiar with HH.


Some other bugs not really worth mentioning have also been fixed (those were things I mentioned before I would fix).


One thing that has been bothering me is that masturbation does not lead to rape anymore, which I intend to fix next. Then I might add some more options / smaller features that have been in the pipeline for a while. If things go as planned, I will release the update later this week and then, finally, start implementing a combat rape feature in v0.73. I will share my thoughts on the matter when v0.72.4 is out so you know what to expect and can share your input.


First I thought having the "reports invalid if collared" flag being crime-specific would be best. Then again, being able to flag yourself as a slave in the MCM might be a better approach. You would still have to manually set the flag on enslavement, but that shouldn't be a problem. Another one of those things that seem obvious in retrospect.




Such a crime might actually give me a reason to use followers. Since custom follower mods seem to be in common use, a feature to manually add them as followers seems reasonable and not too difficult. 


Perhaps someday, but not in the near future.


No idea what might cause this. Did you update or install the latest version in a new game? Does your Magicka get drained over time or is your maximum reduced, or what?


One reason why this can happen is that you got reported in Reach but fast travelled to Whiterun before you actually got the bounty. There is a short time window for that to happen.


  1. Did it use attackers who were already there or did it spawn some? If the former, it always only picks one for performance reasons.
  2. Homes are exempt.
  3. I have had some weird stuff with hostile attackers as well, which should no longer happen in the next version. Hopefully that fixes that issue as well. It's not something I have seen happen though.

Seems that it might be a hidden feature of either DCL or Sexlab Aroused as it is still occurring with your mod uninstalled.

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