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SexLab SE - Sex Animation Framework v1.66b - 01/18/2024

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On 3/28/2018 at 2:35 AM, Ashal said:

It's a priority to speed up animation start times, which would help shorten the amount of time this happens, but it's never going to be perfect. The merging to a single location for all actors is a must for most of the animations to properly sync and line up between them and because of script lags or slow processing, there will always be at least some delay between this action and when the animations actually begin playing. The best I can realistically hope for is to simply shorten this delay by moving as much other processing as I can out from between it and actually starting so it's only visible for at most 1 second for people with moderately good computers.



I actually feel terrible for having mentioning this now. I mean, it's such a tiny, little issue when everything else concerned is amazeballs, I was just curious to know if the start up animations only happened to me, If I had of known it was a normal occurance (and I see why this needs to happen now after your explainations) I never would have mentioned it. <3

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1 hour ago, fred200 said:

He was conflating your post with the following post (since deleted) which was apparently a spam video.

To the casual observer - they could have looked like one...

No, my admittedly silly comment was referring to the fact that in his post he is talking about the problems he is having getting Sex Lab Slaves to work and then in his signature was inviting players to use SexLab Sex Slaves.

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24 minutes ago, Thenryb said:

No, my admittedly silly comment was referring to the fact that in his post he is talking about the problems he is having getting Sex Lab Slaves to work and then in his signature was inviting players to use SexLab Sex Slaves.

Thanks for clearing it up. I guess I was the confused one.

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Well this might just be a SkyUi problem. Anyways downloaded it and went ingame. It says all animations have been downloaded but when i go to choose animations i can only choose missionary. And i checked on creature anim's to see if there was something there. There was none.

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On 25/3/2018 at 1:40 PM, Pfiffy said:

I don't know who was it, who said that SE is crashing as often as oldrim, but he is right and wrong. With good ports you have less trouble in SE than you have in oldrim with bad nifs you will have more... just something I have found out. A lot of nifs need some manual touching after nifoptimizer run over them, which seems to be much more important then changing the header of the esp/esm. (I need a guide for this) As it seems I can still read more about ported mods for SL that are not working than about funktions in SL that are not working. I'm wrong here.... 

I feel you bro!. Besides Niffs, I have found that bad .DDS (texture files) conversions will cause issues too  (remember DDx?).

For example, when entering Dragonsreach dungeon in whiterun I had a consistent CTD.

It took me several days of testing and research until I found the culprit to be a texture of Skooma whore mod (ported). 

I fixed the issur by running the niff scan tool in the textures folder of the mod. Afterwards the CTDs stopped.

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Hey, I am a newbie user here and I want to ask couple of questions. If somebody help me or make it clear for me I would be happy :smile:


-I wanna ask if this mod support furnitures? For example: Thrones, chairs like FlowerGirls ones.

-If it isn't support furnitures then why my data/meshes/actors/character/animation folder contain "AnimationsByLeito_Furniture" folder. Also, there are some files in "Anubs Human" folder like "Chair_Doggy_a1_s1.hkx". If I am not able use this animations why are they in my folder? Side note: I can't see them both SLAL and Sexlab framework for register. 

-If there are furniture animations how can I run them and register them? I tried several times next to this furnitures but nothing happened.

-Am I doing something wrong? :smile:


Another note: I am not using FlowerGirls.

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I'm having a recurring issue with SLF 1.63 Beta (with Sexlab Romance as scene initiator) ignoring its own Animation Toggle settings- despite having been disabled for several days and over 20 hours of gameplay, the same disabled animations keep playing. In this particular case, after foreplay I got the DI Doggy disabled animation, so I pressed "O" to get another animation and got the Zyn Doggy disabled animation. :confounded: Note that there are several other Doggy Style MF animations that are still enabled, so this isn't a case of "no other animation of the type required is available to play."


Attached image makes it clearer than I could with words. Does anyone know how I can effectively toggle an animation off and have it well and truly recognized as OFF by the framework? Thanks.


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On 3/30/2018 at 7:46 PM, alardon said:

Well this might just be a SkyUi problem. Anyways downloaded it and went ingame. It says all animations have been downloaded but when i go to choose animations i can only choose missionary. And i checked on creature anim's to see if there was something there. There was none.

SkyUI neither knows nor cares about animations or downloads of any kind. As far as I know, there is nothing that "says all animations have been downloaded."


Are you sure you're posting this in the right forum?

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6 hours ago, JimKhan said:

I'm a bit concerned for SkyUI now. Is it ok for use? Well, I don't have any save files in the game now that I am terribly keen on keeping so I could probably use them to test it without worry.

SkyUI_5.2SE is working fine in my SSE 1.5.23 / SKSE64 2.0.6 game. It has an annoying habit of "thumping" once for every 10 or so savegames you have on a character when you open the Save or Load menus, and it still has the "ghost items bug" that it has had since Oldrim version 5.0. Although both are annoying, they aren't game-breaking and in fact are easily worked around.

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12 hours ago, Vyxenne said:

I'm having a recurring issue with SLF 1.63 Beta (with Sexlab Romance as scene initiator) ignoring its own Animation Toggle settings- despite having been disabled for several days and over 20 hours of gameplay, the same disabled animations keep playing. In this particular case, after foreplay I got the DI Doggy disabled animation, so I pressed "O" to get another animation and got the Zyn Doggy disabled animation. :confounded: Note that there are several other Doggy Style MF animations that are still enabled, so this isn't a case of "no other animation of the type required is available to play."


Attached image makes it clearer than I could with words. Does anyone know how I can effectively toggle an animation off and have it well and truly recognized as OFF by the framework? Thanks.


If a mod requests a specific animation by name it will play even if it is disabled.  That is deliberate because while you may not want to see a particular animation come up for a random event it may be completely appropriate for it to be used in a particular sequence of events so as long as it is in the list and a mod requests it by name then Sexlab will go ahead and play it.


If you want to be sure it never plays, appropriate use or not then use the option on the "Rebuild & Clean" menu page to completely remove all disabled animations.

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8 minutes ago, WaxenFigure said:

If a mod requests a specific animation by name it will play even if it is disabled.

Thanks for your response! Do you happen to know if Sexlab Romance specifies a particular animation? I've been playing with it for a week and it seems to produce a random selection of animations when I select a "type" (vaginal) so I assumed it forwarded the "type" to SL and SL randomly chose the animation from among all enabled animations of the requested "type." (Putting "type" in quotes because I don't know if that's the correct terminology or not.)

8 minutes ago, WaxenFigure said:

If you want to be sure it never plays (...) then use the option on the "Rebuild & Clean" menu page to completely remove all disabled animations.

This is brilliant! I had no idea that function existed! Thank you!


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3 minutes ago, Vyxenne said:

Thanks for your response! Do you happen to know if Sexlab Romance specifies a particular animation? I've been playing with it for a week and it seems to produce a random selection of animations when I select a "type" (vaginal) so I assumed it forwarded the "type" to SL and SL randomly chose the animation from among all enabled animations of the requested "type." (Putting "type" in quotes because I don't know if that's the correct terminology or not.)

This is brilliant! I had no idea that function existed! Thank you!



I have not looked to specifically see if Sexlab Romance uses specific animations but when you noted it was playing a disabled animation then that is what I suspect it does.


Using that function makes it possible to add more animations from more SLAL packs if you've already used up all the slots but have animations you really don't care for in the list.


Note that disabling and removing an animation from the inbuilt list of animations will be remembered when you start a new game too.

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4 minutes ago, WaxenFigure said:

Note that disabling and removing an animation from the inbuilt list of animations will be remembered when you start a new game too.

Well, that's OK- strangely, all of my characters seem to have the same attitudes about rough / non-consensual sex that I do! Not sure how that keeps happening...

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53 minutes ago, Vyxenne said:

SkyUI_5.2SE is working fine in my SSE 1.5.23 / SKSE64 2.0.6 game. It has an annoying habit of "thumping" once for every 10 or so savegames you have on a character when you open the Save or Load menus, and it still has the "ghost items bug" that it has had since Oldrim version 5.0. Although both are annoying, they aren't game-breaking and in fact are easily worked around.

I'll see what I can do when I encounter them. In the meantime, I'll be vigilant with SKSE64 in case it does anything weird, though I am hopeful. I'll get on to the beta SexLab as soon as I'm sure I know what I'm doing. I'm a bit reluctant to make the switch.

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7 hours ago, JimKhan said:

I'll see what I can do when I encounter them. In the meantime, I'll be vigilant with SKSE64 in case it does anything weird, though I am hopeful. I'll get on to the beta SexLab as soon as I'm sure I know what I'm doing. I'm a bit reluctant to make the switch.

Are you running Sexlab Lite right now? And you are unsure if you want to jump to the Beta version of Sexlab 1.63 for SSE instead?

Well, that depends... if you are currently happy with your game and the way things work right now, I see no reason for you to change. After all the mods using Sexlab Lite as a dependency  are already packed for SSE and easy to install.

But if you really want to try certain mods that have as a requirement skse64, SKYUI, or normal Sexlab then go ahead and do it!.

I mean.. if what worries you is the "alpha" state of skse64, it has been said a couple of times in these (and other forums) that the main reason for this build to remain in alpha is to give some time and see in Bethesda does not update again the Skyrim executable. As far as I know, all the options from old skse are working on skse64.

But be warned: as many mods have no official version in SSE so you will have to convert many of them which is time consuming and with some mods that can be tricky... but the reward is really good!!.

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5 hours ago, EmertX said:

Are you running Sexlab Lite right now? And you are unsure if you want to jump to the Beta version of Sexlab 1.63 for SSE instead?

Well, that depends... if you are currently happy with your game and the way things work right now, I see no reason for you to change. After all the mods using Sexlab Lite as a dependency  are already packed for SSE and easy to install.

But if you really want to try certain mods that have as a requirement skse64, SKYUI, or normal Sexlab then go ahead and do it!.

I mean.. if what worries you is the "alpha" state of skse64, it has been said a couple of times in these (and other forums) that the main reason for this build to remain in alpha is to give some time and see in Bethesda does not update again the Skyrim executable. As far as I know, all the options from old skse are working on skse64.

But be warned: as many mods have no official version in SSE so you will have to convert many of them which is time consuming and with some mods that can be tricky... but the reward is really good!!.

Truth is, I want to see what new things are there, and even though I'm content with SexLab Lite, it's a bit too simplistic. I'm also intrigued by what other mods have been converted to special edition now that I installed SKSE64 and SkyUI. I'll make the jump to SexLab 1.63 as soon as I'm sure I know what I'm doing. I was interested in seeing Spouses Enhanced ported for special edition and it has been now so I would really like to try it out.

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