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Hello, new member here, just played through this yesterday. First and foremost, I admire your ambition toward this project. I've tried tweaking a mod myself and it made me want to claw my eyes out. 


I went through the victim path and walked along and met Sarah, who I'm pretty sure showed up as "Bunny" in the dialogue subtitles. I wasn't really bothered by the speech-to-text voices as I figured they were probably stand-ins until voice actors volunteer. (Oddly, it seemed kind of fitting for Evillynn somehow). 


I have to comment: that line before it faded to black and she took us to sleep, saying about how she will rape the two of us... Holy hell, that made my heart freeze for a second and pump ice through my body. I've braved the wilderness, fought colossal spiders, dragons, killed Alduin, became a vampire and took out the lord who sired me, overthrew the Empire, gazed into an Elder Scroll without going insane... and being trapped and helpless in my own body and hearing about being raped gave me chills. God damn, that was surprisingly effective.


I just wanted to throw in my two cents about the rest. The bite off Bunny's clit part didn't do it for me. Bear in mind that this is just me talking (and I could be wrong), but torture, I think, ought to be wholly separate from rape. Rape is about power and dominance, yet is still sexual. Torture is about pain and sadism. But yes, this isn't my mod, feel free to make it your way, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it.


I have to say that the future prospect of being able to capture future victims and have my way with my own slave harem is superb. I agree that desires like this are best left to fantasy, not reality, and it's healthy to explore fetishes/fantasies safely, and this is one of the best ways to do it. I'll be looking forward to future updates and I'll be happy to give what feedback I can--especially in your writing. I'm a writer by hobby as well, and I noticed quite a few things I could fix grammatically for you in your backstory, if you'd like. 

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good mod would be, like it ingame spirit. in wictim path after entering trone room with hunter i had some bag. cant cast spell, player get free before spell ready, mod takes control again and again trying to cast and no end of it. trying to reload before hunter meeting and jump in mcm to any mod event after it send me again to trone room trying to cast spell. any attempts changing zaz timer of player control didnt help. can you take control of me without any breakes please)

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23 hours ago, PSB9001 said:

I have to comment: that line before it faded to black and she took us to sleep, saying about how she will rape the two of us... Holy hell, that made my heart freeze for a second and pump ice through my body.

I love hearing that. It's exactly what I'm going for!


On 3/28/2018 at 1:02 PM, EinarrTheRed said:

Looking at the lair in CK I spotted a couple problems. 

Thanks very much! I didn't think about a couple of the issues, and didn't know that you could navcut at all (I was wondering about that)


On 3/28/2018 at 1:02 PM, EinarrTheRed said:

Also nice to see someone else who likes to build big spaces

I want 25 - 50 victims by the time I'm finished. If I've learned anything from HSH it's that you don't want a lot of slaves in a small space.


On 3/28/2018 at 10:00 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

At some points I noted Evilynn's dialog did not have subtitles, not sure why since I have them turned on always.

Yes, I remember this issue, and forget what caused it. I even have subtitles forced (because you can't follow whats happening without them) in most of my scenes.


On 3/28/2018 at 10:00 AM, EinarrTheRed said:

At the campfire, Sara's name is Bunny

Missing script fragment. How annoying, easy to fix at least.


On 3/28/2018 at 12:26 PM, mabuse786 said:

Finally had time to go back and play thru the victim side.  Took notes as I did, here they are unedited.

Every helpful, I'll go through them and make changes next time I'm working on the victim path.


I have a huge improvement just from finding out that TalkingActivators don't work like I thought they did. Now I can remove all traces of the invisible actor.


23 hours ago, PSB9001 said:

The bite off Bunny's clit part didn't do it for me.

I plan on completely rewriting that scene. Hopefully you will enjoy the replacement when I move back to the victim path ;)


23 hours ago, PSB9001 said:

I'll be happy to give what feedback I can--especially in your writing. I'm a writer by hobby as well, and I noticed quite a few things I could fix grammatically for you in your backstory, if you'd like. 

I'd love grammar corrections. Sometimes I feel like I write on a 3rd grade level :tongue: This includes minor tweaks to the story as well. Naturally, I cant promise to follow your suggestions... but... ;)


21 hours ago, BeardedBear said:

Evilynn, I don't know all your plans for this mod, but I just read your Backstory, and holy shit that should be a mod!

Thank you!


15 hours ago, crococat said:

in wictim path after entering trone room with hunter i had some bag. cant cast spell, player get free before spell ready, mod takes control again and again trying to cast and no end of it.

Good to know, I'll look into fixing it when I return to the victim path.


12 hours ago, yuasking said:

Thank you, Evilynn.

Your welcome! I'm enjoying making it (minus the hours of frustration creation kit sometimes gives me)




Thanks for the feedback everyone, it does help keep me motivated!

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Two Important things are happening in the next couple weeks.


First, I need to do some side work for a client. This time it's not as long (I expect 1 or 2 weekends at most), but it will delay me....


Second, SkyrimVR is coming out Tuesday.


I've never actually finished the main quest line or either DLC, but I hope to do so in VR.... I'm not sure how much of an effect this will have. I'm not going to put in long VR sessions - my back hurts after spending more than a couple hours walking/standing... but it will not stop coding, and in fact might keep me more focused on it (just letting me have some fun before coding).

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1 hour ago, Evilynn said:

Thanks very much! I didn't think about a couple of the issues, and didn't know that you could navcut at all (I was wondering about that)


There's a lot of options on that tab, not all of which I understand but that was one I came across that has turned out to be quite useful.  As I understand it (the way it was explained to me) when the TES engine is trying to path an NPC the main thing it looks at is the navmesh.  It doesn't consider collision boxes until it makes contact with them.  The reason for that is that when a NPC hits a collision box the pathing engine checks to see if it can go over the object or if it must go around.  That's why when you see a NPC run into a small boulder they walk or run in place for a few seconds (depending on how much stress there is on the game engine) and then it pops up on top. 



I want 25 - 50 victims by the time I'm finished. If I've learned anything from HSH it's that you don't want a lot of slaves in a small space.

Is that all?  ;)    Seriously, I very much get what you mean.  I've added quite a few occlusion planes to my Hearthfire Dungeon project for that very reason.  BTW, I think you are officially the first modder I've actually been able to compliment for using them!  LOL (Sadly no Steam achievement or trading cards for that)   Seems like most modders don't know what they are, so when I saw you were using them I was like "Yeah, she's gonna do find building stuff."   Later you might break up the side parts even further, with more of them.  Either that or use Room bounds.  If you get a lot of NPCs in there with high end skin textures, KS hairs, HDT stuff, etc. it'll eat up resources fast and lead to screen stutter and CTDs.




I have a huge improvement just from finding out that TalkingActivators don't work like I thought they did. Now I can remove all traces of the invisible actor.

Saw your post about it in the forums.  Was taking notes on it for future reference. ;)



Your welcome! I'm enjoying making it (minus the hours of frustration creation kit sometimes gives me)

Amen on the frustrations.  Got an issue in CK now I cannot figure out how to fix and it makes no sense to me why its even happening.   But, that's par for the course with CK I guess.



Thanks for the feedback everyone, it does help keep me motivated!

You're welcome, it fun helping someone who puts so much effort and attention to detail into what they do.


Sorry to hear about your back.


You've seriously never finished the the quest lines???  O M G  :astonished:  LOL  (S'kay, I'm not really into VR... I know... gasp, right? ;))

Personally I'm not fond of the Dawnguard quest line even though I love some of the locations it adds (I do it more for the locations it unlocks than anything else.  I cannot stand Serana and I'm not overly fond of Isran either)  Dragonborn I like, and Miraak is one of my favorite villains to go fight.  Plus all the Hermaeus Mora stuff, my 2nd favorite daedra.

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57 minutes ago, EinarrTheRed said:

You've seriously never finished the the quest lines???  O M G  :astonished:  LOL  (S'kay, I'm not really into VR... I know... gasp, right? ;))

Yeah, I get sidetracked to easily... hundreds of hours yes... finish main quests? no!


You can do so much, and I also tend to create new characters (and never end up going back to the old ones)


And don't even ask me how many times I've been sidetracked by mods... (hint: most of them)


As for the VR, it's not for a lot of people.

I don't get seasick though, and I really love the feel.


It's also good to have something that I'll spend so much time playing - without sitting down!


I'm looking forward to Tuesday night :smile: ... I'm going to play my favorite style - Pure mage! .. I'll probably play a good guy, and so I'll use the name Lynn. (after saying that, now i'm thinking about playing an evil assassin mage - this is why I never finish!) :smile:



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Only hundreds of hours??? O M G :tongue: (currently at 4,421 hours logged on Skyrim :cool:)

Off topic...



Mages are my favorite too, I usually do a Helgen start (despite running AS), am about level 5 by the time I exit the cave, go to Riverwood, lay low for a game week and by the time I leave my character is level 20-22 with at least a 50 in bows.  From there its straight to Winterhold, do the college quest line and then only after that do I head to Whiterun by which time my character is level 50-60 and knows nearly every spell available.  Spend the rest of the game wearing robes, never uses armor but relies on NPCs or conjured atronachs or daedra for defense while using spells or a conjured bow.


Last play thru was different, went to Whiterun right after Riverwood, joined the Companions first off and did that entire quest line before I ever talked to the Jarl, so by the time I killed my first dragon I was already Harbinger.  Ria was his first companion and lover rather than Lydia and despite being decidedly on the evil side he always looked after her.  She was also the better angel of his nature (in fact she was probably the ONLY angel of his nature).


I make up little back stories for every character, name them and then try to stay in character when I play.   There's been a lot of characters besides Malgrynn.  There was Einarr the Red (who I was playing when I made my user account here LOL) a Nord, mostly a good guy and warrior type from an old and once proud family fallen on hard times; he rediscovered his family heritage and his own purpose.  Ja-kree, the Argonian Born (he spent the first part of the game thinking all these landstriders were confused calling him Dragonborn, so he'd correct them informing them he was Argonian born, no relation to dragons... well, there were those stories about his great grand mum... but he always though those were just stories, turns out... LOL) he was also a comical Don Quxiote type, Gwendolyn from the Battle-born farm ended up his Dulcinea (she eventually did fall in love with him and married him it was a lovely wedding even the Jarl came).  So it was Ja-kree, "Had the good fortune in his age, to live a fool and die a sage." and ended up being one of my favorite characters.  Sanja'riit was my Khajiit character, morally ambiguous (he preferred the term "morally adaptive") who quoted poetry, sang and could pick your pockets and literally take the shirt off your back while having a conversation with you, a master thief and illusionist.   But Breton conjurers of one sort or another out number the rest by far, and many have a decidedly Irish brogue for some reason. :cool:   I've thought maybe my next character might actually be an outcast former Forsworn Breton, or I might reprise the role of Malgrynn as a conjurer this time instead of a warrior.  Malgrynn was just too much fun (not sure what that says about me LOL). 



Back on topic...

Regarding the lair.  Are you considering adding some rubble, debris and clutter to the main rooms?  From what I gathered reading the back story, there was a battle there at one point when Evilynn was "killed", so there would likely be damage from that and then just the effects of time.  For general creepiness you could duplicate frostbite spiders (as a race) and make a small non-hostile and mostly harmless version of ordinary large spiders.   Then scatter some about the main room to randomly crawl about.  So if some poor person is lying there on the flloor "Naked and Afraid" unable to move and one happens to crawl past... LOL   Just a thought. 

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Hello all, just get in some trouble. In getting to the lair part, always after teleport im just falling through the world. If i tried tp just into the lair with menu - character stuck. Im already try all sorts of in-game menu manipulations, so decided to post it there. Listening for help!)
btw thx for the mod, it's great already in the begining. (and sry for my bad english)

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15 hours ago, EinarrTheRed said:

For general creepiness you could duplicate frostbite spiders (as a race) and make a small non-hostile and mostly harmless version of ordinary large spiders.   Then scatter some about the main room to randomly crawl about.  So if some poor person is lying there on the flloor "Naked and Afraid" unable to move and one happens to crawl past...

I like that idea!

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12 hours ago, pilattao said:

In getting to the lair part, always after teleport im just falling through the world. If i tried tp just into the lair with menu - character stuck.

I've had problems with falling through the world a couple times. When I did, I think it was something related to my save game because all other saved games worked. Just for testing try a new game (when you get control of your character try the MCM teleport.

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21 hours ago, Evilynn said:
22 hours ago, EinarrTheRed said:

You've seriously never finished the the quest lines???  O M G  :astonished:  LOL  (S'kay, I'm not really into VR... I know... gasp, right? ;))

Yeah, I get sidetracked to easily... hundreds of hours yes... finish main quests? no!


You can do so much, and I also tend to create new characters (and never end up going back to the old ones)


And don't even ask me how many times I've been sidetracked by mods... (hint: most of them)

It all gets summed up right here: 


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tried your mod (with a new game, some startingquests finished from my install - lustmord, blacksacrament)... then going to saarthal...


very nice start, lots of backgrounds with MCM-like-messages... ( I think, this is breaking the athmosphere, though - maybe it is possible to write something into a notice to be found and summarize something)...


the walking to the lair was a little bit tricky... teleporting to ivarstead, then the char was "overtaken" with the naming-quest, with the "search for the lair"... but disturbed with the "courier-quest" there was an end to your main-quest... not triggered anymore so the real start location near sarahs-fire was not found


the second time I did just a hour-wait... the correct starting-location was found... some dialogs with sarah (the courier-quest was coming in the morning-walk, but at this time all went right - no, not realy)... at the lair position suddenly some "ending-messages" for your main-quest appeared and the storyline was at its end...


third try... waiting for the courierquest to be finished.. so not disturbing at the lair-point... all went smoothly now, sarah transformed into bunny, some torturing-scenes and the finishing of your story-line (for the current state of your mod) ...


so maybe your (attention, will break your game) should be a little more forceful (don't know if it is possible, to avoid any other quest during your introduction to your mod. It would be more immersive just seeing the player become victim and tool for Evilynn to help in playing with other victims without interrupting scenes from other mods.)


First impression? I am very impressed... not only playing some scenes and then let the player decide what to do, but taking over control in a very nice way... sometimes I had the feeling, a nice trick like "fading to black" would be a little more immersive at some points (without a mcm-message during the fading) and after "seeing again" a little telltale about the changes in the storyline (again... mcm-menu-messages are very great in taking places over the screen and such "disturbing"... maybe a scene like reading a scroll/book would do the trick with more information in a smaller lettertype)... but I like the way, you are telling your story in an unusual way... great start and much fun to play it


p.s.: just thinking about another mod, "lurking in the shadows", the author used another method to tell the player, what happened or is happening... an invisible char with a dialoge.. .such blending in the informations (the player is freezed during this scene)... the advantage is, that you have the view of your place, a smaller lettertype "scrolling" over the screen and it is more "logical" in the way of going through an experience

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It's a good news / bad news situation.


LichEvilynn (in it's current form) is going on hold.





I have SkyrinVR, and, frankly, it's amazing... before adding mods! I can't wait to play after modding! I highly recommend it!





So, what does that mean for Lich Evilynn?

I want to create a new version of this mod written for SkyrinVR and Skyrim SSE. Note: SSE should work fine, it's not VR only.


I'm going to need to completely change how things work.


For example, third person may be impossible (not sure yet)... Taking control of the PC will also be a huge problem (motion sickness)


Hopefully I can come up with workarounds. For example, giving the player control of an invisible actor that just watches what happens to her body? I'm just not sure yet.


The partner path would be easier. No need to control the player, so I expect to start with that.


I can't bare the thought of spending months modding 2D Skyrim right now :smile:


I suspect this will breath a lot of life into the Skyrim modding community -- at least I hope so... I want SKSE, SkyUI, and etc.


Hopefully more people will be excited about what VR brings than are disappointed by my modding moving to VR.


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Disappointed to hear the standard version of this Mod is going on Hold in favor of a VR edition. Not big on the VR myself.


But a mod can only be as great as a modders passion to make it, so I hope your delving into VR goes well for you. :smile:


Totally down for that SSE though.

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Just in case it isn't clear...


I'm making an SSE version that is designed with VR in mind.


That's what a VR version is. There is no VR only version. Everything will work perfectly in SSE. I'm serious enough about this that I'll probably be buying a copy of Skyrin SSE... So I can test without constantly going back into VR.


I plan to start tonight after my first VR session... (I'll do VR 2-3 hours, and then stop for a VR break and start working on Lich Evilynn SSE.)


Hmm, I think I'll create a new "mod" on loverslab. To many of the people that follow this thread don't need SSE updates. Also if I use a new mod then come back to oldrim later, the interested parties will be notified.

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On 4.4.2018 at 7:45 AM, MsMadison said:

Disappointed to hear the standard version of this Mod is going on Hold in favor of a VR edition. Not big on the VR myself.


But a mod can only be as great as a modders passion to make it, so I hope your delving into VR goes well for you. :smile:


Totally down for that SSE though.

Well, I also don't like the idea that you suspend the further development of Oldrim. This is a pity and I am also not into VR and SSE does not offer any advantages to me.

Sorry to hear this. VR is really not an option.


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I will be creating a new mod for the SSE/VR version - probably called LichEvilynnSE. When I do that I'll post on this thread, and update the description of this mod explaining what's going on for people stopping by later.


I do get it and understand why some (many) people don't want to move to SSE, and that's before talking about VR... I'd recommend just tagging this mod for updates, just in case I end up updating this version at a later date.



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nods i am one of those who will not be buying the SSE version.

i just flat out refuse to give bugstheda anymore money for this game.

i already have bought 4 different versions of it (only 1, the ps3, was a gift).

i still own the other 3 versions (x360LE, PC original non-steam version, PC LE Steam version - had to get this one due to FNIS not working with original).


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19 hours ago, Evilynn said:

I will be creating a new mod for the SSE/VR version - probably called LichEvilynnSE. When I do that I'll post on this thread, and update the description of this mod explaining what's going on for people stopping by later.


I do get it and understand why some (many) people don't want to move to SSE, and that's before talking about VR... I'd recommend just tagging this mod for updates, just in case I end up updating this version at a later date.




Well, SSE may be nice because it is 64 bit and doesn't have memory problems but there are first of all much less mods available. I mean the number is growing but a lot of mods are still not SSE ready. The difference from the graphics in not that much, as I expected. My Oldrim looks better with some standard mods on my 4k screen than SSE.

May be for the programming point of view it is better. From the gamer perspective, I would say, it is only 'nice to have'.

And BTW, SSE was free, if you bought it via Steam, which is the 'normal' case. Tried the DVD and this is only a Steam boot loader on the DVD.


I mean playing Lich Evilynn on SSE if all the prerequisites can be met, I don't mind at all. My main gaming experience will be Oldrim for some time.


I am open and please go on with what platform you feel good with. If you feel good with SSE, do it. You will be much more productive in an environment you feel good.


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17 hours ago, mabuse786 said:


Well, SSE may be nice because it is 64 bit and doesn't have memory problems but there are first of all much less mods available. I mean the number is growing but a lot of mods are still not SSE ready. The difference from the graphics in not that much, as I expected. My Oldrim looks better with some standard mods on my 4k screen than SSE.

May be for the programming point of view it is better. From the gamer perspective, I would say, it is only 'nice to have'.

And BTW, SSE was free, if you bought it via Steam, which is the 'normal' case. Tried the DVD and this is only a Steam boot loader on the DVD.


I mean playing Lich Evilynn on SSE if all the prerequisites can be met, I don't mind at all. My main gaming experience will be Oldrim for some time.


I am open and please go on with what platform you feel good with. If you feel good with SSE, do it. You will be much more productive in an environment you feel good.


As far as i know, the SSE is just the Oldrim version revamped. No bugfixing or code fix were done in all this time, it is just the old skyrim with better assets, textures and increased resolution. I ain't spending 15 bucks on this shit


Anyway, i really like what you are doing with your mod, keep it up! @Evilynn

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