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2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I have a feeling some mods mess with this though. Possibly DCL?

As mentioned, I get arousal loss regardless of orgasm, and orgasms regardless of bar filling (though the latter were all while wearing rubber doll suit from DCL).

im sure there is DD mod that resets arousal to max after sex scene with belts, dont remember which one though

not sure why would they lower arousal after sl scene

DD mods have own orgasm event like one from plugs

you should check console log to see if its SL orgasm or fake one

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This mod promised that it fixes that horrible issue where everyone always orgasms when an animation ends. I don't want my arousal to go back to zero when I either escape a rape scene or end a sex scene myself. I only want my arousal to go down after an orgasm. When I manually end a masturbation scene with this mod enabled my arousal still goes to zero. I downloaded all the Arousal enhancement mods I could find, changed the load orders so the important things don't overwrite and it still did not solve this issue. I only want my arousal to go to zero when I orgasm. Why is such a simple thing so hard to find? Let me repeat:  I only want my arousal to go to zero after I orgasm. It is driving me up the wall.

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15 hours ago, Kathonica said:

Is there a workaround for female characters getting dressed after the male's/player's first orgasm - or is that a Sexlab thing I need to turn on/off? 

Disable mod that redreses you characters

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10 minutes ago, Ed86 said:

Disable mod that redreses you characters


Are there mods known to have that functionality? I don't have any non-SL mods that handle outfits in any way - and I can't think of any SL ones I have beyond SL itself that are supposed to handle stripping/redressing.

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13 hours ago, clownsister said:

This mod promised that it fixes that horrible issue where everyone always orgasms when an animation ends. 

this mod delivers what it promises

13 hours ago, clownsister said:

Why is such a simple thing so hard to find?

probably, cuz #users tend to do stupid stuff like ignoring installation instructions or installing unsuported (Arousal enhancement) mods


P.S. everything works fine, arousal stays where it should

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5 minutes ago, Kathonica said:


Are there mods known to have that functionality? I don't have any non-SL mods that handle outfits in any way - and I can't think of any SL ones I have beyond SL itself that are supposed to handle stripping/redressing.

who knows... maybe some follower framework


you can try to disable SL victim redress

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Hey ed66 what software do you use to compile your scripts? I'm using notepad++ but i cant seem to compile the source scripts (it just freezes at compiling and doesnt throw up any errors one usually say if the source script is faulty) you provided (even when they are unaltered) I can compile other skyrim (both sexlab and nonsexlab mods) just fine.

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1 hour ago, luffyboy said:

Hey ed66 what software do you use to compile your scripts? I'm using notepad++ but i cant seem to compile the source scripts (it just freezes at compiling and doesnt throw up any errors one usually say if the source script is faulty) you provided (even when they are unaltered) I can compile other skyrim (both sexlab and nonsexlab mods) just fine.


i have scripts copied to game folder

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would it be possible for someone to create a patch that makes "seperate orgasm" work properly with the "untamed" mod? https://www.loverslab.com/topic/42343-untamed/

maybe something so that creature orgasms triggers the untamed levelup effects and all that.


i asked over there some weeks ago but dont think anyone is making a patch yet... so thought i ask here if maybe someone knows how to make patches to get these two working together properly.


sadly i have no clue how to mod in skyrim to edit stuff myself... so thought i give it a quick ask in here.

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Hey ed,

Where in the source script can i find the code that reduces enjoyment gain for males after orgasm? I want to turn that feature off. Plus once i edit my scripts could you help me compile them? They are just small edits that relate to changing the range of anim speed and how stamina affects anim speed

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1 hour ago, luffyboy said:

Hey ed,

Where in the source script can i find the code that reduces enjoyment gain for males after orgasm? I want to turn that feature off. Plus once i edit my scripts could you help me compile them? They are just small edits that relate to changing the range of anim speed and how stamina affects anim speed


search condition_male_orgasm

line 527, 827

help compile?...hmm...maybe

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47 minutes ago, Ed86 said:


search condition_male_orgasm

line 527, 827

help compile?...hmm...maybe

Thanks, do you mind just helping me compile these scripts? I cant seem to compile them from my end as mentioned before. What i have edited for anim is 


Event OnUpdate()
    if controller.ActorAlias(ActorRef).GetActorRef() != none
        if controller.ActorAlias(ActorRef).GetState() == "Animating"
            Float FullEnjoymentMOD
            if JsonUtil.GetIntValue(File, "game_animation_speed_control") == 1                                                        ;stamina based animation speed
                FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(1.5-(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina"), 0.5, 1.5)
                AnimSpeedHelper.SetAnimationSpeed(ActorRef, FullEnjoymentMOD, 0.5, 0)
                ;SexLab.Log(" SLSO AnimSpeed()(sta) actor: " + ActorRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() + " ActorSync to " + ActorSync.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() + " , speed: ", FullEnjoymentMOD / 3 + 0.5)
            elseif JsonUtil.GetIntValue(File, "game_animation_speed_control") == 2                                                    ;enjoyment based animation speed
                FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(controller.ActorAlias(ActorSync).GetFullEnjoyment()/30/3, 0.5, 1.5)
                AnimSpeedHelper.SetAnimationSpeed(ActorRef, FullEnjoymentMOD, 0.5, 0)
                ;SexLab.Log(" SLSO AnimSpeed()(enjoyment) actor: " + ActorRef.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() + " ActorSync to " + ActorSync.GetLeveledActorBase().GetName() + " , speed: ", FullEnjoymentMOD / 3 + 0.5)

My goal is to have the sex animation speed start at 0.5 and progress up to 1.5max as sex goes on (where boob bounce and everything is just perfect with my hdt setup)

All i did is just change the "PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(1.5-(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage" part of the script

a notable change here is the formula for stamina affecting animation speed. I have flipped it around so that anim speed increases as stamina drops (its a bit unimmersive if you slow down when you "mind broken" or trying to push your partner/yourself to orgasm with the mouse click)

I tweaked both stamina and enjoyment code because I am still not sure which one would be most reliable to also control anim speed for NPC-NPC sex the way i would like it too. so i plan to fiddle around with that with the help of sexlab util

In the other script, as directed by you i just changed for both line 527 and 827


                if JsonUtil.GetIntValue(File, "condition_male_orgasm") == 1
                if JsonUtil.GetIntValue(File, "condition_male_orgasm") == 20

That would mean that only after 20 orgasms in a short time (which shouldnt happen in my playthrough) would the male enjoyment reduction rate kick in right?

Finally while looking at all this I thought of something you might like to consider (if you ever plan up further developing this amazing mod).



When sex is between a player and npc, another modifer for enjoyment gain for the npc will be triggered which is influenced by the difference between stamina% and magicka%. where the bigger the difference in the nominal rate the less enjoyment for the npc is gained.

The idea is to try to keep stamina% close to the draining magicka%, where doing so constantly would get the npc off before you, otherwise you will get off before they do.

If we get the numbers right there becomes a more interactive purpose for the mouse clicks





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17 minutes ago, luffyboy said:

Tried to compile for you to give Ed86 less hassle (and I'm bored), however something you've edited on SLSO_spellanimsynscript seems to have broken it a bit.


Compiling "SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript"...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript.psc(60,95): missing RPAREN at ','
No output generated for SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript, compilation failed.



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5 minutes ago, sheltrs said:

Tried to compile for you to give Ed86 less hassle (and I'm bored), however something you've edited on SLSO_spellanimsynscript seems to have broken it a bit.


Compiling "SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript"...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript.psc(60,95): missing RPAREN at ','
No output generated for SLSO_SpellAnimSyncScript, compilation failed.



Thanks for trying, yea i think its because ed has some personalized source scripts. (which is why i cant compile on my end either)

I literally only change a number from 1 to 20 so it couldnt be that i add/fumble with some additional code that cause the missing rparen

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8 minutes ago, luffyboy said:

Thanks for trying, yea i think its because ed has some personalized source scripts. (which is why i cant compile on my end either)

I literally only change a number from 1 to 20 so it couldnt be that i add/fumble with some additional code that cause the missing rparen

*post edited to make more sense* Nah mate I have all the skyui source files etc you need to compile mods with mcms.


The original is:
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina")*100/30/3, 0.25, 0.75)

yours has: 
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(1.5-(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina"), 0.5, 1.5)

The script compiles fine if all you want to change is 0.25, 0.75 to 0.5, 1,5.

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1 hour ago, luffyboy said:

I tweaked both stamina and enjoyment code because I am still not sure which one would be most reliable to also control anim speed for NPC-NPC sex the way i would like it too. so i plan to fiddle around with that with the help of sexlab util

In the other script, as directed by you i just changed for both line 527 and 827

  Reveal hidden contents

That would mean that only after 20 orgasms in a short time (which shouldnt happen in my playthrough) would the male enjoyment reduction rate kick in right?

Finally while looking at all this I thought of something you might like to consider (if you ever plan up further developing this amazing mod).


  Reveal hidden contents


slso game  doesnt work for npc-npc

condition_male_orgasm is a toggle, its either 0 or 1 -> off, on

you need to edit stuff below it


that uh... doesnt make sense, if you lower own magika, you "loose" and you cant affect npc stamina

41 minutes ago, sheltrs said:

*post edited to make more sense* Nah mate I have all the skyui source files etc you need to compile mods with mcms.


The original is:
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina")*100/30/3, 0.25, 0.75)

yours has: 
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(1.5-(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina"), 0.5, 1.5))

The script compiles fine if all you want to change is 0.25, 0.75 to 0.5, 1,5.


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1 hour ago, sheltrs said:

*post edited to make more sense* Nah mate I have all the skyui source files etc you need to compile mods with mcms.


The original is:
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina")*100/30/3, 0.25, 0.75)

yours has: 
FullEnjoymentMOD = PapyrusUtil.ClampFloat(1.5-(ActorSync.GetActorValuePercentage("Stamina"), 0.5, 1.5)

The script compiles fine if all you want to change is 0.25, 0.75 to 0.5, 1,5.

Sorry do you mind helping me compile them and posting it here then. I really dont know why i cant compile them on my end. I can compile other scripts (including sexlab scripts that uses skyui scripts) just fine. I have taken away the extra bracket between 1.5 and actorsync.getactor value percentage. I rather have 1.5 -"stamina" than stamina*100/30/3 as I want anim speed to increase as stamina goes down.

40 minutes ago, Ed86 said:

slso game  doesnt work for npc-npc

condition_male_orgasm is a toggle, its either 0 or 1 -> off, on

you need to edit stuff below it


that uh... doesnt make sense, if you lower own magika, you "loose" and you cant affect npc stamina


Ah perhaps you misunderstand me. What i meant is as the PC's magicka continues to drop during sex (currently i use sexlab util to drain a bit of magicka per sec during sex), the PC needs to try to keep the percentage of PC's stamina equal to percentage of Pc's magicka. The bigger the difference in PC's stamina%/magicka%, the lower the NPC's enjoyment gain will be.

It creates a mechanic where you have to tap the mouse rhythmatically for your stamina bar to match your magicka bar and provides a more interactive experience. its just an idea anyway, might be more effort than its worth.



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