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No idea if any mods add a red vest, but I think the cloak is fine. Surely there are mods for goggles too, though I'm not sure how they would interact with this mod. Also, I'm using this mod, Skyrim - Player Re-Voiced Elven Races Complete, which makes the shouts and other verbal sound effects used by the player sound younger, at least the male elven races. 



No issues with her at all. 



Surprised I even got that second shot. 

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Nice shot of a few statues...


Nice. I love how these touches just show up in surprising places.

Agreed. The statues are a really nice touch that improve the overall feeling of the world. You did a great job there  :lol:.


Speaking of which, I found another statue that will be needing some yiffification (does that word even exist?). In the dwarven ruin of Irkngthand, the last area (Irkngthand Sanctuary) holds a huge statue representing s Snow Elf (pic here). So, you know, it would be nice to have it swapped for a Snow Leopard. Edhildil already worked on it turning it into a female Snow Elf and making it revealing as all of their other statue replacers, but it's still humanoid.


I guess you could replace it either with a male leopard like in vanilla (but obviously showing off the goods :P) or with a female one like in Edhildil's mod. I think both would be okay. Maybe I would lean more towards female because you already have an actual Snow Leopard NPC ingame, but females are not represented at all unless you use my plugin and play as a female leopard. But still, both options are fine IMO.




No idea if any mods add a red vest, but I think the cloak is fine. Surely there are mods for goggles too, though I'm not sure how they would interact with this mod. Also, I'm using this mod, Skyrim - Player Re-Voiced Elven Races Complete, which makes the shouts and other verbal sound effects used by the player sound younger, at least the male elven races. 



No issues with her at all. 

I feel like I'm missing a reference here, but oh, well.  :huh: Nice pics, though they are a bit too dark to really get all the details.


And yeah, Delphine is looking good, it seems. Now she's actually interesting, if you know what I mean  :P. Shame she is still a jerk, but that can't be changed without editing her dialogues and doing more voice acting and stuff. I guess there's plenty of cute hyenas around so that loosing on this specific one doesn't matter, so there's that :sleepy:.

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No idea if any mods add a red vest, but I think the cloak is fine. Surely there are mods for goggles too, though I'm not sure how they would interact with this mod. Also, I'm using this mod, Skyrim - Player Re-Voiced Elven Races Complete, which makes the shouts and other verbal sound effects used by the player sound younger, at least the male elven races. 



No issues with her at all. 

I feel like I'm missing a reference here, but oh, well.  :huh: Nice pics, though they are a bit too dark to really get all the details.


And yeah, Delphine is looking good, it seems. Now she's actually interesting, if you know what I mean  :P. Shame she is still a jerk, but that can't be changed without editing her dialogues and doing more voice acting and stuff. I guess there's plenty of cute hyenas around so that loosing on this specific one doesn't matter, so there's that :sleepy:.



I was planning to do a female Khajiit, but then had the thought of doing a Rabbit. So in looking for ideas, one of them was a character from Summer Wars, King Kazma(which is actually the avatar of another character, in a story relevant MMO). That also helped naming the character. Though for the pics, yeah, I have Vivid Weathers set to "Low" during the night, and it is quite dark. Might try to get some pics during the day.


I don't think Delphine is that bad, though my only issue with her comes up later, and I have a mod to fix that problem. 

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[...] I'm inclined to just include the snow leopards in the main mod. What are they going to be called when you run them as their own race? Uncia? Shan? Chituwa? Irbis? [...]

Okay, I was going through the thread and came across this comment. I wanted to bring it up again, because I'm interested in this: what name would fit for the Snow Leopards?


The thing is, I've been thinking about doing some kind of "lore" about the Snow Elves, because while I'm not a lore nut, I do like my characters/settings to have proper backgrounds and stories (as I think I've mentioned already). Playing as a Snow Leopard/Snow Elf would feel weird just out of the blue, because all we have right now is Gelebor's offhand comment about more Snow Elves living somewhere else in Nirn, and nothing else. I wanted to set up some kind of background to explain why are Snow Elves/Snow Leopards still around (and by extension how can one of them be in Skyrim as the player character).


Part of the headcanon I've been able to come up with so far would involve the surviving leopards fleeing Skyrim after the war with the Nords and eventually leaving Tamriel to escape from the Nord's roaring rampage of genocide revenge (and Pelinal Whitestrake's actual elven genocide in Cyrodiil afterwards), and in that, they would take up a different name to better "hide" from anybody that could still hold a grudge against them. Also because I think they deserve a better name than just "Snow Elves".


(Note that all of this stuff is me just being picky about the lore for my characters and stuff, and it's not really relevant for the mod outside of small details like the Snow Leopard race description and maybe some references included in the main mod if BadDog decides to go that way. IMO it adds to the experience just like the replaced statues do, and some others may agree with me as well, but this can safely be ignored by those not interested in it).


So, as I was saying, I still have to work on this, but I'm kinda stuck at the new name. Any ideas on what kind of name could fit for Snow Leopards? The names suggested by BadDog in that post up don't exactly do it IMO, but they are a step in the right direction.

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Hey, I like Delphine. She takes no bullshit. That business at the end of the Dragonborn quest was totally out of character, I say.


Sometime maybe it would be fun to go through and give some of the characters their own look--tattoos or markings that would let them stand out a bit.


I see the Snow Elves as surviving in small communities split off from each other and without much contact with the rest of Tamriel.


I have a few statues left to do. That big statue is one of them. Problem is that it's hard to make a leopard pattern show up in bronze and without it, it's just another khajiit. I'll have to play around and see what I can come up with.

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Hey, I like Delphine. She takes no bullshit. That business at the end of the Dragonborn quest was totally out of character, I say.


I see the Snow Elves as surviving in small communities split off from each other and without much contact with the rest of Tamriel.


I have a few statues left to do. That big statue is one of them. Problem is that it's hard to make a leopard pattern show up in bronze and without it, it's just another khajiit. I'll have to play around and see what I can come up with.

Yeah, well, to be honest, it's true she's not that bad during the regular game, you are both right about that; but that thing at the end completely screws her up as a character for me. Like, what the hell were you thinking, Bethesda?


About that, I kinda went a different way with what I'm thinking: with most of the surviving Snow Elves in one single big community/region, hence the "name" thing I asked. The "without much contact" part would still apply, though, but there would still be some amount of contact or at least the chance of it (and that's how the PC gets to Skyrim). But then again, just the stuff I came up with, so I guess it's not that important.


Good to hear about the statue, and I see your point about it loosing its uniqueness. Here's to hoping you can get it done :).

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Thinking if I make a normal map out of the snow leopard texture, maybe I can get the spots on the statue as texture rather than as color. Or something.


How about tying the Snow Elves back to the Aldmer? They retained more of Aldmer culture after coming to Skyrim than other elves, and after their defeat by Ysgramor some sought shelter with the Dwemer but others retreated physcially into hiding and culturally into an attempt to revive the ancient ways. The community is secretive and insular, obsessed with the idea that they are the embodiment of the original, pure elvish culture, looking down on the barbarians who have overrun their land but powerless to do anything about it--and looking down on the other, debased, elvish cultures too. But one young Aldmer, studying the histories, comes to realize that there's a vast gulf between his community and the Aldmer of the past. So he/she ventures out into the world to find out the truth...

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Thinking if I make a normal map out of the snow leopard texture, maybe I can get the spots on the statue as texture rather than as color. Or something.


How about tying the Snow Elves back to the Aldmer? They retained more of Aldmer culture after coming to Skyrim than other elves, and after their defeat by Ysgramor some sought shelter with the Dwemer but others retreated physcially into hiding and culturally into an attempt to revive the ancient ways. The community is secretive and insular, obsessed with the idea that they are the embodiment of the original, pure elvish culture, looking down on the barbarians who have overrun their land but powerless to do anything about it--and looking down on the other, debased, elvish cultures too. But one young Aldmer, studying the histories, comes to realize that there's a vast gulf between his community and the Aldmer of the past. So he/she ventures out into the world to find out the truth...

So, kinda like having the spots as "carvings" on the statue via the normal map and then also faintly painting them on the diffuse (but not too much so it still looks like bronze)? Huh, I guess that could work.


BEWARE LONG POST ABOUT LORE AHEAD. Feel free to skip this if you are not interested:


About that, well... The Aldmer connection was the first thing I thought of, but there are two main problems with it: first one, I'm not too keen on that whole "we are the only true elves and all of the others have strayed from the righ path" deal like the one the Altmer have going on. It lends itself too easily to having something like the Thalmor show up, and before you know it you are instauring a fascist regime and invading Poland  Cyrodiil, just like the Thalmor did (catch the RL reference there?). I get this is more of a personal thing, but really, I don't like it. Plus, we already have the Altmer going on about how they are the true elves and stuff, do we really need another group?


The second isn't an actual problem per-se, but think about this: loosing the war and scaping Skyrim would have taken a huge toll on the Snow Elf population. I mean, not enough losses to cause the extinction of the race, but if they were to hide somewhere secluded afterwards, would they still have enough genetic diversity to survive and not degenerate? I thought about having them mix with another population in order to, let's say, recover in numbers.


This leads to yet another problem: how does the whole "breeding between different races" thing work in Yiffyfied Nirn? But more on my ideas about this sometime later; short version is, all of the furry races (so Argonians and maybe Orcs would be out of the question) are compatible with each other. The thing is, you could say the Snow Leopard genes are strong and dominant, and that's why it takes several generations of crosses for the other part to "show up". But still, having that happen with hyenas or jackals or Fennec foxes would be a bit weird. Plus, according to the timeline most of them weren't around yet when the Snow Elf-Nord war happened.


Then it dawned on me: Redguards. Or, to be precise, Yokudans. The Redguards are actually descendants from the original inhabitants of Yokuda, which migrated to Tamriel after the continent was destroyed and partly sank into the sea. Now, since the Yokudans were Tigers (and tigers would be the closest species to Snow Leopards in Nirn, except for maybe Panthers/Dark Elves), their mixing with Snow Elves could work without "diluting" the original Snow Elf heritage too much (maybe having some Snow Leopards with tiger stripes instead of spots after several generations of mixing, but little else).


So, this is what I came up with: after the war with the Nords, the Snow Elves fled Skyrim, mostly heading west (due to the Forgotten Vale being west of Skyrim and the traces of the refugees there). West of Skyrim we have High Rock (which would be inhabited by Atmoran colonists, if anything, so not a good idea) and Hammerfell (which would be empty). And west of Hammerfell we have Yokuda.


So, the Snow Elves, fleeing from the Nords and perhaps from Pelinal's anti-elven rebellion in Cyrodiil afterwards, arrived to the shores of Hammerfell, and decided to just leave the continent altogether to be sure (The Diary of Faire Agarwen makes it clear the surviving Snow Elves thought: "We can never again be the Snow Elves and live freely in this world. We will forever be in hiding in one form or another", so leaving Tamriel doesn't sound that far-fetched). They eventually reach Yokuda, where the locals have no reason to be hostile to them altogether. They are allowed to settle on some of the smaller southern islands, and start slowly rebuilding their civilization (a lot of their knowledge would have been lost, but not all of it, and their incredibly long lifespans means some elves that knew the world before the war and the exile still live and remember everything as it was).


Eventually, mainland Yokuda is destroyed, most of the Yokudans move to Hammerfell, but the Snow Elves decide to stay, just in case the descendants of the Nords are still out for their blood (refer to the above diary reference on them being scared the shit out of by the Nords). The Southern Yokudan archipielago seems to have been spared the destruction by all accounts, so they could be assumed to have fared pretty well, and there are references in Oblivion (so 200 years or so before the events of Skyrim) to trading ships still sailing to Yokuda from Anvil and other ports, which would mean there are communities there prosperous enough for the journey from Tamriel to be worth it for the captains.


The Snow Elven population eventually outnumbers and absorbs the remaining Yokudans (with maybe some traces of them like the "tiger-striped leopards" I mentioned), but their traditions are customs are blended in, so for example the "new" Snow elves, while still proficient in magic, would also have more "warrior" prowess and traditions. This is also the reason for the new name I was looking for.


They would occasionally trade with the Tamrielic ships and get some news from there, but they would otherwise remain in Yokuda. That is, untill one leopard (or a group of them) decides to sail to Tamriel and see how things are, (correctly) figuring the Nords would have forgotten about their grudge with them and they would be mistaken for some other race (maybe descendants from the Yokudans that stayed, which they actually are, in a way). This would be one of the youger generations, I guess, because the surviving elders that were born during or relatively shortly after the exile would probably still refuse to even hear about going to Tamriel.


And that's how the player character, a leopard, eventually ends in Skyrim, be it to be mistakengly captured during the border crossing incident or to arrive there in some other way (like with the options from Alternate Start). Then the game begins.




So, yeah, that would be it. Any thoughts? I realize this is just what I came up with and what I like, but I tried to make it as lore-friendly as possible, and I think it's not that bad. Again, not really relevant to the mod except for maybe some small references here and there, and this is my headcanon on top of it, so no problem at all if you don't like or anything  :shy:.

Edited by Blaze69
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It lends itself too easily to having something like the Thalmor show up, and before you know it you are instauring a fascist regime and invading Poland Cyrodiil, just like the Thalmor did (catch the RL reference there?). I get this is more of a personal thing, but really, I don't like it. Plus, we already have the Altmer going on about how they are the true elves and stuff, do we really need another group?




So, yeah, that would be it. Any thoughts? I realize this is just what I came up with and what I like, but I tried to make it as lore-friendly as possible, and I think it's not that bad. Again, not really relevant to the mod except for maybe some small references here and there, and this is my headcanon on top of it, so no problem at all if you don't like or anything :shy:.

I like this version, much more expanded and... Not that invasive and fitting furryfied theme.


Breeding would not work mostly in Argonian/Orc - Other races. Argonians are egg-born and have very strong Hist Tree connection, not only in history but also in life cycle. Orcs on the other hand have their tradition in Code of Malacoth. The problem here may be actually Lungaris because they are rabbits.

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I like this version, much more expanded and... Not that invasive and fitting furryfied theme.

Breeding would not work mostly in Argonian/Orc - Other races. Argonians are egg-born and have very strong Hist Tree connection, not only in history but also in life cycle. Orcs on the other hand have their tradition in Code of Malacoth. The problem here may be actually Lungaris because they are rabbits.

Yup, that's exactly what I was going for.


Of course Argonians wouldn't work, not only due to customs and traditions but also due to basic biological differences. Orcs, on the other hand... You could go ahead and say Orcs can breed with the furry races, with the offspring being something akin to the Ohmes-Raht of the vanilla lore but translated to the specific species (so humanoid orcish mouth/head structure and fur/tail/ears in the style of whatever furry race was the other parent). Though it would be quite the stretch, and I'm not that interesd in orc/furry hybrids, so I guess we can skip that one as well and say Orcs are not compatible with furries altogether.

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Release candidate 2!


This has the facegen fixes, afflicted showing up properly, better panthers, forget what all else.


Get it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bxp8cu6_lUnZUGJfeFdyc042YTQ


Does it require the XPMSE patch still? I'm trying to figure out why Yiffy Age works correctly once, then when I next open the game, the body textures go weird on all races/genders, and argonians suddenly have seams:




I'm running only ENB+the same armours you stack (with the Dawnguard and Dragon born conversions)+remodelled armour for UNP and bodyslide+body slide itself and alternate start, with the recommended load order and non of the other recommended mods. RC1 had the same problem as well, and 1.1 had the same problem with body textures no matter how I set mods up-1.0 however worked perfectly.

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Does it require the XPMSE patch still? I'm trying to figure out why Yiffy Age works correctly once, then when I next open the game, the body textures go weird on all races/genders, and argonians suddenly have seams:


I'm running only ENB+the same armours you stack (with the Dawnguard and Dragon born conversions)+remodelled armour for UNP and bodyslide+body slide itself and alternate start, with the recommended load order and non of the other recommended mods. RC1 had the same problem as well, and 1.1 had the same problem with body textures no matter how I set mods up-1.0 however worked perfectly.

Yeah, the XPMSE patch is still required, and IIRC it's missing the Argonian skeletons, so BadDog will probably have to update it for YA 2.0. No idea on the body textures, though. Everything works fine on my end with RC2 and after applying the XPMSE patch and manually replacing the Argonian skeletons with the XPMSE Khajiit ones.

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Does it require the XPMSE patch still? I'm trying to figure out why Yiffy Age works correctly once, then when I next open the game, the body textures go weird on all races/genders, and argonians suddenly have seams:


I'm running only ENB+the same armours you stack (with the Dawnguard and Dragon born conversions)+remodelled armour for UNP and bodyslide+body slide itself and alternate start, with the recommended load order and non of the other recommended mods. RC1 had the same problem as well, and 1.1 had the same problem with body textures no matter how I set mods up-1.0 however worked perfectly.

Yeah, the XPMSE patch is still required, and IIRC it's missing the Argonian skeletons, so BadDog will probably have to update it for YA 2.0. No idea on the body textures, though. Everything works fine on my end with RC2 and after applying the XPMSE patch and manually replacing the Argonian skeletons with the XPMSE Khajiit ones.



I think I'm going to try a re-install of Skyrim-with only YA and its requirements installed, the bodies are still messed up.


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Yeah, the XPMSE patch is still required, and IIRC it's missing the Argonian skeletons, so BadDog will probably have to update it for YA 2.0. No idea on the body textures, though. Everything works fine on my end with RC2 and after applying the XPMSE patch and manually replacing the Argonian skeletons with the XPMSE Khajiit ones.



Found the problem. I used NMM a while ago, and the problems with its method of mod installation/uninstallation decided only now to become an issue-so after multiple re-installs (Steam for what ever reason was un-deleting the old files), everything is now fine. And this time I'm archiving Skyrim while its still clean (though its not really necessary, I have the Legendary Edition on disc).


Edit 1: I've done some more experimenting, there is something wrong with the male and UNP body (I was using diamonized). Are there any specific recommendations?


Edit 2: Done some more trouble shooting-it only uses the SOS body, and refuses to recognised the UNP body

[spoiler=load order+SS]






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Rockat, I'm not sure what you're saying. Looks like the SOS and UNP bodies are fine--it's the textures that are buggered.


Go to MO, right side, Data tab. Navigate to Textures > Actors > Character > KygarraFemale. Confirm that the texture femalebody.dds is being provided by Yiffy Age Consolidated.


Check that there's nothing in your overwrite folder.


After that, I'm stumped. Do a clean reinstall of Skyrim, maybe there's leftover cruft in there.


You don't need Khajiit Ears Show or Better Beast Races, btw, I think all their assets are overwritten.


Re Snow Elves, I think that's a fine story. I'd say canines can cross with canines and cats with cats but that's it. I considered making the Imperials cats to the Nord's dogs but it would have been a lot of work. Could also have done Elvish cats to human dogs, but then the khajiit don't really fit. 


Dammit about the argonian skeletons, I thought I was done. Will do that before finalizing V2.

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Just a shot of Svaknir. 



Another Dibella statue that the High Hrothgar Overhauled mod adds, this one in a pool room. I'm using the versions of the mod compatible with Thunderchild(improves Shouts, adds more based on vanilla ones, also adds an area to High Hrothgar where you can mediate for the new shouts, etc), which is a few plugins, at least three or four. But I'm using the Exterior Smithy(the plugin replaced with this mod's, Iron Dragon Workbench for High Hrothgar), Interior Lighting, and the 'Room and Pool" plugins.


Best to not use the 'Room and Smithy' plugin with the 'Room and Pool' plugin, since there will at least be conflicts with the pool/smithy area, not sure about any other problems. 


And a few better shots of Kazma...



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Edit 1: I've done some more experimenting, there is something wrong with the male and UNP body (I was using diamonized). Are there any specific recommendations?


Edit 2: Done some more trouble shooting-it only uses the SOS body, and refuses to recognised the UNP body

[spoiler=load order+SS]

attachicon.gifload order.png





Okay, I think I found the problem here. This only happens to the Kygarra but all of the other races work just fine. The thing is, the Kygarra point to a SkinNaked different from the one Bretons use, I guess because that is the one included in the original Kygarra file, and it includes different ArmorAddons that only have KhajiitRace and KygarraRace as enabled races.


When a race X has an ArmorRace set up, the game ignores the entries for the X race itself in the ArmorAddons and only looks for the ArmorRace, so in this case since the torso and feet AAs are missing the "BretonRace" entry, the body doesn't show up and there are no texture reference so it loads whatever texture is set in the .nif itself whenever you equip anything (nifs usually point to human textures and that's why the prisioner clothes show a human body underneath). Fixing it is just a matter either of removing the Kygarra-specific AAs and replacing them with the "BretonKygarra" ones or adding BretonRace to the enabled races list of the Kygarra-only AAs.


As for the thing with the female textures, it looks like the bug that happens when the game is running out of memory and is unable to load all of the body textures. Do you have a weak rig, or at least a small amount of RAM/VRAM? Because it seems you are putting too much stress on them, but your graphic options don't seem to be on "Ultra" or anything like that.

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Rockat, I'm not sure what you're saying. Looks like the SOS and UNP bodies are fine--it's the textures that are buggered.


Go to MO, right side, Data tab. Navigate to Textures > Actors > Character > KygarraFemale. Confirm that the texture femalebody.dds is being provided by Yiffy Age Consolidated.


Check that there's nothing in your overwrite folder.


After that, I'm stumped. Do a clean reinstall of Skyrim, maybe there's leftover cruft in there.


You don't need Khajiit Ears Show or Better Beast Races, btw, I think all their assets are overwritten.


The textures are being overwritten correctly, and clearing the overwrite folder did nothing. I might try re-installing Mod organiser, since I already re-installed Skyrim multiple times today.



Edit 1: I've done some more experimenting, there is something wrong with the male and UNP body (I was using diamonized). Are there any specific recommendations?


Edit 2: Done some more trouble shooting-it only uses the SOS body, and refuses to recognised the UNP body

[spoiler=load order+SS]

attachicon.gifload order.png





Okay, I think I found the problem here. This only happens to the Kygarra but all of the other races work just fine. The thing is, the Kygarra point to a SkinNaked different from the one Bretons use, I guess because that is the one included in the original Kygarra file, and it includes different ArmorAddons that only have KhajiitRace and KygarraRace as enabled races.


When a race X has an ArmorRace set up, the game ignores the entries for the X race itself in the ArmorAddons and only looks for the ArmorRace, so in this case since the torso and feet AAs are missing the "BretonRace" entry, the body doesn't show up and there are no texture reference so it loads whatever texture is set in the .nif itself whenever you equip anything (nifs usually point to human textures and that's why the prisioner clothes show a human body underneath). Fixing it is just a matter either of removing the Kygarra-specific AAs and replacing them with the "BretonKygarra" ones or adding BretonRace to the enabled races list of the Kygarra-only AAs.


As for the thing with the female textures, it looks like the bug that happens when the game is running out of memory and is unable to load all of the body textures. Do you have a weak rig, or at least a small amount of RAM/VRAM? Because it seems you are putting too much stress on them, but your graphic options don't seem to be on "Ultra" or anything like that.


When I originally started using YA I had 8GB of RAM. But recently 1 stick died leaving me on 4GB-forcing me to add a page file to each SSD. The rest of the rig is fine-i7 4790K+GTX 970. And the graphics settings were on ultra as well with the optimised HD textures. I'll see what happens when I switch back to my Xeon X5450-its paired with 6GB of RAM (though I would have to forgo script heavy mods).

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I have to say, YA is heavy and when I have to host the server on Tamriel Online on my laptop, which is 8GB RAM, I have to use lowest possible settings and ENB to not crash after 2hrs of playing.


Do not tell me it's my graph, because I have 2GB VRAM on it, I know how computers work! ;_;

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I have to say, YA is heavy and when I have to host the server on Tamriel Online on my laptop, which is 8GB RAM, I have to use lowest possible settings and ENB to not crash after 2hrs of playing.


Do not tell me it's my graph, because I have 2GB VRAM on it, I know how computers work! ;_;


Even without any mods Skyrim will chew up almost 2GB of vRAM. And with them it will easily go over 3GB. Also, ENB is pretty much mandatory if you want to run Skyrim fully stable with mods due to the memory tweaks-which get around Skyrim's 32bit memory limitations.

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Okay, I think I found the problem here. This only happens to the Kygarra but all of the other races work just fine. The thing is, the Kygarra point to a SkinNaked different from the one Bretons use, I guess because that is the one included in the original Kygarra file, and it includes different ArmorAddons that only have KhajiitRace and KygarraRace as enabled races.


When a race X has an ArmorRace set up, the game ignores the entries for the X race itself in the ArmorAddons and only looks for the ArmorRace, so in this case since the torso and feet AAs are missing the "BretonRace" entry, the body doesn't show up and there are no texture reference so it loads whatever texture is set in the .nif itself whenever you equip anything (nifs usually point to human textures and that's why the prisioner clothes show a human body underneath). Fixing it is just a matter either of removing the Kygarra-specific AAs and replacing them with the "BretonKygarra" ones or adding BretonRace to the enabled races list of the Kygarra-only AAs.


As for the thing with the female textures, it looks like the bug that happens when the game is running out of memory and is unable to load all of the body textures. Do you have a weak rig, or at least a small amount of RAM/VRAM? Because it seems you are putting too much stress on them, but your graphic options don't seem to be on "Ultra" or anything like that.



Its not the amount as over 2GB was free and everything still appeared to be overwriting correctly, so I'll just do a complete re-install of everything, install Realvision+its recommended mods, then I'll have another go at getting YA working-its what I initially did with the none consolidated versions of YA which had no problems. Maybe I can get Skyrim looking beautiful again as well (I was running at 1366x768 before BTW, which is why the scree shots looked bad).

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I have to say, YA is heavy and when I have to host the server on Tamriel Online on my laptop, which is 8GB RAM, I have to use lowest possible settings and ENB to not crash after 2hrs of playing.


Do not tell me it's my graph, because I have 2GB VRAM on it, I know how computers work! ;_;


Even without any mods Skyrim will chew up almost 2GB of vRAM. And with them it will easily go over 3GB. Also, ENB is pretty much mandatory if you want to run Skyrim fully stable with mods due to the memory tweaks-which get around Skyrim's 32bit memory limitations.


Not really, with lots of mods installed it still runs pretty good on high w/o YA, just not ultra or High-Res DLC.


And it still can run no problem on 1GB VRAM, I have pretty wide knowledge on that, mostly either from friends or from school. I had to play on this for a month when my own graphics card got burned because of my PCI-Ex screwed up (so motherboard was changed as well...)


ENB is not mandatory but recommended.


Also, do you use any race overhauls like Imperious?

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