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Thanks for this great mod and your reply! I've did what you said and it doesnt get over each other as much as it did. 


But i just had a question.. I did all traits 0 and submission %100, but im still getting defiant words from my characters against rapists, Is it normal?

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So, I've been maintaining a patch of this mod for my personal use, so I've been going through the dialog topics in TESVEdit and one thing I've noticed, all the player comments in topic xx01EE3F (regular, non-4th wall comments, top entry is "Gotta keep an eye out for bandits, I don't want to end up sold as a slave") seem to be lacking the "Meridia" speaker the other player comments topics have. Is that intentional? I've added the speaker in my patch (and for some other entries as well), and the comments seem to work (I know I've seen some of them), but I've no idea if that was necessary. huh.png

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Thanks for this great mod and your reply! I've did what you said and it doesnt get over each other as much as it did. 


But i just had a question.. I did all traits 0 and submission %100, but im still getting defiant words from my characters against rapists, Is it normal?


It is possible that I haven't correctly classified some comments, or a comment is coming across as defiant when it shouldn't. The classifications are changing anyway, see below. So it should sort itself out once I've had chance to revisit the dialogue.


So, I've been maintaining a patch of this mod for my personal use, so I've been going through the dialog topics in TESVEdit and one thing I've noticed, all the player comments in topic xx01EE3F (regular, non-4th wall comments, top entry is "Gotta keep an eye out for bandits, I don't want to end up sold as a slave") seem to be lacking the "Meridia" speaker the other player comments topics have. Is that intentional? I've added the speaker in my patch (and for some other entries as well), and the comments seem to work (I know I've seen some of them), but I've no idea if that was necessary. huh.png


I think I played around with making either the player or Meridia the speaker...I don't think it made any difference. I'll update it shortly. :)




A small update which removes a lot of the traits and replaces them with a much more focused 3 traits. You can still select any combination of traits but they are now much more distinct and have less crossover.


At the moment I have only done some of the rape comments and some of the 4th wall comments with the new trait system. It will take a long time to move everything across but it will be worth it, I promise :)


Submissive - Timid and shy and very aware of danger. Will often call you either Mistress or Master (depending on you gender selection in the MCM) when using 4th wall comments. Other NPCs and followers are likely to take a dominant role especially at higher submissive settings.


Orgasmic - Sees the sexiness in everything! Will make more sexy comments and enjoy any type of sex. NPCs and followers will see them as more of a slut the higher this setting.


Defiant - Strong and aggressive. They'll let you know exactly what they are thinking. Higher values in this trait might make NPCs and followers more likely to teach you your place!

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Just updated the mod, seems mcm has updated but when you hover on traits , its description is the old versions one.


For example when you hover on submission it says " sets the chance that your character is dominant and it makes it dislike wearing bondage items etc.


also when you hover "reset quest" description is " sets your character gonna be tough and brave when adventuring skyrim" etc. 


I also have put submission %100 and others %0 on new trait system, she is even more defiant now  :P

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It seems my mcm menu stuck after update. Its only old version options to edit. How shoud i totaly reinstal thet mod?

Sry if im stupid -_-


you could try using the console to stop and restart the mcm menu


stopquest _SexistGuardsMCM


startquest _SexistGuardsMCM


Just updated the mod, seems mcm has updated but when you hover on traits , its description is the old versions one.


For example when you hover on submission it says " sets the chance that your character is dominant and it makes it dislike wearing bondage items etc.


also when you hover "reset quest" description is " sets your character gonna be tough and brave when adventuring skyrim" etc. 


I also have put submission %100 and others %0 on new trait system, she is even more defiant now   :P


Ah, seems I forgot to update the info text.


Do you have an example of a defiant comment that was spoken? not all comments have been categorised yet, so maybe it is one of those being picked up.




The devious device soft dependency version is now available. The only dependency required is SexLab for the rape comment system. If you have devious devices - integration installed then dialogue will be able to pick up and what devices you are currently wearing.


The bad news is I've had to cut a bit of content which I couldn't make work with out hard dependency. So, NPCs wearing devious devices no longer works. I couldn't see any way of retrieving that information through the dialogue system.


Automatic add/removal of devious devices has also been removed, although you can still be given keys by helpful followers/npcs


The guard strip search event is disabled for the moment until I can re-work the event to fit in with the limitations of soft dependency.


I have left the current DD version of the mod up for those who do not wish to lose the above functionality. :)

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It seems my mcm menu stuck after update. Its only old version options to edit. How shoud i totaly reinstal thet mod?

Sry if im stupid -_-


you could try using the console to stop and restart the mcm menu


stopquest _SexistGuardsMCM


startquest _SexistGuardsMCM


Just updated the mod, seems mcm has updated but when you hover on traits , its description is the old versions one.


For example when you hover on submission it says " sets the chance that your character is dominant and it makes it dislike wearing bondage items etc.


also when you hover "reset quest" description is " sets your character gonna be tough and brave when adventuring skyrim" etc. 


I also have put submission %100 and others %0 on new trait system, she is even more defiant now   :P


Ah, seems I forgot to update the info text.


Do you have an example of a defiant comment that was spoken? not all comments have been categorised yet, so maybe it is one of those being picked up.




The devious device soft dependency version is now available. The only dependency required is SexLab for the rape comment system. If you have devious devices - integration installed then dialogue will be able to pick up and what devices you are currently wearing.


The bad news is I've had to cut a bit of content which I couldn't make work with out hard dependency. So, NPCs wearing devious devices no longer works. I couldn't see any way of retrieving that information through the dialogue system.


Automatic add/removal of devious devices has also been removed, although you can still be given keys by helpful followers/npcs


The guard strip search event is disabled for the moment until I can re-work the event to fit in with the limitations of soft dependency.


I have left the current DD version of the mod up for those who do not wish to lose the above functionality. :)


"Ah bastard let me go" was the one she says most. and i never heard she said anything submissive during 4. wall player dialogues. like "master" etc.

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It seems my mcm menu stuck after update. Its only old version options to edit. How shoud i totaly reinstal thet mod?

Sry if im stupid -_-

you could try using the console to stop and restart the mcm menu


stopquest _SexistGuardsMCM


startquest _SexistGuardsMCM

Just updated the mod, seems mcm has updated but when you hover on traits , its description is the old versions one.


For example when you hover on submission it says " sets the chance that your character is dominant and it makes it dislike wearing bondage items etc.


also when you hover "reset quest" description is " sets your character gonna be tough and brave when adventuring skyrim" etc.


I also have put submission %100 and others %0 on new trait system, she is even more defiant now :P

Ah, seems I forgot to update the info text.


Do you have an example of a defiant comment that was spoken? not all comments have been categorised yet, so maybe it is one of those being picked up.




The devious device soft dependency version is now available. The only dependency required is SexLab for the rape comment system. If you have devious devices - integration installed then dialogue will be able to pick up and what devices you are currently wearing.


The bad news is I've had to cut a bit of content which I couldn't make work with out hard dependency. So, NPCs wearing devious devices no longer works. I couldn't see any way of retrieving that information through the dialogue system.


Automatic add/removal of devious devices has also been removed, although you can still be given keys by helpful followers/npcs


The guard strip search event is disabled for the moment until I can re-work the event to fit in with the limitations of soft dependency.


I have left the current DD version of the mod up for those who do not wish to lose the above functionality. :)

"Ah bastard let me go" was the one she says most. and i never heard she said anything submissive during 4. wall player dialogues. like "master" etc.
did you try it on a brand new game?
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So, I've been maintaining a patch of this mod for my personal use, so I've been going through the dialog topics in TESVEdit and one thing I've noticed, all the player comments in topic xx01EE3F (regular, non-4th wall comments, top entry is "Gotta keep an eye out for bandits, I don't want to end up sold as a slave") seem to be lacking the "Meridia" speaker the other player comments topics have. Is that intentional? I've added the speaker in my patch (and for some other entries as well), and the comments seem to work (I know I've seen some of them), but I've no idea if that was necessary. huh.png


I think I played around with making either the player or Meridia the speaker...I don't think it made any difference. I'll update it shortly. :)




A small update which removes a lot of the traits and replaces them with a much more focused 3 traits. You can still select any combination of traits but they are now much more distinct and have less crossover.


At the moment I have only done some of the rape comments and some of the 4th wall comments with the new trait system. It will take a long time to move everything across but it will be worth it, I promise :)


Submissive - Timid and shy and very aware of danger. Will often call you either Mistress or Master (depending on you gender selection in the MCM) when using 4th wall comments. Other NPCs and followers are likely to take a dominant role especially at higher submissive settings.


Orgasmic - Sees the sexiness in everything! Will make more sexy comments and enjoy any type of sex. NPCs and followers will see them as more of a slut the higher this setting.


Defiant - Strong and aggressive. They'll let you know exactly what they are thinking. Higher values in this trait might make NPCs and followers more likely to teach you your place!



I think Schrymp may be on to something, at least in TESVEdit it looks like the dialogues in topics xx01EE3F and xx01F457 have no speaker at all (player or Meridia).  I'm assuming that means those dialogues may still be selected but not actually print on screen.  If so that may explain my earlier issue with thinking player comments were broken only to have them work fine in certain locations.



Re: the update


That sounds like a much more intuitive way for people to customize the comments they see, and probably much easier to implement and add to.  It was a bit confusing how the huge list of traits would actually affect the comments once implemented fully.


I'm a bit curious how certain settings may work once implemented for player victim SL scenes, if you don't mind elaborating.  


-Would putting all three traits at 0% mean that you would mostly see only the more "neutral" dialogues from the PC/NPCs?  


-If you put all three at 100%, would each flavour of comment have an equal chance of firing, and would they completely override the more neutral comments?  


-Would the pool of comments be chosen at the start of the scene, or calculated per comment throughout?  In other words, did you want a scene to have a consistent theme from start to finish, or have more variety stage to stage (example could have "I can't believe this is happening/I'll kill you for this/Please let me go ect all in one scene).  IMO I think the variety option sounds more interesting simply because it could surprise you with a low % submissive comment out of a character you've set up to be mostly defiant.


Thanks for the hard work on the mod as always.

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Great mod, suggestion though, needs more comments for characters not wearing any clothes. For mods such as cursed loot which may put a cursed item on you, and not able to wear clothes.  I found it odd with all the comments you don't get more or specific comments regarding a characters nudity.

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I have one request for the non DD version, but I am not sure if it would help fix things. One thing to note is that when you start a fresh game, you automatically will get a 4th wall comment that persists forever, and I do believe it overrides a player dialogue as well perhaps. In other words, even before you tick the box and turn them on, it already is on. That is why the first time you turn those options on it actually gets really awkward, and in order to have consistency I end up clicking them on and off until they align properly. However, this doesn't seem to affect anything, because even if I turn it off, I still get player comments.


My suggestion (and this might help the DD version as well I dunno maybe you already fixed this) is to start the mod with nothing, absolutely nothing turned on. And have the player manually turn them on at the start. Perhaps this will help fix some things, but maybe that's wishful thinking on my end.

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So, I've been maintaining a patch of this mod for my personal use, so I've been going through the dialog topics in TESVEdit and one thing I've noticed, all the player comments in topic xx01EE3F (regular, non-4th wall comments, top entry is "Gotta keep an eye out for bandits, I don't want to end up sold as a slave") seem to be lacking the "Meridia" speaker the other player comments topics have. Is that intentional? I've added the speaker in my patch (and for some other entries as well), and the comments seem to work (I know I've seen some of them), but I've no idea if that was necessary. huh.png


I think I played around with making either the player or Meridia the speaker...I don't think it made any difference. I'll update it shortly. :)




A small update which removes a lot of the traits and replaces them with a much more focused 3 traits. You can still select any combination of traits but they are now much more distinct and have less crossover.


At the moment I have only done some of the rape comments and some of the 4th wall comments with the new trait system. It will take a long time to move everything across but it will be worth it, I promise :)


Submissive - Timid and shy and very aware of danger. Will often call you either Mistress or Master (depending on you gender selection in the MCM) when using 4th wall comments. Other NPCs and followers are likely to take a dominant role especially at higher submissive settings.


Orgasmic - Sees the sexiness in everything! Will make more sexy comments and enjoy any type of sex. NPCs and followers will see them as more of a slut the higher this setting.


Defiant - Strong and aggressive. They'll let you know exactly what they are thinking. Higher values in this trait might make NPCs and followers more likely to teach you your place!



I think Schrymp may be on to something, at least in TESVEdit it looks like the dialogues in topics xx01EE3F and xx01F457 have no speaker at all (player or Meridia).  I'm assuming that means those dialogues may still be selected but not actually print on screen.  If so that may explain my earlier issue with thinking player comments were broken only to have them work fine in certain locations.



Re: the update


That sounds like a much more intuitive way for people to customize the comments they see, and probably much easier to implement and add to.  It was a bit confusing how the huge list of traits would actually affect the comments once implemented fully.


I'm a bit curious how certain settings may work once implemented for player victim SL scenes, if you don't mind elaborating.  


-Would putting all three traits at 0% mean that you would mostly see only the more "neutral" dialogues from the PC/NPCs?  


-If you put all three at 100%, would each flavour of comment have an equal chance of firing, and would they completely override the more neutral comments?  


-Would the pool of comments be chosen at the start of the scene, or calculated per comment throughout?  In other words, did you want a scene to have a consistent theme from start to finish, or have more variety stage to stage (example could have "I can't believe this is happening/I'll kill you for this/Please let me go ect all in one scene).  IMO I think the variety option sounds more interesting simply because it could surprise you with a low % submissive comment out of a character you've set up to be mostly defiant.


Thanks for the hard work on the mod as always.



If you set a trait to 0% then you will never hear comments categorised to use that trait. So if they are all set to zero you would only hear generic comments from this mod.


If you put all three to 100% then all comment types would have equal chance to appear. The comments are chosen from the comment pool each time a comment is spoken so it is possible to get a variety of comments during a scene depending on the trait settings.


The traits will also effect how NPCs see you. So higher submission trait means people will see you as subservient or weak, high orgasmic would be seen as a slut etc etc 


There is still a lot of work to be done but it will produce a much more natural dialogue.



Can you slow down the comments? They flash on the screen for half a second. Maybe set for 5 to 7 seconds.


Unfortunately I have no control over how long dialogue stays on the screen for. If you are running or moving quickly then it is a known issue that dialogue can disappear. I have no fix for it at the moment :(


Great mod, suggestion though, needs more comments for characters not wearing any clothes. For mods such as cursed loot which may put a cursed item on you, and not able to wear clothes.  I found it odd with all the comments you don't get more or specific comments regarding a characters nudity.


Working on it....suggestions always welcome :)

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It seems my mcm menu stuck after update. Its only old version options to edit. How shoud i totaly reinstal thet mod?

Sry if im stupid -_-

you could try using the console to stop and restart the mcm menu


stopquest _SexistGuardsMCM


startquest _SexistGuardsMCM

Just updated the mod, seems mcm has updated but when you hover on traits , its description is the old versions one.


For example when you hover on submission it says " sets the chance that your character is dominant and it makes it dislike wearing bondage items etc.


also when you hover "reset quest" description is " sets your character gonna be tough and brave when adventuring skyrim" etc.


I also have put submission %100 and others %0 on new trait system, she is even more defiant now :P

Ah, seems I forgot to update the info text.


Do you have an example of a defiant comment that was spoken? not all comments have been categorised yet, so maybe it is one of those being picked up.




The devious device soft dependency version is now available. The only dependency required is SexLab for the rape comment system. If you have devious devices - integration installed then dialogue will be able to pick up and what devices you are currently wearing.


The bad news is I've had to cut a bit of content which I couldn't make work with out hard dependency. So, NPCs wearing devious devices no longer works. I couldn't see any way of retrieving that information through the dialogue system.


Automatic add/removal of devious devices has also been removed, although you can still be given keys by helpful followers/npcs


The guard strip search event is disabled for the moment until I can re-work the event to fit in with the limitations of soft dependency.


I have left the current DD version of the mod up for those who do not wish to lose the above functionality. :)

"Ah bastard let me go" was the one she says most. and i never heard she said anything submissive during 4. wall player dialogues. like "master" etc.
did you try it on a brand new game?


 Sorry for the late answer, i didnt had time to test it. 


Now managed to open a fresh game, loaded the mod, unfortunately still i get defiant answers and no such words as "master" etc.  

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away :( I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.



 Sorry for the late answer, i didnt had time to test it. 

Now managed to open a fresh game, loaded the mod, unfortunately still i get defiant answers and no such words as "master" etc.  



What situations are you getting the defiant answers. I haven't done all the dialogue yet so it is possible that you are seeing the old dialogue.


Try entering a Draugr crypt and seeing what they say, or get raped by Draugr, Spiders or Trolls.

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away :( I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.



 Sorry for the late answer, i didnt had time to test it. 

Now managed to open a fresh game, loaded the mod, unfortunately still i get defiant answers and no such words as "master" etc.  



What situations are you getting the defiant answers. I haven't done all the dialogue yet so it is possible that you are seeing the old dialogue.


Try entering a Draugr crypt and seeing what they say, or get raped by Draugr, Spiders or Trolls.


It was all bandits. I'll try draugr or trolls as fast as possible.

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away :( I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.



 Sorry for the late answer, i didnt had time to test it. 

Now managed to open a fresh game, loaded the mod, unfortunately still i get defiant answers and no such words as "master" etc.  



What situations are you getting the defiant answers. I haven't done all the dialogue yet so it is possible that you are seeing the old dialogue.


Try entering a Draugr crypt and seeing what they say, or get raped by Draugr, Spiders or Trolls.


It was all bandits. I'll try draugr or trolls as fast as possible.


I just tried trolls. I got 2 lines for 2 trolls at total. both happened once after the animation ended. First line was " I think it finished using me now."


second one was " its filling me with cum" or something like that.


by the way during scenes i dont have auto stage pass on so i always pass scene stages manually with spacebar, does it effect your mod to not have multiple dialogues to occur during scenes? It seems like defiant or not, i always get 1 in the end and sometimes 1 in the beginning of certain scene. Is this how it suppose to be? Or would you advice me to change sexlab option to auto progress trough stages so i can get comments on middle of a stage?

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away sad.png I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.


I think I saw someone mention that slaverun tries to solve it by having an invisible npc (a skeever I think they're using) set to follow the player, rather than using a marker...

Maybe that is something you could look into? It seems to me that having the "speaker" follow the player on its own may be easier than having to move a marker around.

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away sad.png I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.


I think I saw someone mention that slaverun tries to solve it by having an invisible npc (a skeever I think they're using) set to follow the player, rather than using a marker...

Maybe that is something you could look into? It seems to me that having the "speaker" follow the player on its own may be easier than having to move a marker around.


pathing would be an issue for the invisible npc, but that might work.

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Dang it's unfortunate there's no fix to the dialogue disappearance. Especially given most people won't walk for the majority of the game.


Yeah, it is a real pain. I did try to fix it by having the xMarker follow you while it was speaking but then the dialogue would get stuck on the screen and never go away sad.png I shall have another look at it but at the moment I can't really think of a solution.


I think I saw someone mention that slaverun tries to solve it by having an invisible npc (a skeever I think they're using) set to follow the player, rather than using a marker...

Maybe that is something you could look into? It seems to me that having the "speaker" follow the player on its own may be easier than having to move a marker around.


pathing would be an issue for the invisible npc, but that might work.


Couldn't that be (mostly) solved by only spawning the the npc at the players position while it's showing a line, and removing it after though?

Anyway, it's just a suggestion that I feel could be worth looking into.

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I think I saw someone mention that slaverun tries to solve it by having an invisible npc (a skeever I think they're using) set to follow the player, rather than using a marker...

Maybe that is something you could look into? It seems to me that having the "speaker" follow the player on its own may be easier than having to move a marker around.


pathing would be an issue for the invisible npc, but that might work.


Couldn't that be (mostly) solved by only spawning the the npc at the players position while it's showing a line, and removing it after though?

Anyway, it's just a suggestion that I feel could be worth looking into.



I believe Vilja in Skyrim does something similar for her "run ahead" behavior, by having a invisible wisp npc spawn ahead of the player that she then follows.  


The problem is invisible NPCs can cause a whole different set of bugs or incompatibilities, since the only reason I know Vilja does that is because certain other mods would add NPCs that hated the wisp for whatever reason, and would all run around like idiots staring at the ground trying to kill it.  I think I remember seeing funny issues with the skeever from Slaverun getting picked for animations/becoming visible as well (altho I never saw that myself when I tried the mod).  It may still something worth trying out of course.


I personally don't mind the current x-marker behavior because it at least is consistent and doesn't get stuck, but I also don't spend too much time on horseback anymore (most of the map in my game is uncovered).

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Thank you SO much for making DD a soft requirement. <3 I really appreciate it. Some playthroughs I use it, but when playing an Argonian like I am this time, I do not. <3 Much obliged! Love this mod.

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