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Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe) repacked with the customary addons

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1 hour ago, Antiope_Apollonia said:

I went through something similar a while ago, and we ended up solving it, but I don't remember how exactly.  You can try looking at my post history from approximately three months ago for that discussion, probably in the thread for the SE version—or maybe it was in the DoM thread.  I don't remember for sure, but something I'd try off the top of my head would be to make sure slaves are not in DM3 follow mode when you transfer them between HSH and PAHE core, and if they do get bugged, try using PAHE's MCM debugging option "reset slave".  

thanks , I will try!

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8 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

might still do this anyway, but so far the hangup is display names don't show in dialogue so when you have 2 bandit slaves in the area its as if you're choosing randomly cuz you can't tell them apart


I would rather have the option for group actions even if the names don't always work. As long as you only enslave uniques, or at least not more than one respawning NPC at a time, everything works. And if not, an imperfect system is better than nothing at at all.

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17 minutes ago, bnub345 said:

I would rather have the option for group actions even if the names don't always work. As long as you only enslave uniques, or at least not more than one respawning NPC at a time, everything works. And if not, an imperfect system is better than nothing at at all.

I'd rather see any features like this just bypass this frustration by using a "Duck Duck, Goose" style system like what HSH does in the mines rather than fighting with ambiguous names in dialogue.  I wish so much that @Musje had used the same method for AYGAS, as it's just so much better in light of the names/nicknames issue.  In this example, instead of telling the slave, "Entertain your Mistress.  Go play with bandit outlaw," just tell her, "Entertain your Mistress.  I want you to play with another slave," and when the slave asks, "Who shall I play with, Mistress?" you go interact with the desired target to point her out.  Same thing for three-ways.  "Two of you are going to serve your Mistress together this time."  "Okay, Mistress.  I'll wait here while you bring someone to join us."  And again, you go interact with the desired target to point her out.  I don't know if that's harder to code, but I'd think it should be possible to copy a lot of the work from HSH, so I wouldn't think it'd be too bad.

Edited by Antiope_Apollonia
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20 hours ago, wagg0 said:

thanks , I will try!


You definitely need to tell HSH slaves via the DM 3 dialogue to 'Go Away' once you have removed them from DM3 furniture. 


If you don't, and you leave them in the HSH home under HSH control, they will follow you out of the HSH premises and HSH will message you to day that 'Ms XYZ/slave name' has escaped (or somthing similar) and try to retrieve them. 


The slave will then do a circuitous performance of disappearing on being taken back, then reappearing with the escaped message, disappear again, until you 'go back inside' and issue the DM3 'Go Away' cvommand

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  • 2 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, Delite said:

Is it possible to make slaves non-essential, so they can be killed in combat by NPCs?


Can slave betray the player and attack him? If not, is there any way to make it possible?

removing the protected status would require a rewrite, will have no toggle, and be killable for other slavers too

dom adds the chance for slaves to fight back if you want it with everything else dom changes

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update 8.1.2:

  • more quest dialogue fixes for astrid
  • quest dialogue fixes for Gormlaith
  • new mcm option for always aggresive punishments
  • combat training limit reduced to 127 to fix being read as negative numbers after surpassing the faction limitations
  • ai1 version has sneak preview on my progress with the lakeview manor addon

update 8.1.3:

  • astrid should have all quest dialogues ready now
  • some changes to roadside cicero dialogues between quest stages to allow full conversation with other mods when ever possible. quest dialogues at these stages also moved to a new topic "you had something to tell me?"
  • inter-mod communication between addons slightly adjusted (hopefully doesn't break hsh)
  • stuff( forget what else i changed here)
  • upload server not working proper this update uses an update patch requires 8.1.1
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33 minutes ago, CliftonJD said:

update 8.1.2:

  • more quest dialogue fixes for astrid
  • quest dialogue fixes for Gormlaith
  • new mcm option for always aggresive punishments
  • combat training limit reduced to 127 to fix being read as negative numbers after surpassing the faction limitations
  • ai1 version has sneak preview on my progress with the lakeview manor addon

update 8.1.3:

  • astrid should have all quest dialogues ready now
  • some changes to roadside cicero dialogues between quest stages to allow full conversation with other mods when ever possible. quest dialogues at these stages also moved to a new topic "you had something to tell me?"
  • inter-mod communication between addons slightly adjusted (hopefully doesn't break hsh)
  • stuff( forget what else i changed here)
  • upload server not working proper this update uses an update patch requires 8.1.1

How do I best update it during a game ? Jsut unpack and copy paste it into the Data folder ? I run HsH and Dom

Edited by Gräfin Zeppelin
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35 minutes ago, Gräfin Zeppelin said:

How do I best update it during a game ? Jsut unpack and copy paste it into the Data folder ? I run HsH and Dom

yes, that's the best method, you'll need to reinstall dom over it tho

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I tryd the new update right away, and for me it works fine?. Concerning HSH: it does not seem to break on existing saves, i checked on one of my houses, and the slaves do what they should as far as i can tell. i did not try to take a HSH slave to PAHE/DOM and transfer them back to HSH though.



However. the HSH-Dialogue for initiating Sex(OK, Slave...) is broken for PAKE-Slaves, it has no effect. Also Punishing with Sex (You need to be punishd...) does not initiate SL-Scene.

Edited by kf05
addes something
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On 4/15/2022 at 8:17 PM, kf05 said:

initiating Sex(OK, Slave...) is broken for PAKE-Slaves, it has no effect. Also Punishing with Sex (You need to be punishd...) does not initiate SL-Scene.

those are both the pahe methods. what version of dom are you running with?

if you're running current version of dom, post your papyrus log, just got another similar report in the se thread could be linked to the same bug in dom

Edited by CliftonJD
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I use DOM 2.90, which is actually not the current Version anymore, TrollAutoKill just very recently updated to 2.92, i have to try if it changes something. I have to go to Bed soon (early Shift) so i possibly will answer tomorrow.


Update: I really tried to create a Log file, but it´s just impossible. After just enabling Papyrus Logging and playing for not even 5 Minutes the Log File was about 6GB! (So no way to upload it, i could not even open it with Editor because it´s too big?).   Which means: There is something seriously FUBAR with my Game. The funny Part is that it´s running fine for the most part, i can play for quite a long time without CTD.

I will just stick with it for now, i do not need the punishment-route for sex(it would be nice to have though?). The "You ,Strip" command works, also Defeat and normal SLEN, so i can live with it. I prefer not to be too rough with my Girls anyways, it´s my goal to make all of them love me?.

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18 minutes ago, kf05 said:

I use DOM 2.90, which is actually not the current Version anymore, TrollAutoKill just very recently updated to 2.92, i have to try if it changes something. I have to go to Bed soon (early Shift) so i possibly will answer tomorrow.


Update: I really tried to create a Log file, but it´s just impossible. After just enabling Papyrus Logging and playing for not even 5 Minutes the Log File was about 6GB! (So no way to upload it, i could not even open it with Editor because it´s too big?).   Which means: There is something seriously FUBAR with my Game. The funny Part is that it´s running fine for the most part, i can play for quite a long time without CTD.

I will just stick with it for now, i do not need the punishment-route for sex(it would be nice to have though?). The "You ,Strip" command works, also Defeat and normal SLEN, so i can live with it. I prefer not to be too rough with my Girls anyways, it´s my goal to make all of them love me?.

Since it's a txt file try cutting it into segments. Even the first 10% might have useful information.

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1 hour ago, kf05 said:

I prefer not to be too rough with my Girls anyways, it´s my goal to make all of them love me?.

ok, here's a summary of your problem from the dom thread, seems a bug in dom's love:

On 4/21/2022 at 9:28 AM, sidfu1 said:

think i found a weird bug maybe. basically one of my slaves that was suppose to be inlove lost the  topic for pahe
the topic  "im gonan fuck you" went poof and i couldn't figure out why. so i went thru loading saves and checking the slave. found that the dialogue option went poof after she feel  inlove with me when i wasnt in the cell. she was posing at home and i was in the city.
so ever save before that  she had teh topic and ever topic after that she was missing it. pahe didnt show her in love but DOM check did. so looks like there some weird bug that if a slave falls in love and your not in the cell they may lost fuck topic. i gave her a love potion i spawned in and poof it came back.

On 4/21/2022 at 10:41 AM, Antiope_Apollonia said:

Huh.  I've had this bug happen several times, and I've never been able to figure out what caused it.  You can find some discussion of it between Clifton and me in the PAHE SE thread.  Your hypothesis sounds like a plausible fit with my experience.  I certainly hope we can get to the bottom of it, because it's quite a frustrating one on the occasions when it occurs!

On 4/21/2022 at 11:28 AM, sidfu1 said:

to fix you just need to spawn in a love potion and give it to them.also seems a reload can fix it randomly also. if 1 potion dont do it as its been a while since the bug keep giving it to them till they bakc in love. this will force the bad data from them not being loaded when they feel lin love to update



23 hours ago, sidfu1 said:


well its not the in love itself that caused it. it seemed to be cause she got in love with the player when i wasn't in the cell with her. it could be a one off bug or rare bug.

basicaly  i had her posing at home. i zoned out into the city to do some stuff. when i zoned into city i got message that she was in love. after that she lost the   "im gonan fuck you" topic for pahe.. i gave her a love potion and it updated her while i was in the cell and she got back the topic.. welll i dont remember if she was posing or cleaning it was one of the 2. its probaly a classic error due to not being 3dloaded. it is the first time ive had a slave fall inlove with player when they not 3dloaded. usualy i only get messgaes about they stop posing or other ones

23 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

In love mood sets the relationship to 4 with the player. That's the only thing I can see having an effect on the dialogue. But I will check PAHE plugin for conditions.


Which slave was it? Because PAHE dialogues depend on the voice type. Once we know the conditions on the dialogue we should be able to narrow down which part of the slave data is corrupted, if not why.

none of the sex dialogues have any conditions for relationship

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7 hours ago, kf05 said:

I use DOM 2.90, which is actually not the current Version anymore, TrollAutoKill just very recently updated to 2.92, i have to try if it changes something. I have to go to Bed soon (early Shift) so i possibly will answer tomorrow.


Update: I really tried to create a Log file, but it´s just impossible. After just enabling Papyrus Logging and playing for not even 5 Minutes the Log File was about 6GB! (So no way to upload it, i could not even open it with Editor because it´s too big?).   Which means: There is something seriously FUBAR with my Game. The funny Part is that it´s running fine for the most part, i can play for quite a long time without CTD.

I will just stick with it for now, i do not need the punishment-route for sex(it would be nice to have though?). The "You ,Strip" command works, also Defeat and normal SLEN, so i can live with it. I prefer not to be too rough with my Girls anyways, it´s my goal to make all of them love me?.


the stats of the other user have been reviewed for a fix next update for slaves missing the dialogue. send me a screenshot of your slave's stats from the slave info spell when missing the dialogue

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Dear CliftonJD, there might be a little misunderstand. I do not at all have the problems you are referring to, i actually do have all the Dialogue-Options. My problem is that neither initiating a SL-Scene via "OK, Slave... I´m going to fuck you" nor "You need to be punished...I will fuck you" works. I get a reaction like "Oh God, this can´t be happening" or similar from the Slave, but then nothing at all happens(even if i wait for several minutes). Also this is not tied to my Relationship to the Slave, it happens with freshly enslaved as well as with Fully trained Slaves with Status "In Love" (the freshly caught will straight up refuse to have Sex though if i use the "OK, Slave..." Option". I can, however, intiate SL-Sex via SLEN-Dialogue and with "You, Strip, i´m going to have fun with you".


Also, a NOOB-Question : Am i supposed to restart PAHE after the Update from 8.1.1 LE to 8.13 and/or should i restart it each time DOM updates?.


Edited by kf05
pointless, configuartion failiure
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22 hours ago, kf05 said:

Dear CliftonJD, there might be a little misunderstand. I do not at all have the problems you are referring to, i actually do have all the Dialogue-Options. My problem is that neither initiating a SL-Scene via "OK, Slave... I´m going to fuck you" nor "You need to be punished...I will fuck you" works. I get a reaction like "Oh God, this can´t be happening" or similar from the Slave, but then nothing at all happens(even if i wait for several minutes). Also this is not tied to my Relationship to the Slave, it happens with freshly enslaved as well as with Fully trained Slaves with Status "In Love" (the freshly caught will straight up refuse to have Sex though if i use the "OK, Slave..." Option". I can, however, intiate SL-Sex via SLEN-Dialogue and with "You, Strip, i´m going to have fun with you".


Also, a NOOB-Question : Am i supposed to restart PAHE after the Update from 8.1.1 LE to 8.13 and/or should i restart it each time DOM updates?.


ok if you have the dialogues but can't start the scene, i can't help without that log. as far i'm aware at that point its sexlab, but i haven't looked at what dom is changing in that script to know for sure

22 hours ago, kf05 said:

Also, a NOOB-Question : Am i supposed to restart PAHE after the Update from 8.1.1 LE to 8.13 and/or should i restart it each time DOM updates?.

since you need to set dom scripts overwrite pahe for dom to work, you would need to set your restarts to dom

Edited by CliftonJD
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On 4/24/2022 at 1:58 AM, kf05 said:

My problem is that neither initiating a SL-Scene via "OK, Slave... I´m going to fuck you" nor "You need to be punished...I will fuck you" works. I get a reaction like "Oh God, this can´t be happening" or similar from the Slave, but then nothing at all happens



Hi, I can confirm this, after using PAHE Update 8.1.3 THOSE dialogues for sex ? are just broken, I'm using DoM too (Last Version 2.9.10) and everything gets fixed once I revert back to the PAHE 8.1.1


PAHE 8.1.1 and DoM 2.9.10 are doing just fine, no bugs for now


Where's PAHE 8.1.2v by the way?


Anyway thanks for the effort and the regular updates, to be honest ❤️

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I'm getting a weird issue where a slave will walk off after fast travelling or reloading a previous save. There's another post about this and the behaviour I'm seeing is exactly the same. I've tried 8.1.2 and a older version (7.5.7), but the behaviour persists. I've tried re-cloning the NPC (Lydia) but nothing happens. Using the console to move to Lydia, transports you to the pahe cell where Lydia is dead. I've tried resurrecting and then re-enslaving but still nothing happens.


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.




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13 hours ago, サマエル said:


Hi, I can confirm this, after using PAHE Update 8.1.3 THOSE dialogues for sex ? are just broken, I'm using DoM too (Last Version 2.9.10) and everything gets fixed once I revert back to the PAHE 8.1.1


PAHE 8.1.1 and DoM 2.9.10 are doing just fine, no bugs for now


Where's PAHE 8.1.2v by the way?


Anyway thanks for the effort and the regular updates, to be honest ❤️

very strange indeed, i'll try posting 8.1.2 then

On 4/23/2022 at 2:24 PM, OmegaShadow132 said:

ok so this is a anoying glitch or bug that i have troubles with right now
well as the tittle says, once i load any save game with slaves with it, they just ignore me and start walking away somewhere, i can talk with them but they will just ignore anything that i ask them to do, even restraning them dont work.
so, anyone know why this happend or what i can do to find a solution for it?

post a papyrus log of the incident

30 minutes ago, goldfishbar said:

I'm getting a weird issue where a slave will walk off after fast travelling or reloading a previous save. There's another post about this and the behaviour I'm seeing is exactly the same. I've tried 8.1.2 and a older version (7.5.7), but the behaviour persists. I've tried re-cloning the NPC (Lydia) but nothing happens. Using the console to move to Lydia, transports you to the pahe cell where Lydia is dead. I've tried resurrecting and then re-enslaving but still nothing happens.


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.




same, post your log

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Clifton, how does one make a papyrus log? I am getting this same issue. It's almost like Pahe is forgetting that they are my slave. After enslaving a person, saving and loading the save it doesn't register and if I were to enslave another person the other slave I was trying to capture is broken as well.

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