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Painslut Companion, Fully voiced

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So I have been studying both scripting and SexLab and I found Alicia to be a perfect (and willing) victim for making a mod SexLab aware.


So - with DDproductions83's permission - here is my version of a SexLab aware Alicia if anyone is interested.


What changed:


- The 'welcome' scene should be triggered in Breezehome only after you complete Sanguine's quest (Sam's drinking game). This is to fit her in the storyline as a plaything / gift from Sanguine.

- She also has a 'business' relationship with Sanguine (master/assistant). That doesn't have any impact in the game so far. It is just an experiment on my part.


- Now for the SexLab part. The trick was to find a way to set up the framework and trigger animations where appropriate.

- Some of her comments will cause her to crawl all over you 

- Some comments will have you 'finish' her

- In some conditions, she will stop combat and finish herself off


In addition to the entertainment value, this adds a liability aspect to combat.


Depending on the fighting conditions, you will find yourself exposed while answering her needs or you will have to fight by yourself while she is selfishly finishing herself off (as if you needed another reason to punish her).


So far, it seems to be playing nice along other SexLab mods. My character even has learned a position or two from watching her :)


Now for the usual disclaimers:


- This is mostly my first mod, so use it as-is and with caution (in other terms, save-save-save)

- I tried to use generic tags to trigger animations, but it is possible this mod relies on animations I have imported from other SexLab related mods (in other words, it hasn't been play tested by anyone else yet)

- To install, just drop the files on top of your installation of Alicia. This obviously requires you installed both Alicia and SexLab.


With that, I highly recommend using an enhanced blood effect and giving her a basic armor and just knives to get the full effect of her companionship :)





As I can't currently test this due to keeping my file system pure for a mod im working on, Toss me feedback peeps :P

Did you use the standard sexlab voice or use some of her combat lines for the sex?

And if you un BSA the file theres actually 2 orgasm audio files under bleedout, i could never get it to work though in game :P


I will try to add to front page a link tot he D/L

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So I have been studying both scripting and SexLab and I found Alicia to be a perfect (and willing) victim for making a mod SexLab aware.


So - with DDproductions83's permission - here is my version of a SexLab aware Alicia if anyone is interested.




With that, I highly recommend using an enhanced blood effect and giving her a basic armor and just knives to get the full effect of her companionship :)





As I can't currently test this due to keeping my file system pure for a mod im working on, Toss me feedback peeps :P

Did you use the standard sexlab voice or use some of her combat lines for the sex?

And if you un BSA the file theres actually 2 orgasm audio files under bleedout, i could never get it to work though in game :P


I will try to add to front page a link tot he D/L



Some comments about bleedout.


The combat/bleedout stage was were I first tried to trigger some animations. The scripts are still there but as far I can tell, they are never triggered. I think it is because combat takes precedence for that kind of action and these scripts would have to be in an AI package that would take priority over combat. I don't know enough about CK to crack that nut yet.


Initially, I wanted to have her break combat and crawl all over whoever she was fighting at the time, but since combat seems to have higher priority, I couldn't get that to work, so I had to fallback on solo animations and sequences with her 'master'. 


Fortunately, these scripts happen during the 'Detection' stage and they seem to trigger better than in the 'Combat' phase.


I used the standard SexLab calls and didn't touch the voices at all.


I will not play-test her for a while. My save game got too unstable from adding/removing mods and I had to start over last night. I will check in on her once I reach level 14 and the drinking game quest can begin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously someone find me some hot sounding kinky chick to voice a companion or two :) hell I'm willing to put up at least 100$ per companion voiced if they are willing to go all in (ie sexlab aware) and we could probably get some community love etc

Making companions is easy and fun. Finding the VA's is a bitch so fuck it I'll offer bling bling

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Alright got a VA and starting work on another companion, with a actual questline/story to go with it. I could use some scripting help if anybody can find or knows a something I can copy/paste for scripting to re-equip armor that someone had on .. i can easily "property.unequipall" but i cant get my brain around the arrays BS but I can copy paste shit easily where needed and change the actor property :P

Honestly that seems to be the only hangup ill have implementing sex scenes, putting their clothes back on

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Alright got a VA and starting work on another companion, with a actual questline/story to go with it. I could use some scripting help if anybody can find or knows a something I can copy/paste for scripting to re-equip armor that someone had on .. i can easily "property.unequipall" but i cant get my brain around the arrays BS but I can copy paste shit easily where needed and change the actor property :P

Honestly that seems to be the only hangup ill have implementing sex scenes, putting their clothes back on


I only have one word for that - SexLab :)


It does add a dependency to the mod, but it makes that sort of things so much easier. Undressing is handled automatically with each animation and it even gives you simple functions to force undressing outside of animations as well.


My only beef with it at the moment is that it provides convenient functions to apply an animation by type or by tag but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the list of types or tags available, so it feels like flying blind.

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Alright got a VA and starting work on another companion, with a actual questline/story to go with it. I could use some scripting help if anybody can find or knows a something I can copy/paste for scripting to re-equip armor that someone had on .. i can easily "property.unequipall" but i cant get my brain around the arrays BS but I can copy paste shit easily where needed and change the actor property :P

Honestly that seems to be the only hangup ill have implementing sex scenes, putting their clothes back on





Spell leftspell

Spell RightSpell

Weapon LeftWeapon

Weapon RightWeapon


;Start of Fose

Armor ChestArmour

Armor HeadArmour

Armor FootArmour

Armor CalvesArmour

Armor HandArmour

Armor ForearmsArmour

Armor CircletArmour

Armor RingArmour

Armor AmuletArmour

;Armor Hair

Armor Shield

;Armor Tail

;Armor LongHair

;Armor UnNamed01

;Armor UnNamed02

Armor UnNamed03

;Armor UnNamed04

;Armor UnNamed05

;Armor UnNamed06

;Armor UnNamed07

;Armor UnNamed08

;Armor UnNamed09

;Armor UnNamed10

;Armor UnNamed11

;Armor UnNamed12

;Armor UnNamed13

;Armor UnNamed14

;Armor UnNamed15

;Armor UnNamed16

;Armor UnNamed17

;Armor UnNamed18

;Armor UnNamed19


Function FOSEStrip(Actor Who)

if (Who == PlayerREF)

;debug.notification("Saving player armor")

HeadArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(30)) as Armor

;Hair = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(31)) as Armor

ChestArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(32)) as Armor

HandArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(33)) as Armor

ForearmsArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(34)) as Armor

AmuletArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(35)) as Armor

RingArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(36)) as Armor

FootArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(37)) as Armor

CalvesArmour= PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(38)) as Armor

Shield = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(39)) as Armor

;Tail = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(40)) as Armor

;LongHair = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(41)) as Armor

CircletArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(42)) as Armor

;UnNamed01 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(43)) as Armor

;UnNamed02 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(44)) as Armor

UnNamed03 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(45)) as Armor

;UnNamed04 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(46)) as Armor

;UnNamed05 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(47)) as Armor

;UnNamed06 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(48)) as Armor

;UnNamed07 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(49)) as Armor

;UnNamed08 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(50)) as Armor

;UnNamed09 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(51)) as Armor

;UnNamed10 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(52)) as Armor

;UnNamed11 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(53)) as Armor

;UnNamed12 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(54)) as Armor

;UnNamed13 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(55)) as Armor

;UnNamed14 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(56)) as Armor

;UnNamed15 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(57)) as Armor

;UnNamed16 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(58)) as Armor

;UnNamed17 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(59)) as Armor

;UnNamed18 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(60)) as Armor

;UnNamed19 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(61)) as Armor

LeftSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(0)

RightSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1)

LeftWeapon = PlayerRef.getequippedweapon(0)

RightWeapon = PlayerRef.getequippedweapon(1)

if LeftSpell

PlayerRef.unequipitem (LeftSpell )


if RightSpell

PlayerRef.unequipitem (RightSpell )


if LeftWeapon

PlayerRef.unequipitem (LeftWeapon, abSilent = true )


if RightWeapon

PlayerRef.unequipitem (RightWeapon, abSilent = true )





































Function RemoveItemFromActor(Actor Who,Int Slot, Armor ItemToRemove)

; This function prevents the inadvertent removal of any quest items even if they remain visible on the player

; The problem is that other items are also marked with these flags. I need a better way to know what is a

; quest item becaue this doesn't hack it.

;if !(ItemToRemove.HasKeywordString("VendorNoSale") || ItemToRemove.HasKeywordString("MagicDisallowEnchanting"))





Function UnFOSEStrip()

;debug.notification("Restoring Players armor")

If ChestArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( ChestArmour , False, True )


If HeadArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( HeadArmour , False, True )


If FootArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( FootArmour , False, True )


If HandArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( HandArmour , False, True )


If CalvesArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( CalvesArmour, False, True )


If ForearmsArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( ForearmsArmour, False, True )


If CircletArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( CircletArmour, False, True )


If RingArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( RingArmour, False, True )


If AmuletArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( AmuletArmour, False, True )


;If Hair

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( Hair, False, True )


If Shield

PlayerRef.equipitem ( Shield, False, True )


;If Tail

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( Tail, False, True )


;If LongHair

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( LongHair , False, True )


;If UnNamed01

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed01, False, True )


;If UnNamed02

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed02, False, True )


If UnNamed03

PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed03, False, True )


;If UnNamed04

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed04, False, True )


;If UnNamed05

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed05, False, True )


;If UnNamed06

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed06, False, True )


;If UnNamed07

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed07, False, True )


;If UnNamed08

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed08, False, True )


;If UnNamed09

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed09, False, True )


;If UnNamed10

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed10, False, True )


;If UnNamed11

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed11, False, True )


;If UnNamed12

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed12, False, True )


;If UnNamed13

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed13, False, True )


;If UnNamed14

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed14, False, True )


;If UnNamed15

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed15, False, True )


;If UnNamed16

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed16, False, True )


;If UnNamed17

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed17, False, True )


;If UnNamed18

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed18, False, True )


;If UnNamed19

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed19, False, True )


;ReEquipSpells and weapons

if LeftWeapon

PlayerRef.equipitem (LeftWeapon, False, True )


if RightWeapon

PlayerRef.equipitem (RightWeapon, False, True )


if LeftSpell

PlayerRef.equipspell (LeftSpell,0)


if RightSpell

PlayerRef.equipspell (RightSpell,1)





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Alright got a VA and starting work on another companion, with a actual questline/story to go with it. I could use some scripting help if anybody can find or knows a something I can copy/paste for scripting to re-equip armor that someone had on .. i can easily "property.unequipall" but i cant get my brain around the arrays BS but I can copy paste shit easily where needed and change the actor property :P

Honestly that seems to be the only hangup ill have implementing sex scenes, putting their clothes back on





Spell leftspell

Spell RightSpell

Weapon LeftWeapon

Weapon RightWeapon


;Start of Fose

Armor ChestArmour

Armor HeadArmour

Armor FootArmour

Armor CalvesArmour

Armor HandArmour

Armor ForearmsArmour

Armor CircletArmour

Armor RingArmour

Armor AmuletArmour

;Armor Hair

Armor Shield

;Armor Tail

;Armor LongHair

;Armor UnNamed01

;Armor UnNamed02

Armor UnNamed03

;Armor UnNamed04

;Armor UnNamed05

;Armor UnNamed06

;Armor UnNamed07

;Armor UnNamed08

;Armor UnNamed09

;Armor UnNamed10

;Armor UnNamed11

;Armor UnNamed12

;Armor UnNamed13

;Armor UnNamed14

;Armor UnNamed15

;Armor UnNamed16

;Armor UnNamed17

;Armor UnNamed18

;Armor UnNamed19


Function FOSEStrip(Actor Who)

if (Who == PlayerREF)

;debug.notification("Saving player armor")

HeadArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(30)) as Armor

;Hair = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(31)) as Armor

ChestArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(32)) as Armor

HandArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(33)) as Armor

ForearmsArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(34)) as Armor

AmuletArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(35)) as Armor

RingArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(36)) as Armor

FootArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(37)) as Armor

CalvesArmour= PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(38)) as Armor

Shield = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(39)) as Armor

;Tail = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(40)) as Armor

;LongHair = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(41)) as Armor

CircletArmour = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(42)) as Armor

;UnNamed01 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(43)) as Armor

;UnNamed02 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(44)) as Armor

UnNamed03 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(45)) as Armor

;UnNamed04 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(46)) as Armor

;UnNamed05 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(47)) as Armor

;UnNamed06 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(48)) as Armor

;UnNamed07 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(49)) as Armor

;UnNamed08 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(50)) as Armor

;UnNamed09 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(51)) as Armor

;UnNamed10 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(52)) as Armor

;UnNamed11 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(53)) as Armor

;UnNamed12 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(54)) as Armor

;UnNamed13 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(55)) as Armor

;UnNamed14 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(56)) as Armor

;UnNamed15 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(57)) as Armor

;UnNamed16 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(58)) as Armor

;UnNamed17 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(59)) as Armor

;UnNamed18 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(60)) as Armor

;UnNamed19 = PlayerRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(61)) as Armor

LeftSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(0)

RightSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1)

LeftWeapon = PlayerRef.getequippedweapon(0)

RightWeapon = PlayerRef.getequippedweapon(1)

if LeftSpell

PlayerRef.unequipitem (LeftSpell )


if RightSpell

PlayerRef.unequipitem (RightSpell )


if LeftWeapon

PlayerRef.unequipitem (LeftWeapon, abSilent = true )


if RightWeapon

PlayerRef.unequipitem (RightWeapon, abSilent = true )





































Function RemoveItemFromActor(Actor Who,Int Slot, Armor ItemToRemove)

; This function prevents the inadvertent removal of any quest items even if they remain visible on the player

; The problem is that other items are also marked with these flags. I need a better way to know what is a

; quest item becaue this doesn't hack it.

;if !(ItemToRemove.HasKeywordString("VendorNoSale") || ItemToRemove.HasKeywordString("MagicDisallowEnchanting"))





Function UnFOSEStrip()

;debug.notification("Restoring Players armor")

If ChestArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( ChestArmour , False, True )


If HeadArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( HeadArmour , False, True )


If FootArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( FootArmour , False, True )


If HandArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( HandArmour , False, True )


If CalvesArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( CalvesArmour, False, True )


If ForearmsArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( ForearmsArmour, False, True )


If CircletArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( CircletArmour, False, True )


If RingArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( RingArmour, False, True )


If AmuletArmour

PlayerRef.equipitem ( AmuletArmour, False, True )


;If Hair

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( Hair, False, True )


If Shield

PlayerRef.equipitem ( Shield, False, True )


;If Tail

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( Tail, False, True )


;If LongHair

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( LongHair , False, True )


;If UnNamed01

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed01, False, True )


;If UnNamed02

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed02, False, True )


If UnNamed03

PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed03, False, True )


;If UnNamed04

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed04, False, True )


;If UnNamed05

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed05, False, True )


;If UnNamed06

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed06, False, True )


;If UnNamed07

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed07, False, True )


;If UnNamed08

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed08, False, True )


;If UnNamed09

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed09, False, True )


;If UnNamed10

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed10, False, True )


;If UnNamed11

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed11, False, True )


;If UnNamed12

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed12, False, True )


;If UnNamed13

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed13, False, True )


;If UnNamed14

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed14, False, True )


;If UnNamed15

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed15, False, True )


;If UnNamed16

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed16, False, True )


;If UnNamed17

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed17, False, True )


;If UnNamed18

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed18, False, True )


;If UnNamed19

; PlayerRef.equipitem ( UnNamed19, False, True )


;ReEquipSpells and weapons

if LeftWeapon

PlayerRef.equipitem (LeftWeapon, False, True )


if RightWeapon

PlayerRef.equipitem (RightWeapon, False, True )


if LeftSpell

PlayerRef.equipspell (LeftSpell,0)


if RightSpell

PlayerRef.equipspell (RightSpell,1)






Has there been any discussion yet about a shared function library? This seems like a prime candidate to start it off with.

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I'm still confused how to throw that in a script fragment and get it to work rofl


CK editor is a labyrinth of menus and options. After two months, I still feel like I am just scratching the surface.


I can definitely help improve on scripts that are already in place if you need a hand.


I am still fuzzy about setting up full questlines with story manager events, topics, and so on.

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I'm still confused how to throw that in a script fragment and get it to work rofl


CK editor is a labyrinth of menus and options. After two months, I still feel like I am just scratching the surface.


I can definitely help improve on scripts that are already in place if you need a hand.


I am still fuzzy about setting up full questlines with story manager events, topics, and so on.


See THAT I can do easily, scripts fuck me up if they are more complicated than "A.DO(B)" lol 

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I have had Alicia for ages and haven't upgraded her yet. (cept changing her looks, race and the odd package tweaks)

just wanna say what a great job you have done and appears to be practically bug free for me and i use Selene, Vilja, Cerwiden, Aurora, Eryniel, BFAlicia, Natalie and other heavy modded npc's.

The voices are of fantastic quality and Alicia's speech and combat is A-Grade ingame, thanks alot

sure hope you find the time to create more voice mods



Edit: just to add to the atmosphere, Bonetown/craft has some great voices if you have the game, i injected a few into random chatter for alicia.

lol hilarious ingame :P

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How well would this work with AFT (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15524/?)?  She seems a bit dodgy atm, so i sent her away.  I flagged her with AFT, but it warned about quest interference, and since i have no idea about this mod beyond where to find her and that she be a kinky sort, i thought it best to check here first.


As an aside:  When i first enter breezehome, there is no message or anything, she just comes up from the basement walks around the stairs (doesn't acknowledge my toon), then goes back into the basement where I find her in the shackles. 

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How well would this work with AFT (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15524/?)?  She seems a bit dodgy atm, so i sent her away.  I flagged her with AFT, but it warned about quest interference, and since i have no idea about this mod beyond where to find her and that she be a kinky sort, i thought it best to check here first.


As an aside:  When i first enter breezehome, there is no message or anything, she just comes up from the basement walks around the stairs (doesn't acknowledge my toon), then goes back into the basement where I find her in the shackles. 


@astor - Are you talking about the original Alicia mod, or the Sexlab version?


I noticed issue with the Sexlab version when I finally could test her on a new, clean game. I worked things out and I will release an update today. There were issues with AFT and with the quest start among other things. 

Link to comment

The original mod.  I grabbed the sexlab version, but she doesn't have any dialog at all beyond the basick sexlab romance dialog since this is a new game and i haven't done the sanguine quest.


Ok.... the update will fix that.


I have played with her for a bit alongside AFT and she seems to be working so far.


Did you try placing her after AFT in the load order?

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I ran into a small setback - I tested the new startup sequence a dozen times yesterday and she was working fine. Then this morning, I tried again with a different character and Alicia just attacked me on sight. I believe that was caused by a last minute clean up with TESVEdit and she is back to normal now.


I have a couple of changes I need to add back (lost when I had to revert back to yesterday's copy) and I will post the new version shortly.

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Updated: From the readme file...


SexLab Alicia v0.22 (July 2013)




Alicia, a new fully voiced unique S&M companion available for your pleasure at Breezehome.

Breezehome is unlocked with this mod as well.


Alicia is a perfect (and willing) victim for making a mod SexLab aware.

So - with DDproductions83's permission - here is my version of a SexLab aware Alicia if anyone is interested.


What changed from the original version:



Version 0.24 (2013/07/07)

- Merged the original .esm and .bsa files for easier install

- Added missing files for face data

- Renamed a script and tweaked sex animation triggers

- Changed the trigger for the main quest to the first time you enter the basement in Breezehome

- Added bloody rags and a welcome note next to the basement entrace to catch your attention

- Added clutter, hankle deep water, better lighting and other details to the basement (the Chest in the corner is an indirect way to get some gear from other mods. Consider it another gift from S.)

- A quest objective will now show when you first enter the basement

- Alicia now has her own custom Race. You can drop your favorite meshes and textures under the folders:





I included the default meshes and skins from the main UNP files (I will replace them by a copy of vanilla meshes and skins when I can get hold of them to avoid redistribution issues). I tested her with a few UNP body shapes and skins. She may need extra testing with CBBE or other models.


Version 0.1 (2013/06/17)

- The 'welcome' scene should be triggered in Breezehome only after you complete Sanguine's quest (Sam's drinking game). This is to fit her in the storyline as a plaything / gift from Sanguine. [broken in v0.1 - see v0.2 notes]

- She also has a 'business' relationship with Sanguine (master/assistant). That doesn't have any impact in the game so far. It is just an experiment on my part.


- Now for the SexLab part. The trick was to find a way to set up the framework and trigger animations where appropriate.

- Some of her comments will cause her to crawl all over you 

- Some comments will have you 'finish' her

- In some conditions, she will stop combat and finish herself off


In addition to the entertainment value, this adds a liability aspect to combat.


Depending on the fighting conditions, you will find yourself exposed while answering her needs or you will have to fight by yourself while she is selfishly finishing herself off (as if you needed another reason to punish her).







- This is mostly my first mod, so use it as-is and with caution (in other terms, save-save-save)

- I tried to use generic tags to trigger animations, but it is possible this mod relies on animations I have imported from other SexLab related mods (in other words, it hasn't been play tested by anyone else yet)


Requirements and Installation



Required Files

The mod will CTD you without apachii  



Unzip and put the BSA ESM and ESP in your data folder and activate them and enjoy.


- Because of scripts, it is recommended to do a clean save (dismiss Alica if you already have her, save, reload the game with the mod unchecked, save, install the new files,  load the game with the new mod checked, save again). If you can afford it, start a new game :)





- SexLab mods: So far, it seems to be playing nice along other SexLab mods. My character even has learned a position or two from watching her :)

- AFT (Amazing Followers Tweaks): Make sure Alicia.esp is placed AFTER AFT in your load order.


With that, I highly recommend using an enhanced blood effect and giving her a basic armor and just knives to get the full effect of her companionship :)





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Does this require the mod from the o.p.?  Reason I ask is that i installed that, then this over that and she had skinny unp body, a dark grey head, and it doesn't change when i change the meshes and textures files out with something else.  If I install this without the o.p.'s mod, then the Alicia.esp complains about needing the Alicia.esm (it's red in Wrye Bash).


Also, the "Read Me" in the zip file is empty.

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Thanks for reporting that. I know how to fix the grey face - I forgot to include the right file.


You are supposed to install the original mod first and this one on top of it. I will ask DDproductions83 if I can include the original files with this version to make it simple.


When changing the meshes and textures, make sure they keep the same names. I tried four sets of meshes and textures from different sources and I haven't found anything wrong yet. I can take a look if you tell me which body type and texture you are trying to install.

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