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I tested again :the follower dont kook by themself. You have to find every jobs for them...


Another thing : i saw you can buy a prostitute to their pimps. How you can use them ?


A follower hooks if she wears a whore outfit.


You can free a whore from a pimp - nothing more.

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Some issues I'm having with this mod (which I love the idea behind, btw!).


Some NPC johns end up staying put after we're done.  I've seen a couple eventually move on, but right now I've got an NPC in Riften who's been standing in that little cubby hole by Honeyside for about 4 in-game months (Dunmer dude - not sure his name).  ResetAi in the console doesn't fix this - is there a command that does?


I always have a copy of the quest "A john is looking for a whore" in my journal.  I will get the quest complete for an encounter, but the quest doesn't leave my journal until the next john starts looking.  Any way to force complete these?


I get the % instead of a number in how much I still owe my pimp.  This is a new bug in the latest (that I have) version of this mod - wasn't in the initial release (to my knowledge).


Biggest issue I've had, though, is in my latest game.  Was a bondage whore to my pimp, and when the quest updated to that I owed my pimp -90 septims, my bondage outfit was removed (I think by this mod, but honestly not sure).  Quest stayed in my log.  I asked to be free as a whore, and pimp agreed and took back all outfits, so i went my merry way.  A couple of fast travels later and literally everyone is approaching me (even followers) constantly asking me if I'm a whore.  I'm not wearing any item from any outfits, so not sure why, and setting "johns per hour" to 0 won't stop it.  I don't know if it's because the bondage whore quest is still in my journal but using the cheat option to stop that quest (it was the only ME quest I could stop) did nothing to change anything (still have both john is looking for me quest and bondage whore quest in journal, and still get approached constantly - even wearing only actual armor and not having a pimp and johns set to 0).


Pretty much game-breaking that I hadn't seen before that point.


Anyways, love the idea of the mod, hope the bugs get worked out.  Loved the idea of the original ME mod, too, but was also really buggy.


Oh - last question - why does my pimp lock me up for 8 hours?  Seems really counter-intuitive.  You'd think they'd want me out making money.  I could maybe understand if I was a slave (though something more like the original ME where you were set up as someone to be used by anyone at the inn while your master slept would make more sense), but if I'm just a whore (not a slave) locking me up for 8 hours a day makes no sense.

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Hi zaira, I have been playing with your mod for 40+ hours now and its is very impressive and has a lot of content. I started with the quick start option and become a forced prostitute of Vanessa, however I don't know how to become free. I saw on the description that if i had a follower I could ask him/her to buy me off them and make we work for the money they paid for me and then I free, but I don't have any followers, what are the other ways? I have not received the Please let me go dialogue also. Do I have to do something to activate that dialogue?


Thx a Million and keep up the great work ;)

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how to be a slave of a bandit i tried to surrender to them after they remove all of my items they just transport me to the auction hall after i remove the auction hall plugin  they just remove my items and leave 


Reversely,I always get the slave of bandit scence,,,

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Issues :


- when I'm a bondage whore slave, i can't hook, the pimp do nothing (no quests, etc...).

The follower, if I give her clothes, can work... also wenches who are not whores do it to...


The sleeping quest (when you restraine dnear a bed, when your pimp sleep) is a little obvious.


I tested simple slavery option, and it sell you to a random pimp (a guy with vapire outfit).

No house of burden for now...


Except that, the mod works well.



Edit :

can you make an option for choosing the quests for player as whore ?

Same for followers as whores. For example, hang her.



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ehm... sorry for stupid question and bad english, it there any solution for sleep\wait CTD's?

Hi; I'm really sorry to bring this up a month later but Id figure i'd post this for anyone else having this issue. I was getting CTDs on waiting and sleeping because LOOT was not putting house of burden under maria eden. putting Maria.esp as a requirement seemed to fix it for me.

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New version is out - much fun for krauts.


English translation is stuck on 2.0 - and this is about 60% - this means you will hear (or read) a lot of Kauderwelsch.


Now I can provide you also Spanish (Kalcinator) and Frensh (Dreaguer) translations (both about 50%) - and two very cool new locations from our famous brothel and torture chamber designer nameless407.


Update your ZazAnimationPack - 6.11 is required now - but you can kick ZazAnimationWorkshop now.


For impatient students of the sex trainer: setstage MariaTraining 20

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What is the best way to update to the new maria eden version?

i have the new zaz installed...

can i simply uninstall the old version and install the new one without loosing my outfits and builder stuff?


Simply overwrite the ME 2.0 with 2.1 is the best way...

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What is the best way to update to the new maria eden version?

i have the new zaz installed...

can i simply uninstall the old version and install the new one without loosing my outfits and builder stuff?


Simply overwrite the ME 2.0 with 2.1 is the best way...



Thanks for the answer Zaira. I just red in your OP that the clean save is recommended... or did I misunderstood it?

Quote from Installation tab: "I recommend to run a clean preparation game first and follow the "First Steps instructions"."

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What is the best way to update to the new maria eden version?

i have the new zaz installed...

can i simply uninstall the old version and install the new one without loosing my outfits and builder stuff?


Simply overwrite the ME 2.0 with 2.1 is the best way...



Thanks for the answer Zaira. I just red in your OP that the clean save is recommended... or did I misunderstood it?

Quote from Installation tab: "I recommend to run a clean preparation game first and follow the "First Steps instructions"."



Outfits and builder stuff are not part of a save game - you can start a new game without loosing all this stuff.

If a 2.0 save game works with 2.1 - I can't answer this. Maybe.


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What is the best way to update to the new maria eden version?

i have the new zaz installed...

can i simply uninstall the old version and install the new one without loosing my outfits and builder stuff?


Simply overwrite the ME 2.0 with 2.1 is the best way...



Thanks for the answer Zaira. I just red in your OP that the clean save is recommended... or did I misunderstood it?

Quote from Installation tab: "I recommend to run a clean preparation game first and follow the "First Steps instructions"."



Outfits and builder stuff are not part of a save game - you can start a new game without loosing all this stuff.

If a 2.0 save game works with 2.1 - I can't answer this. Maybe.





I see. Thanks again.

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I found a bug. If you become a whore in the Ponytail and want to rest for the day Vanessa will be stuck a floor above the cells, causing the player to be stuck


Add: Also happens with the perverted guy. They just stand there and nothing happens.

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I found a bug. If you become a whore in the Ponytail and want to rest for the day Vanessa will be stuck a floor above the cells, causing the player to be stuck


Add: Also happens with the perverted guy. They just stand there and nothing happens.


I don't know if this has been added or not maybe its a navmesh issue here is the post where I had a version where it was fixed http://www.loverslab.com/topic/57586-maria-eden-prostitution/?p=1466855 , If not the best of luck too you. Only download the ponytail club.esp

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Hey I'm about to try this mod, but i'm a bit confused about this :

You shall not use these plugins with Maria Eden < 2.1 and you shall not use the other plugins with Maria Eden > 2.0


so with version 2.1 we should use only RiftenBrothel-v1-00-20160405-191040 and METrainingAndAuctions-v1-00-20160405-191220 plugins?

Thanks in advance :-)

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Hey I'm about to try this mod, but i'm a bit confused about this :

You shall not use these plugins with Maria Eden < 2.1 and you shall not use the other plugins with Maria Eden > 2.0


so with version 2.1 we should use only RiftenBrothel-v1-00-20160405-191040 and METrainingAndAuctions-v1-00-20160405-191220 plugins?

Thanks in advance :-)


You can use BanneredMareExtensions...not the Solitude/Riverwood-Brothel

HouseOfBurden is included and reworked in METrainingAndAuctions-v1

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Thanks nameless701 :-)

Do yo uhappen to know if i should ignore this error when i try to install the mod with MO: failed to parse module config.xml: see console for details.

And this is what i have in console:

10:34:02 [D] mod id guessed: Maria-v2-01-20160405-201827 -> -1
10:34:02 [D] passed mod id: 0, guessed id: -1
10:34:02 [D] using mod name "Maria-v2" (id 0) -> Maria-v2-01-20160405-201827.7z
10:34:03 [D] trying encoding utf-16
10:34:03 [D] not utf-16: Start tag expected. in line 1
10:34:03 [D] trying encoding utf-8
10:34:03 [D] not utf-8: Start tag expected. in line 1
10:34:03 [D] trying encoding iso-8859-1
10:34:03 [D] not iso-8859-1: Start tag expected. in line 1
10:35:15 [D] module name :  "Maria Eden"
10:35:15 [W] Module dependencies not yet implemented
10:35:15 [W] Plugin  "Default configuration"  is the only plugin specified in group  "Config"  which permits selection of at most one plugin
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atürlich möchtest du nach so viel Arbeit an einem Update ein paar Worte des Lobes hören.

Leider gibt es keine Möglichkeit dafür.


Hurenkleidung nach jedem Zonen und Laden normale kleidung

Hulda als Wirtin kriegt den dialog " du wirst von nun an für mich anschaffen gehen" nicht mehr raus. Ebenso  Kira in Rifton.

Wanda fuinktioniert , ebenso Olfrid Graumähne als Pimp. Beide haben den dialog " habt ihr eine Auifgabe für mich" nicht mehr.

Wie also startet das Hurentraining?

Auspeitschen kein Knebel mehr. Dafür die entsaetzliche Stimee aus der Skyrim.esm, die ich schon in Defeat , Sanguine Debouchery, etc zum deaktivieren des Mods gebracht hat.

Nach dem Auspeitschen gleich noch einmal. diesmal von hinten. besonders gut, wenn man vorher an einer Wand stand....dann geht nix mehr.

Stand man nicht an der Wand telepotiert der Auspeitscher sich ins Nächste Bett zum wichsen, auch wenn das im anderen Raum steht. Abspritzen dann als ANimation, durch die Wand.

Jarl als kunde funktioniert immer noch nicht. zum pferd und bandiutenring bin ich nicht gekommen, da alleine das wegnehmen des knebels und diese stimme für mich grund ist, mit diesem mod aufzuhören.

viel spass noch beim reparieren all der neuen bugs, die du gemacht hast, ach so, die reparierst du ja wie immer sowieso nicht.


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Great mod!  Thank you and all those who help make it!


Question/Suggestion:  Simple Slavery should/could go to all the assigned pimps and randomly select one?  SL Defeat/Death Alternative should link to the auction.  


Thanks again for all your efforts!

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