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Kudos to you this is working a LOT better than the slavery mod so far


just one thing i would like, some kind of warning that auto pilot is about to take over or an option to switch it off as it kicks in way to late, keep walking into walls and just about every where except for the direction i am trying to walk in.

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Nice work and I only did a bit in an inn so lots more to explort.


Maybe add to the installation steps that FNIS needs to be updated. I didn't do it because I expected all animations to be from the other frameworks but it seems integral to all quests mechanics as in: It broke alot of the quests and dialogue and created annoying failure states which made me wonder why this ceased to be called an alpha.


Now with that simple FNIS update a lot of the glitches and problems are gone and the mod really shines.


On mod conflicts: I have the impression Radiant Prostitution uses similar triggers as ME as the dialogue was updating between both mods depending on status and allowed me to shoot the ME dialogue with the innkeeper as I told him that I was finished for the night. Was fixable but something to look out for.



As an improvement I'd like the action wheels and hotkeys combined if possible. With all the mods my keyboard gets a bit confusing. I at least feel 4 keys is too much and maybe the wheel could serve more  purposes so one doesn't have to look for the right place to trigger something.


Just an idea.



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Hi, I've tried Slaverun with ME installed and found some game-breaking bugs. 

1) When my char got whipped on a X-cross, in slaverun, the save got corrupted (cannot save anymore without crashing). That's happening after having installed and played ME.


2) The same happened when I got equipped some Devious Device by slaverun.


It's like something in ME is getting activated, thus getting in the way of the the other mod. I've noticed that with Slaverun... but I suspect the phenomenon would replicated with other mods when they call for similar functions. 

I have the same issue. I've also tried to remove Slave-Run, but the problem still persists. 

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Great mod thx. Mod is heavily scripted. Is there any way to light the mod? Maybye more nmm options like cursed loot?

Mod is conflicted with alternative start mod. Write it in introduction.

Often cdt on fast travel to house of burden. I dont know why. Probably i have to many other mods


Greet and thx once more time

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I removed the maria quickstart esp and started the game normally but the part where I am supposed to be able to choose race sex options etc is skipped and female imperial is chosen for me. I had to load the autosave made after jumping off the cart and bring up console at the right time when hadvar says who are you? then type showracemenu to get it to work.


I went back to the normal start because the quickstart does not change helgen to a destroyed state, go to helgen later and the stormcloaks and thalmor are fighting each other and everything is still standing not destroyed.

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I don't have another quick start mod to use I only had maria quickstart esp so I removed that and started a new game which gave me the default start which is what I wanted to do since the maria quick start does not change the helgen scenes to be destroyed after the intro stuff. Leaving helgen intact causes problems later when the player goes near helgen for any reason. At least one quest requires the player to run through helgen later on if they have not already discovered the location they need to travel to for that quest.

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Hi, I've tried Slaverun with ME installed and found some game-breaking bugs. 

1) When my char got whipped on a X-cross, in slaverun, the save got corrupted (cannot save anymore without crashing). That's happening after having installed and played ME.


2) The same happened when I got equipped some Devious Device by slaverun.


It's like something in ME is getting activated, thus getting in the way of the the other mod. I've noticed that with Slaverun... but I suspect the phenomenon would replicated with other mods when they call for similar functions. 

I have the same issue. I've also tried to remove Slave-Run, but the problem still persists. 


A quick "fix" for this issue (temp fix! Not permanent!) is to use the Restart mod in Maria Eden's MCM menu. 

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It would be so nice if there is an option to disable sleeping time and also an option for random sex scenes....


Ansonsten hammergeile Mod, vorallem die builder und outfit optionen sind richtig nice!

Weißt du schon wann in etwa mit einen neuen update zu rechnen ist?


Ich hab versucht in der "Aether Suite" rumzuhuren, aber irgendwie geht das da nicht auch mit den builder sachen nicht, warscheinlich weil es ein zusätzlicher worldspace ist?

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Next update is in preparation and a bit delayed cause of the new holy Zaz package. I'll try to integrate Zaz  deeper into ME because Zaz contains a new feature for queued actions that allows me to make some scenes more robust.


However next version will contain a completely new quest line "Whore training".

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The follower as whore don't really work : she do nothing, just staying here. Player have to find her all the jobs...


Have you enabled whoring auto start in MCM menu? When you do that, save the settings  and reload the game.


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