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Can't try it with my current game, i already have too much mods running to keep it stable. But i'm so very excited about this... just one question:

How is it that cursed loot is a recommmendation? Is there something that you actually use in your mod, or do you just think that it's functions would play nice together with yours?

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I don't think YpsFashion 5.1 and up will work with slaverun, at least it didn't with me. I had to revert to the previous yps version. I think it has something to do with this from the changelog for yps:


"- for modders: replaced yps-OnHaircutEvent with yps-HaircutEvent (will only apply styles not longer than current hair) and yps-SetHaircutEvent (will set new hairlength, even if it is longer than current)"


The currently released beta for slaverun was made before that version of yps so it still uses the old yps-onhaircutevent. That's my guess anyway.





1.03 will run normally, but 2.0 beta2 will not run. The mode arrangement is exactly the same.


if you can't run the 2.0 beta2, that means you have something that isn't up to date that the beta need to work. make sure all your mods are up to date ^^




V2 and its beta have more hard dependencies than v1 so you probably forgot one, or like barak said missed an update.



There it is : official V2.0 of Slaverun Reloaded biggrin.png


First : everyone needs a clean save, sorry



and yes, v2 has more dependencies, I updated my first post where they are listed for V1 and for V2

I updated to the events of the latest yps version, I probably should write more about what all is changed and what is fixed, maybe I will add that later,



but now I go for breakfast tongue.png



Thank you for the update, but I can't start the mod. Maybe I'm dense but I've double and triple checked all the requirements for V2 and I'm sure I have all the latest versions. I can access the MCM options but the quest won't start. Could someone list the exact steps for starting the quest? I have all the requirements (unless there's a hidden requirement somewhere).


I'm having exactly the same problem. I can see mod installed in MCM menu, but the mod is not starting automatically.

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for those that have a problem with v2 not starting, please make sure that your mods are up to date, not just the dependencies for slaverun, but other mods too. speaking from personal experience, my Schlong of skyrim was out of date, and i couldn't start the v2. i updated it, and the v2 suddenly worked.


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I don't think YpsFashion 5.1 and up will work with slaverun, at least it didn't with me. I had to revert to the previous yps version. I think it has something to do with this from the changelog for yps:


"- for modders: replaced yps-OnHaircutEvent with yps-HaircutEvent (will only apply styles not longer than current hair) and yps-SetHaircutEvent (will set new hairlength, even if it is longer than current)"


The currently released beta for slaverun was made before that version of yps so it still uses the old yps-onhaircutevent. That's my guess anyway.





1.03 will run normally, but 2.0 beta2 will not run. The mode arrangement is exactly the same.


if you can't run the 2.0 beta2, that means you have something that isn't up to date that the beta need to work. make sure all your mods are up to date ^^




V2 and its beta have more hard dependencies than v1 so you probably forgot one, or like barak said missed an update.



There it is : official V2.0 of Slaverun Reloaded biggrin.png


First : everyone needs a clean save, sorry



and yes, v2 has more dependencies, I updated my first post where they are listed for V1 and for V2

I updated to the events of the latest yps version, I probably should write more about what all is changed and what is fixed, maybe I will add that later,



but now I go for breakfast tongue.png



Thank you for the update, but I can't start the mod. Maybe I'm dense but I've double and triple checked all the requirements for V2 and I'm sure I have all the latest versions. I can access the MCM options but the quest won't start. Could someone list the exact steps for starting the quest? I have all the requirements (unless there's a hidden requirement somewhere).


I'm having exactly the same problem. I can see mod installed in MCM menu, but the mod is not starting automatically.



I think everyone who had this problem, hat tons of errors in papyrus.log, so here is what I recommend:


read Sacremas Modding Guide, it has a ton of useful informations

use Loot to sort your load order

use a Modding Tool, I use Mod Organizer and I am very happy with it, but Nexus Mod Manager is easier to start if you are beginner

use Wyre Bash to create a Bashed Patch.esp

update your Frameworks to the latest version, here is a list what I use


Sexlab Framework 1.62

ZazAnimationPack 6.22 (you may have to use now 6.11)

Devious Devices Assets 3.0e

Devious Devices Integration 3.3b

Devious Devices Expansion 2.0c

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Expanded 3-93 (make sure nothing overwrites its skeletons)

SOS Schongs of Skyrim 3.00.004


Then use Alternate Start- Live another Live mod


Don't install Slaverun and other questmods,

start Skyrim and create a new char in the starter cell of alternate start


Use MCM Menus of your installed mods and configure everything, for example Sexlab


save your character, you may have to reload that save and continue configuring, Estrus charus only start in a second run, also devious devices does something when you load for the second time


complete your MCM configurations and save,

check your papyrus logs for errors


then install Slaverun, let it start and be happy, for me it works in 10 of 10 tries.


This is just how I do it, other ways may also work very good



@destoyer: I see in your modlist that you use Maria Eden mod together with DD mods, be aware that this may cause a lot of additional problems, as both are anounced from their authors as conflicting






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Here's an oddity I am experiencing that I didnt get with the previous beta.

As soon as you enter the gates of Whiterun, you are in an underwater state.

The area is small, only extending to where the first guard (who is also affected) on the left is. The blacksmith is unaffected.


The other bug I have experienced is Diamond not appearing. The dialog proceeds even with her not there to the point where you are both to be fucked, but then it hangs with a dialog marker over Bellamy but with no way to move.


Confirmed I am using the following.

Sexlab Framework 1.62

ZazAnimationPack 6.11

Devious Devices Assets 3.0e

Devious Devices Integration 3.3b

Devious Devices Expansion 2.0c




I disabled various mods like Defeat, Kidnapped, Drunk, Bijin wifes. etc, until just the dependencies for this one were left.

Now Diamond was there.

So I will have to test further to see what makes Diamond vanish.

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Here's an oddity I am experiencing that I didnt get with the previous beta.

As soon as you enter the gates of Whiterun, you are in an underwater state.

The area is small, only extending to where the first guard (who is also affected) on the left is. The blacksmith is unaffected.


The other bug I have experienced is Diamond not appearing. The dialog proceeds even with her not there to the point where you are both to be fucked, but then it hangs with a dialog marker over Bellamy but with no way to move.


Confirmed I am using the following.

Sexlab Framework 1.62

ZazAnimationPack 6.11

Devious Devices Assets 3.0e

Devious Devices Integration 3.3b

Devious Devices Expansion 2.0c


I have this problem too.

It's not simply an "underwater state".


You've got guards swimming about mid air.

But a careful look at this would tell you that the entire whiterun gate (though not a large area, as said above) is a body of water stretching up quite high.

Blacksmith area isn't covered.

There's just a block of 'invisible' black water floating in the air, and you wouldn't even notice it if you weren't swimming in it.


can you post a screenshot please?



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So, I'm getting a pretty odd bug that I've definitely narrowed down to the new version. The entrance to Whiterun ( From the gate all the way up to the blacksmith door) is underwater. Like, I literally enter whiterun and I have to swim through the air for like 10 meters to get to "dry" land. Wut?

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I can not reproduce the problem, but that may be because I use a City mod , JK Cities,

I inspected the esp in TES5Edit and removed something 'unnecessary' ( I hope)


Can someone with the water bug test with this modified esp?




Whatever you did it worked for me, Thanks!

I don't use any city overhauls.

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Take your time, so far the story you did is awesome.


One stupid question, the character i play is a sub that would like to get enslaved but can't let that happen because she's the Dragonborn. Are there any plans to let the player help the slavers as a "free" woman / part time slave?


Playing the slaver questline without companions is nearly that, but still a bit different.


Though most likely adding that option will take too much time, gotta make sure not to kill the project with feature creep.


Speaking of slavers without companions.........


It doesn't have to be added to this update, but could it be possible, once you reach 10 on the slut-o-meter, that you are automatically enslaved the next time you speak to Pike? After all, he doesn't need a submissive slaver, he needs more slaves, and being so subby, you may as well be a slave and be done with it.

Also, once you reach 5+, that Pike automatically fucks your brains out once you report to him about enslaved towns? It should not add to your submissiveness, however. Or offer an MCM for toggling no auto-fucking, auto with increasing submissiveness, and auto without increasing.


I am not a big fan of let something automatically happen. Yes, it may be logical that you are enslaved by Pike if you act submissive all the time

In the release version you have dialogue options to do that at the end of city quest and prequests, but at the moment they are free options to let you choose and nothing happens automatically.


Maybe I will add an MCM option in the future that takes away that choice for players...






I got 2 questions...


1. The more important question: Is there a way to have all cities as slave cities starting off? A setting or a patch maybe?


2. Would it be possible to have a setting that enabled/disabled the enslavement of a Futa Player?

1. Well, there is a cheat that allows to enslave all towns instantaneously.


2. Hmmmm...... an idea to consider, at least.


1. Yes, but the cheat that allows you to enslave all towns automatically also enslaves the player at the same time. Enslaving all towns would be a grand thing if player slavery was not an automatic addition. Playing in a world of slavery and trying to avoid it would be cool. 



I second this. 

I'd like to play by the nudity law, but also not be enslaved.


I added a button in the MCM to skip the quests and jump to the end of slaverun where all cities are enslaved. So there are two now, one which will make you also a slave and one where you will stay free

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Is slaverun v2 working with simple slavery like v1?

yes, it does

I also I added I button in MCM to trigger the simple slavery event for testing purpose


Quick question... is your player's submission score supposed to reset to 0 when you go through the first certification scene?  Mine did.  my reposes up to that point had raised my score from 10 to 15.  now back to 0....


on a related question now that I think about it... what raises the submissive score?  just main quest responses, or does talking to the slavers etc also raise it?

yes, after you failed your first certification your score is set to 0, but don't worry you have tons of options to raise it again after that


Hello, I can't get pike to give me tasks after completing slave training. Does anyone have any ideas on how to progress?


EDIT: it probably has something to do with the fact that the slave show event at the end of slave training wont launch properly. i set skip events before it happened, but that didnt help. When zaid gets up i just stand in place. He and a few npcs gather around inside dragons reach, but nothing happens. I also think i might be getting the prompt to talk to ivanka early.


EDIT: nvm got it. troll scene didnt play earlier, needed to go back to that point and properly skip the sex act to allow quests to check.


EDIT: nvm only managed to get the certificate scene playing, pike still wont give tasks, help please.


FINAL EDIT: alright i figured out the problem, pike wont give tasks to male slaves. the problem now is that i certainly want to keep playing as a male slave, so I don't know how to get around this. For the time being, i can just use the console command sexchange to pick up tasks, but this is slightly immersion breaking. any help would be appreciated!

I removed that restrictions to 'female slaves' only

but I never tested or played as a male slave, so you are the only 'beta' or more 'alpha' tester for this play style :-)


When Bellamy takes you on the Walk of Shame, is there a particular spot in the Marketplace where you're supposed to go? I've walked all over and whenever I click on him, it says he's busy. :P

I have learned a lot about using packages the last weeks and tried to improve that scenes


for example the problems that people are blocking your way and you and also NPC can't get back to your position


Still the pathfinding in Skyrim is ... sometimes... not the best... walking up the stairs is a pain, walking down works without problems.

So I added a text option in 'The Walk of Shame' where Bellamy helps you to get up to Dragonsreach and you can skip walking...

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I can not reproduce the problem, but that may be because I use a City mod , JK Cities,

I inspected the esp in TES5Edit and removed something 'unnecessary' ( I hope)


Can someone with the water bug test with this modified esp?





I was too getting the odd square block of water just inside the Whiterun gate but the modified esp fixed it for me as well. :)

Not using any city overhauls either.

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Started the quest. (and I'm using Holds city overhauls... let's see where it gets me).
I've experienced some trouble with Diamond. After the masturbation/whipping scene, the quest was blocked. I had to disable/enable her and then something triggered and the quest went on as supposed. The same happened again shortly after during the scene at the whiterun gate.

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I seem to be having a problem with the Simple Slavery/ female slaver enslavement scene. The scene has a hard time starting, but when it does start, it still always hangs after the PC says "it's a relief," etc and asks for the slavers to unbind her.


Can't seem to proceed beyond that and a prior save has to be reloaded to do anything.

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Here's an oddity I am experiencing that I didnt get with the previous beta.

As soon as you enter the gates of Whiterun, you are in an underwater state.

The area is small, only extending to where the first guard (who is also affected) on the left is. The blacksmith is unaffected.


The other bug I have experienced is Diamond not appearing. The dialog proceeds even with her not there to the point where you are both to be fucked, but then it hangs with a dialog marker over Bellamy but with no way to move.


Confirmed I am using the following.

Sexlab Framework 1.62

ZazAnimationPack 6.11

Devious Devices Assets 3.0e

Devious Devices Integration 3.3b

Devious Devices Expansion 2.0c




I disabled various mods like Defeat, Kidnapped, Drunk, Bijin wifes. etc, until just the dependencies for this one were left.

Now Diamond was there.

So I will have to test further to see what makes Diamond vanish.


Have the same problem with Diamond not showing up, although she showed up in Beta 2b. All other mods in my load order stayed the same, except an updated City Bondage... although deactivating that one hasn't changed anything, Diamond is still nowhere.

Could you already pinpoint it down to which mod conflicts here?


My mod list



  0  0 Skyrim.esm

  1  1 Update.esm

  2  2 Dawnguard.esm

  3  3 HearthFires.esm

  4  4 Dragonborn.esm

  5  5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

  6  6 SexLab.esm

  7  7 SexLabAroused.esm

  8  8 ApachiiHair.esm

  9  9 ApachiiHairFemales.esm

 10  a Devious Devices - Assets.esm

 11  b Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm

 12  c dcc-soulgem-oven-000.esm

 13  d PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm

 14  e paradise_halls.esm

 15  f ZaZAnimationPack.esm

 16 10 Heretical Resources.esm

 17 11 Devious Devices - Integration.esm

 18 12 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm

 19 13 Amputator.esm

 20 14 DeviousFramework.esm

 21 15 HighResTexturePack01.esp

 22 16 HighResTexturePack02.esp

 23 17 HighResTexturePack03.esp

 24 18 FNIS.esp

 25 19 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

 26 1a SkyUI.esp

 27 1b TakeNotes.esp

 28 1c FNISSexyMove.esp

 29 1d Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp

 30 1e Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp

 31 1f Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp

 32 20 UIExtensions.esp

 33 21 RaceMenu.esp

 34 22 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

 35 23 paradise_halls_SLExtension.esp

 36 24 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp

 37 25 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp

 38 26 RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp

 39 27 RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp


 40 28 Better Dynamic Snow.esp

 41 29 Dynamic TimeScale.esp

 42 2a enhanceddynamicweathersystem.esp

 43 2b dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

 44 2c xazPrisonOverhaul.esp

 45 2d xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp

       Trapped in Rubber.esp

 46 2e hydra_slavegirls.esp

 47 2f Captured Dreams.esp

 48 30 Deviously Cursed Loot.esp

 49 31 Devious Deviants.esp

 50 32 SimpleSlavery.esp

 51 33 PAH_HomeSweetHome.esp

 52 34 Slaverun_Reloaded.esp

 53 35 East Reach House.esp

 54 36 RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp

 55 37 armored-horses.esp

 56 38 TradeBarter.esp

 57 39 Babette.esp

 58 3a SlaveTats.esp

 59 3b UNP High Heels 2.esp

 60 3c BijinAIO-2016_3.1.1_SV.esp

 61 3d BijinAIO-2016_3.1.1.esp

       Bijin Wives.esp

       Bijin Warmaidens.esp

       Bijin NPCs.esp



 62 3e RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp

 63 3f Schlongs of Skyrim.esp

 64 40 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp

 65 41 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp

 66 42 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

 67 43 XPMSE.esp

 68 44 SOSRaceMenu.esp

 69 45 DeviousTraining.esp

       FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp

       FtM_3 - OBIS.esp

 70 46 FtM_3.esp

       FtM_3 - CCOR.esp

 71 47 Devious Masque of Clavicus Vile.esp

 72 48 dcc-dm2.esp

 73 49 LearnAlchemyFromRecipes.esp


 74 4a EstrusChaurus.esp

 75 4b FMEA Skyrim.esp

 76 4c TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

 77 4d SLAnimLoader.esp

 78 4e SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp

 79 4f PSQ RND.esp

 80 50 pahe-DeviousDevices-addon-DDx-patch.esp

 81 51 paradise_halls_farengars_study.esp

 82 52 pahe_lakeview_manor_cell.esp

 83 53 pahe-DeviousDevices-addon-patch.esp

 84 54 Devious Devices - Equip.esp

 85 55 DfwSupport.esp

 86 56 Hydra Devious Devices Patch.esp

 87 57 CityBondage.esp

 88 58 SexistGuards.esp

 89 59 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

 90 5a ccas_starts.esp

 91 5b Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp




Best regards


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i have a hughe problem when i try to play slaverun reloaded v2.01


i have never played slaverun reloaded since i have ended v1 nearly a year ago and wanted to play v2 now, but there comes a deadly problem:

short after i try to load a save with mcm from slaverun reloaded added to the mcm i get a ctd


occuring of the ctd was in the slal starting cell after instaling the mod and loading the save, first load of save has nothign happened and as i quicksaved afte rthe mcm menu was added and then quickloaded the game crashed. i quicksaved and quickreload the save to make sure that nothing got forgotten on the previous loading.










os win10 home premium uprgade form win7 hoem premiu
ram 16gb ddr3
cpu i7-3770
gpu gtx-660



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I had the water bug too and I don't use any city mods, but it went away as the story progressed a bit.

I have a small suggestion, would it be possible to cut back on the number of loading screens for the next release?

I am finding it tedious and time consuming having to run back and forth in and out of the city between slave trainers,

especially in Whiterun.

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hi, i have issues with getting the mod to work right. i have all the hard dependencies installed, but it seems like some sex scenes don't happen (whipping in the beginning), also my first task after reporting to pike was to get diana aka diamond. murphy and bellany were just talking to the air but it seemed like there were supposed to be slaves there (there aren't). any idea what i'm missing/did wrong?

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Here's an oddity I am experiencing that I didnt get with the previous beta.

As soon as you enter the gates of Whiterun, you are in an underwater state.

The area is small, only extending to where the first guard (who is also affected) on the left is. The blacksmith is unaffected.


The other bug I have experienced is Diamond not appearing. The dialog proceeds even with her not there to the point where you are both to be fucked, but then it hangs with a dialog marker over Bellamy but with no way to move.




Have the same problem with Diamond not showing up, although she showed up in Beta 2b. All other mods in my load order stayed the same, except an updated City Bondage... although deactivating that one hasn't changed anything, Diamond is still nowhere.

Could you already pinpoint it down to which mod conflicts here?




Best regards




Just my two cents but I'm wondering if yours is a problem with bodyslide and the meshes/textures. It looks diamond is there just invisible. In my game I forgot to run bodyslide for the DA asset and all the chains and her hands were invisible.

Also. I've noticed the Amputator framework is not mentioned anymore in the requirements, soft or hard, but it's still in the Mcm. Have you scrapped that part of the mod?

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