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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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grab the file and drag it into a new tab and works! ;)


By the way everything works fine CEO's work is always beautiful. The only issue i found is that if you use futa and only with blowjob animation happen this:




In previous version never had a problem with futa, with a male character instead work well. Then i tried to use two NPC the 0SEX started but didn't find how control the scene. Thanks CEO for your works and also thanks to all people who help you in the process.

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For some reason I can't install the 1.084c version of 0sex... All sorts of archive corruption and download problems, am I missing something?


Nobody's missing anything.  Last I heard even CEO couldn't download his own files.  The site's borked them somehow.

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No one has the release be for this one for the meantime? I re-installed all my stuff on a different OS, I can't find my files I had for this, and don't wanna go back to 1.63 or whatever it was. Nexus only has the old one. I will just check back later.

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For some reason I'm not getting an MCM menu with 1.084 :/ I have both OSA and OSex installed and OSA.esm is activated. Any ideas?


There is no MCM any more. Not since something like version 1.06.



Yeah, I was just about to edit my post, I didn't fully read the OSA post... Whoops.

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Anyone encounter a problem when using with SOS, for the schlong disappears after ending the sequence. 


nope, not on my side.

 in old version the sex became very small when sex end, but its completly fixed now and i didnt have any trouble at all with SOS

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G'day CEO,


Due to recent events, and the fact that I am LL's resident queer animator, I have to ask:


A) Do you have a EULA/ToU as to what can and cannot be used in a module?


B ) Are you adverse to me making a gay oriented module (assuming that there is a way to set gender)?


Hi Tweens,


A. You can animate any thing you want for OSA, I have a brief ToU but it doesn't really relate to developers much, I'll post this on the OP thanks for reminding me:


OSA rules: 



1. The actionscript that I wrote in OSA.swf can not be used, in other games, other products, unless it's something I released.


2. Refering only to the XML text documents meant to hold the data that OSA uses, for  persona documents, expression documents, etc.: These must be released as  open resources that can be distributed without permission, but credit of course would be nice. I'd like OSA enthusiasts to freely be able to use these documents without having to gather permission, so progress can be accumulative. This doesn't refer to hard assets like sounds, animations, only the XML documents made for OSA to read.


 3. Child characters or short races are the only exception to content, I've put walls in place to prevent them from being used as much as possible and I don't want work arounds to this, I put them there for a reason. This effects scenes regardless of intention, it's not worth the risk to me to make exceptions on this.





B. I am not adverse to it at all, I would love it if you did that. I find if you stick a female in a male animation they look generally ok but the same isn't true the other way around, OSex can semi cover FF interactions due to this but is really lacking in terms of nicely depicting male + male encounters. I hope you do, that would be great!


Sexlab animations will go directly into OSex (if the actors are positioned in 3DS exactly as you want them in Skyrim, with no offsetting.) so that should be straight forward but if you want seamless you'll have to animate the transitions. You can use whatever genders, combinations, pretty much anything you want can happen.  I'll explain more  on this with documentation soon  but the DemoModule might be enough to get started and have a feel for things by overwriting animations, and starting to change around the xml text.



I'll explain some of the module options for aheads up, to show what you can do. Module's have one module.xml file which holds global settings for the module: (From OSex for example:)


<init cmd="sortactors" bygender="1"/>
;<init>s are run when a module starts, this one tells the engine to prioritize certain genders into certain animation roles. Without this it would just leave the actors as they were input
<modify cmd="bodyScale" actor="0" bodyscale0="1.03" bodyscale1="1.03"/>
<modify cmd="bodyScale" actor="1" bodyscale0="1.0" bodyscale1="1.0" />
<modify cmd="ogentleman" actor="0" shaft0="1.75" shaft1="1.75" scrotum0="1.5" scrotum1="1.5"/>


<modifies> are also run at the start, these are setting the body scale of my actors, to 1.03, 1.0 and setting the male anatomy size of the DOM actor. 


All of these are optional, you don't have to control scale, or sort actors but these are some examples of things that are there if they suit your project. The scaling changes I do are to ensure perfect alignment but it's not a module requirement to use.



Lastly if you do give it a go, feel free to ask me any questions, I believe it is fairly simple and very quick to implement scenes but there's a lot of things they can do and ways they can be customized so it can overwhelming. I'm here if you need any help.








Wow..... that was......unexpected, I must admit.  I wasn't expecting such an invitation.  Thank you.


I am already animating with transitions.  I have all of my scenes timed so that they play beginning to end.

I animate in Blender; but nonetheless, all alignments are in the animations.  No offsets.


There are videos on my download page if you are interested in my style of animating and can stomach it... :P


There are quite a few aspects of this mod that I find.... interesting.  The ability to set expressions being one of the biggest.


From your example, I should be able to figure out what is what (I had no trouble understanding it); but there is definitely going to be a learning curve. ;)


I am finishing up an animation, atm; so I will be downloading OSA and OSex (example) in the next couple of days and give it a whirl. 







I have to say your animations are terrific!  

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