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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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wow awesome,

apparently since the DLL is required by my mod maybe I can just access those things directly as well without even having to mess around with C+.


This looks too easy to be true: 


_global.skse.plugins.MfgConsole.GetObjectData(GetStrID(selectionText), _local2);


can you post for me the part at the top if it's there, where imports are declared and stuff before class, maybe it's more complicated getting something like then in then it seems. I'll do some tests too. Ty ty ty!

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Also as an update: since lots of people are around today.


I'm almost ready for a demo I might be able to get it at the end of this weekend but if not I have to travel first half of next week so I'll be dark and it will not be here until closer to the end of the week. Got a little more ambitious then I planned with some things that came up, basically magic buffs being applied through wizard sex, and some additional stuff I'm calling OCinema, which let's developers bring in Music, shaders, Spells, sounds however they want to their scenes. I'm going a little heavy with the Cinema drama on Wizard Sex but I'm not too worried about it since it is wizard sex and I want to showcase the stuff that can all be done with it, so I'm sorry if it's over the top. It's got lightning bolts from hands from the ground, aura's, wizard chanting, battlestar galactica (viper fights) style drums while spinning actors in the air, I think it's sick but we'll see what people think about it, if it's to much I'm sorry but I'm trying to show it all as a proof of concept. 


The types of buffs and magic actors apply and use is in sexdentity so a lot of it could be reconfigured if it's to crazy for your taste.




For the conversation on actors.


I'm missing the connection to the mod name in bringing it into this. Is it due to referenceID and establishing connection with that instead of form ID? I take the mod name and hex but it's intended for data storage that can persist a save, either in XML or with storageDLL in a few rare cases I use when I have to but since it's game.getformfromfile to call via mod name I worry the game. is making the function to expensive to be chain called, no idea really though. Sorry if I'm missing the core of this entirely. The form ID would mirror that hex ID that has the mod so wouldn't it still turn up wrong or right just as often as the other?




Also one more question for you guys since you know your stuff:


Do you think a formlist form that's attached as a property to a persistant quest script will make all forms in that formlist persistant or would just the formlist form be persistant?  It seems likely not since they have to be accessed specially and then casted but I'm curious before I dig myself in too deep of a hole on your thoughts.





Thanks Pip!


All well said points, thanks for that. I think there will be other developers, I have just a handful of animators that have been trying but I haven't been able to deliver a solid platform, (It keeps changing with major shifts) You'll see a few at least to start once I get documentation on 1.08 and stop having to rewrite OSA.. I think it might lead to a few more, kind of what I'm trying to do here is eliminate the need for an animator to have to learn CK Papyrus, how to make a system like this and then go through the busy work of setting it all up especially now that a UI and flash is involved. I think animation is the asset here so to do it does  require being able to make and export but beyond that I hope that OSA will make the rest of it as simple as possible, by having XML being the only other piece to the puzzle. Although I maybe cryptic sometimes in my names I think it's a lot easier then months of piece by piece trial an error on creation kit.com and flash tutorials. Plus without a pipdude it would most likely be impossible.


There's definitely going to be a few, unless I've alienated them by taking too long to release something they can develop on.




Can you explain more about this? I can max 2014, it sounds like I might be able to get the animation in right now... there's nif tools packed with creation kit for some kind of conversion to hkt from an fbx or something?




If i had just a tiny bit more C++ skill, seeing how easy the connection is to make, there's so much that could be done. Mainly in terms of data storage but a way to grab a majority of the actor data just by that could change a lot. I'll look into it after 1.08 and see.


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For the conversation on actors.


I'm missing the connection to the mod name in bringing it into this. Is it due to referenceID and establishing connection with that instead of form ID? I take the mod name and hex but it's intended for data storage that can persist a save, either in XML or with storageDLL in a few rare cases I use when I have to but since it's game.getformfromfile to call via mod name I worry the game. is making the function to expensive to be chain called, no idea really though. Sorry if I'm missing the core of this entirely. The form ID would mirror that hex ID that has the mod so wouldn't it still turn up wrong or right just as often as the other?


You had explained the hex code to me at one point. So, I messed around with it to see how that could be done in actionscript. So the code I posted was for that same purpose.


I think what you are asking is whether or not it's necessary to have the mod name as part of the identifier. Maybe not. Thinking it through now it does seem like the hex part should be constant and unique.



Also one more question for you guys since you know your stuff:


Do you think a formlist form that's attached as a property to a persistant quest script will make all forms in that formlist persistant or would just the formlist form be persistant?  It seems likely not since they have to be accessed specially and then casted but I'm curious before I dig myself in too deep of a hole on your thoughts.



I'm not sure on that one. My guess is that they would be persistent like other properties on persistent quests.


All well said points, thanks for that. I think there will be other developers, I have just a handful of animators that have been trying but I haven't been able to deliver a solid platform, (It keeps changing with major shifts) You'll see a few at least to start once I get documentation on 1.08 and stop having to rewrite OSA.. I think it might lead to a few more, kind of what I'm trying to do here is eliminate the need for an animator to have to learn CK Papyrus, how to make a system like this and then go through the busy work of setting it all up especially now that a UI and flash is involved. I think animation is the asset here so to do it does  require being able to make and export but beyond that I hope that OSA will make the rest of it as simple as possible, by having XML being the only other piece to the puzzle. Although I maybe cryptic sometimes in my names I think it's a lot easier then months of piece by piece trial an error on creation kit.com and flash tutorials. Plus without a pipdude it would most likely be impossible.



Looking forward to seeing that.




Can you explain more about this? I can max 2014, it sounds like I might be able to get the animation in right now... there's nif tools packed with creation kit for some kind of conversion to hkt from an fbx or something?


There's a folder called "Tools" that gets created in your root Fallout 4 folder when you install the FO4 CK. It has a nif plugin. They say it's for Max 2013 only. But, it seems to work fine on 2014. Once you install that, it creates that Havok Tools dropdown you are already familiar with in Max. But, several of the options in the dropdown are broken. But, if you install Havok Content Tools 2014.1 those broken options get populated. One of them is "Export" and it brings up the same HCT exporter tool you're familiar with. Someone in that animation thread described a few options he selected that resulted in exporting directly to an HKX file that worked in game. I haven't tried it yet. Apparently there are some rough edges to work out. But, it seems like its just a matter of figuring out what the switches do now.


They are also discussing converting Skyrim animations. Sounds like someone may have already pulled it off with an easyish sounding process.




If i had just a tiny bit more C++ skill, seeing how easy the connection is to make, there's so much that could be done. Mainly in terms of data storage but a way to grab a majority of the actor data just by that could change a lot. I'll look into it after 1.08 and see.



Yeah. C++ opens up a lot of things for modding. It's just different enough to be out of my reach so far. But, after the floating health bars thing, I'll be more comfortable next time I find myself in there.

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Any idea why I'm getting this error when running FNIS;



Installing FNIS PCEA2

Reading 0SA_0Sex_MF_Cn

ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array.


Edit: For clarity of the problem, this isn't a snip of the error, it's the whole FNIS log. > http://puu.sh/oAUzx/fb7046cb6c.png

Tried a fresh install no dice, is this an animation limit issue? But it wouldn't make sense that 0SEX hits the FNIS animation limit alone right after PCEA2?



(Works fine if I delete the above folder from my animation directory).

(Using V6.2 fix 2 of FNIS) (Latest one AFAIK)

error 9 is usualy there is you have some leftovers from previous instalation of 0sex. Make sure you uninstall old version completely a (check overwrite folder if using MO) and run fnis and then install new one and run fnis again.



I will try another fresh install but this was the first 0Sex install I've done so I had no previous version for there to be left overs.


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Someone recently reported on FNIS page on nexus error 9 issue. It seems FNIS has limit for 1000 sequenced animations. Fore provided a link for a fix and he says he will update FNIS soon.


Ah okay, thanks for the info. I was a bit confused because I noticed someone else with the same error and Fore provided a the fix2 that you mentioned so I figured that fix would sort out the issue but It didn't for 0Sex. Good to know he's on it.


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Why is there still no dyndolod compability? I cant play like that..Ceo pls (btw i have no problems with the icons now.. i fixed them somehow..dunno how, but i can see them now lol)

Because it isn't needed? I'm using dyndolod with no problems, so I'm betting the issue is with your setup and not 0sex.

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I thought I would never ever download anything from LL besides one potion retex-mod.. BUT MY GOD you have made something quite special. I could not get 1.08 beta to work perfectly(what worked was quite unique!), and skimming all these pages for answers might be a bit unnecessary. Honestly great work and cant wait for stable release!


My only critique would be that the controls on flight simulator(atleast what I have heard) might be harder then this, but who cares.



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Why is there still no dyndolod compability? I cant play like that..Ceo pls (btw i have no problems with the icons now.. i fixed them somehow..dunno how, but i can see them now lol)

Because it isn't needed? I'm using dyndolod with no problems, so I'm betting the issue is with your setup and not 0sex.



That wasnt serious post. He is trolling Anatriax for demanding Dyndolod compatibility. :)


I thought I would never ever download anything from LL besides one potion retex-mod.. BUT MY GOD you have made something quite special. I could not get 1.08 beta to work perfectly(what worked was quite unique!), and skimming all these pages for answers might be a bit unnecessary. Honestly great work and cant wait for stable release!


My only critique would be that the controls on flight simulator(atleast what I have heard) might be harder then this, but who cares.


Controls are: up, down, left, right, yes, no, change actor, open menu. Cant really compare to flight simulator. :)

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Recompiled the scripts with @sfll's fix


I wouldn't call anything I posted an actual fix - the first set had a problem with mods >7F, and the other one wasn't a drop in replacement for anything.  While they do allow the animating to start, they do not fully function as I wrote them.


I may be overstepping but I don't think they ought to be posted for anyone to use especially compiled.  If someone wants to take the snippets and compile it themselves that is one thing, but posting it as a downloadable fix may cause issues in the future.

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How can i toggle menu like this video? http://ecchi.iwara.tv/node/58052 also i can't doing climax because it's still beta right? also keep up good work :D


I cant load that video but if you are asking about user interface on bottom left side of the screen where you select what to do next that is part of the latest update. But you cant toggle it on or off its there during 0sex and always on.

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How can i toggle menu like this video? http://ecchi.iwara.tv/node/58052 also i can't doing climax because it's still beta right? also keep up good work :D


I cant load that video but if you are asking about user interface on bottom left side of the screen where you select what to do next that is part of the latest update. But you cant toggle it on or off its there during 0sex and always on.


Hi! I can't seem to get that menu you are talking about. Is there something specific to install in order to make it appear?

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How can i toggle menu like this video? http://ecchi.iwara.tv/node/58052 also i can't doing climax because it's still beta right? also keep up good work :D


I cant load that video but if you are asking about user interface on bottom left side of the screen where you select what to do next that is part of the latest update. But you cant toggle it on or off its there during 0sex and always on.


Hi! I can't seem to get that menu you are talking about. Is there something specific to install in order to make it appear?



Just install latest version of 0sex (1.08 demo 3) and you should have it.


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Well - my alpha 1.07c has suddenly quit working on me.  At first it simply just didn't work at all.  So I uninstalled it and waited until the MCM menu disappeared, and then reinstalled it.  


It now works only for a couple "moves" and then freezes.  For example, I can control-embrace and then kiss, and it freezes.  I can turn the sub around while standing, and then it freezes.


Num-pad period ends the sequence just fine.


Most puzzling of all, is I've done absolutely NOTHING to my LO that might have caused this.  A heavily modded Skyrim can indeed be a fickle beast at times....


I'm guessing it means it's time for me to join the group of alpha-testers now and see how 1.08 will work for me.


Fingers and toes crossed.



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How can i toggle menu like this video? http://ecchi.iwara.tv/node/58052 also i can't doing climax because it's still beta right? also keep up good work :D


I cant load that video but if you are asking about user interface on bottom left side of the screen where you select what to do next that is part of the latest update. But you cant toggle it on or off its there during 0sex and always on.


Hi! I can't seem to get that menu you are talking about. Is there something specific to install in order to make it appear?



Just install latest version of 0sex (1.08 demo 3) and you should have it.



Oh I din't know there was an 1.08 version, I currently have the v1.063... Is the download on this thread somewhere? The latest I can find is the one I already have, which is the one from the main post.


EDIT: Nevermind, I thik I found it on page 111, just in case someone else is in the same boat as I was.

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How can i toggle menu like this video? http://ecchi.iwara.tv/node/58052 also i can't doing climax because it's still beta right? also keep up good work :D


I cant load that video but if you are asking about user interface on bottom left side of the screen where you select what to do next that is part of the latest update. But you cant toggle it on or off its there during 0sex and always on.



Yes that was i talking about it's seem other member lead where to find it thank you :D

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