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Ok there are SOOOOOO many animations to replace into injured animations so I am trying to make as many as I can here are some previews of what I am working on. I hope to have them uploaded soon! :lol:













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Man I HATE this limitation on animations! >.<

I wanna use your new ones so badly but nope.avi FNIS wants to be a dick. -_-

Error 9, got rid of your human animations 1 and 2 and had enough space to get through the generation process. This sucks man. :@




Yes, another limit I had never expected: 1000 sequenced animations. I'll make an update soon. In the meantime you can use this:


See now I tried that, and it still occurs, so I remove FBs human animations and redownload the nexus FNIS main file and things work normally again. :/

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Ok here is a list of what I finished so far lol and more previews of whats to come! :D 
-OneHanded List-



















-Magic List-


















Preview GIFS



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Ok here is a list of what I finished so far lol and more previews of whats to come! :D 

-OneHanded List-



These are wonderful. Funny we need to spread the word to found a way to implement these animations once you get below, say, 40% health bar. It would become one of the greatest skyrim mods ever.

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what about let her lay on the floor for a while  ?

  (there are already animations for that, see defeat, but not usuable for the purpose. even defeat uses these animations only between mutlitple rapes, not after them.)



edit :   please a lot of gay animations for our beloved shemales !

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Hey! umm.. little question. I a little noob in using animation loader so i downloaded nonreplacer mod. What i see there isnt all anims. Maybe 50-60% of them. Propable alot of people asking this, but how to load all possible anims? ^ ^



oh.. and what happend to necroanims mod?

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Hello sir,

May I ask what is the cloth mod (panty on the leg) in the preview image?



Thank you.

Its Hentai Panty cbbe hdt here on LL :)


Ok here is a list of what I finished so far lol and more previews of whats to come! :D

-OneHanded List-


These are wonderful. Funny we need to spread the word to found a way to implement these animations once you get below, say, 40% health bar. It would become one of the greatest skyrim mods ever.

Thank you my friend! I loved your new vid as always lol and yes I think these would be great if someone could make a mod like that. I want to try replacing the bleedout animations in my game to see what happens. :)

Hey FB, any word on your kill move animations? I saw one you did where the PC chokes an opponent to death with his dick, and I really liked it. Will you be doing more?

It sucks bc I have been animating multiple killmove snuff rape animations and when I put them in game it crashes when the move is executed so I keep having to redo them over and over again and I still haven't gotten it right but I will NOT stop until I figure it out. :)

Hey! umm.. little question. I a little noob in using animation loader so i downloaded nonreplacer mod. What i see there isnt all anims. Maybe 50-60% of them. Propable alot of people asking this, but how to load all possible anims? ^ ^



oh.. and what happend to necroanims mod?

I would use the SLAL instead bc it has all the animations and nonreplacer isn't updated anymore bc SLAL has taken over :)
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I would use the SLAL instead bc it has all the animations and nonreplacer isn't updated anymore bc SLAL has taken over :)


Meh, i tried to use slal but i have problems with this "json" folder, that didnt appear in my data

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I would use the SLAL instead bc it has all the animations and nonreplacer isn't updated anymore bc SLAL has taken over :)


Meh, i tried to use slal but i have problems with this "json" folder, that didnt appear in my data
oh ok :( sorry about that Poilkop
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Well these scripting are just too much for my nooby skills ^ ^

I just want to see most hard of these anims but I'll be keep using old nonreplacer and wait for day until that pack will be much easier to install. ^ ^

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Unless somehow NMM installed it incorrectly. i cant install Human animations 1 AND human animation 2 at the same time. if i do install both FINS cant runt it properly it gives an error: "ERROR (9): index was outside the bounds of the array". im not sure what i can do.

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Quick update! I just finished redoing every single non weapon player animation into injured animations. (Walk,run,idle,turn,90and180 degrees.) I changed it so you run toward the camera when running/walking backwards. I should have them up in a few hours yayyy!! ^_^

Unless somehow NMM installed it incorrectly. i cant install Human animations 1 AND human animation 2 at the same time. if i do install both FINS cant runt it properly it gives an error: "ERROR (9): index was outside the bounds of the array". im not sure what i can do.

check 3 pages back there is a link someone posted for a fix Fore made and it worked for me :)
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Quick update! I just finished redoing every single non weapon player animation into injured animations. (Walk,run,idle,turn,90and180 degrees.) I changed it so you run toward the camera when running/walking backwards. I should have them up in a few hours yayyy!! ^_^

Unless somehow NMM installed it incorrectly. i cant install Human animations 1 AND human animation 2 at the same time. if i do install both FINS cant runt it properly it gives an error: "ERROR (9): index was outside the bounds of the array". im not sure what i can do.

check 3 pages back there is a link someone posted for a fix Fore made and it worked for me :)


i used fores fix...and now all your anims work like smooth glass..i know i have said it before...but thank you for all the brutal anims. :cool:

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Quick update! I just finished redoing every single non weapon player animation into injured animations. (Walk,run,idle,turn,90and180 degrees.) I changed it so you run toward the camera when running/walking backwards. I should have them up in a few hours yayyy!! ^_^

Unless somehow NMM installed it incorrectly. i cant install Human animations 1 AND human animation 2 at the same time. if i do install both FINS cant runt it properly it gives an error: "ERROR (9): index was outside the bounds of the array". im not sure what i can do.

check 3 pages back there is a link someone posted for a fix Fore made and it worked for me :)

i used fores fix...and now all your anims work like smooth glass..i know i have said it before...but thank you for all the brutal anims. :cool:
Thank you lol I am happy to help ^_^

I don't even play skyrim anymore I just love coming here to see the cool animations you post :D

Aareyn how you been? Lol I am glad I can still entertain you.
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So, I imagine you probably get this kind of request a lot, but damn, your dominant female animations are amazing, and having more of them, would be awesome! 


lol thank you...yeah I will see what I can do in the future. As of right now I have a lot on my plate lol :blush:

Ok everyone I uploaded the injured animations to the Non Adult Section--> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/62635-funnybizness-injured-animations-resource/


I hope you guys like them!

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Well these scripting are just too much for my nooby skills ^ ^

I just want to see most hard of these anims but I'll be keep using old nonreplacer and wait for day until that pack will be much easier to install. ^ ^

The pack installs easily. The "scripting" only has to be done by whoever creates the pack, not by the people using the pack.


Don't cut yourself off from the new animations because you didn't install it right the first time you tried.


Make sure you are installing the SLAL packs which all start with SLAL on the download page, you don't need the other files there.

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when ever i try to install both packs funny biz 1 and funny biz 2 my fins gives me an error i cant use both packs at the same time for some reason. any ides whats wrong

Reading back just a few messages in the thread would have gotten you to the answer and saved you from waiting for a response.


It's a limitation in FNIS that was exceeded, there is a patch that fixes it.



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