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I dont know. I never do that before.

I still need to add the roasting animation, and to fix the last bugs.

Okay just thought it could be a fun idea. Don't know anything about modding myself. So just hopped it would be like add sound file. xD


If you like and have a text file of all the lines of the characters. I could make a post and ask if anyone could do the voices of them. Then I could give you the file and you can use them if you want or not. :) (Just an idea. Don't know if anyone would even actually do it or not.)



On this note, And Iv'e read up there are people working on FTD and AFS... Iv'e been in contact with our awesome mod author Delzaron, and he has graciously given me permission to crack open Ravenous for text cleaning. I started today on release .8 (The latest version). Mind you I have little to no skill with the CK but I have so far re-edited nearly all the text (While trying to stay true to what is already written) for Carnificina, and most of Othors dialogue. A few touch-ups on quests here and there.


When I'm done with editing and proof-reading I'll ship the finished product back to Del for him to look over and approve or toss out. This is my first attempt at anything related to modding, so yeah, trying to get it as right as possible on the first run. No pressure.


To Mr.Friendly: Voice acting would be splendid. Like I said Ravenous is getting a text facelift. After long talks with 2 other expirenced modders, all the text "Can" be ripped out. But as far as they tell me it's a nightmare to attempt to shove it all back in. Best I could do at this time is pull it up line by line and slap it on a .txt or .odf format. After that my modding knowledge runs low on gas. (Gotta start somewhere eh.)


As far as changes I have made to the text thus far. Carni: Should sound more intelligent. After all every time the Dova speaks to her she "has a plan". Honestly it's kinda bold... So I'm altering her text during cleanup to read the same but with some bigger more eloquent words thrown in. Also a bit more psychotic and dismissive of dinner... in a Hannibal Lechter sort of way. Othor: Cleaned to be a bit more lore friendly, still a coward. Simza: Cleaned up some of her text... Still making it sound like she really likes her new job... Beyond that just fighting CK and hammering out words.


I'm doing all this while attempting to stay as true as possible to Delzarons original text and overall vision of his work. Either way, he's been more than accomodating with me, and is fully aware I'm doing the re-edit of his work for public release pending his seal of approval.

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I dont know. I never do that before.

I still need to add the roasting animation, and to fix the last bugs.

Okay just thought it could be a fun idea. Don't know anything about modding myself. So just hopped it would be like add sound file. xD


If you like and have a text file of all the lines of the characters. I could make a post and ask if anyone could do the voices of them. Then I could give you the file and you can use them if you want or not. :) (Just an idea. Don't know if anyone would even actually do it or not.)


To Mr.Friendly: Voice acting would be splendid. Like I said Ravenous is getting a text facelift. After long talks with 2 other expirenced modders, all the text "Can" be ripped out. But as far as they tell me it's a nightmare to attempt to shove it all back in. Best I could do at this time is pull it up line by line and slap it on a .txt or .odf format. After that my modding knowledge runs low on gas. (Gotta start somewhere eh.)



Okay sounds nice. I make a forum post on that site and see if I can find someone who is interested.






Add my little request here to. Would be great to see this featured added to this mod. Wink ;)



Here are the features that are needed.



[Feel the heat] Activation on fires. That activates a bend forward animation where your crazy character grilles her own breast.


[Animations on self] Slice off breast (Grilled or Raw). From above on a table with a fork in to hold it. (With the knife and fork provided with the game) From under with a dagger.

Slice of off arm. Slice off leg. Gutting animation sitting. Slice off own head. (Because why not.)

Crawl on ground. When in loss of limbs.


[Textures] Different blood, grilled textures.


[Different limb less body meshes]


[Revive] After you die you turn into a ghost and need to return home to an owned bed where your new (Copy) body will lie sleeping.


[Animations on other] Same as on self, but doing it to others or others to you.


[Dwarven mechanical limbs] In case you lost something important.


[More ways to grill] We have spit roasting. Now how about sitting on a grill and fry you booty. Bend over fire and toast your breast.


[Potion and spell] Potion of restore body and spell of magical limb.


[Tattoo plug in] With equitable texture


[body changer] A way to make you change the entire body of a player or npc. For limbless versions.


[A betting Ability/game] A way for the players to make bets and maybe a card game or something else that makes you able of making bets. A way for your player to make bets and get out of trouble.

[Capture npc] Be able to capture npc in different ways with devious device.



The Mod!


So with all those features I would like to see a mod like Ravenous or an add on to it. Where you start to run your own restaurant in skyrim. (With Milk mod compatibility)


First quest to get ownership. Could be done in many ways for example captured as a meat product by previous owner. Work your way up the ladder. Survive by making bets and tricking other npc to take your place.


Eventually you get good with the owner and makes another bet. (They like doing those)

Where you two and a few mores. Maybe one of your companions gets paraded up as meat off the week for the next customer.


They feel you all up. Making you bend forward and get studied. Maybe some good fisting.

Then one after another is selected. With and possible out come. If you end up getting used up don’t worry. The divine spirits found your body to be to delicious for one use only and grants you new life.


After if you were last standing you are the new owner or return as the new meat prophet.


As owner it’s your job to make sure you have enough products in the restaurant.

You will hunt, lure in new workers, cook and keep your place in order.


When open customers will room in. Ordering many different dishes and milk drinks.

You need to balance milking and meat in the restaurant and make sure the food gets done right. If you fail to many times or prepare badly you will run short and may require to sacrifice one off your better staff members or even yourself. (Gods will punish you if you fail to serve all guest.)


You can get bonuses and negative effects deepening on what you do.



And that's what I want to see. Anyone feeling up for it? :D






Nice update and spell check. Is this mod finnished now or are there more bugg fixes or quests to come? :)

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Wspaniały mod.
Wymagał i wymaga dużo pracy.
Oba zaklecia działają na Całkowicie zdrowe osoby. 
Krzyże w celi nie wykrywają postaci. 
Tak wiec jak tej samej postaci każemy przywiązać sie do krzyża 1, 2, 3. 
Przywiąże się do ostatniego, a reszta krzyży bedzie wolna.
Jesli kontrolujesz wiecej jak 1 osobe tylko ostatnia wykona polecenie, pójdź za mną.
Po rozpoczęciu zadanie for MOOD. 
Wszystkie bronie mają ujemne obrażenia, za wyjątkiem łuków
Myslę iż jest to błąd a nie moce naszej nowej klasy wampira ludojada na głodzie.
Po upływie czasu na zmiane w wampira. Kara do punktów życia nie została zdjęta, musiałem się uleczyć miksturą z gry.
Zadanie - sprzedarz ciastek z ludzkiego miesa. 
Po rozdaniu wszystkich ciastek zadanie nie zareagowało. Nie mam ciastek a dalej mam je rozdawac.
Great mod.
He demanded and requires a lot of work.
Both spells work on a completely healthy person.
Crosses in the cell does not detect human.
So as the same as a bid attach himself to cross 1, 2, 3.
Strapped to the last, and the rest of crosses will be free.
If you control more as one person only last execute the command, follow me.
Once you start a task for MOOD.
All weapons have a negative damage, except for bows
I think that is a mistake and not the capacity of our new class of vampire man-eater on hunger.
After the time to change into a vampire. Penalty points of life has not been removed, I had to heal potion of the game.
Task - Leader seller of cakes from the human meat.
After the deal, all cookies task did not react. I do not have cookies and I still have them to give out.





moje mody.txt

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Wspaniały mod.
Wymagał i wymaga dużo pracy.
Oba zaklecia działają na Całkowicie zdrowe osoby. 
Krzyże w celi nie wykrywają postaci. 
Tak wiec jak tej samej postaci każemy przywiązać sie do krzyża 1, 2, 3. 
Przywiąże się do ostatniego, a reszta krzyży bedzie wolna.
Jesli kontrolujesz wiecej jak 1 osobe tylko ostatnia wykona polecenie, pójdź za mną.
Po rozpoczęciu zadanie for MOOD. 
Wszystkie bronie mają ujemne obrażenia, za wyjątkiem łuków
Myslę iż jest to błąd a nie moce naszej nowej klasy wampira ludojada na głodzie.
Po upływie czasu na zmiane w wampira. Kara do punktów życia nie została zdjęta, musiałem się uleczyć miksturą z gry.
Zadanie - sprzedarz ciastek z ludzkiego miesa. 
Po rozdaniu wszystkich ciastek zadanie nie zareagowało. Nie mam ciastek a dalej mam je rozdawac.
Great mod.
He demanded and requires a lot of work.
Both spells work on a completely healthy person.
Crosses in the cell does not detect human.
So as the same as a bid attach himself to cross 1, 2, 3.
Strapped to the last, and the rest of crosses will be free.
If you control more as one person only last execute the command, follow me.
Once you start a task for MOOD.
All weapons have a negative damage, except for bows
I think that is a mistake and not the capacity of our new class of vampire man-eater on hunger.
After the time to change into a vampire. Penalty points of life has not been removed, I had to heal potion of the game.
Task - Leader seller of cakes from the human meat.
After the deal, all cookies task did not react. I do not have cookies and I still have them to give out.




The spells works on alive and heathly person, really ?

Crosses dont detect human... you mean NPC cant use them ?


The rest are due to the script linked to slaves management... you can only pick them on per one.


The fetch dependance script, I think... I will see that...


You can craft cookies, and yes, there is a problem about the meatcellar... I should replace it by Carni herself...


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Well, I certainly can't top Mr. Friendly's suggestions. But as this is a mod in development I'll chime in with some things I've found to need attention.


The buildings. Seriously, just use snap to grid. It's going to save you a lot of headaches.


You have the only mod like this, this is special. I'd seriously run wild and bring your ideas to fruition here. I'd love to see different places to be cooked, the ability to be cooked alongside NPCs, to offer yourself up to be beheaded (Hydra's lair has something like this with NPCs, and you can be beheaded in the quest ''Enslaved by Thalmor'' that is a part of the Dealt Alternative mod), and other devious bad ends.


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The spells works on alive and heathly person, really ?


Google translate


I discovered that this is due to the order of mods.

Spell bring out the meat, with an efficient MOOD sequence is working properly.
Domination spell further work on healthy people.
In dialogue with the NPC. I have a conversation where I am dominant and starts is sex.
At the start of Scenes change the NPC so as spell dominance.
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The spells works on alive and heathly person, really ?


Google translate


I discovered that this is due to the order of mods.

Spell bring out the meat, with an efficient MOOD sequence is working properly.
Domination spell further work on healthy people.
In dialogue with the NPC. I have a conversation where I am dominant and starts is sex.
At the start of Scenes change the NPC so as spell dominance.



I still have bugfixing on my work to do later. I'll keep in mind to test the spells on the living and the dead during my test run.


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Cracked open the mod today, after yesterdays test run. Some text still evades me. Today however, Cleaned up Keerava, Elgrim, Wylandria, Eola, Svana, Helgi... and some slave dialogue changed to be more fearful and less casual. (Except for that one freak HAH HAH who gets off on being captured.) Note: Also touched up a couple lines in quests, and a few things I missed last time around. (Forceful... coercion... dialogue with Helgi much more mean spirited...)


Carnificina has some dialogue that remains very hard (for me) to dig up and edit. Still looking. Can't find by actor name, or by quest name, still hunting. 



Also Spells/quests are a wee bit buggy...     (Sorry Delzaron, I know you want to put this mod to the side and work on something else for awhile.)



Destruction: Enslaved a Riften guard by the front gate. (With Sex! Not Domination spell.) Stabbed him until he stopped talking and lay still on the ground. Blasted him with Destruction and boom! Meat, bone, body... body. Corpse still there. Blasted him again. BOOM! Meat, bone, body... Endless meat fountain aquired. :P


Fetch Powers: Perhaps it was the slave clothing, (Collar and Shackles). But my damage on many weapons was greatly reduced, both after getting enslaved. And after I became a Fetch there was no change. Negative damage number to all weapons remained...


Handing out Meat Pies: I went into town to hand out meat pies to the locals in Riften. Quest never updated. I had 37 of them in my inventory when I started the quest. (Some I had grabbed from the front shelf earlier.) Successfully handed out all my meat pies, even made a few more, handed those out too... Quest never updated or was logged as completed.


Dealing with the merchants: I already had 7 hearts from collecting meat in an earlier step of a1RTormentRiften. No meat pies in inventory. Got the step to give meat pies to Keerava and Hearts to Elgrim. No dialogue option to hand over pies appeared for Keerava. Made some pies, went back, still no option. Handed Hearts to Elgrim with no difficulty. (no update sound, so I do not know if the quest updated when I gave him hearts.)


Carnificina dialogue: After becoming a fetch, Carni was becoming a wee bit touch and go. (On the killing bears quest tree). Since handing out meat pies would not update after feeding Riften it's own population back to the citizens. I started the cave bear tree, Sometimes, at least twice. The quest would direct me to talk to Carni. Poking her in the ribs to get her attention would have no results. (Forcing me to player.setstage a1RTormentRiften XX to continue.)


Gutting Maya: Still would not sheathe my sword after spit roasting that mouthy woman. (Man those Vigilants tick me off... Everytime they talk I wind up killing them, cooking is just another fun option!) Fortunately forcing another animation such as using a masterbation or Estrus spell will reset the player back to idle.


Abandonned House: I put this on my SNERK list, because I don't know where it is located, or how to fix it just yet. On the overhead map and when directly in front of the building, (When the map updates) the words "Abandonned House" are visible. ----> Should read as: "Abandoned House"  (Just an extra letter N that needs pulled out.)





I am openly available at this time for any text editing suggestions if you find an issue with NPC / PLAYER / or QUEST dialogue, Grammar, spelling, or typos!

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Cracked open the mod today, after yesterdays test run. Some text still evades me. Today however, Cleaned up Keerava, Elgrim, Wylandria, Eola, Svana, Helgi... and some slave dialogue changed to be more fearful and less casual. (Except for that one freak HAH HAH who gets off on being captured.) Note: Also touched up a couple lines in quests, and a few things I missed last time around. (Forceful... coercion... dialogue with Helgi much more mean spirited...)


Carnificina has some dialogue that remains very hard (for me) to dig up and edit. Still looking. Can't find by actor name, or by quest name, still hunting. 




Also Spells/quests are a wee bit buggy...     (Sorry Delzaron, I know you want to put this mod to the side and work on something else for awhile.)


I know...


Destruction: Enslaved a Riften guard by the front gate. (With Sex! Not Domination spell.) Stabbed him until he stopped talking and lay still on the ground. Blasted him with Destruction and boom! Meat, bone, body... body. Corpse still there. Blasted him again. BOOM! Meat, bone, body... Endless meat fountain aquired. :P


Guards bodies cant be disabled, until I made a script for taht (And I move the body to the cleaning cell)...so, yes, infinite meat...


Fetch Powers: Perhaps it was the slave clothing, (Collar and Shackles). But my damage on many weapons was greatly reduced, both after getting enslaved. And after I became a Fetch there was no change. Negative damage number to all weapons remained...


I think it's the fetch dependance quest... the events when you consume some human meat dont work...

This quest should be disabled for now.



Handing out Meat Pies: I went into town to hand out meat pies to the locals in Riften. Quest never updated. I had 37 of them in my inventory when I started the quest. (Some I had grabbed from the front shelf earlier.) Successfully handed out all my meat pies, even made a few more, handed those out too... Quest never updated or was logged as completed.


Again, it's the event inventory check....



Dealing with the merchants: I already had 7 hearts from collecting meat in an earlier step of a1RTormentRiften. No meat pies in inventory. Got the step to give meat pies to Keerava and Hearts to Elgrim. No dialogue option to hand over pies appeared for Keerava. Made some pies, went back, still no option. Handed Hearts to Elgrim with no difficulty. (no update sound, so I do not know if the quest updated when I gave him hearts.)


I think Keerava conditionnal dialogues contains a getitemcount meatpies...



Carnificina dialogue: After becoming a fetch, Carni was becoming a wee bit touch and go. (On the killing bears quest tree). Since handing out meat pies would not update after feeding Riften it's own population back to the citizens. I started the cave bear tree, Sometimes, at least twice. The quest would direct me to talk to Carni. Poking her in the ribs to get her attention would have no results. (Forcing me to player.setstage a1RTormentRiften XX to continue.)




Gutting Maya: Still would not sheathe my sword after spit roasting that mouthy woman. (Man those Vigilants tick me off... Everytime they talk I wind up killing them, cooking is just another fun option!) Fortunately forcing another animation such as using a masterbation or Estrus spell will reset the player back to idle.


Yes... Maybe a little script for restoring player idle at the end of the scene can be nice...


Abandonned House: I put this on my SNERK list, because I don't know where it is located, or how to fix it just yet. On the overhead map and when directly in front of the building, (When the map updates) the words "Abandonned House" are visible. ----> Should read as: "Abandoned House"  (Just an extra letter N that needs pulled out.)



There is a mapmarker ust front of the house...



Yes, I'm on other mods for now :

- AFS : I still thinking about the last quest and how to fix this damn Ravena quest.

- FTD is still in rewriting. I think about the revenge quest (player is enslaved, raped, sold, but fortunately have an accident... and is in wilderness).. I also think to implement a link to Simple Slavery.

- TID is in creation, lot of work in perspective.

- Ravenous development is stoped for now, yes....

- I decide to dont develop the Devious Fighting pit until these mods are not finished...

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I know. The events dot work.


BoomGoblin :

Can I make an update ? I will disable the Fetch dependance quest... It will remake the mod playble.

Maybe I will replace this by a spell.


Sending you the modified .ESP I worked on last night for your editing pleasure ASAP.

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Hello guys, I want to report a possible bug in the game, when the vampire lady told me to collect 35 meat and whatnot, i came back with 1 alive riften soldier and told her i have all 35 meats in the "fridge" and i can proceed to the next quest. My adventure comes to an end when she told me to give out meatpie to riften inhabitants.. i gave out all the pies and i dunno what else to do.


thanks for the mod! =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, it's just butchering people and eat them. Dont drink it if itùs not your cup of tea.


Cannibalism in Ravneous is more vanilla than NamiraGoat mod... I dont use the nice meshes of this mod, but you have a quest line Dolcett themed.


But your idea is nice for a side quest : Voluntary pig + eating contest...

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