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@ Loogie I removed the tryouts data pack for SCR. There is nothing there for them to get except an empty .txt file. I placed a link and explanation to this thread for their future SCR required downloads. :D.


@ Halstrom. I would updated the link for your resources you have in your OP to reflect this. I have already done so for the SCR tutorial. Can't have someone accidentally downloading the old pack and end up missing resources that Loogie has added to the new version. It will be only a matter of time before a moderator deletes the download and you get.. "I can't find' post on your thread for those that use your links to find the resources.



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@ Loogie I removed the tryouts data pack for SCR. There is nothing there for them to get except an empty .txt file. I placed a link and explanation to this thread for their future SCR required downloads. :D.


@ Halstrom. I would updated the link for your resources you have in your OP to reflect this. I have already done so for the SCR tutorial. Can't have someone accidentally downloading the old pack and end up missing resources that Loogie has added to the new version. It will be only a matter of time before a moderator deletes the download and you get.. "I can't find' post on your thread for those that use your links to find the resources.

Cool, I'll update OP :)
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Guest marieruth

Does the scanner used in the Sexout Working Girl settings affect approach rates for the tryouts with factions? I had the approach rate in the tryouts settings set to 0 for each faction and I was still getting approached. I was wondering why that was happening... 

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I noticed that he african-american slave in Cottonwood Cove is missing her body mesh.
Upon further investigation in the GECK, it seems that she is supposed to wear a pregant version of the NCR-Slave outfit.

Since this mod doesn't require Pregnancy, I assume this is an oversight and she should wear the normal version.

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Guest marieruth

It doesn't have any affect.


Who was still approaching you? The factions you turned off?


I turned off all factions, but the Powder Gangers and the Great Khans were the ones that approached me. While I was doing the PG vs NCR battle at NCRCF, I was approached in the middle of battle by a PG that was still alive as well as the prison in general before the battle. For the Great Khans I was approached both at the Great Khan Encampment in the quarry, and at Red Rock Canyon.

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@Loogie Possible bug to report. This happened to me atleast. When you are at the Fort and not enslaved. if you backtalk Marissa whatever by saying "I dont do women" she tells you shes gonna show you her wrath and a scene happens. after which it says legion slave collar equiped - this is before you are enslaved. If you say i learned my lesson you are free but have the collar on you.  The issue here is it diddnt show up in my inventory.. its an invisible piece of armor that i cant remove and it prevents other collars/outfits with collars from being equiped. I tried to get enslaved to see if that fixes it, it didnt. i still have the invisible collar on. Not sure if this will happen to others or not but it could be an issue.


IMO- she should not be equiping collars on you unless you backtalk her after the scene leading to enslavement. Also the collar should show up in inventory not sure what happened there for me or if you can get it to repeat itself. 


also do you happen to know the item number for the legion slave collar? its a metal band with a chain attached and the chain is broken about 1-2 feet down.  if i had that i could try player.removeitem <base id> <amount> – Remove the indicated amount of the selected item.

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Not sure if it's a bug but:


I've just done new Primm quest, and after waiting the 3 days decided to go to the Vikki and Vance.  As soon as I entered the building The convict leader was set upon by everybody inside, killing him.  I've re-loaded the auto save, and use the resurrect command, but they kill him every time.

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@Loogie Possible bug to report. This happened to me atleast. When you are at the Fort and not enslaved. if you backtalk Marissa whatever by saying "I dont do women" she tells you shes gonna show you her wrath and a scene happens. after which it says legion slave collar equiped - this is before you are enslaved. If you say i learned my lesson you are free but have the collar on you.  The issue here is it diddnt show up in my inventory.. its an invisible piece of armor that i cant remove and it prevents other collars/outfits with collars from being equiped. I tried to get enslaved to see if that fixes it, it didnt. i still have the invisible collar on. Not sure if this will happen to others or not but it could be an issue.


IMO- she should not be equiping collars on you unless you backtalk her after the scene leading to enslavement. Also the collar should show up in inventory not sure what happened there for me or if you can get it to repeat itself. 


also do you happen to know the item number for the legion slave collar? its a metal band with a chain attached and the chain is broken about 1-2 feet down.  if i had that i could try player.removeitem <base id> <amount> – Remove the indicated amount of the selected item.


Hi MidnightVT I removed the slave collar with player.removeitem 0E0408C7 1 , but if I was you I would go into the consol and select your character and type showinventory just to check that this number is correct 


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@ MidnightVT did you try the inv command? It show a inventory list in the console of the targeted character. The Base ID numbers are shown too. Might want to empty your inventory first or increase the number of entries shown in the console because that list tend to get long.

How do you do that trick?

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edit: How to make the console show enough entries


iConsoleVisibleLines=15                  "= How many lines the console shows per page"
iConsoleHistorySize=1500               "= How many lines the console saves total

                                                              (changepage per pageup/down key"


In the Fallout.ini ,  FalloutPrefs.ini ( both in mygames/FalloutNV)

and Fallout_default.ini (main game directory) change the above lines (the default numbers for them are lower than this) to what ever you want. You find them under [Menu]. There are some other entries there for the console like the font and text position

e.g.how my Fallout.ini looks now.




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I think I may have stumbled on to something. Epstein's greeting dialogue " Out of my way, cunt." has the same conditions as "Well, ain't you a cute little thing" and for some reason the first greeting comes up instead of the second. I deleted the "Out of my way, cunt" greeting then saved it as an esp. After that his dialogue worked fine.

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I didn't get any of the above conversations with Epstein. I got the standard Smaller Talk conversation nothing else. I am neutral with Powergangers so I don't get the negative conversations is the likely reason for the lack of "out of my way cunt" comment. I didn't do the powergangers/ goodsprings quest yet as well. Hope that gives some ideas.


The Khan works just too me a bit more time and "work" to realize the trick at the end. ... it was someone I least thought that I needed to complete the task. ;).


I was on my way to Vault 3 but since you are working on some of those quest. I guess I will go around killing various creatures and enemies until an update on Vault 19 or Vault 3. ;).



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Guest marieruth

When completing the 'I Fought The Law' quest, would it be possible to have the 'Let's Go To Prison!' quest to be automatically completed (or failed)? Or maybe remove the dialogue option with Sergeant McGee once you've progressed to a certain point of betraying the NCR or helping them before the prison battle? The 'Let's Go To Prison!' quest is still active in my pipboy after I completed 'I Fought The Law'. I went into the prison without going to McGee first, so I probably botched it up, but just something to consider....

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I noticed that he african-american slave in Cottonwood Cove is missing her body mesh.

Upon further investigation in the GECK, it seems that she is supposed to wear a pregant version of the NCR-Slave outfit.


Since this mod doesn't require Pregnancy, I assume this is an oversight and she should wear the normal version.


That was me trying to add some variety by adding a pregnant slave, but you're right - if it's not something you want in the rest of the game, you shouldn't need the pregnancy resources.  I'll fix it in the next update.


IMO- she should not be equiping collars on you unless you backtalk her after the scene leading to enslavement. Also the collar should show up in inventory not sure what happened there for me or if you can get it to repeat itself. 


also do you happen to know the item number for the legion slave collar? its a metal band with a chain attached and the chain is broken about 1-2 feet down.  if i had that i could try player.removeitem <base id> <amount> – Remove the indicated amount of the selected item.


There are certain conditions to get enslaved for that backtalk, and it looks like you met them.  She makes it clear what's happening in the conversation.


The collar is not supposed to show up in your inventory so you can't do a fairly simple exploit to remove it.  The chain also isn't broken - chances are it's clipping into whatever body you use.


Not sure if it's a bug but:


I've just done new Primm quest, and after waiting the 3 days decided to go to the Vikki and Vance.  As soon as I entered the building The convict leader was set upon by everybody inside, killing him.  I've re-loaded the auto save, and use the resurrect command, but they kill him every time.


I can't get this bug to reproduce.  I was having a bug during development where the PGs would slaughter the gamblers, but I got that fixed, and this sounds like the opposite problem.


Post your load order - you might have a mod that changes that guy's faction. Is he named Francisco Flambe or does he have a generic name like "Convict Leader?"


I can also confirm that Vault 19 event cannot trigger due to lack of dialogue from esbern or whatever his name is, still approached by the gangers as normal though


Yeah, I done fucked up on that one.  It was his old line of dialog for when he was leaving the cell after sex, which I replaced with another dialog because the player can talk to him now.  I set it to the conditions required for enslavement during testing (after I was enslaved) and forgot to clean it up. It's fixed for the next version.


When completing the 'I Fought The Law' quest, would it be possible to have the 'Let's Go To Prison!' quest to be automatically completed (or failed)? Or maybe remove the dialogue option with Sergeant McGee once you've progressed to a certain point of betraying the NCR or helping them before the prison battle? The 'Let's Go To Prison!' quest is still active in my pipboy after I completed 'I Fought The Law'. I went into the prison without going to McGee first, so I probably botched it up, but just something to consider....


You know, it never occurred to me someone would get "Let's Go To Prison!", do "I Fought the Law," and THEN side with the Powder Gangers.  Currently, that quest is set to fail if McGee, Hayes or Eddie die (making it fail if you side with the NCR) but it's not set to fail if you repel the NCR attack.


The bug fix release will be this weekend. After the bugs are fixed and we're all holding hands and singing kumbaya around the punishment cross, I will do a content update.  This content update will more than likely require Old World Blues - less than one percent of the responders to my poll don't use the DLCs.  The tradeoff is they'll have this version if they refuse to pony up $2.50 during a Steam sale, and I can forge ahead with things like the wacky misadventures in Big MT's X-69 Research Station.

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Ok i just had an update, i did some more testing I found thta before i get my character enslaved by the powder gangers in the prison they are able to be approached and all of the dialogue responce result in their expected results.  but after being enslaved they continue to approch but the ne dialogue options result in the powder gangers ending the converstion and walking away.
A similar thing happened during the i fought the l quest chain where during the first quest he npc (sorry i can't remember hi nme off the top of my head) mentions something about his people also taking a turn.  What i found was only he himself had sex with the player character and right after initiated dialogue with the pc that suggested the other poder ganers with him had, had a turn when infact they hadn't.

Also one last thing i noticed so far, when playing as a male character i appear to not be able to drop unny off at the prison.  Theirs simply no dialogue option that i can see.

Other than that i cannot see any other issues so far and thanks again for all of the hard work :)

P.s. though ona  side note woul it be posible to add some speach options to trudy so that we can see how he feels about he powder gangers taking over?  Or maybe later on don the line a fe events to do with it?

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