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Thanks, I'll try it when I have more time... I'm trying to convert CBBE HDT armor set to UUNP HDT. I just find it odd that it worked once, i did have a converted armor. I had a problem with Skyrim and thought it was with BS and OS. I deleted everything and started over that's when I found out it was a Skyrim problem and had to fix that, losing my work. Tried again and couldn't get the outfit to load during step11 no matter what I did. It begins to load stops and hangs for a bit then I get the unhandled exception warning. If I hit "ignore" it just hangs doing nothing and at that point I have to end the program via task manager. Hitting "retry" or "abort" just closes everything.

Do you use the latest version of Bodyslide, and are you sure that you have the executable in MO point to the correct folder?

Because i know that it's possible to make OS crash directly with unsupported operations, but i never heard of any unhandled exception warnings.






Yes, I do have the latest. However, i'm using the UUNP from the bodyslide download. Is that correct and up to date? 


I think BringTheNoise misses some steps and has some unnecessary ones.


Try this:

1.) Get latest BodySlide.

2.) Launch Outfit Studio and "File -> Load Project".

3.) Select the "SliderSets\CT77xyz.xml" file that includes the armor you want to convert, then choose the armor from the drop down.

4.) Do "File -> Load Reference" and select e.g. the Unified UNP HDT template at the top.

5.) "Slider -> Conform All".

6.) Right-click each outfit shape and do "Copy Bone Weights".

7.) (optional) Improve slider quality with the brushes with the sliders in edit mode.

8.) (optional and advanced) Improve weighting quality by selecting a bone in the bones tab and using the brush on it.

9.) Do "File -> Save Project As", change the Display Name to e.g. "UUNP CT77 Armor XYZ HDT" and change the slider data folder so you don't replace the original slider data.

10.) Hit save and use it in BodySlide.


Cell posted this (page 36) I have tried it it seems to be working, at least for me. Though some slider editing is necessary on more extreme morphs, I.E. Manga High weight.  




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Hey so I ran into an issue and hadn't noticed after the upload but I'm missing the hands with the conversion I made. I got no idea what I did. I retried it but then I end up stuck with the cbbe hands.


Lol nvm I misread the instructions. I did have a funny outcome though. I had 2 hands on both arms for a while. XD

I see what I did wrong though.

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Just added Golden Slave from Pandora Outfits by mk1mk2.

Pictures HERE. Go to the OP of that thread, and to the download page for mirror and LL link.



Download either from LL or my mirror. 

Pandora outfits has a lot of pieces. I only did the "armor" (heheheh.... yeah right), the high heels and the gloves. Based off of kofman77's conversion here on LL.

Install the ORIGINAL


then use the BodySlide files.


I am NOT SURE if you NEED kofman77's conversion applied first. I did that conversion and THEN built the bodyslide files, so it was already in my game when I created the bodyslide files.

It COULD be that all you have to do is install the original and then run my bodyslide files. I'm too much of a n00b to know this :)


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Thank you for your wonderful work. I just use default UUNP-UN7B, dont use other sliders.

Alright i just tried to stage the scene you posted, using UN7B in slow motion while sprinting.

This is all the clipping i saw:


  • Which hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml are you using?
  • Did you use skeleton scaling in ECE / RaceMenu?
Other than that, the Wench Outfit will definitely get remade from scratch; but it would be good to find out what exactly makes it clip so bad in your game.



Thanks, I'll try it when I have more time... I'm trying to convert CBBE HDT armor set to UUNP HDT. I just find it odd that it worked once, i did have a converted armor. I had a problem with Skyrim and thought it was with BS and OS. I deleted everything and started over that's when I found out it was a Skyrim problem and had to fix that, losing my work. Tried again and couldn't get the outfit to load during step11 no matter what I did. It begins to load stops and hangs for a bit then I get the unhandled exception warning. If I hit "ignore" it just hangs doing nothing and at that point I have to end the program via task manager. Hitting "retry" or "abort" just closes everything.

Do you use the latest version of Bodyslide, and are you sure that you have the executable in MO point to the correct folder?

Because i know that it's possible to make OS crash directly with unsupported operations, but i never heard of any unhandled exception warnings.



How exactly do I get the armor to show up in game? and another thing is that if I drop the list down there is nothing there in bodyslide:

First you have to create a group (even if it's just one outfit), then edit the .xml file of the group like shown in the image at the bottom of my walkthrough above. The reason might be that BS2 can not "know" automatically for which type of preset the outfit conversions are made for.

If the image is still unclear, i can try to explain it better.


Then assuming that you have the output paths set up correct, you just hit build / batch build and it will overwrite the existing outfit mesh.



use More believable HDT breast , butt and belly physics


not change any skeleton scaling option, only set weight 0.5.

and not all clothes have this problem. I found the problem is very serious, when character sprint in large map. I thank this problem is related to computer performance. My PC is not good, so hdt-pe is also not good.

I've found a new problem, use Pretty Combat Animations sneak style 1.


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So I just tried the Aradia armor. In game it fits my character. The boots and gloves work well but I have problems with the bra and leg armor. The bra has hdt on the breast but the armor itself doesn't move so the breast move through the armor. The leg part of the armor causes hdt to stop and it makes the bra invisible so I can no longer see it.


Edit: It was the one that says snake armor.

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There may still be issues, but might as well post this so y'all can do the bughunting instead of me:


attachicon.gifAradiaDeviousExpansion - UUNP.7z (Aradia Devious and Aradia Living Armor)

requires original mod + dependencies.


first part here.



edit: LOL just noticed chajapa also converted teh Aradia snake rogue outfit (although just outfit not the individual parts). so check out his conversion as well haven't had time to compare yet).


We should *really* have an index of already converted armors, and also maybe even a board where all the converters can write up what they are working on so this doesn't happen more often :)


I don't even know what to download from that original Aradia Devious Expansion. There's so many files there, it's tough to tell what I'd need to start off. The Aradia Rogue outfit I converted only came to me as body, boots, and gloves. It wasn't broken down into pieces.


When you first load a piece into OS as a project, you first look to see if it has a reference body in the armor. If yes, remove it. Next I go to Bones tab. If there's a "L Breast 01" in addition to "L Breast", I remove that "01" bone (from both left and right breast), THEN I highlight belly breast and butt bones (there should be 5 total) and "copy selected weights" to all of the armor mesh pieces. THEN "Sliders -> Conform All" and then start cleaning up clipping.


If you're starting out with a UNP outfit, you have to first convert it to CBBE before doing any of the above steps. I *TRY* to not convert a conversion. In other words if the original was CBBE and someone converts it to UNP, the UNP might initially FIT better, but it has to be converted BACK to CBBE before you can work on it on OS. I want to avoid that back and forth (CBBE to UNP back to CBBE) so I'd start right from the original CBBE version and go from there.


Thinking about that "what to download" part again... I guess it doesn't really matter a ton because if I bodyslide the meshes I'm really only using the textures anyways.... hmmmm.... food for thought :)

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I left the breast weights out on purpose. It's supposed to be used with HDT breast management of DDi (not sure if it already has the required enchants/Keywords). It just doesn't make sense for metal armor to bounce. I left out the belly weights  for the exact same reason as well. A new (soonTM to be released) version of DDi will also feature HDT belly node management for the exact same purpose.


If you prefer your rigid metal bras/belts to jiggle you can easily add the weights back with OS or meshrigger (weight copy quality is a bit better than what OS has built in, still requires manual tweaking if you want them to look right).


As for the WIP state:  All the armors have been thru meshrigger and conformed and i'm now entering the manual tweaking process which is slow and tedious. But if ppl report the clipping issues like "armor X, UUNP body slider Y, at weight Z: clipping in the kneebend when crouching" or similar, then I know what to look for and can easily fix that. this process is much faster than doing all by myself, also less tedious ;)

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oh, I like that "liquid metal" look so things have to jiggle regardless. :D


I mean... what's the sense of HAVING jiggle if you put stuff on that stops it? No, no, no..... must have jiggle. 

I think it would be ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN' AWESOME if we could stuff boobs into a rigid bra and have the tops of the boobs jiggle like Kate Upton in those commercials...... but.... *sigh*..... 'tis just a dream....



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I left the breast weights out on purpose. It's supposed to be used with HDT breast management of DDi (not sure if it already has the required enchants/Keywords). It just doesn't make sense for metal armor to bounce. I left away the belly weights out aswell, for the exact same reason. A new version of DDi will also feature HDT belly node management for the exact same purpose.


If you prefer your rigid metal bras/belts to jiggle you can easily add the weights back with OS or meshrigger (weight copy quality is a bit better than what OS has built in, still requires manual tweaking if you want them to look right).


As for the WIP state:  All the armors have been thru meshrigger and conformed and i'm now entering the manual tweaking process, which is slow and tedious, but if ppl report the clipping issues like this:


"armor X, UUNP body slider Y, at weight Z: clipping issue in the kneebend when crouching"


Then I know what to look for and can easily fix that. this process is much faster than doing all by myself, also less tedious ;)



I know it's not supposed to move. The problem is that the metal itself is working like it's supposed to but the actual breast are still moving through the metal. Plus like I said the bra disappears if I put on the leg part of the armor. I don't know if that's a problem with the base mod or the conversion since I have never used it before.

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arrgh, i shouldn't spend so long editing my posts :D

kate upton boobs: can only be done when the outfit comes with body mesh (and careful weighting, very hard).



Plus like I said the bra disappears if I put on the leg part of the armor.



Thats because of the the DDi item hider: The "pants" are actually body slot armors, just disable hiding of bra when something is worn on body slot (slot 32). In the Devious Devices MCM > Devices Underneath (1) > Body - Full (32) deselect bra.

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I just did Ebon Shroud



I noticed her boob does clip through the top of the "bra" piece when bounced heavily or pushed up by hand. I won't have time to get back to it though until probably some time next week.



Ok, Ebon Shroud was kinda bad. I think I've fixed it. NEW LINK to file on mirror. Haven't updated the file here on LL yet.

Make sure you use the CBBE TBBP original version and not the HDT one. Not sure it makes a difference, but if you use what I use then it makes troubleshooting easier.

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I found some clipping and some stretching using 7b oppai min weight. Rouge v2.



attachicon.gifenb 2015_06_25 18_25_23_54.png

attachicon.gifenb 2015_06_25 18_26_00_12.png

attachicon.gifenb 2015_06_25 18_25_15_51.png


Aradia Snake Rogue.7z


This should fix the tearing in the pants, have yet to look at Bra.



Merta Assassin Armor UUNP BodySlide.7z


I know iknow i should finish the stuff i started before i start new stuff :P

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OK, I know this has been talked about, but has anyone actually started a thread that consolidates and gathers all of the UUNP conversions? Kinda like the other Bodyslide conversions V2 thread? I saw a couple of UUNP conversions show up in there, but there are several scattered throughout this thread which is now 60 pages long.


t3h0th3r has done some work, but it's tough to follow as far as what is the latest revision, etc. Stuff is scattered. Then there's the minidresses by guk.... I can't imagine life without them! :) I've got 10 conversions on my Mega mirror that I did (some better than others, but at least I'm giving it a go!)


But seriously... these outfits, armors and all of this work is really great, but I think the whole idea of UUNP as "THE" UNP body choice would gain more traction if it was evident that armors and clothes are available NOW (which they are). The stuff is there, it's just hard to find.


Is it time to start a thread for UUNP armor/clothing/devious device conversions? I remember there was some mention of waiting for Ashal to start a BodySlide section, but that hasn't happened and I'm sure Ashal is busy with other things so that's understandable.

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OK, I know this has been talked about, but has anyone actually started a thread that consolidates and gathers all of the UUNP conversions? Kinda like the other Bodyslide conversions V2 thread? I saw a couple of UUNP conversions show up in there, but there are several scattered throughout this thread which is now 60 pages long.


t3h0th3r has done some work, but it's tough to follow as far as what is the latest revision, etc. Stuff is scattered. Then there's the minidresses by guk.... I can't imagine life without them! :) I've got 10 conversions on my Mega mirror that I did (some better than others, but at least I'm giving it a go!)


But seriously... these outfits, armors and all of this work is really great, but I think the whole idea of UUNP as "THE" UNP body choice would gain more traction if it was evident that armors and clothes are available NOW (which they are). The stuff is there, it's just hard to find.


Is it time to start a thread for UUNP armor/clothing/devious device conversions? I remember there was some mention of waiting for Ashal to start a BodySlide section, but that hasn't happened and I'm sure Ashal is busy with other things so that's understandable.


The problem with lists like these is, one person has to manage the OP. And that one person could be unavailable at some point, or slow. And people have to report the conversions to that person.


There are a few UUNP conversions listed here already http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16350-bodyslide-armor-and-clothes-list-v2/page-1

So yeah, I personally don't have time to manage such a thread I'm afraid. I was thinking of a Google spread sheet or something, but that's too open for abuse I think.

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OK, I know this has been talked about, but has anyone actually started a thread that consolidates and gathers all of the UUNP conversions? Kinda like the other Bodyslide conversions V2 thread? I saw a couple of UUNP conversions show up in there, but there are several scattered throughout this thread which is now 60 pages long.


t3h0th3r has done some work, but it's tough to follow as far as what is the latest revision, etc. Stuff is scattered. Then there's the minidresses by guk.... I can't imagine life without them! :) I've got 10 conversions on my Mega mirror that I did (some better than others, but at least I'm giving it a go!)


But seriously... these outfits, armors and all of this work is really great, but I think the whole idea of UUNP as "THE" UNP body choice would gain more traction if it was evident that armors and clothes are available NOW (which they are). The stuff is there, it's just hard to find.


Is it time to start a thread for UUNP armor/clothing/devious device conversions? I remember there was some mention of waiting for Ashal to start a BodySlide section, but that hasn't happened and I'm sure Ashal is busy with other things so that's understandable.


The problem with lists like these is, one person has to manage the OP. And that one person could be unavailable at some point, or slow. And people have to report the conversions to that person.


There are a few UUNP conversions listed here already http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16350-bodyslide-armor-and-clothes-list-v2/page-1

So yeah, I personally don't have time to manage such a thread I'm afraid. I was thinking of a Google spread sheet or something, but that's too open for abuse I think.



You could get away with no op, but it would be a pain to find things in the thread, just have each conversion as a reply to the thread, with links to any needed files and the uunp conversion.  That way it does not matter if the original starter is inactive or slow.



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OK, I know this has been talked about, but has anyone actually started a thread that consolidates and gathers all of the UUNP conversions? Kinda like the other Bodyslide conversions V2 thread? I saw a couple of UUNP conversions show up in there, but there are several scattered throughout this thread which is now 60 pages long.


t3h0th3r has done some work, but it's tough to follow as far as what is the latest revision, etc. Stuff is scattered. Then there's the minidresses by guk.... I can't imagine life without them! :) I've got 10 conversions on my Mega mirror that I did (some better than others, but at least I'm giving it a go!)


But seriously... these outfits, armors and all of this work is really great, but I think the whole idea of UUNP as "THE" UNP body choice would gain more traction if it was evident that armors and clothes are available NOW (which they are). The stuff is there, it's just hard to find.


Is it time to start a thread for UUNP armor/clothing/devious device conversions? I remember there was some mention of waiting for Ashal to start a BodySlide section, but that hasn't happened and I'm sure Ashal is busy with other things so that's understandable.


The problem with lists like these is, one person has to manage the OP. And that one person could be unavailable at some point, or slow. And people have to report the conversions to that person.


There are a few UUNP conversions listed here already http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16350-bodyslide-armor-and-clothes-list-v2/page-1

So yeah, I personally don't have time to manage such a thread I'm afraid. I was thinking of a Google spread sheet or something, but that's too open for abuse I think.



You could get away with no op, but it would be a pain to find things in the thread, just have each conversion as a reply to the thread, with links to any needed files and the uunp conversion.  That way it does not matter if the original starter is inactive or slow.





Seems to me that a thread people could attach to would be a way to start. Then, if someone takes up the task of maintaining a list they'll have a place where the majority of outfits are already listed.


At the least it'll be 'a' place, and at best, since there'll be a bunch in one location it might give someone the impetus to create and maintain that list.

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