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It was my impression that the update is only a slight visual upgrade for those people who still haven't downloaded any visual mods.


Yeah, but it's weird...you could get your own mods for that from the nexus. What do we need from Bethesda practically saying they can make 'mods' too? Pretty late to say that but still... I've also heard that the guys that made SkyUI aren't going to make one for that version of Skyrim either. More than enough for me to keep my distance from it..if it's not forced on us.



Well, one of the reasons that might make PC people wanna go for this version is that it will be, or support, 64-bit. But it all depends on SkyUI's team and when will they make it and MCM as a lot of mods depend on MCM and how SkyUI makes the menu so good.

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    Was just reading up on the October release of the complete overhaul of Skyrim; and by that I mean it will be x64 now instead of x32 (no need for memory management! yeah) and... A NEW creation kit!  Have you considered that with such a major change to the system, you might want to shelve this till the CK is released in the next two months, before all your harder works is 'useless' in the new CK for whatever reasons? 


     I basically stopped playing after the pics of this wonderful work and trying to update all the patches etc. for it just more burden than fun, so I mainly been waiting. Now with the October release, less need for all the patching (aka a fresh clean start) I would love to see this released shortly after the overhaul and make it a true new experiance much simplier and more enjoyable. Thanks for taking all the time you have been and look forward to the one day release of this. 


*hands the conductor his ticket and gets off the Hype Train*


Huh...I never heard of that..or is that the 'update' that you can choose if you will get it or not? I myself have been avoiding that update like the plague, I've not heard may good things of it, like for example, ALOT of our mods won't work with it for a long while....if that's the update I think it is.



Well 1) https://www.gottabemobile.com/2016/08/09/skyrim-remaster-5-things-to-know-right-now/

2) https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4564780-skyrim-special-edition-creation-kit/


Noting the same things discussed. That as I pointed out it being on 64Bit platform SEPARATELY from your Skyrim which is 32bit now (so you will now see a C:\program files\skyrim  AND a C:\program files (x86)\skyrim  directories but you can't just drag and drop from one thing into the other, as they completely change the 'code' (64 bits vs 32 bits of information) and how it will be 'understood' to 'run the code' properly. Thus scripting and everything else other than textures, sound files, etc. can and most often have 'hiccups' or fail to work because it now needs a different 'creation' method. 


That brings back to what I said, new CK kit which is seperate and again different. 

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It was my impression that the update is only a slight visual upgrade for those people who still haven't downloaded any visual mods.


Yeah, but it's weird...you could get your own mods for that from the nexus. What do we need from Bethesda practically saying they can make 'mods' too? Pretty late to say that but still... I've also heard that the guys that made SkyUI aren't going to make one for that version of Skyrim either. More than enough for me to keep my distance from it..if it's not forced on us.



It was mostly bringing visual upgrades and mods to the console players.



See below it is much more.. especially as now will use 64Base code which is a total rework of the engine etc. into 64bit coding. 

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There any form of beta or something to help test with the mod Kritta?, also just curious on when (not exact) but ideal release date for the mod

It's been about a year and a half since I started following this topic for the next release, and we still have no date. Just strap in and wait.

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Hey, I thought I'd mention that I did end up making a Lykaios schlong for my "Yiffy Age of Skyrim" mod. It's all wrapped up in that mod right now, but I could pull it out and make it available separately if there's interest.

Yee boi hit us up my dog


To tide us all over. BTW love ur work on your SoS addons

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Hey, I thought I'd mention that I did end up making a Lykaios schlong for my "Yiffy Age of Skyrim" mod. It's all wrapped up in that mod right now, but I could pull it out and make it available separately if there's interest.


Oh by the Nine, that sounds amazing. Please do!

Though I've been keeping my eye on that mod of yours and I was wondering if the schlongs can work for the females as well?

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Not yet. I've looked for info on what has to be done to equip them for females and not found it. What's the base mod to enable schlongs on females? How do you select which goes where?

My post on the Yiffy Age thread was kind of related to this, but since you asked straight away, I'll answer here.


SoS was made Female-compatible a long time ago and all of the systems are in place and working fine. The thing that tells SoS the "gender" of an AddOn (aka which gender can be automatically assigned that particular schlong) is a global called "SOSAddOnName_Gender". 0 is for male-only, 1 is for female only, and 2 is for both male and female. As for the meshes, it works just like any other "armor" in Skyrim. Whatever mesh is assigned as the "female model" in the schlong's ArmorAddon is what gets loaded on females. That's it. So, if you set the "SOS_Addon_BDHoodie_Gender" to 2 (both genders) or make a renamed copy of your hoodies .esp and set it to 1 (female-only), your AddOn will be female-ready. Then you just need to have the appropiate meshes and textures.


On Topic: I also eagerly await for the next version of the Lykaios. Hope Kritta is doing fine and we get good news about the mod some time soon.

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My post on the Yiffy Age thread was kind of related to this, but since you asked straight away, I'll answer here.


SoS was made Female-compatible a long time ago and all of the systems are in place and working fine. The thing that tells SoS the "gender" of an AddOn (aka which gender can be automatically assigned that particular schlong) is a global called "SOSAddOnName_Gender". 0 is for male-only, 1 is for female only, and 2 is for both male and female. As for the meshes, it works just like any other "armor" in Skyrim. Whatever mesh is assigned as the "female model" in the schlong's ArmorAddon is what gets loaded on females. That's it. So, if you set the "SOS_Addon_BDHoodie_Gender" to 2 (both genders) or make a renamed copy of your hoodies .esp and set it to 1 (female-only), your AddOn will be female-ready. Then you just need to have the appropiate meshes and textures.


On Topic: I also eagerly await for the next version of the Lykaios. Hope Kritta is doing fine and we get good news about the mod some time soon.



That's rather elucidating, thank you for the information.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all, sorry for dropping off the radar, I'm ok. Just not right in the head for the moment. I've lost my 'zazz' and interest in the mod, due to life issues and other things sapping my creativity and turning me into an apathetic mess with zero motivation. Hoping to get interest back at somepoint, but am also happy to pass everything over to someone who thinks they can finish the mod from the giant mess of files I have created. To be honest it will probably need a team of people to sort it all out and quite a few gigs of data to dig through and make sense of.

I've also been in contact with Porsche, so no need to worry there. Once again, life just getting in the way of things.

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Hey all, sorry for dropping off the radar, I'm ok. Just not right in the head for the moment. I've lost my 'zazz' and interest in the mod, due to life issues and other things sapping my creativity and turning me into an apathetic mess with zero motivation. Hoping to get interest back at somepoint, but am also happy to pass everything over to someone who thinks they can finish the mod from the giant mess of files I have created. To be honest it will probably need a team of people to sort it all out and quite a few gigs of data to dig through and make sense of.

I've also been in contact with Porsche, so no need to worry there. Once again, life just getting in the way of things.


I hope all is well with you, Kritta!  I love your published mods and I've been following this one since the very beginning.   :)


Would you mind if I ask what you had left to finish for the initial release?  Last I remember it was rigging the male hairstyles and creating race-specific ArmorAddons.


Now, creating unique armor instances for every armor seems a bit ambitious- especially if you'd intended to do it all manually.  I'm pretty sure it's possible to inherit/share armor models with Khajiit or Argonians- which I realize wouldn't quite fit the Lykaios head, but it would at least be passable for a number of helmets.  In addition, it would be more compatible with other mods.


If I remember correctly, you also had digitigrade legs planned for the initial release.  It's another neat feature but, once again, seems pretty ambitious for an initial release.  It would be super cool, but- as I understand it- would require reworks on every single piece of armor.  It's worth noting that there are other mod authors working on digitigrade or beast-like legs that could presumably be made compatible with the Lykaios race.


From what I've seen, your textures, meshes, and facial morphs alone make the mod totally passable.  It's really cool that you're looking to go above and beyond, but there's a lot of work in doing so- especially as a lone developer.


If there's anything I could do to help you finish the mod, please let me know.  I'm not an expert in anything, but I'm fairly familiar with the creation kit, have a bit of experience with texturing, and might be looking to do some voice acting- if that's something you're still considering at this point.  I don't feel that you should hand over the reins just yet, but I would suggest seeking help from other mod authors to take some of the workload off of yourself.


I do, however, totally understand if current circumstances don't allow you to continue developing the mod.  Seeing your project grow has been really exciting and I hope that- if necessary- it is passed on to someone as dedicated as you.


Best wishes!

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