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"Feminist" nightmare


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Nobody ever said that you shouldn't be criticized or victimized or whatever because of what you wear. You walk around naked in the streets, police will come and arrest you. You dress up in a clown costume to visit a funeral, people will kick you out.


Evaluating a statement without context doesn't get you anywhere, you'll just get a bunch of redundant, useless pieces of information. Is 'No' the same statement as 'No'? Is 'Yes' the same statement as 'Yes'? You can ask those questions, but it's like you're working in the Department of Redundancy Department. What gives a statement actual meaning and thus any kind of useable information is the context. We all know what 'Yes' means, there is no need to compare a 'Yes' to a 'Yes'. But a 'Yes' as the answer to the question 'Should we kill them all and sodomize their corpses?' is something most people would rate very differently from a 'Yes' as the answer to the question if you'd like some ice cream.


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So they're basically comparing insulting someone's shirt to rape? That's a really shitty nonsense point. The whole "she had it coming dressed like that" thing is monstrously horrible because it's blaming a victim for something that nobody deserves to have happened to them. If you take out the rape part, you're not even making a point anymore, you're just saying one thing sounds like another thing. Unless the point is "criticizing someone's fashion is always unforgivably terrible, and nobody deserves that, no matter how stupid their clothes are" then those image macros are saying absolutely nothing. Except for the Kardashian one, which is pretty spot on, nobody complained about that obvious photoshop hack job.



Did you not hear? Hitting on a woman is now classified rape as well, by modern feminist standards.

So called "eye rape", as I've heard. It only applies if you're white and straight, of course.

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Here, for all of you people actually defending feminism. Feel free to remind yourself that a feminist bashed a man who landed a spacecraft on a comet....because of the shirt he was wearing, which for the record was made and given to him by a female friend . For all of you who still don't get it she was basically arguing because if the way he wad dressed he was asking for it. Fell free to keep defending your utter bullshit but it will never change the fact it's bullshit. 








Thumbs up for being such petty plebs




I am a feminist because I believe women and men should have equal rights. Most dictionaries will agree with me that this is actually the definition of feminism - feminism is not misandry.


That some other feminist bashed a man who landed a spacecraft on a comet is:

1: Not relevant to wether or not I am a feminist. - Its a strawman argument if ever there was one. To make a comparison thats like saying all those who voted for Tony Abbott in Australia is religiously anti immigration and anti gay or to say that every single democrat fucks their interns because Clinton got caught doing that. Or we could pull a certain rule and say that all germans are... I'm sure you can see the examples yourself.

2: The guy should be praised for his scientific work and really, while some people may feel critism is in order there are ways to deliver such and ways to not do. There seems to be a whole lot of hysteria here and simply saying "okay, that shirt is not cool mate - it kinda detracts from you as a person during the interview" would have cut it.


But as I read it the unfortunate guy simply wore it to please someone else and did'nt even consider that people would go so up into it. 


And seriously folks, can we please stop bashing feminism in general and lets just bash idiots instead? Feminism does have a point and it does have something to work to improve - this includes "third wave" feminism too, what does not have any right to be here is the shrill hysteria in how some apply it.

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Here, for all of you people actually defending feminism. Feel free to remind yourself that a feminist bashed a man who landed a spacecraft on a comet....because of the shirt he was wearing, which for the record was made and given to him by a female friend . For all of you who still don't get it she was basically arguing because if the way he wad dressed he was asking for it. Fell free to keep defending your utter bullshit but it will never change the fact it's bullshit. 








Thumbs up for being such petty plebs




I am a feminist because I believe women and men should have equal rights. Most dictionaries will agree with me that this is actually the definition of feminism - feminism is not misandry.


We already have equal rights. Wanting more than that is superiority, not equality.


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Having a right to equal treatment, fought for tooth and nail, and being treated equal aren't the same. Just as feminism and 'feminism' (as per the thread's title) aren't the same, one is a mockery of the other, undermines it, and shouldn't be made out to be all the other is about. If we're gonna portray the excesses of the raving idiots in the margins of certain groups as all these groups are about, we all lose, because those idiots obviously belong to a group we're all part of, humans, much maligned and rightly so.


I wouldn't wanna be caught wearing that shirt, it'd seriously mess with my self-esteem. But there's little point arguing over what a geek chooses to wear. I do think the comparison with "she had it coming to be raped because she wore something sexy" is tasteless. (I never understood that line; I think it's in men's interest to encourage women to wear sexy things rather than harass them over it, but hey, that's just me being a neanderthal.)


Things seem to be heating up these last few pages. Don't make me pull the politics card.

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I'd say that a simple 'Hey dude, what you were wearing during that interview of yours was quite horrible, in more than one way' would've been enough. He didn't deserve rabid lunatics harassing him, that much is very much true. But it isn't really about him or his feelings, I think. Those incidents are more than welcome for both extreme feminists and anti feminists. The former uses things like that to support their claims, the later group uses the ramblings of the former to support their claims, that feminism is toxic and feminism is a lost cause and men are the true victims anyway. I honestly don't think there is anyone feeling any sympathy for him, his case is just another bullet you can fire at your imaginary opponent.

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I am a feminist because I believe women and men should have equal rights. Most dictionaries will agree with me that this is actually the definition of feminism - feminism is not misandry.


That some other feminist bashed a man who landed a spacecraft on a comet is:

1: Not relevant to wether or not I am a feminist. - Its a strawman argument if ever there was one. To make a comparison thats like saying all those who voted for Tony Abbott in Australia is religiously anti immigration and anti gay or to say that every single democrat fucks their interns because Clinton got caught doing that. Or we could pull a certain rule and say that all germans are... I'm sure you can see the examples yourself.

2: The guy should be praised for his scientific work and really, while some people may feel critism is in order there are ways to deliver such and ways to not do. There seems to be a whole lot of hysteria here and simply saying "okay, that shirt is not cool mate - it kinda detracts from you as a person during the interview" would have cut it.


But as I read it the unfortunate guy simply wore it to please someone else and did'nt even consider that people would go so up into it. 


And seriously folks, can we please stop bashing feminism in general and lets just bash idiots instead? Feminism does have a point and it does have something to work to improve - this includes "third wave" feminism too, what does not have any right to be here is the shrill hysteria in how some apply it.


No, it means you are an Egalitarian, like i am aswell.


The dictionary definition of "Feminism" has not been accurate for quite some time, between the 70's and 90's most of the rational and level-headed voices of the Feminist movement left, either on their own volition, or they were bullied out, most of these women now call themselves Egalitarians, and with their absense the loons are now running the asylum, most of the top-brass of the orginized Feminist movement today (the people who are leading lobbyist groups, organizing protests, etc etc, who are helping shape the image of Feminism and somtimes even the very law of the land) are of the extremist and militant school, they are misandrists, and not even ashamed of it.


There are still people who try to cling on to the term "Feminism" as symbolic of gender-equality, either through ignorance of what is beeing done in the name of the movement, or as a deliberate protest against it, in which case they usually call themselves "Equity-Feminists". But it's a lost cause if you ask me, the name has become so tarnished through the sheer volume of hateful and intollerant actions of the "movement" that the name simply cannot be salvaged at this point, it will always be linked to misandry, bigotry and hatred due to the sorted history of what it has done.



I used to call myself a Feminist, because i belived as you that it stood for equality, i was told that it did, and that sounded great to me! I have since opened my eyes, taken a good, long hard look at what the "Feminist movement" is, what it has been doing, what it is continuing to do, and it has nothing to do with equity. I now call myself an Egalitarian like so many Feminists before me, and if you truely belive in and support equal rights of all people, regardless of their gender, race, sexual-orientation or gender-identity, then you should considder doing the same, and stop lending your passive support to a movement that nolonger holds those ideals to be true, and infact pose a serious threat to them.

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Fact #1 People say you shouldn't victimize a person for what they wear.

Fact #2 Those same people are victimizing a person for what they wear.


That is the beginning and the end of the relevant information. The situation surrounding the comments is irrelevant and despite your attempts to make it so it will not suddenly become relevant. A person cannot issue a blanket statement regarding a certain action and then go against said statement without the risk of rightfully being called out on their hypocrisy.


Ok fine, if you ignore the fact that one is about rape and the other is about hurting someone's feelings, then sure, they are hypocrites, you win. By that logic I'm also a hypocrite for hating nazis but also being opposed to cigarettes. If you ignore the fact that the nazi tobacco policy is nowhere near on the same level as the nazi genocide policy, then that makes me a hypocrite. I think it's pretty terrible to compare rape to hurting someone's feelings but that's just me.


The thing is, I find anti-feminists soooooo much more insufferable than feminists, and I didn't until I started reading this thread and the gamergate one. But it's not just that, I see them everywhere now, you can't escape them, because they don't need to be attacked or threatened in any way to go off on rants about how feminists are hiding around every corner waiting for the chance to cut off their dicks. I mean yesterday on youtube, in response to this guy who went off about how we don't live in a patriarchy and feminists are nazis (he brought this up pretty much out of nowhere, might I add), I simply responded by pointing out the obvious fact that men control pretty much everything, and that's all I said, it was a very simple and objective statement. Some completely different guy took my statement as an attack on all men, and went off on another rant about feminists. How is it an attack on men to point out the fact that they have more power in the world? These guys just want to feel like victims, and pointing out how privileged men are threatens that.

I mean essentially, I've seen the worst feminism has to offer, and it's still not as annoying and simply terrible at it's root as what I see a typical anti-feminist say on a daily basis (for example, in that same comment thread, I saw 3 separate people call feminists "cunts", completely unprovoked by any actual feminists). I've never seen these genocidal "feminazis" who hate all men, which the anti-feminists seem to insist are everywhere today, but I'm constantly seeing snarky circlejerks about how feminists don't want you to have an opinion and they will sue you for looking at them and they think hitting on them is the same as rape.

Complaining about how hard they apparently make it for you to hit on women when my female friend literally can't walk down the street without being hit on or just blatantly sexually harassed by creepy older men, despite being underage even, is a pretty weak and ignorant thing to complain about to me. Besides, every time I get in an argument, you know the one thing I have never ever been criticized for? Being a man. It never happens. But when another female friend of mine gets in arguments, whether they are about sports or videogames or anything, she gets rape threats and people saying how they hate all women, and just generally focusing all their insults on the fact that she is a woman. Every damn time!

So I just couldn't be less offended or insulted or pissed off or even mildly annoyed by anything feminists say. I've been bullied my whole life, it takes a lot to offend or insult me, and if you can't take someone making fun of your shirt without crying, I can't really feel sorry for you. I'm sure you all have plenty of anecdotes about feminists being terrible, but for every one there are a thousand anecdotes about men being disproportionately terrible to women, and anecdotes shouldn't be the main focus of your point. All I can say for sure is that the incessant snarky whining of privileged male anti-feminists has only had the opposite effect on me and made me like feminists more.

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The part that I find funny about feminism, racial reform and all of the other "attempts" to level the playing field is one common hypocrisy:

All are "equal"...........but "SOME are more equal than others".  Seriously, if you look at the nuts and bolts of their ideologies this is what you will discover if you are really honest and look at the facts.   :dodgy:


The only way any of this will ever be fixed isn't going to be through "laws" or "awareness" or any grandiosely sweeping "crusade".


It will be on an individual basis....by each individual.  ;)

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Did you not hear? Hitting on a woman is now classified rape as well, by modern feminist standards.

So called "eye rape", as I've heard. It only applies if you're white and straight, of course.



I think you've been trolled:  <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe"href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe" s_law"="">Poe's law. 


I think he was exaggerating and knew that's not really true....at least I hope he was.

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The part that I find funny about feminism, racial reform and all of the other "attempts" to level the playing field is one common hypocrisy:

All are "equal"...........but "SOME are more equal than others".  Seriously, if you look at the nuts and bolts of their ideologies this is what you will discover if you are really honest and look at the facts.   :dodgy:


The only way any of this will ever be fixed isn't going to be through "laws" or "awareness" or any grandiosely sweeping "crusade".


It will be on an individual basis....by each individual.  ;)

and that is reason i am individualist


pack or flock it is all same

there is no wolves or sheeps inside

just a brainless mass


we are all individuals

we all have right to think to say or do whatever we want until we physically hurt some other being

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Did you not hear? Hitting on a woman is now classified rape as well, by modern feminist standards.

So called "eye rape", as I've heard. It only applies if you're white and straight, of course.



I think you've been trolled:  <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe"href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe" s_law"="">Poe's law. 


I think he was exaggerating and knew that's not really true....at least I hope he was.


No, seriously, there are women who honestly accuse men of "stare rape". I wish it was some made up sarcastic shit but it's not. 




and now ladies and gentlemen's...

...perversion time


that is totally sick but i bet it does not apply on opposite situation :dodgy: (cough*old spice*cough)

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No, seriously, there are women who honestly accuse men of "stare rape". I wish it was some made up sarcastic shit but it's not. 



Now the urban dictionary isn't much of a source, and the other one refers to some disappeared text of a college that professes among other things that "We confess that our sexual attitudes and practices too often fall far short of the biblical standards. No one can boast of perfection in this area." Oddly enough, most sex that's in the bible is kinda rapey, isn't it, so who knows what they mean by that.

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Did you not hear? Hitting on a woman is now classified rape as well, by modern feminist standards.

So called "eye rape", as I've heard. It only applies if you're white and straight, of course.



I think you've been trolled:  <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe"href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe" s_law"="">Poe's law. 


I think he was exaggerating and knew that's not really true....at least I hope he was.


No, seriously, there are women who honestly accuse men of "stare rape". I wish it was some made up sarcastic shit but it's not. 




and now ladies and gentlemen's...

...perversion time


that is totally sick but i bet it does not apply on opposite situation :dodgy: (cough*old spice*cough)


Old spice man... Gooooooooooo


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No, seriously, there are women who honestly accuse men of "stare rape". I wish it was some made up sarcastic shit but it's not. 




Just one of the reasons I'm always wearing sunglasses in public, even indoors. Some people may think it's douchey, but nobody can see what I'm looking at.

Actually, the main reason is because I have pretty serious eye contact issues and hiding my eyes is the only way I'm comfortable around people, but as a fun little side effect I can stare at whatever I want and nobody knows.




Now the urban dictionary isn't much of a source, and the other one refers to some disappeared text of a college that professes among other things that "We confess that our sexual attitudes and practices too often fall far short of the biblical standards. No one can boast of perfection in this area." Oddly enough, most sex that's in the bible is kinda rapey, isn't it, so who knows what they mean by that.


Heh, I thought the same thing. "Oh! Well if urban dictionary says it..."

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What happened to common sense, anyway? Of course someone looking at you in a certain way may be something you could experience as threatening. Yes, there are always people who take it too far and say that the moment you look at anyone you are raping them. But what a few lunatics say isn't something you can use against anyone except those lunatics. Is cruelty against animals bad? Most would say yes, if you own any pets, you most certainly wouldn't like to see your pets harmed in any way. PETA is also against any cruelty against animals, but they are mostly insane. Does that mean that anyone who is against animal cruelty is insane? Does anyone use PETA's insanity against people who say they don't want to see animals being hurt?


This whole anti feminism thing is exactly like that. It's cherry picking. You pick a few lunatics who support something and then use those lunatics as an argument as to why the cause they are supporting is something bad and something lunatics do.

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What happened to common sense, anyway? Of course someone looking at you in a certain way may be something you could experience as threatening. Yes, there are always people who take it too far and say that the moment you look at anyone you are raping them. But what a few lunatics say isn't something you can use against anyone except those lunatics. Is cruelty against animals bad? Most would say yes, if you own any pets, you most certainly wouldn't like to see your pets harmed in any way. PETA is also against any cruelty against animals, but they are mostly insane. Does that mean that anyone who is against animal cruelty is insane? Does anyone use PETA's insanity against people who say they don't want to see animals being hurt?


This whole anti feminism thing is exactly like that. It's cherry picking. You pick a few lunatics who support something and then use those lunatics as an argument as to why the cause they are supporting is something bad and something lunatics do.


Not everybody who is against animal cruelty MUST be subscribed to PETA, neither everybody who is for women's rights MUST be subscribed to feminism. Like a previous poster said, there is more and more people washing their hands of feminism, while taking up other banners which are also for equal rights. When you throw away a rotten apple, it doesn't mean every apple in the world will magically cease to exist, you know.

I've seen far too many men become outright resentful of women, because a bunch of tumblr variety feminists pushed them until they lost it. People have enough reasons to hate each other, we don't need to add gender war to the equation.


edit: plus I like getting laid, and gender resentment would piss on that parade big time

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If some retards on the internet push you so far that you lose it, you spend too much time on the internet.


That being said, you can hate women/men all you want and still have sex with them. It's not mutually exclusive, y'know. Just makes it easier to throw them away afterwards. And no, I'm not speaking of rape.

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I've seen far too many men become outright resentful of women, because a bunch of tumblr variety feminists pushed them until they lost it.


If someone resents women, it's not because of feminists, it's because they are a fucking dick. Using a handful of annoying feminists to justify a hatred of all women makes you a massive throbbing pile of mammoth dicks, it's a pathetic excuse and I don't buy it for a second.

Men do some inconceivably sickening shit on a daily basis, almost all rapists and child molesters are men, almost all murders are men and pretty much all wars are caused by men, but you look at that and say "not all men are like that, and you're a terrible person if you resent all men for that", as you should, because it's wrong to blame all men for what a few of them do. But then a few feminists on the internet complain about a busty female videogame character and you say "well that's it, I hate all women now"? No, that is completely stupid hateful bullshit, there is no excuse for that, don't blame feminists for that, people like that are just shitty garbage people, that's it.

I mean, maybe this hit a bit of a nerve for me, because I have had some very close female friends who I cared about a lot whose lives were hell because of the horrible things men did to them, and it's hard to not just resent all men because of that, but I don't, and neither do any of them, not a single one. So for them to go through all that and still not hate men, and for me to have this mile high stockpile in my head of awful traumatizing stories about terrible shit men have done and still not hate men, to hear someone use being mildly annoyed by feminists as a justification for hating all women makes me sick. And it doesn't help that you seem to consider this a problem with feminists rather than the assholes who needed very very little reason to resent all women.

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I've seen far too many men become outright resentful of women, because a bunch of tumblr variety feminists pushed them until they lost it.


If someone resents women, it's not because of feminists, it's because they are a fucking dick. Using a handful of annoying feminists to justify a hatred of all women makes you a massive throbbing pile of mammoth dicks, it's a pathetic excuse and I don't buy it for a second.

Men do some inconceivably sickening shit on a daily basis, almost all rapists and child molesters are men, almost all murders are men and pretty much all wars are caused by men, but you look at that and say "not all men are like that, and you're a terrible person if you resent all men for that", as you should, because it's wrong to blame all men for what a few of them do. But then a few feminists on the internet complain about a busty female videogame character and you say "well that's it, I hate all women now"? No, that is completely stupid hateful bullshit, there is no excuse for that, don't blame feminists for that, people like that are just shitty garbage people, that's it.

I mean, maybe this hit a bit of a nerve for me, because I have had some very close female friends who I cared about a lot whose lives were hell because of the horrible things men did to them, and it's hard to not just resent all men because of that, but I don't, and neither do any of them, not a single one. So for them to go through all that and still not hate men, and for me to have this mile high stockpile in my head of awful traumatizing stories about terrible shit men have done and still not hate men, to hear someone use being mildly annoyed by feminists as a justification for hating all women makes me sick. And it doesn't help that you seem to consider this a problem with feminists rather than the assholes who needed very very little reason to resent all women.



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